单词 | 説 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
本附加报告将説明有关学校午膳的分析情况,因此仅讨論附錄 1 及附錄 2 的结果。 chp.gov.hk | This supplementary report would describe the analysis on school lunch and so only results from appendices 1 and 2 were discussed. chp.gov.hk |
一般来説,在越南建立业务的外资企业均需开立银行户口,以在当地营运。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Generally, all foreign investors with established presences in Vietnam will need to open a bank account in order to conduct their business in Vietnam. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
一般来説,沉积物 结构简单,特徵是有三个主要褶皱,部分倾伏颠覆,向东北倾斜大约10度。 glencore.com | Generally the deposit is structurally simple being characterised by three main folds that are in part overturned with a plunge and dip approximately 10º the northeast. glencore.com |
姆贝基先生(以英语发言):也许我首先应当説的是,我很高兴我们小组的其他成员也能与会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Perhaps I should say first of all that I was very pleased that the rest of the members of our Panel were able to come to this meeting. daccess-ods.un.org |
本説明书中产品规格及功能仅供参考,如有更改,恕不另行通知。 xplore.com.hk | Product Specifications and features are for reference only and are subject to change without prior notice. xplore.com.hk |
本章説明本守则所涵盖的各个市场的参与者应该遵守的一般标准。 tma.org.hk | This chapter setsoutthe general [...] standards expected of market participants across the markets covered in this Code. tma.org.hk |
(c) 要求各学院提交新的修课式研究生课程建议时,説明课程学习果效(以此 作爲实施果效为本学习方法的第一步),以及清楚指出课程学习量(以便 日後为课程实行学分制)和个别学科的评核模式(要符合大学的评核政 策)。 ugc.edu.hk | (c) Faculties are required in their academic proposals for new TPg curricula to specify PLOs (as the first step towards implementing OBASL), and toclearly articulate programme study load (to enable later creditization of the curricula) and assessment modes of individual courses (in compliance with the institutional assessment policy). ugc.edu.hk |
我们的展厅经理将您的首选项和需要和可以説明您选择笔记型电脑的最佳模式。 kompyuterniy-ma...city.g-sochi.ru | And managers of our showrooms will all your preferences and needs and can help you choose the best model for the laptop. kompyuterniy-ma...city.g-sochi.ru |
通过与各大电影公司、广播公司、行业组织和无可匹敌的合作夥伴系统保持密切关系,Verimatrix提供了解决不仅限於内容安全的数位电视业务问题的独特视角,説明运营商寻求提供极具吸引力的新服务。 tipschina.gov.cn | Maintaining close relationships with major studios, broadcasters, industry organizations, and its unmatched partner ecosystem enables Verimatrix to provide a unique perspective on digital TV business issues beyond content security as operators seek to deliver compelling new services. tipschina.gov.cn |
再以 Cream Phase I 涂於面、胸及颈部,柔和轻拍脸庞加速及説明皮肤吸收。 hk.eternal.hk | Apply on the face, neck and chest, gently pad on face to help accelerate skin absorption and stimulate the normal cuticle falloff, helping to increase luster in skin. hk.eternal.hk |
黄子欣先生总结説:「我们不应低估未来的挑战,但凭着集团在市场的领导地位、稳健的资产状况和高效率的生产能力,长远而言,即将出现的市场整固会令伟易达从中受惠。 vtech.com.hk | Weshould not underestimate the challenges that lie ahead, but with leadership in our markets, a strong balance sheet and a highly efficient manufacturing capability, VTech should benefit in the longer term from the industry consolidation that will ensue,” concluded Mr. Wong. vtech.com.hk |
如果您要求我们这麽做,我们将对您的预付费万事达卡有争议交易或滥用进行调查,我们可能需要您提供更多的资讯和説明。 taxback.com | If you ask us to do so, we will investigate any disputed transaction or misuse of your Prepaid MasterCard and we may need more information and assistancefrom you. taxback.com |
该套装产品包括四个主要组成部分:测试大师、认证管理器、FIX日志分析器和工作流管理,这些元件配合使用,説明企业在FIX测试和上线的各个方面进行规划、管理和执行。 tipschina.gov.cn | The product suite, comprised of four main components, Test Master, Certification Manager, FIX Log Analyzer, and WorkFlow Management work in conjunction to enable firms to plan, manage, and execute on all aspects of FIX testing and on-boarding. tipschina.gov.cn |
上帝説:“我们要照我们的形像、按我们的样式造人,让他们管理海里的鱼、天上的飞禽、地上的牲畜,以及全地和地上各样爬行的动物。 jw.org | And God went onto say: “Let us [...] make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish [...]of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth. jw.org |
