

单词 认真的

See also:


take seriously
take to heart

认的 adj


真的 adv

really adv
truly adv

External sources (not reviewed)

考虑到绿色经济这一概念尚无公认的定义,有必要就“绿化”贸易 对发展的潜在影响开展进一认真的 研 究 和政策分析。
Bearing in mind the fact that there is still no agreed definition of the concept of green
economy, potential impacts of greening trade on development is in
[...] need of further careful research and policy [...]
挪威代表团对 该决议草案投了赞成票,因为该项决议将进行与加 沙冲突有关的可能违反国际人道主义法和人权法行
[...] 为的独立调查的责任放在双方肩上,因此建立一种 有利于维认真的和平 谈判以及执行任何未来的和 平协定的信任气氛。
His delegation had voted in favour of the draft resolution because it placed on both parties the responsibility to undertake independent investigations into possible violations of international humanitarian and human rights law relating to the Gaza conflict and
so build an atmosphere of trust conducive
[...] to sustaining serious peace negotiations [...]
and the implementation of any future peace agreement.
根据《公约》第二条第 3 款,缔约国有义务向提交人提供有效补救办法,主 要包括(a) 对 Kamel Djebrouni 的失踪进行深入认真的调查 ;(b) 为提交人提供 关于调查结果的详细信息;(c) 如果还被单独监禁的话应立即将其释放;(d) 如 果 Kamel Djebrouni 已死亡,将其遗体归还家人;(e) 对此种违法行为负有责任者 提出刑事起诉、审判和处罚;以及(f) 对提交人所蒙受的侵权行为进行适当的赔 偿,如 Kamel Djebrouni 在世,也需要对其进行适当赔偿。
In accordance with article 2, paragraph 3, of the Covenant, the State party is under an obligation to provide the author with an effective remedy, including by (a) conducting a thorough and effective investigation into the disappearance of Kamel Djebrouni; (b) providing the author with detailed information about the results of the investigation; (c) freeing him immediately if he is still being detained incommunicado; (d) if he is dead, handing over his remains to his family; (e) prosecuting, trying and punishing those responsible for the violations committed; and (f) providing adequate compensation for the author for the violations suffered and for Kamel Djebrouni if he is alive.
重新设计小组表示,拟对正式和非正式司法系统进行的改革能否有效开展, 这取决于能否对所有法官、监察员、法律代理人、书记官、调解员、以及法院和 办公室工作人员进认真的教育 和培训(A/61/205,第 115 段)。
The Redesign Panel indicated that the efficacy of the proposed reforms to both the formal and the informal systems depends on the careful education and training of all judges, ombudsmen, legal representatives, registrars, mediators and court and office staff (A/61/205, para. 115).
该报告不仅从质量方面没有进行足够的分析研究,也 没有对情况进认真的总结
Not only does it not provide an adequate qualitative analysis, it also fails to provide an assessment of the situation.
虽然作了各认真的努力 ,力图重新启动直接谈 判,实现得到国际支持的众所周知的和平进程目标, 但令人遗憾的是,实现公正和持久解决巴勒斯坦问题 仍然遥遥无期,因为占领国以色列继续推行非法政策 和做法,而这些政策和做法与基于 1967 年边界的两 国解决方案完全背道而驰。
Despite all serious efforts to relaunch direct negotiations towards the attainment of the well-known and internationally-supported objectives of the peace process, a just and lasting settlement to the question of Palestine regrettably remains far from being achieved, as Israel, the occupying Power, continues to carry out illegal policies and practices that are totally contradictory to an outcome based on a two-State solution on the basis of the 1967 borders.
正如世界贸易组织其它协议一样,《与贸易有关的知识 产权协议》也会受到定期审查,并且,有关改善《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》规定以有 利于发展中国家的实质性建议也必须得 认真的 考 虑
The TRIPS Agreement, like others in the WTO, is subject to periodic review and genuine proposals for improving TRIPS provisions to benefit developing countries must be given proper consideration.
安理会通过第 1860(2009)号决议时,我表示我们 将认真分析这项决议,确定它是否 认真的 , 并且是 否制定了有关措施来确保立即停火和不受阻碍地满 足巴勒斯坦人民的人道主义需要。
