

单词 计件工资

See also:

工资 n

payroll n



工资 v

pay v

External sources (not reviewed)

40多岁的工人表示,她们更倾向于选择服装厂, 因为服装厂采计件工资制。
Workers in their 40s said they preferred the apparel industry because of the
[...] piece-rate system for wage payment.
232 位资深记者即时报导了大会工作, 他们使用 了具有工作所 需的设施(委托和信息服务、 件 、 计 算 机、采访场地等)的专门安排的新 闻室。
The work of the General Conference was followed by 232 accredited journalists who
used a specially
[...] fitted Press Room with all the facilities required for their work (accreditation and information service, documents, computers, space for interviews, etc.).
许 多人还被迫从事工资工作,没有一个安全和健康 工 作 条 件 , 也 没有符合标准 的休息、休闲和合理工作时间限制。
Many are also forced to
[...] work at low pay, do not receive a safe and healthy working conditions nor standard rest, [...]
leisure and reasonable limitation of working hours.
计工程师 可以通过培训和网上直播会议进行学习,通过参数分析选择产品,使用“Pro” 件 系 列 加快 计 , 模 拟不同的型 资 源 并 可以获得 24 小时内免费的 TI 产品示例。
Design engineers can learn through training and webcast sessions, select products through parametric analysis, speed their designs using the "Pro" software series, simulate with different model resources and obtain free [...]
samples of TI products within 24 hours.
预算件第 2 9C.35 段列出这一构成部分下将交付的产出,其中包括:提供范围广泛的 旨在建立和维持本组织领导及管理能力的培训方案;增进方案管理人员和负有行 政管理职责工作人员的人力和财 资 源 管 理专门知识;提高秘书 工 作 人 员的 信息技术技能;建立和强化语文能力;支持职业发展和提高实务技能。
The outputs to be delivered under this component are set out in paragraph 29C.35 of the budget document, and include the provision of a wide array of training programmes designed to build and sustain the
[...] Organization’s leadership and managerial capacity; improve the human and financial resources management expertise of programme managers and staff with administrative responsibilities; upgrade the information technology skills of Secretariat staff; build and strengthen linguistic capabilities; and support career development [...]
and upgrade substantive skills.
在国家教育政策中引入信息和传播技术,以及在项目第 I
[...] 断应用信息和传播技术的结果,在此基础上由教科文组织新德里办事处组织了首次关于信息和传播 技术与扫盲的次区域讲习班,来自印度和孟加拉国的政府官员、非政府组织以及 件工 程 公 司参与 了讲习班,目的是制订一份行计划。
Building on the introduction of ICTs within national education policies, as well as outcomes of ongoing ICT-based applications in education and literacy developed during Phase I of the project, the first subregional workshop on ICTs and literacy, organized with the UNESCO New Delhi Office, was
held with government officials from
[...] India and Bangladesh, NGOs, and software engineering firms to define a plan of action.
该系统将跟踪联检组向各参加组织提出的报告、说明和信函或建议的接 受、执行和影响状况;管理立法机构审议联检组报告 工 作 ; 并提供关于报告、 说明和信函所载联检组建议的接受、执行和影响类别的 计资 料 , 这些资料最终 在联检组年度报告中提出。
The system will track the status of acceptance, implementation and impact achieved of reports, notes and letters or recommendations addressed by JIU to the participating organizations; manage the consideration of JIU reports by legislative bodies; and provide statistical information in terms of categories of acceptance, implementation and impact achieved of JIU recommendations contained in reports, notes and letters, which are eventually presented in the JIU annual report.
请提供计资料,说明在多少起件 中 有 被告声称因遭受酷刑而招供、 这类投诉导致的调查数量,以及进行调查的结果,包括对被判罪的施行酷刑者 [...]
Please provide statistical information on the number of cases [...]
in which detainees have alleged that their confessions were
extracted through torture, the number of such complaints which led to investigations, and the outcomes of these investigations, including punishments meted out to convicted perpetrators, if any, and reparations and compensation offered to victims, if any.
[...] 国际教师组织以及非政府组织的观点,这些教师问题包括:教 工资 和 工 作 条 件 的 相 对(而 非整体性的)降低; 经济危机对教育和教师的影响; [...]
许多地区和国家继续存在师资短缺的问 题;教师的迁移与流动性;教师遭受的暴力;更多和更好的教师评估与职业发展的必要性;
The Joint Committee carefully considered the perspectives of intergovernmental and international teachers’ and non-governmental organizations active on teachers’ issues, including issues of:
