单词 | 认死扣儿 | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 死—inflexible rigid uncrossable impassable 扣—arrest fasten confiscate knock fig. tag a label on sb. smash or spike (a ball) cover (with a bowl etc) deduct (money)
行动电话通信业务及加值业务之收入,系依约定 费率按通话时间,扣除折扣後之净额认列;预付 卡收入则依用户实际通话使用量认列。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | Service revenues from wireless services and value-added [...] services, net of any [...] applicable discount, are billed at predetermined rates and arerecognized onthe basis [...]of minutes of usage. english.taiwanmobile.com |
对伊斯梅尔的死他们承认,他的儿子穆罕默德作为第七和最後伊玛目,其回报判断一天,他们等待着。 mb-soft.com | On Ismail's death they acknowledged his son Muhammad as [...] the seventh and last imam, whose return on Judgment Day they await. mb-soft.com |
初始确认後,本集团按以下两者中的较高者计量财务担保合同:(i)按照《企 业 会 计 准 则 第''号 [...] — 或 有 事 项 》确 定 的 金 额;及(ii)初 始确认金额扣除按照《企 业 会 计 准 则 第'' 号 — 收 入 》的 [...]原 则 确 定 的 累 计 摊 销 额 後 的 余 额。 zte.com.cn | Subsequent to initial recognition, the Group measures the financial guarantee contract at the higher of: (i) the amount determined in accordance with “ASBE No. '3 — Contingent Liabilities and Contingent [...] Assets”; and (ii) the amount [...] initially recognized less, cumulative amortisation recognized in accordance [...]with “ASBE No. '4 — Revenue”. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
该等计划有助将婴幼儿死亡率降至过往三分之一的 水平。 glencore.com | These programmes have helped [...] reduce infant mortalityratesto a third [...]of previous levels. glencore.com |
54 如成员死亡,唯一获公司承认为对死者的股份权益具所有权的人,须是(倘 死者是一名联名持有人)尚存的一名或多於一名联名持有人及(倘死者是单独 持有人)死者的合法遗产代理人;但本章程细则所载的任何规定,并不解除 已故持有人(不论为单一或联名持有人)的遗产就死者与其单独或与其他人 联名持有的任何股份所涉的任何法律责任。 cre8ir.com | 54 In the case of the deathof a member, the survivor or survivors where the deceasedwas a joint holder, and the legal personal representatives of the deceased where he was a sole holder, shall be the only persons recognised by the Company as having any title to his interest in the shares; but nothing herein contained shall release the estate of a deceased holder (whether sole or joint) from any liability in respect of any share solely or jointly held by him. cre8ir.com |
财 务 担 保 合 同 在 初 始 确 认 时 按 公 允 价 值 计 量,不 属 於 指 定 为 以 公 允 价 值 计 量 且 其 变 动 计 入 当 期 损 益 的 金 融 负 债 的 财 务 担 保 合 同,在 初 始 [...] 确 认 後 按 照《企 业 会 计 准 则 第13号 — 或 有 事 项 [...] 》确 定 的 金 额 和 初 始确认金额扣除按照《企 业 会 计 准 则 [...]第1'号 — 收 入 》的 原 则 确 定 的 累 计 摊 销 额 後 的 [...]余 额 之 中 的 较 高 者 进 行 後 续 计 量。 zte.com.cn | Financial guarantee contracts not classified as financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, after initial recognition, are subsequently measured at the higher of the amount of the estimated liabilities recognised in accordance with “ASBE No. 13 — [...] Contingences” and the initial amount less [...] accumulated amortisation recognised inaccordance with [...]“ASBE No. 1' — Revenue”. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
於二零一一年三月三十一日,客户持有合约工程之保留金(扣除已确认之减值亏损)约为5,717,000港元 (二零一零年:3,402,000港元)(附注25)。 equitynet.com.hk | At 31st March 2011, retentions held [...] by customers for contract works, net of [...] impairmentloss recognised, amounted to approximately [...]HK$5,717,000 (2010: HK$3,402,000) (Note 25). equitynet.com.hk |
本集团於联营公司之投资包括收购时确认之商誉(扣除任何累计减值亏损)。 wingtaiproperties.com | The Group’s investment in associates includes goodwill identified on acquisition, net of any accumulated impairment loss. wingtaiproperties.com |
尽管工作和他的朋友一般折扣死后生命的可能性(伯14:10 - 12)和你们不要想了未来存在的舒适可以弥补目前的痛苦,工作断言,在一个胜利的信念时刻,如果在此生活,然后死亡后,他会看到神起来,以维护他(伯19时25分 [...] - 27)。 mb-soft.com | While Job and his [...] friends generally discountthe possibility of lifeafterdeath (Job 14:10-12) and [...]do not suppose that [...]the comforts of a future existence can compensate for the sufferings of the present, Job asserts, in a moment of triumphant faith, that if not in this life then after death he will see God rise up to vindicate him (Job 19:25 - 27). mb-soft.com |
股东以「先旧後新」方式配售其持有的旧股,而其根据不可撤销及具约束力的责任 认购的新股股數相等於其配售的旧股股數,认购价扣除开支後亦相等於旧股的配售 价;及 epro.com.hk | vi dealing where a shareholder places out his existing shares in a “top-up” placing where the number of new shares subscribed by him pursuant to an irrevocable, binding obligation equals the number of existing shares placed out and the subscription price (after expenses) is the same as the priceat which the existing shares were placed out; and vii. dealing where the beneficial ownership is transferred from another party by operation of law. epro.com.hk |