When the Council passed resolution 1860 (2009), I stated that we would closely analyse the resolution and determine whether it is serious and contemplates the pertinent measures to ensure both the immediate ceasefire and unimpeded access to the humanitarian needs of the Palestinian people.
因此要达到这些目标,就必须对许多因素认 真的研究
Hence many factors will need to be carefully examined if these objectives are to be reached.
关于知识产权及其发展的主题,任 认真的 探 索 都必须考虑到著作权和基于著作权的行业 (包括出版业、电影业、电视业、广播业、音乐业,现在还要包括软件业)在知识和基于 知识的产品的生产和传播中所起到的至关重要的作用。
Any serious enquiry into the subject of IP and development has to consider the crucially important role of copyright and the copyright-based industries (including publishing, film, television, radio, music and now computer software too) in the production and dissemination of knowledge and knowledge-based products.
没有这方面的书面 指导原则。我们建议,在制定规划过程中和在项目实施之后,应当对
[...] 教科文组织相对于其他国际机构的独特强项,例如技术知识或专业工 作人员在某些项目、政府部门、地区或受益群体方面所拥有的独特经 验进行认真的分析
We suggest, during the planning process and after project implementation, there should be more rigorous analysis of UNESCO’s unique strengths relative to other international agencies, such
as the technical knowledge or
[...] unique experience that specific staff members had of particular [...]
projects, government departments,
regions, or beneficiary groups.
为了避免陷入一个有偏见的选举进程(这种情况正如科特迪瓦近期所经历的一样,太容易变得暴力),所以技术和资金援助应该视情况而定,要对竞选自由、对政治多元化的尊重、政治暴力、国家媒体的获得、与刚果当局的对话、国家分配给全国独立选举委员会的资金情况以及民间社会团体对竞选进程自行监控的机会进行持续 认真的 监 控
In order not to become trapped in a biased process that could all too easily become as violent as that which Côte d’Ivoire recently experienced, technical and financial assistance should be contingent on constant and precise monitoring of the freedom to campaign, respect for political pluralism, political violence, access to state media, dialogue with the Congolese authorities and state funding for the NIEC, as well as the opportunity for civil society groups to do their own monitoring of the process.
还呼吁各国议会在拟定涉及在一国驻扎外国军队以及本国部队部署到 海外的条件的国家立法时起到非 认真的 作 用
Parliaments are also called upon to play a very serious role in developing national legislation regulating conditions for the presence of foreign troops in a country, as well as for the deployment of domestic troops abroad.
我们的用户都知道,我认真的获取 使用反馈。
As all our customers
[...] know, we take feedback seriously here.
关于充 分 吸 收 《 儿童权利公 约》的建议 2 和消除 对妇女歧视、充分吸收 《消除对妇女一切歧视公约 》的建议 6, 图 瓦卢 说,需要在国家 一级与相关利益攸关方进认真的审 议 和广泛 的协 商 才 能吸收这两项公约。
With regard to recommendation 2, to fully incorporate the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and recommendation 6, on the elimination of discrimination against women and to fully incorporate the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Tuvalu stated that careful consideration and broad consultation were required at the national level with relevant stakeholders in the incorporation of these two Conventions.
亚太统计所的员工向外聘顾问明确表示,他们对 2003 年审评中提出 的建议持非认真的态度,并向她全面介绍了每一项建议的落实程度。
SIAP staff assured the consultant that they have taken very seriously the recommendations in the 2003 Review and briefed her fully on the extent to which each of them has been implemented.
这是当务之急,以便使我 们能通过协调认真的行动 共同解决我们目前面临 的许多紧急问题,并且推动在安全理事会第 242(1967) 、 第 338(1973) 、 第 1397(2002) 、 第 1515(2003)和第 1850(2008)号决议、“土地换和平” 原则以及“阿拉伯和平倡议”的基础上,实现公正、 全面和持久和平解决以巴冲突和整个阿以冲突的总 体目标。
That is imperative in order to allow us together to address, with coordinated and serious action, the many urgent issues we currently face and to advance the overall goal of a just, comprehensive, lasting and peaceful settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and of the Arab-Israeli conflict as a whole on the basis of Security Council resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 1397 (2002), 1515 (2003) and 1850 (2008), the principle of land for peace and the Arab Peace Initiative.
