单词 | 计票 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 计票 noun, plural —tellers pl计票 noun —tabulation n计票 —count of votesSee also:票 n—ballot n • ticket n 票—bank note • person held for ransom • amateur performance of Chinese opera
计票员的职责应是监督投票程序、计 算 选 票 、 决 定任何 有疑问的选票是否有效,以及证明每次投票的结果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The duties of the tellers shall be to supervise the balloting procedure, count the ballot papers, decide [...] on the validity [...]of a ballot paper in any case of doubt, and certify the result of each ballot. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,还 有些投诉涉及到参加选举过程和质疑 计票 工 作 的准确性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally there were also complaints about the access to the voting process and doubts about the [...] accuracy of the calculation of votes. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于我国本月担任安理会主席,我 国代表团也将被排除在计票人之外。 daccess-ods.un.org | Because my delegation this month occupies the Council presidency, it will also be excluded from serving as a teller. daccess-ods.un.org |
在选举之日,外国外交官和新闻社目睹了投 票和计票。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the day of the election, foreign diplomats and news agencies witnessed [...] the casting and counting of the ballots. daccess-ods.un.org |
该框架确定了广泛的基准,使我能 够评估:(a) 选举前阶段的环境是否安全,是否让民众和候选人全面参与选举进 程;(b) [...] 选举进程是否具有包容性;(c) 所有候选人是否都能公平利用国家控制 的媒体,后者是否保持中立;(d) [...] 选举名单是否可信,是否得到所有各方的接受; (e) 选举结果是否通过透明计票程序 决定,是否得到所有各方的接受,或通过适 [...]当途径和平地接受质疑。 daccess-ods.un.org | The framework defines broad benchmarks that enable me to assess whether: (a) a secure environment exists during the period leading to the elections and allows for the full participation of the population and the candidates in the process; (b) the electoral process is inclusive; (c) all candidates have equitable access to State-controlled media and whether the latter remain neutral; (d) the voters lists are credible and accepted by all parties; and (e) the [...] results of the elections are determined [...] through a transparent counting process and are [...]accepted by all or are challenged peacefully [...]through the appropriate channels. daccess-ods.un.org |
应主席邀请,Bardijn女士(比利时)、赖希女士 (匈牙利)、坦布南女士(印度尼西亚)、斯维尔女士( [...] 沙特阿拉伯)、Maduhu女士(坦桑尼亚联合共和国)和 Noetinger女士(乌拉圭)担任计票人。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the invitation of the Acting President, Ms. Bardijn (Belgium), Ms. Reich (Hungary), Ms. Tambunam [...] (Indonesia), Ms. Al-Sweel (Saudi Arabia), Ms. Maduhu (United Republic of Tanzania) and Ms. Noetinger [...] (Uruguay) acted as tellers. daccess-ods.un.org |
全国选举委员会是由《宪法》规定的独立机构,从选民登记 到 计票 过 程负 责监督选举行为(CRDTL第65(6)条) 。 daccess-ods.un.org | The National Elections Committee (CNE) is an independent body, provided for in the Constitution, which is [...] responsible for supervising electoral acts, from the registration of voters [...] to the process of vote-counting (Art. 65(6) CRDTL). daccess-ods.un.org |
应主席邀请,扎义德先生(阿富汗)、别利斯卡娅 女士(白俄罗斯)、卡韦萨斯先生(智利)、科科先 [...] 生(科特迪瓦)、钱伯斯小姐(牙买加)和伊纳西奥 先生(葡萄牙)担任计票人。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the invitation of the Acting President, Mr. Zaid (Afghanistan), Ms. Belsk aya (Belar [...] us), Mr. Cabe zas (Chile), Mr. Koko (Côte d’Ivoire), Miss Chambers (Jamaica) and Mr. Inácio [...] (Portugal) acted as tellers. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们相信,计票和宣 布最终结果的工作将会 顺利开展,不会出现使该进程无法和平告终的事件。 daccess-ods.un.org | We trust that the ballot count and the posting [...] of final results will be undertaken smoothly and without incidents that would [...]jeopardize the peaceful conclusion of the process. daccess-ods.un.org |
