单词 | 警局 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 警局 —police stationless common: police department Examples:警察局—police station • police department • police headquarters 警察局 pl—police stations pl 刑事警察局—Criminal Investigation Bureau See also:警 n—police n • alert n 警 v—warn v
它还可以视察任何警局或其 他 拘留场所,检查被拘留者的生活条件和待遇,并审查保护人权的任何法令规定的 [...] 保障措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | It may also visit any police station or other place [...] of detention to examine the inmates’ living conditions and treatment [...]and may review the safeguard provided by or under any enactment for the protection of human right. daccess-ods.un.org |
到内务部寻人未果,她又返回警局, 在 此遭到被关 押的威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Failing to find him there, [...] she returned to the police station, where she [...]was threatened with being locked up. daccess-ods.un.org |
基督徒废除酷刑行动组织国际联合会对一系列侵犯人权事件,以及目前在 警局和监 狱中的酷刑和虐待政策和在这方面的有罪不罚感到关注。 daccess-ods.un.org | The International Federation of Action by Christians for the abolition of torture was concerned by a number of human rights [...] violations and a recurrent policy of torture [...] and illtreatment in police stations and in prisons, [...]and by the impunity therein. daccess-ods.un.org |
工作小組已將報告內容轉達航警局與 D 航空公司, 請其加強宣導落實安檢工作之重要性。 tacare.org.tw | The TACARE office has forwarded the report to [...] both the Aviation Police Bureau and Airline D suggesting [...]that these agencies enforce [...]the screening process and emphasize the importance of security check to the internal staff. tacare.org.tw |
1979 年 10 月 26 日晚 20 时 30 [...] 分左右,三名着制服的警察(至少其中一人有 武装)在博萨诺先生回家路上叫住他,给他戴上手铐送 往 警局。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the evening of 26 October 1979, at about 8.30 p.m., three plain-clothes policemen, at least [...] one of whom was armed, stopped Mr. Bozano as he was returning home, handcuffed [...] him and drove him to police headquarters. daccess-ods.un.org |
2002 年 9 月 23 日当夜,他们一行四人被转移至位于 高地区(Plateau)的阿比让警察局,然 后又被带至同样位于高地区(Plateau)的司法 警局驻地。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the night of 23 September 2002, [...] all four were [...] transferred to Abidjan police headquarters in the Le Plateau district and then to the facilities of the criminal investigation police, also in Le Plateau. daccess-ods.un.org |
奥比少将(以英语发言):我想首先试着回应特 派团之间合作的问题,我还会谈谈在 预 警局 势 中 利 用技术的问题,也可能谈谈加大维和力度的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The helicopters available to us, especially the civilian helicopters, are cumbersome for one to observe through the windows to be able to locate people. daccess-ods.un.org |
2月7日凌晨1點30分:兩名洛杉磯 警局警 員 奉命在Riverside縣保護一名Dorner宣言中提到的”仇人”,他們發現有輛車很像是Dorner的,在追逐中一名警員擦破額頭,嫌疑車輛逃走。 ktsf.com | Thursday, Feb. 7: At around 1:30 a.m. in the Riverside County community of Corona, Calif., two LAPD officers assigned to protect a person named in the manifesto chase a vehicle they believe is Dorner’s. During a shootout, one officer is grazed in the forehead. ktsf.com |
一位雙眼失明的女子——秀雅來到 警局 報 案,表明自己親身經歷了一場肇事逃逸的案件,警方皆語出嘲弄而不願正式受理。 dddhouse.com | A missing person case involving a female university student and the victim in a hit and run case appears to be related. dddhouse.com |
簡介 首播日期: [...] 2006.10.01 白天德克斯特·摩根是邁阿密大都會 警局 工 作 的血液分析師,而晚上他則是一個連環殺手。 justlatte.com | Synopsis Release Date: 2006.10.01 The main [...] antagonist in Season 1 is “The Ice Truck Killer”, a serial killer of prostitutes who [...] eludes the Miami Metro Police Department. justlatte.com |
