单词 | 计划经济 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 计划经济 —planned economySee also:计划—planned • program • map out 经济 adj—economic adj • financial adj 经济 n—economies pl • economic development n 经济—economics
本 计划将与其他计划展开合作,尤其是 计划 16(经济与统计)。 wipo.int | This Program will cooperate with other Programs, in [...] particular Program 16 (Economics and Statistics). wipo.int |
随着从共产主义时期的计划经济到目 前的自 由贸易市场的转变,波兰对外贸易的方向已 经发生了逆转。 paiz.gov.pl | With the change [...] from a communist, plan-based economy to the current [...]free trade market, the direction of Polish foreign trade has been reversed. paiz.gov.pl |
二十年来的机构重组以及由计划经济 向 市场经济 转变割裂了中国能源政策的统一制定和执行,也 阻碍了国家能源战略的发展。 crisisgroup.org | The past two decades of bureaucratic restructuring and [...] shifting from a planned to market economy have resulted [...]in fragmented control over the [...]energy sector, preventing the development of a national energy strategy. crisisgroup.org |
由于体制和观念的束缚,知识产权在 计划经济 时 期无法发挥应有作 用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | During the time of planned economy, confined [...] to the system and wrong ideas, the function of intellectual property was unable to be brought into full play as it should have been. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由于从计划经济转向 市场经济使经济大幅下滑, 有许多千年发展目标指标在 1990 [...] 年代显着下降。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the large economic declines associated with the [...] transition from planned to market economies, [...]there were significant [...]declines in many of the Goal indicators during the 1990s. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿拉伯叙利亚共和国正在逐步从中央 计划经济 向 更开放的经济体系转型, 这种体系虽然依赖各种专门的机制,但仍然密切地注重社会层面。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Syrian Arab Republic has gradually made the shift [...] from a centrally-planned economy to a more open [...]system that relies on marked mechanisms [...]but yet pays close attention to the social dimension. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据 1997 年推 出的“现浇楼板计划”,经济收入 不太宽裕的家庭也获得财政援助,以向其住房 增建混凝土屋顶。 daccess-ods.un.org | Families with modest incomes also receive financial aid, under the “casting of slabs scheme” introduced in 1997, to add a concrete roof to their house. daccess-ods.un.org |
2 月 16 日,建设和平委员会与计划、经济和 国 际合作部部长以及 我的特别代表举行一次会议,讨论该战略的目前拟订情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 16 February, the Peacebuilding Commission held a meeting with [...] the Minister for Planning, Economy and International [...]Cooperation and my Special Representative [...]to discuss ongoing preparations for the strategy. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然欧洲联盟新成员国家和欧洲新兴经济体在 2009 年经历了一场非常严重 [...] 的危机,国内生产总值下降幅度相当大,但这场危机的严重程度远远不及 1990 年代从计划经济转向 市场经济的过程中所经历的经济衰退。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the European Union new member States and the European emerging economies experienced a very serious crisis in 2009 with some large declines in GDP, the severity of the crisis was [...] not even close to that of the economic decline experienced in the 1990s during the [...] transition from planned to market economies. daccess-ods.un.org |
在计划经济转向市场经济体制过程中,政府职能逐步从主导地位转向协调服务角色。 unesdoc.unesco.org | During the process of [...] transition from planned economy to market [...]economy, the government has experienced a gradual change in its function. unesdoc.unesco.org |
计划经济体制下,学校教学及科研经费主要来自国家教育部和工业部委的财政拨款, 来源单一。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Under the planned economic system, outlay [...] for teaching and scientific research was mainly granted by the Ministry of Education [...]and industrial departments under the government. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在从计划经济到市 场经济的这个转型阶段,存在着 经济冲击的特殊风险。 crisisgroup.org | In this transitional phase from a managed economy to a market economy, there is a particular risk of economic shocks. crisisgroup.org |
此外,许多国家仍然在进行转型,逐步摆脱中 央计 划经济体制 ,因此,这些国家特定的贸易和发展挑战也需要在贸发会议工作方案 [...] 的相关部分得到述及。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, as the transition [...] from centrally planned economies continues in [...]many countries, their specific trade and development [...]challenges also need to be addressed in the relevant parts of UNCTAD’s work programme. daccess-ods.un.org |
该论坛就国家反贫穷方案、从人权角度实施社会保 障 计划 、 经济和 金 融危机对消除贫困和国际在消除贫困领域开展援助和合作的不利影响等问题, [...] 提出了各种建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recommendations were made on national anti-poverty programmes, implementation of social security [...] programmes from a human rights perspective, [...] negative impacts of economic and financial crisis [...]on efforts to combat poverty and international [...]assistance and cooperation in combating poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
多从计划与市场经济在理论上的非此即彼二元对立以 及 计划经济 的 全 盘错误出发。 lishiyushehui.cn | Most mainstream economic analyses have proceeded from [...] the theoretical presumption of an either/or [...] binary between plan and market, and the total faultiness of planned economy. lishiyushehui.cn |
缅甸在进行全面政治改革的同时,也开始实施一项 雄心勃勃的经济改革计划,经济改革 的目标在于重 建停滞不前的经济并实现与全球经济的一体化。 crisisgroup.org | Along with sweeping political reforms, Myanmar has embarked on an ambitious program of economic changes, aimed at rebuilding its moribund economy and integrating it with the global system. crisisgroup.org |