政府是在对所有相关事实,经过 认真的 考 虑 之后,才作出终止停火协议 的决定。
The decision of the Government to terminate the Ceasefire Agreement has been taken after very careful consideration of all relevant facts.
这些问 题、其原因和为解决这些问题可能采取的行动都要 认真的 分 析、全面和适当的 政策以及紧急行动。
These issues, their causes and possible actions to resolve them require careful analysis, comprehensive and appropriate policies and urgent action.
这一天的访问即将结束,Lady Gaga向所有学生强调了互助互爱的重要性,并称赞他 认真的 学 习态度和努力实现所有梦想的决心。
As the day came to a close, Lady Gaga stressed to all of the students the importance of being kind and compassionate to one another and commended them on their hard work and determination to make all of their aspirations become a reality.
实木和大理石也被大量用于内部装潢中,这些都很好地反映了地中海邮轮对于每一艘邮 认真的 设 计和仔细的规划。
Real wood and marble have been used extensively in the interiors, and the high quality reflects MSC’s commitment to the vessel’s future.
这将包括为确保财政可持续性采 认真的 支 出成本核 算举措,特别是关于退伍军人和前政治犯的福利以及卫生部门和公务员的养恤金 和拟议改革工作。
This would include careful costing of spending initiatives to ensure fiscal sustainability, more specifically with regard to benefits for war veterans and former political prisoners, as well as pensions and the planned reforms of the health sector and the civil service.
年尽早商定一项工作计划,包括立即开始就一项禁产条约展开谈判。我们 认为,在我们秋季汇报之前,裁谈会有义务确保采 认真的 后 续 行动。
We believe that the Conference has an obligation to ensure serious follow-up before we report back in the autumn.
对降排有许认真的关切,因为当初对其的设想方式和它正在成为碳交易机 制的一部分的方式,使得附件一缔约方可以利用这一机制来满足《京都议定书》 [...]
There are many serious concerns about [...]
REDD because of the way in which it was originally conceived and the way it is being
shaped into part of the carbon trading mechanism, which Annex I parties could use to meet some of their obligations under the Kyoto Protocol.
裁军论坛的工作陷入了僵局,因此必须展认 真的多边外交努力,以订立有效的集体对策,应对世 界面临的各种安全挑战。
The stalemate in the disarmament forums must give rise to a serious multilateral diplomatic effort in order to provide a collective and effective response to the security challenges the world is facing.
中国2008 年四万亿人民币(6200 亿澳元) 一揽子经济刺激计划中,有40% 都投入到绿色专项中,从中可以看出中国政府对实现绿色目标的态度 认真的。
With approximately 40 per cent of China’s RMB4 trillion (A$620 billion) economic stimulus package targeted for green specific projects in 2008, it can be seen that China is serious about achieving its green ambitions.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国已采取各种步骤消除对此问题的任何可能关切,并一再强 调,伊朗支持有意义、无条件 认真的 谈 判
The Islamic Republic of Iran has taken various steps to allay any possible concerns about the issue and has stressed, time and again, its support for meaningful, non-conditional and serious negotiations.
教员和学徒就参观人员提出的问题进 认真的 解 答 并组织大家参观培训中心的实验室和学徒车间。在2009和2010年,许多年轻人及其家长还通过该活动了解了有关商务和化学职业、金属和电气方面的培训或双轨学士学位课程等方面的信息。
Instructors and trainees are on hand to answer questions and to organize tours through BBiW training laboratories and workshops. 2009’s and 2010’s young visitors and their parents had the opportunity to ask about careers in business and chemistry, about apprenticeship programs in the fields of metalworking and electronics, and about combined work-study bachelor’s degree programs.
最后,高等法庭的裁决并不反映提交人在上诉时对论点提 的认真 彻 底 的审查。
Lastly, the higher tribunal’s judgment did not reflect a meticulous and thorough investigation of the arguments put forward by the author on appeal.




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