relative, though not universal, decline
[...] in teacher salaries and conditions of work; the effects [...]
of the economic crisis on education
and teachers; continued teacher shortages in many regions and countries; teacher migration and mobility; violence affecting teachers; the need for more and better teacher appraisal and professional development; and changes in the status of higher education personnel.
[...] 力和财力资源、需要的档案管理专门知识、非政府组织记录的重要性、私有机构 的记录对汇集侵犯人权件资料的 作用、在冲突和冲突后背景下处理国家档工 作的 复杂性,以及承认在接触和使用档案方面的教育、语言和技术不平等现象的 重要性。
A number of factors that should be taken into account in managing the Commission’s records were emphasized, such as the human and financial resources available, the archival expertise required, the importance of NGO records and the
[...] [...] role of the records of private bodies in documenting human rights violations, the complexities in dealing [...]
with State archives in the conflict and post-conflict
context, and the importance of recognizing educational, linguistic and technological inequalities in accessing and using archives.
关于出生地、族裔和常用语言的 计资 料 ,可参阅中国核心 件 最 新 附录 中关于澳门特区的部分。
For statistical data on place of birth, ethnicity and usual language of the MSAR population; please refer to the part relating to the MSAR of the latest addendum of China’s core document.
在这个项目的框架内,开展了一项调查,以摸清雇主对两性平等的认识, 对两性平等问题和对私营部门执行两性平等法规的态度;以了解欧盟成员国的私
[...] 的概况;拟订爱沙尼亚私营部门工人的准则,特别是拟 工资计 算 和 工作评价标 准的准则,以消除男女之间的工资差距;以加深私营部门对有关法规的认识,增 [...]
Within the framework of the project, a survey is carried out to find out the awareness of employers about gender equality, attitudes to the issue and implementation of gender equality legislation in the private sector; to receive an overview of the guidelines, methods and measures used in the private sector of the EU member states to implement the principle of equal treatment of women and men and to promote gender equality; to draw up guidelines for the private sector workers in
Estonia, inter alia for drafting the
[...] basic principles of wage calculation and criteria of [...]
work evaluation to eliminate the wage
gap between women and men; to increase the private sector awareness of the relevant legislation and to improve their knowledge and skills in using the means and methods for promoting gender equality, and to create a network of private sector employers and interest groups to mediate information, experience and best practices on promoting gender equality.
由于歧视和照料家庭的责任等因 素,这些问题对妇女特别严重,造 工资 更 低 ,并且由于工作历史曾经中断过, 她们缴社会保险费的能力也因此降低,从而减少了社会保 计 划 的 福利。
These problems are particularly serious
for women as
[...] discrimination and care responsibilities result in lower wages and interrupted work histories, reducing their ability to contribute to and benefit from social insurance schemes.
全国委员会的例行会议和培训活动的内容已 变得更有侧重点,其原因有三个:即能够得到完备的政策 件资 料 ; 优先进行能力建设,包 括计和编制培训材料;重视开展能在基层产生最大影响的地区/分地区和多国活动。
The statutory meetings and training activities of National Commissions have become much better focused in content due to three factors: the
availability of a sound literature
[...] base of policy documents, the priority given to capacity-building, including the design and production [...]
of training materials,
and the emphasis on regional/subregional and cluster activities for maximum grass-roots impact.
除惨痛的死 亡现象外,灾害对该领域的影响包括 计资 产 损失,例如船、网具、网箱、养殖 池塘和亲鱼、捕捞后处理和工设施 以及上岸点。
In addition to the tragic loss of
life, the
[...] effects of disasters on the sector can include the loss of livelihood assets such as boats, gear, cages, aquaculture ponds and broodstock, [...]
and processing facilities, and landing sites.
[...] 实现与其他一些人权存在着内在联系,其中有:包括职业培训的受教育权;卫生 保健权;水和卫生设施权;体工作 权;获得信贷、 计 、 资 本 、 技术、金融服 务与其他经济和社会福利及保护的权利;财产权;法律面前人人平等权;政治代 [...]