值得注意的是由于一些陈旧的以及农村地区的影院尚未装备自 动 计票 系 统,这些影院的票房 收入可能存在瞒报问题。 uschina.org | It is worth noting, however, that there is some question about underreporting of box office revenues by older and rural cinemas in which automatic reporting systems have not been installed uschina.org |
总统选举法》详细地规定了程序,具体写明了在举行总统选 [...] 举之前完成每一个阶段工作需要的时期。《大选法案》概述了选举委员会组织选 举的规则和条例,涵盖了关于投票的所有方面,包括:投票权、选民登记、发表 选举公告、候选人、拉选票、拉选票费用、 投 票 、 计票 及 犯法行为及其惩罚。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Presidential Elections Act details the procedures and specifies the time periods required to complete each stage in the lead up to the presidential elections, while the General Elections Act outlines the rules and regulations of elections to be conducted under the Elections Commission and covers all aspects with regards to voting including the right to vote; voters’ registry; announcements of [...] elections; candidates; [...] canvassing for votes; expenses of canvassing; voting; counting of votes; and offences [...]and punishments. daccess-ods.un.org |
开发署的贡献包括采购和分发 24 000 个成套用具,包括投票间、投票 箱、选票、计票单和不灭墨。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNDP’s contribution included the [...] acquisition and distribution of 24,000 kits consisting of polling [...] booths, ballot boxes, ballots, tally sheets and [...]indelible ink. daccess-ods.un.org |
以代表团名义参加投票的代 表,一旦经计票员核 实确属该代表团,将被认定代表该代表 团,不言而喻,每个代表团只允许投一票,每一代表团之投票 由一名计票员在 上述名单上该会员国国名旁空白处签字或划押 认定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A delegate who [...] comes forward to vote on behalf of his or her delegation will be presumed to represent that delegation, once the tellers have checked that he or she belongs to that delegation, it being understood that only one vote per delegation [...]is allowed. unesdoc.unesco.org |
虽然足够多数的投票者选择 了独立,但法国认为应逐个岛屿进行 计票。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although an ample majority of voters had opted for independence, France had seen fit to count the results island by island. daccess-ods.un.org |
应主席邀请,Brown 女士(新西兰),Rafajová女 [...] 士(斯洛伐克)和 Ceriani 先生(乌拉圭)担任计票人。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the invitation of the Chair, Ms. Brown (New Zealand), Ms. Rafajová (Slovakia) and Mr. Ceriani [...] (Uruguay) acted as tellers. daccess-ods.un.org |
为按照第IV条第6款的规定确定法定人数,如成员组织有权对有关议题进行表 决,其代表团的应计票数应 与在寻求法定人数之时有权参加会议并与会的成员国的 数量相同。 codexalimentarius.org | For the purpose of determining a quorum, as specified in paragraph 6 of Rule IV, the delegation of a Member Organization shall be counted for a number equal to the number of its Member States which are entitled to participate in the meeting and are present at the time the quorum is sought, to the extent that it is entitled to vote under the relevant agenda item. codexalimentarius.org |
应主席邀请,Heissel [...] 先生(澳大利亚)和 Yadav 先生(印度)出任计票人。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the invitation of the Chairperson, Mr. Heissel (Australia) and Mr. Yadav [...] (India) acted as tellers. daccess-ods.un.org |
智利、德国、黎巴嫩、黑山和塞内加尔代表当 然选举计票人。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representatives of Chile, Germany, Lebanon, Montenegro, and [...] Senegal acted as tellers for the election. daccess-ods.un.org |
b) 保证国际观察员、民间社会和党代表进入注册中心、 投 票 站 和 计票 中 心 的自由 crisisgroup.org | b) ensuring freedom of access for international [...] observers, civil society and party representatives to the registration [...] centres, the polling stations and the counting centres crisisgroup.org |
无纸型委员会”一旦投入全面运作,将使用户能够从主席和 [...] 秘书处不断获得增订文件;输送数据;简便地归档;进行电子通 信;同时电子提问、记录、写报告以及电 子 计票。 daccess-ods.un.org | When fully implemented, the “Paperless Committee” will provide users with: continuous document updates from the Chair and Secretariat; data transfers; easier archiving; electronic [...] messages; simultaneous submission of questions electronically, note-taking and report writing [...] and electronic vote counting. daccess-ods.un.org |