1986 年,政府开始实 行新经济机制,从中央计划经济转变 为市场导向经济,使国民经济发展逐步向前 推进。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 1986, the Government adopted the [...] New Economic Mechanism, transforming the central- planned economy to a market-oriented [...]economy, [...]resulting in the gradually progress being recorded in the national economic development. daccess-ods.un.org |
高等工科教育在计划经济时代 须按照政府的计划为产业及研究部门培养工程技术人 员。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the time of planned economy, higher engineering [...] education must train engineers and technicians for industries and research [...]institutes according to plans drawn up by the government. unesdoc.unesco.org |
顾问人员强调了亚美尼亚政治和经济生活的两个基本事实,它们对该国的 竞争法和竞争政策有很大的直接影响:(a) 亚美尼亚作为转型经济体的地位,该 国直至近期一直是苏联内部的一个中 央 计划经济体 daccess-ods.un.org | The consultants emphasized two fundamental facts of Armenia’s political and economic life, which had a direct and powerful impact on the country’s competition law and policy: (a) Armenia’s status as an economy in [...] transition that was until [...] recently a centrally planned economy within the Soviet Union; and (b) the geopolitical [...]situation in the South Caucasus. daccess-ods.un.org |
计划经济时期,一切社会资源的 配置均按政府计划指令进行,政府统领实施的产学合作与企业的业绩没有直接联系,企 [...] 业的参与不是主动的,企业接纳学生是执行政府部门行政指令。 unesdoc.unesco.org | During the period of planned economy, the allocation [...] of all social resources was finished under the instruction given by [...]the government, and University-Industry Cooperation guided by the government had not direct connection with the achievements of enterprises. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此次访问是在特别具有挑战性的背景下进行的,其特征是东北部地区连续四 年干旱,该国存在大量伊拉克难民并正在从中 央 计划经济 向 社会市场经济转变。 daccess-ods.un.org | The visit took place in a particularly challenging context, characterized by the fourth consecutive year of drought in the north-eastern region, [...] the presence of a large number of Iraqi refugees and the transition [...] from a centrally planned to a social market economy. daccess-ods.un.org |
从现有的信息可推断出,该国的中央 计划经济 无 法 培育其经济部门,而其农业 产出远远低于其潜力,原因在于农业没有实现机械化并缺乏种子、工具和化肥。 daccess-ods.un.org | From the available information, it [...] can be deduced that the [...] country’s centrally planned economy is unable to [...]nurture its industrial sector and its agricultural [...]output has been far below its potential because farming is not mechanized and there are shortages of seeds, tools and fertilizers.5 These economic stresses have a profound impact on the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
高度集中的计划经济体制 并不提倡知识产权,尽管建国后先后颁布过《保障发明与 专利权暂行条例》等五个发明奖励条例,但发明的所有权还在国家,全国各个单位都可 以无偿利用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Although Chinese government successively promulgated 5 regulations to reward inventions including Interim Regulations on the Protection of Invention Rights and Patent Rights, the ownership of intellectual propriety rights had been left in the hand of the state and could be used for free by all state-owned units around the country. unesdoc.unesco.org |
1990 年以来,由 于从实行中央计划经济的社 会主义国家向基于市场经济的民主共和国转型,蒙古 经历了深刻社会变化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since 1990, [...] the country has experienced profound societal changes due to the simultaneous transition from a socialist State with a centrally planned economy to a democratic [...]republic based on a market economy. daccess-ods.un.org |
厄瓜多尔正在执行数项全国计划,如改善生活计划;多民族反种族歧视和种 [...] 族排挤文化计划;土地重新分配计划;厄瓜多尔银行社会保障计划和大 众 经济计 划;“5-5-5”小额贷款计划;以及人类发展赠款计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the national level, Ecuador is implementing several initiatives, such as a plan for living well; a plurinational plan against racial discrimination, ethnic exclusion and culture; a plan for the redistribution of lands; the bank of the [...] Ecuadorean institute for social security; the [...] institute for popular economy; the “5-5-5” microcredit [...]programme; and a human development grant. daccess-ods.un.org |
云南一直在同大 湄公河次区域国家的中央政府建立关系,甚至为老挝工 业和计划部制定经济计划。 crisisgroup.org | Yunnan has been building relationships with central [...] governments in the Great Mekong Sub-Region, [...] and even doing economic planning for the Ministry of Industry and Planning in Laos. crisisgroup.org |
最近的群岛计划(2010-2015 年)概述了经济增长 和金融稳定、提高生活质量以及 改善交通和电信基础设施的愿景。 daccess-ods.un.org | The latest Islands Plan (2010-2015) outlines a vision for economic growth and financial [...] stability, improved quality of life, [...]and improved transport and telecommunications infrastructure. daccess-ods.un.org |
非经委和非盟委员会除了在联合秘 书处内的工作之外还继续协作,联合举办一 [...] 些重大的会议和活动,例如,非洲发展论坛; 非洲财政、计划和经济发展 部长会议年会和 一年两次的非洲工业部长会议,以便对非洲 [...]发展议程上的问题形成更统一的意见。 regionalcommissions.org | Beyond their work within the Joint Secretariat, both ECA and AUC have also continued to collaborate in jointly organizing major meetings and events such as the African Development Forum; the annual session [...] of the Conference of African [...] Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, and [...]the biannual session of the Conference [...]of African Ministers of Industry (CAMI), to bring more coherence to the consideration of issues on Africa’s development agenda. regionalcommissions.org |
为执行该项议程,该国政府已制定了一项雄心勃勃 的 计 划 , 该 计划 力争巩固经济增长 ,提高所有公民的生活水平,创造就业,打击腐败现象,增加教育机会, [...] 发展民主并改善种族间关系。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In pursuit of this agenda, the Government [...] has set an ambitious [...] programme that seeks to underpin economic growth, improves living standards [...]of all citizens, creates [...]jobs, fights corruption, increases education opportunities, develops democracy and improves inter-ethnic relations. unesdoc.unesco.org |