以个别国家的服务业来説,巴西业界对2013年的经营前景最为乐观,其次是印度。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | By country, the strongest outlook for service sector activity in 2013 was held by Brazil, followed by India. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
この请求には事実の説明を添付すべきである。 wipo.int | Such request should be accompanied by a statement of facts. wipo.int |
洗黑钱活动 第 57 页 补充説明经理人、受托人或收款代理人或会要求有 关潜在投资者及其关連人士的详尽身份证明及认购 款的來源证明。 abf-paif.com | General Information Anti-Money Laundering p.57 Added that the Manager, the Trustee or the Receiving Agent may require detailed verification of connected parties of potential investors regarding their identity and the source of payment of subscriptions. abf-paif.com |
课程架构也为「州委员会」所采用,会説明各年级,从幼稚园到十二年级的课程内容, 并为老师提供如何授课的一些建议。 sfusd.edu | Curriculum frameworks, also adopted by the State Board, describe the content of the course for each grade level, kindergarten through grade twelve, and offer suggestions to teachers on how to teach the curriculum. sfusd.edu |
此外,这个解决方案还可以説明行动设备厂商减少介面和收发器数量,从而简化设计并节约智慧手机和平板电脑内部的宝贵空间。 tcn.transwitch.com | Additionally, this solution helps mobile device manufacturers reduce the number of ports and transceivers, thereby simplifying design and saving valuable space for smartphones and tablets. transwitch.com |
(iii) 该等非核数服务的性质、有关费用的水平,以及就该核数师来説,个别服务费用和合 计服务费用的水平;及 matrix.hk.com | (iii) the nature of the non-audit services, the related fee levels and fee levels individually and in total relative to the audit firm; and matrix.hk.com |
现在就来构筑和增强您在灾难复原、资料保护和虚拟化领域的销售和技术竞争力!这绝非空洞的口号,Acronis 学苑可以説明您实现这一目标。 acronis.com.tw | Build and reinforce your sales and technical competencies in disaster recovery, data protection and virtualization today! acronis.eu |
根据萤幕上的説明点触其指示的萤幕位置。 xplore.com.hk | After hard reset, you’ll see the following screen. Follow the onscreen instructions to calibrate the screen, tap the screen where indicated. xplore.com.hk |
计算,受访的 560 名参展商於「美食博览 2011」中售卖或推广了共 [...] 11 364 种预先包装食物;平均来説,每名受访参展商售卖或推广的种类有 [...]20.3 种。 cfs.gov.hk | 6.1 The 560 enumerated exhibitors sold or promoted a total of 11 [...] 364 SKUs4 of prepackaged food products in the Food Expo 2011, with an average [...] of 20.3 SKUs for each enumerated [...]exhibitor. cfs.gov.hk |
二零一一年六月三十日的债务净额由二零一零年十二月三十一日的14,756百万美元减少至8,287百万美元,上市所得款项基本説明了该项减少。 glencore.com | Net debt as at 30 June 2011 decreased to $ 8,287 million from $ 14,756 million as at 31 December 2010, with the proceeds raised from the Listing largely accounting for the reduction. glencore.com |
以 下 所 有 数 字 包 括 澳 元 / 港 元 汇 率 、 「 更 特 息 」 投 资 存 款 息 率 及 定 期 存 款 利 率 仅 作 举例説明之用 , 有 关 最 新 数 字 请 向 本 行 查 询 。 bank.hangseng.com | (All figures shown below including the exchange rate of AUD/HKD, interest rate of “MaxiInterest” Investment Deposit and interest rate of time deposit are for illustration only. bank.hangseng.com |
Ramadasa Ashram会邀请比以往更多的美国和欧州的老师来中国开工作坊和培训, 而且跟香港,台湾等地合作和共享资源。对于一个像中国这么新的团体来説,能从不同有经验的老师身上去学习Yogi Bhajan派系昆达利尼瑜伽的不同面向时,会更助于中国老师们学习上健康的犮展。 ramadasa.org | Ramadasa Ashram will invite more teachers from US and Europe to hold workshops , training , work and share resources with Hong Kong and Taiwan etc. For a young community like China, it is healthier to explore different aspects of Yogi Bhajan's teachings through different experienced teachers. ramadasa.org |
一瑞士国际保险公司)主办"疾病危机处理交流 2004"发表专题演説,题目为<< 最先进心脏病,中风和癌症之诊断 >>于吉隆坡 2004年9月7日。 hsc.com.my | Dr. Y C Lim, Executive Director of HSC Medical Center was invited as Guest Speaker in "Advanced Risk Management Seminar 2004" organized by Swiss Re (an International Re-Insurance Company) on Advanced Approach in Diagnosis in Kuala Lumpur on 7th September 2004. hsc.com.my |
Servcorp Onefone 是一款可携式、经济、高效、安全的 VOIP 技术,能够直接将您的电脑变成商务电话,説明您和您的客户与合作夥伴保持紧密联系,避免国际漫游,避免多个繁琐的联系号码,低质量的IP电话以及不够及时的语音信息为您带来的不便的同时,更能节省您的成本。 servcorp.com.hk | Servcorp Onefone is a portable, cost-effective secure VOIP technology which literally turns your computer into your business phone.It helps you stay in touch with your customers and partners seamlessly, without the hassles and cost associated with international mobile roaming, multiple phone numbers, mass-market VOIP drop-out or voicemail delays. servcorp.com.hk |