玻利维亚、希腊、印度尼西亚、马达加斯加和罗马尼亚代表团成员担任选举 计票员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Members of the delegations of Bolivia, Greece, Indonesia, Madagascar and [...] Romania acted as tellers. daccess-ods.un.org |
应主席邀请,舒尔特先生(厄瓜多尔)、向贤先生 (日本)和多多先生(尼日利亚)担任计票 人。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. Schuldt (Ecuador), Mr. Mukai (Japan) and Mr. Dodo [...] (Nigeria) acted as tellers. daccess-ods.un.org |
决赛得分非常接近,观众被迫焦急等待重 新 计票 , 最 终来自挪威的Kim Daniel Bergersen宣布成为获胜者。 csm.com | The final scores were so close that the audience were forced to wait impatiently for a number of re-counts, before Kim Daniel Bergersen from Norway was announced as the worthy winner. csm.com |
应主席邀请, N’Gbichi 先生(科特迪瓦)、 Carvalho [...] 女士(葡萄牙)和 Pi 女士(乌拉圭)继续 担任计票人。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the invitation of the Chairperson, Mr. N’Gbichi (Côte d’Ivoire), Ms. Carvalho (Portugal) and Ms. Pi (Uruguay) [...] continued to act as tellers. daccess-ods.un.org |
宪法修正案对选举程序作出了以下改动:1) 由政党分配的席位从 80 个增加到 125 个;2)对政 党分配席位的投票将进行全国计票而 不 是分八个区 域进行;3)不再规定政党必须获得至少 5%的选票 才有资格分配席位;4)选区直接选举的议员席位 从 400 个降到 375 个;5)一个选区选出一名立法人 [...] 而不是一个选区多名。 crisisgroup.org | Compared to the 2007 election: 1) the number of MPs elected from party lists has increased from 80 to 125; 2) votes [...] for party list seats will [...] be counted nationally and no longer divided into eight regions; 3) there is now no minimum threshold of 5 per cent of votes to be eligible [...]for party list seats; [...]4) the numbers of constituency MPs have been reduced from 400 to 375; and 5) legislators will be elected from single-member constituencies rather than multimember ones.124 The Democrat Party stands to gain most from the new rules. crisisgroup.org |
(a) 一人一票,由出席会议并参加表决的委员的简单多数票作出;如两方 票数相等,主席的投票计为两票 daccess-ods.un.org | one member, one vote, with, in the event that there is a tie, [...] the vote of the Chair counting as double;(b) By a two-thirds [...] majority vote of the members present and voting, on the basis daccess-ods.un.org |
而是由影子计划反映股票计划的 现金等价物。 fbushare.com | Instead the Phantom Plan will reflect the cash equivalent of the Share Plan. fbushare.com |
您可以通过 [...] Fletcher Building 员工股票计划中 心查看您的持股详情,网址是: [...] www.computershare.com/fbushare。您的购得股票详情将每月更新。 (c) 我如何能跟踪当前股价? fbushare.com | You can access details of your [...] holding online through the Fletcher Building [...] Employee Share Plan Centre, at www.computershare.com/fbushare. [...]Each month your [...]Purchased Share details will be updated. fbushare.com |
其它两个服务链接类型“invoiceLT”和“shippingLT”定义了两个角色,这是因为 发 票计 算 的 用户和运输服务(发票或运输安排)的用户都必须提供回调操作以使异步通知被异步地发送(“invoiceCallbackPT”portType [...] 和“shippingCallbackPT”portType)。 huihoo.org | The two other service link types, "invoiceLT" and "shippingLT", define two [...] roles because both the [...] user of the invoice calculation and the user of the shipping service (the invoice or the shipping [...]schedule) must provide [...]callback operations to enable asynchronous notifications to be asynchronously sent ("invoiceCallbackPT" and "shippingCallbackPT" portTypes). huihoo.org |
其中大多数上诉或者是由个别候选人提出的,他们对自己所有的 选票计点情 况提出质疑;或者是因女性候选人替换男性当选者,以达到宪法规定 [...] 的议会女性定额(定为 25%)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The majority of those appeals were [...] lodged either by individual candidates [...] challenging their own vote count or were related [...]to the replacement of male winners by [...]female candidates in order to meet the constitutional female quota for the Parliament (set at 25 per cent). daccess-ods.un.org |