In addition to this legal imperative, empirical evidence shows that the realization of the right to food of rural women is intrinsically linked to a number of other human rights, among which are the rights to education, including vocational training, to
health care, to water and
[...] sanitation, to decent work, to credit, livelihood, capital, technology, [...]
financial services, and other
economic and social benefits and protection, to property, to equality before the law, to political representation and participation and the general prohibition on non-discrimination.
请提供关于非法移徙工和非 正式经济的最新计资料。
Please provide updated statistical data on illegal labour migration [...]
and the informal economy.
会议提出了 SGXML 的目标:“国际海资料 交 换系统/教科文组织 SGXML 将利用或制订促进来自分布式数据源的数据无缝交换的国际 标准,为此将利用单参数词典、精确标记的元数据和一个共同的 XML 数据结构,存储所有 内容,并向用户提供有独立平台或可与因特网连接的数据集和 件工 具 ”
The Group developed a Vision for SGXML: “The ICES/IOC
SGXML will utilize
[...] or establish international standards to promote the seamless exchange of data from distributed data sources, by using a single parameter dictionary, well-defined and explicitly tagged metadata, and a common XML data structure, packaging all content and providing to the client datasets and software tools that are platform independent or web-enabled”.
为此,瑞士同其他国家一 道成为第 4 号工作文件(NPT/CONF.2010/WP.4)的 提案国,该件计划同握有决策权的国家举行年会, 并成立条约支助机构。
To that end, it had joined a number of other
[...] States in sponsoring working paper 4 (NPT/CONF.2010/WP.4), which envisaged the holding of annual meetings [...]
with decision-making
powers and the creation of a Treaty support unit.
(c) 由全球环境基金共同筹资的泰国冷风机方案、由一家当地筹资机构共同供资的 墨西哥冷风机项目,以及最近扩大的冷风机替换示范方案已就以下方面获得了
[...] 以及法国开发署和地方银行等双边机构)共同开 工 作 ; 如何将 资计 划 汇 集 在一起;在执行任务过程中其如何进行相互补充;遇到了哪些障碍以及其如何 [...]
得;不同组织的业务程序和行政安排对调集共同资金的成就、成本和时限产生 了哪些影响。
(c) The Thai chiller programme with co-financing from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Mexican chiller project with co-funding from a local financing institution and the recently expanded chiller replacement demonstration programmes have generated experiences and lessons learned on how the Multilateral Fund has worked with other financing institutions (multilateral like GEF, bilateral like the
Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and
[...] local banks), how the funding schemes were put together, [...]
how they complemented
each other in their mandates, what barriers were encountered and how they were overcome, how policy changes like the introduction of the Resource Allocation Framework in the GEF may have affected access to funding, and how the operating procedures and administrative arrangements of different organizations have impacted on the success, cost and timing of mobilizing co-funding.
计委员 会分析了多个项目厅办事处的 工资 产 登 记册,以确定订正披露 不动产、厂房和设备价值门槛值的影响,并注意到,对于选定的各抽样办事处, 这一订正将导致大量具有重大价值的资产不在财务报表中披露。
The Board analysed the manual asset registers of various UNOPS offices to [...]
determine the impact of the revision of the threshold
on the disclosed value of property, plant and equipment, and noted that for the sample of offices selected, the revision would result in the exclusion from disclosure in the financial statements of a significant number of assets with a material value.
诉求内容最 多的是:为了实行另一项权利在行政机关或在司法机构进行诉讼程序,公共资源
[...] 的分配,预算和捐助资金,私有化,项目,投资,公共采购程序,颁发各种许可 证、尤其是施工许可证程序的合法性,保护个人自由及个人和财产权利,来自预 算工资和其 他收入,人员招聘和员工数量,关于医疗的 件工 作 ,环保,动物 保护措施,起诉和司法机构的裁决,等等。
The subject of applications most frequently related to: the conduct of proceedings before administrative bodies in order to accomplish another right or before judiciary bodies, the disbursement of public resources, budgetary and donor funds, privatization, projects, investments, public procurement procedures, the legality of procedures for issuing various permits, in particular construction permits, the protection of personal freedoms and
