

单词 认同

认同 ()

approve of
identify oneself with


性别认同 n

gender identity n

性认同 n

gender identity n

认同的 adj

acceptable adj

External sources (not reviewed)

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[...] 公众了解有关烟草行业采用具体针对性别的营销战术,以解决该行业如 何操纵性认同和基 于性别的社会角色的问题。
The public needs to be educated about gender-specific marketing tactics
employed by the tobacco industry in order to
[...] address how gender identity and gendered [...]
roles are manipulated by the industry.
[...] 的:国家遵守、保护和实行罗姆人合法权利的义务,罗姆人全面和有效地融入所 有社会生活领域,尊重认同和促 进差异,基于平等权利的平等机会,性别平 [...]
The Strategy for the Improvement of the Status of the Roma is founded on the following main principles and values: the obligation of the State to take care of the observance, protection and achievement of the legal rights of the Roma, a full and efficient
inclusion of the Roma in all social life
[...] spheres, respect for, recognition and promotion of [...]
differences, equal opportunities based
on equal rights, gender equality, prevention and combat against all forms of discrimination, implementation of affirmative actions.
这一重大的国际项目努力通过把精力集中在一些具体领域 (如宣传促进经济与就业;服务网络干预;培训与教育;提高和评估文化财富 认同 世 界 各 种族的人;治理与民间、社会保护)来进一步建立为人类可持续发展的新形式和干预新模 式。
This major international project seeks to further new forms and models of intervention for sustainable human development by focusing on specific areas (such as marketing to promote the economy and employment; service network intervention; training and education; promotion and valuation of cultural wealth and the identity of peoples; governance and civil and social protection).
这些人可能会让您获得一认同感, 也比当地人更容易沟通与交流,尤其是当您刚刚抵澳之时。
These people can make you feel accepted and you may be able to communicate much more easily with them than you can with the locals, particularly when you have just arrived.
有一种看法认为,只要有条件解释性 声明的关于正确性的状况没有显示出来、或无法予以确定,这一有条件的解释性
[...] 声明便必须同时符合一解释性声明的允许性条件(如果该解释最终获得其他当事 方认同或得 到一主管机构予以确定)和一保留的允许性条件(如果提出的解释被 [...]
According to one view, so long as the status of the conditional interpretative declaration as to correctness has not been, or cannot be, determined, such a conditional interpretative declaration must meet both the conditions for the permissibility of an interpretative
declaration (in the event that the interpretation
[...] is ultimately shared by the other [...]
parties or established by a competent body)
and the conditions for the permissibility of a reservation (in the event that the proposed interpretation is rejected).
[...] 美国是世界上最大的粮食援助捐赠者,它 认同各 国 有因食物权产生的超越国界的特殊责任。
Moreover, while the United States was the world’s largest food aid
[...] donor, it did not agree that States had [...]
particular extraterritorial obligations arising from the right to food.
尽管在多数情况下,它们对其他驻扎在实地的人道主义机构产 生同样的影响,但难民署对约制其接触受关注人群的能力或取得当地民 认同感 的能力的那些措施尤其容易受到影响。
While in most cases they have an equal effect on other field-based and humanitarian agencies, UNHCR is particularly sensitive to measures that curtail its ability to reach its populations of concern or gain the acceptance of local communities.
要了解 Navicat 是如何致力提供优秀的软件给我们的客户,业 认同 便 是最佳途径之一。
Industry recognition is one of the best ways to understand how Navicat is working to provide outstanding software to our customers.
[...] 为儿童和青少年开发工具帮助他们熟悉适应越来越复杂的、多文化的世界;全球 化对人们的归属感和身认同的影 响;通过教育赋予妇女能力;宗教领袖在促进 [...]
Through plenaries, thematic sessions and workshops, participants explored issues such as the need to create inclusive societies founded on respect for human rights and diversity; civil society initiatives aimed at combating intolerance and prejudice; tools for children and young people to help them navigate an increasingly complex and multicultural world; the
influence of globalization on people’s sense of
[...] belonging and identity; the empowerment [...]