近数月来,正如今天提到的情况,对妇女的暴力 一直有增无减,其中包括为警局、省议会和地方政府 工作的妇女。 daccess-ods.un.org | In recent months, as has been mentioned today, there has been an [...] increase in violence against women, including against [...] women working for the police, provincial councils [...]and local government. daccess-ods.un.org |
在洛杉磯警局牽頭 下,整個團隊計劃懸賞100萬元緝拿Dorner,這也是當地數量最大的一次懸賞。 ktsf.com | Collectively, this group, led by my office, is posting a reward of $1 million dollars for information that will lead to Mr. Dorner’s capture. ktsf.com |
一 名 督 察 或 以 上 職 級 的 警 務 人 員 必 須 以 書 面 授 權 進 入 搜 查,但 如 果 為 了 有 [...] 效 調 查 罪 案 而 需 要 該 人 往 警 局 以 外 其 他 地 方 時 , 則 可 免 [...]除 這 一 程 序 。 hkreform.gov.hk | An officer of the rank of inspector or above must give written authorisation of the entry and search, though this procedure can be [...] circumvented if the presence of the person at a [...] place other than a police station is necessary [...]for the effective investigation of the offence. hkreform.gov.hk |
自 2006 年 4 月以来,联邦刑警局将贩 卖人口的刑法领域相关信息录入到 Extrapol 数据库中,形成一个为联邦和各州警 察 局 服 务的内部公共交流平台,任 何一位德国警务人员都能够获得相关的信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since April 2006, the BKA has been entering data on the offence [...] of trafficking in [...] persons into the “Extrapol” database, an internal communications facility shared by the federal police services and the police services of the Länder, enabling [...]all German police [...]officers to access relevant information relevant. daccess-ods.un.org |
西非办继续向西非经共体早期预警局 提 供支持,以提高他们 在政治分析和报告方面的技能。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNOWA continued to provide support to [...] the ECOWAS Early Warning Directorate to improve their [...]skills in political analysis and reporting. daccess-ods.un.org |
联邦刑警局的工 作在培训中发挥了重要作用。 实际上,联邦刑警局多年来一直参与对联邦各州警务人员的继续教育工作,并为 其提供定期开设“针对文职警官的人口贩卖问题”特别课程。 daccess-ods.un.org | The work of the BKA plays an important role in training; it has in fact been involved for some years in the initial and in-service training of police officers from the Länder and regularly runs the specialist course on “Trafficking in persons for police case officers”. daccess-ods.un.org |
该研究所在 [...] 其人权和法治领域国际能力发展方案的框架内,继续与世界许多地区的司 法机构、律师、检察机关、警局和狱 所合作 daccess-ods.un.org | Within the framework of its international capacity development programmes in the area of human rights and the rule of law, the Institute has continued its cooperation [...] with judicial institutions, attorneys, [...] prosecuting agencies, police and correctional [...]services in many parts of the world daccess-ods.un.org |
遊戲內個別模擬市民的特質也更細緻,健康、教育、衛生、治安等因素不再只受學校 、 警局 等 機 構影響,也會因市民行為而變化,個人特質採隨機出現,讓城市更加貼近現實,例如有些人較健康,有些人較可能順手牽羊,模擬範圍甚至包括個別警員、醫師、教師等,玩家市長若善盡職責,民眾會夾道歡迎,反之則會群起抗議。 thisbigcity.net | This allows factors such as health, education, and sanitation and crime to be determined not merely by the presence of schools, police departments, etc., but by the actions of the sims. thisbigcity.net |
到目前为止,联苏特派团警察部门已经对大约 8 000 名苏丹南方警察局警官和 苏丹政府警官进行了选举安全的培训。 daccess-ods.un.org | To date, the UNMIS Police component has trained approximately 8,000 Southern Sudan Police Service and Government of the Sudan police officers in election security. daccess-ods.un.org |
注意 来自媒体、市町村、消防局、警察局 的信息。 sic-info.org | Listen carefully to information from news agencies, municipal offices, fire department and emergency care services. sic-info.org |
基本建设总计划办公室还与美国环境保护署、纽约市消 防 局 、 警 察局 和运输局进行协调。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Office of the Capital Master Plan also coordinates with the United States [...] Environmental Protection Agency and with the New [...] York City Fire Department, Police Department and Department [...]of Transportation. daccess-ods.un.org |