personal and property rights, salaries and other earnings from the budget, the recruitment
[...] of personnel and the number of employees, documentation regarding medical treatment, environmental protection, [...] [...]
animal protection measures, the decisions of prosecution and judiciary bodies, etc.
然而,在评估回收成本所需收入方面,应当考虑到登记处运 营的资金需要,其中包括:(a)登记处工作人员 工资 ; (b )更换 件 ; (c )软件的 更新换代;以及(d)对工作人员进行不间断的培训。
However, in assessing the level of revenue needed to achieve cost-recovery, account should be taken of the need to fund the operation of the registry, including: (a) salaries of registry staff; (b) replacement of hardware; (c) upgrading of software; and (d) ongoing staff training.
该中心总部位于美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡市全球闻名的卡内基梅隆(Carnegie Mellon)大计算机软件工程学院,发挥学院人才优势,网聚世界各地的优秀专家,为公司的任一设施提供现场服务。
Headquartered amid the renowned software and computer engineering faculty at Carnegie Mellon
University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
[...] (USA), the Emerson Software Center of Excellence [...]
taps the talents of experts there and
elsewhere in the world to serve on-site at any of the company's facilities.
强调实现妇女和女孩的与下列方面有关的人权是预防暴力侵害妇女和女孩行 为的关键:教育、获得卫生保健、经济参与、进入劳动市场、工作 件 、 工资不 平 等和补偿、社会和政治参与、参与决策进程、继承、包括贷款的金融服务、国 [...]
律知识、培训技能和获得生产资料方面采取适当的支持应对措施;还强调,在许 多情况下,妇女在法律面前的不同待遇使她们在这些领域没有平等机会
Stressing that the realization of all human rights by women and girls, such as those regarding education, access to health, economic
participation, access to the
[...] labour market, conditions of work, disparities in salaries and compensation, [...]
public and political
participation, access to decision-making processes, inheritance, financial services, including loans, nationality and legal capacity, ownership of land, property, housing, social security and cultural life, supported by appropriate responses dealing with legal literacy, skills training and access to productive resources, is a key factor in preventing violence against women and girls, and that, in many instances, the different treatment of women before the law has resulted in the lack of equal opportunities for them in these areas
虽然,系统运行不要求调度计算机联 网,联网为操作员访问单位件资料 ,数据库和其他基 于网络的服务提供方便,如:第三方来电号码信息,或 基于网络的视频流。
While networking of
[...] the console PC is not required for system operation, it will allow access to corporate directories, databases, [...]
and web-based
services such as third party Call ID information or web based video feeds.
在直观的NetAdvantage AppStylist设计工具的 帮助下,您可以定义 件 所 包 含的界面元素以及 件 的 外观,NetAdvantage AppStylist会将您的设计保存到一个ISL(Infragistics样式库)格式的文件中,此文件是属性设置的一个XML格式的表示。
With the aid of the intuitive NetAdvantage AppStylist design tool, you can define the look of controls and UIElements [...]
in controls, The NetAdvantage AppStylist
tool will save your design in an ISL(Infragistics Style Library) file, which is an XML representation of the property settings, From there, it is one line of code for your application to consume the style.
为了帮助合作伙伴根据 ARM 处理器进行早期开发和原型计 , ARM 及其很多合作伙伴提供了各种不同的软件和 件工 具 以 及开发板,以便快速将产品顺利投放市场。
To assist Partners with early development and prototyping designs based on ARM processors, a broad range of software and hardware tools and development boards are available from ARM and many of its Partners to enable a rapid and risk free path to market.
在没工作保证并需要自己筹集 计资 金的 情况下花钱到金矿营地不合常理,且纽约金矿营地规模较小,新工人的到来很可 能使目前工人人数增加两倍。
The outlay of capital to simply access the mining site, and the need to finance their [...]
own sustenance with no guarantee of
work is not plausible, and the small size of New York camp means that the new workers probably would have more than trebled the existing workforce.




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