of women through education; the role of
religious leaders in promoting peace and development and the impact of media on perceptions of other cultures.
首尔议程》呼吁教科文组织会员国、民间社会、专业组织和团 认同 议 程 的目标,采 用议程建议的方法,协调一致地实施议程的行动要点,从而充分发挥高质量艺术教育的潜 [...]
力,积极革新教育系统,实现关键的社会和文化目标,最终是为了让儿童、青年以及所有年 龄段的终身学习者从中受益。
The Seoul Agenda calls upon UNESCO Member States, civil
society, professional organizations
[...] and communities to recognize its governing goals, [...]
to employ the proposed strategies,
and to implement the action items in a concerted effort to realize the full potential of high quality arts education to positively renew educational systems, to achieve crucial social and cultural objectives, and ultimately to benefit children, youth and life-long learners of all ages.
认 同 2010年 4 月帝力宣言的最不发达国家视这一宣言为他们应对冲突后挑战的基 本框架。
The least developed countries that are associated with the Dili Declaration of April 2010 regard it as a basic framework for them to address post-conflict challenges.
一个不鼓吹精英主义和不平等的国家。人民是 认同 和 被 尊重為"人类",不会因其 社会地位,教育程度,政治信仰,性别,种族或宗教而被歧视。
A nation where elitism and inequality is not rampant and people are recognised and respected as human beings and not discriminated against due to social position, educational attainment, political beliefs, gender, race or religion.
教育是对未来的投资,是一种减少贫穷和消除歧视的手段;(b) 土著人
[...] 语文、传统知识及其文化其他层面有敏感认识、有助于增进人权 认同 感和 不同文化间对话的优质初等教育;(c) [...]
以母语为中介语文的双语教育对于促 进土著儿童的有效学习和降低辍学率是不可或缺的;(d)
如果做不到公正而 有效地执行针对土著人民需求的、对文化问题有敏感认识的教育方案、课程 和行动,为实现千年发展目标 2 而开展的任何努力都不可能获得成功;(e) 土 著儿童在接受各级优质教育和社会文化教育方面面临特别的困难。
Education is an investment in the future, a means to reduce poverty and counter discrimination; (b) indigenous peoples have the right, including treaty rights (as relevant) to quality primary education that is sensitive to their holistic worldviews, languages, traditional knowledge and other
aspects of their cultures, which contribute to
[...] human dignity, identity and intercultural [...]
dialogue; (c) mother-tongue mediated
bilingual education is indispensable for effective learning for indigenous children and for the reduction of dropout rates; (d) any efforts to achieve Millennium Development Goal 2 are likely to fail if impartial and effective implementation of culturally sensitive educational programmes, curricula and actions addressing the needs of indigenous peoples are not undertaken; (e) indigenous children experience particular difficulties relating to access to education of quality and sociocultural relevance at all levels.
同样,北京亦经常就试图改变他国国内政策的较为温和的 做法表达了认同。
Beijing has often expressed a similar distaste [...]
for milder means of trying to alter other states’ domestic policies.
B 银行随后要求 B
[...] 公司取得每个被许可人的“不容否认证明书”,其中应证实许可的存在、无违约 行为和到期应付数额并认同意向 有关当事人(例如 B 公司、B 银行或托管账 户)支付今后的使用费,直至收到进一步通知为止。
Bank B then requires company B to obtain an “estoppel certificate” from each licensee verifying the
existence of the licence, the
[...] absence of default and the amount due, and confirming the licensee’s [...]
agreement to pay future
royalties to the appropriate party (for example, company B, bank B or an escrow account) until further notice.
100.为促进儿童自认同的意 识,应在儿童的参与下保存一本生活手册,收入适 [...]
当信息、照片、个人物品和与儿童生命中每一足迹相关的纪念物,伴随其整个成 长过程。
100. To promote the child’s
[...] sense of self-identity, a life story [...]
book comprising appropriate information, pictures, personal
objects and mementoes regarding each step of the child’s life should be maintained with the child’s participation and made available to the child throughout his/her life.
委员会按照其经修订的报告准则 (CERD/C/2007/1)第10至12 段,建议缔约国收 集并公布关于其人口族裔构成的可靠全面统计数据,以及包括移民在内的按族裔 分类的经济和社会指标,资料应来自载列了根据自 认同 而 确 定的族裔和种族情 况的全国人口普查或调查,使委员会能更好地评估他们享有公民和政治、经济、 社会和文化权利的情况。