总督负责对外事务、国防、内部安全 (包括与直布罗陀警察局警察共 同负责的警务)以及《宪法》赋予他的人事任命权。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Governor is responsible for the conduct of external affairs, [...] defence, internal security [...] (including the police, in conjunction with the Police Authority for Gibraltar) [...]and for certain appointments [...]as conferred on him by the Constitution. daccess-ods.un.org |
iPad 擁有寬闊清晰的屏幕,讓警局的指 揮官、探員和警員都能輕鬆查看地圖和照片的細節,而屏幕上的虛擬鍵盤讓他們能隨時隨地記下筆記。 mammals.org | With its large, clear display, iPad makes it easy for the department’s command staff, detectives and officers to view details on maps and photos — and the onscreen keyboard lets them take notes anywhere. mammals.org |
簡介 首播日期: 2007.09.30 中摩根哥妹走出冰櫃車殺手的陰霾,而德克斯特因為第三者萊拉而和麗塔鬧翻;同時德克斯特藏屍點被發現FBI介入調查, 而 警局 的 同 事多克斯覺得德克斯特肯定藏了什麼秘密,而經受壓力的德克斯特也在考慮要不要自首。 justlatte.com | Synopsis Release Date: 2007.09.30 At the start of Season 2, the psychological fallout from killing Brian (his brother) and the constant surveillance by Sgt. justlatte.com |
在苏丹 南部,联苏特派团警察为 1 181 名南方苏丹警察局警察(包括 33 名女警察)举办 了 50 个培训班,并在苏丹北部为 903 名苏丹政府警察(包括 94 名女警察)举办了 39 个培训班。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Southern Sudan, UNMIS Police conducted 50 training courses for 1,181 Southern Sudan Police Service officers, including 33 female officers, while in Northern Sudan, 39 training courses were conducted for 903 Government of the Sudan police officers, including 94 female officers. daccess-ods.un.org |
联阿援助团还继续开展羁押观察方案,视察了国家安 全 局、 警察和 中央监狱局管理的 80 多个设施,以重新评估与冲突有关的被拘留者的待 遇。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also continued a detention observation programme with visits to over 80 [...] facilities managed by the National [...] Directorate of Security, the police and the Central Prison Directorate [...]to reassess the treatment of conflict-related detainees. daccess-ods.un.org |
除協調中心外, 政府資訊科技總監辦公室亦與互聯網基礎設施的 持份者及相關各方(包括保安局、警務 處、電訊管理 局及互聯網服務供應商)保持良好的協調網絡,以保 障互聯網基礎設施的完整性,以及在有需要時對 [...] 互聯網事故進行24小時監察,確保有效進行緊急 應變工作。 legco.gov.hk | Besides HKCERT, OGCIO maintained a good co-ordination network with Internet infrastructure stakeholders and [...] related parties, including [...] the Security Bureau, HKPF, the Office of the Telecommunications Authority and the Internet [...]Service Providers, [...]to safeguard the integrity of the Internet infrastructure, to conduct 24-hour surveillance on Internet incidents on a need basis and to ensure that emergency response work would be carried out effectively. legco.gov.hk |
匈牙利指出,州与非营利性组织公民巡逻队有特别合作,公 民巡逻队与地方当局、警方、国家灾害管理总局、海关、金融机构以及负责自 然保护及环境保护问题的国务秘书处开展合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Hungary pointed out that there was special cooperation between the State and the non-profit organization Citizens on [...] Patrol, which cooperated [...] with the local authorities, the police, the national directorate [...]general for disaster management, [...]the customs and financial authorities and the deputy State secretariat for nature conservation and environmental protection. daccess-ods.un.org |
Menofia 安全局;Gizah 安全局(警察——调查禁毒);Asiot 安全局(调查); [...] 禁毒总署工作人员;内政部负责上埃及北部地区的助理;负责社会安全的部长助 理;负责 Asio 和 Elwadi El Gadid 安全局的监督员(2007-2008 年)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Menofia Security Directorate; Gizah [...] Security Directorate (police-investigation anti-narcotics); [...]Asiot Security Directorate [...](investigation); agent of Anti-Narcotics General Administration; Ministry of Interior assistant for Upper Egypt northern area; Assistant Minister for Social Security; Supervisor of Asio and Elwadi El-Gadid Security directorates (2007-2008). daccess-ods.un.org |