In accordance with paragraphs 10 to 12 of its revised reporting guidelines (CERD/C/2007/1), the Committee recommends that the State party collect and publicize reliable and comprehensive statistical data on the ethnic composition of its population, and its economic and social indicators disaggregated by ethnicity, including on immigrants, from national census or surveys which include the ethnic and racial dimension based on self-identification, to enable the Committee to better evaluate their enjoyment of civil and political, economic, social and cultural rights.
确认每种文化都有值认同、尊 重和维护的尊严和价值,深信文化是丰富多 彩、多样和相互影响的,所有文化都是全人类共同遗产的一部分,并意识到如果 发展中国家仍处于贫穷和边缘化状态,则全球化很可能对文化多样性造成威胁
Recognizing in each culture a dignity and value that deserve recognition, respect [...]
and preservation, convinced that, in their
rich variety and diversity and in the reciprocal influences that they exert on one another, all cultures form part of the common heritage belonging to all humankind, and aware of the risk that globalization poses more of a threat to cultural diversity if the developing world remains poor and marginalized
同样,在我们赞同就落实保护责任进行辩 论,同时并认同保护 平民的固有的重叠的同时,我 们认为,我们在提及这些概念时,观点必须明确,而 [...]
且我们必须顾及每一概念的独特性质,它们都有着不 同的法律特性,并遵循明显不同的讨论进程。
Similarly, while we favour moving ahead with the debate on
implementing the responsibility to protect,
[...] without failing to acknowledge the intrinsic [...]
overlap with the protection of civilians,
we believe that it is important that we be clear in our references to these concepts and that we take into account the singular nature of each one — which have distinct legal characters and have followed clearly differentiated discussion processes.
另一方面,大家似乎基认 同“先到先得”原则的相关性认为 对 同 一 区 域后续提出的申请,应设定一个 可以被认定为重叠的有限时间段(虽然对时间段应该多长,大家有不同观点), 此外,对同一区域有相互竞争主张的申请者需要以公正、公平的方式,解决重 叠主张。
On the other hand, there appeared to be general agreement on the relevance of the first-come, first-served principle, the idea that there should be a limited time period during which a subsequent application for the same area may be considered overlapping (although there were different views on how long this period should be), and the need for applicants with competing claims to the same area to resolve overlapping claims in a fair and equitable manner.
已拟订一个政治路线图,其中详细 制定这一进程各组成部分的广泛步骤,并正在讨论这份路线图,它需要国家和地 区两级的政治领袖的积极参与和支持、索马里人民 认同 和 支持以及对和平进程 的承诺。
A political road map elaborating the broad steps of the various components of the process has been drafted and is being discussed, and requires the active engagement and support of the country’s political leadership at national and regional levels, the ownership and the support of the Somali people, and commitment to the peace process.
这其中就包括族群民族主义,这 是由于少数民族希望表达诉求和组织活动,身认 同政治 也开始深入人心——这也是若开邦局势日益 紧张的诱因之一。
This includes aspects of ethno-nationalism, as ethnic communities find their voice, organise, and identity politics starts to take root – something that has contributed to rising tensions in Rakhine State.
虽然工作组普认同在审 查非 政府组织的申请过程中,应作为资格标准的一个固有方面仔细检查其各项活动, [...]
但关于如何开展这一过程工作组仍存在两大意见分歧:一种方法是其作为预防性 审查过程的一部分,根据按照安全理事会第 1373(2001)号决议设立的反恐怖主义
Although it was generally agreed that the review [...]
of applications should include a careful examination of the organization’s
activities as an intrinsic aspect of the eligibility criteria, there were nevertheless two divergent viewpoints within the working group on how to deal with the process: one approach included cross-checking against the existing list of terrorist organizations prepared by the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism as part of a precautionary review process; the other included using both the Security Council Committee list and national lists of barred, sanctioned and terrorist groups in reviewing all applications.




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