

单词 誊本

See also:

make a (clean) copy

External sources (not reviewed)

在维也纳,和平利用外层空间委员 会正在制订提供会议记录的替代办法,将包括电子音频文档,并在可能的情况下 配之以上传的参考资料,例如书面发言和(或)会议英文记 誊本。
In Vienna, the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space was developing an alternative delivery method for its meeting records, which would consist of digital sound files supplemented, where available, with uploaded reference materials such as written statements and/or an English transcript of the meeting.
誊本予以 编制后,视听记录也必须修改, 以便与新的公誊本保持一致。
Once the public transcript has been prepared, the audio-visual record will also have to be modified to comply with the new public version of the transcript.
司法和法律事务司继续:(a) 向审判分庭和上诉分庭提供直接司法协助,如 法律研究、起草文件和提供其他司法支助、编制司法日历、维护和安排审判室以 及司法程序记录、记誊本、动 议、命令、裁决、判决和宣判的备案、保存和登 记;(b) 履行与法庭有关的其他职能,包括提供和维护拘留设施、编制和维持辩 护律师名单、建立和维持向辩护律师提供报酬的系统、口译和笔译服务、协助控 方和辩方证人在法庭作证以及法律图书馆服务。
The Judicial and Legal Services Division continues to provide: (a) direct judicial assistance to the Trial Chambers and the Appeals Chamber, such as, legal research, drafting and other judicial support; the preparation of the judicial calendar; the maintenance and scheduling of courtrooms; and the recording, maintenance and registration of records of judicial proceedings, transcripts, motions, orders, decisions, judgements and sentences; and (b) other court-related functions, including the provision and maintenance of the detention facilities; the development and maintenance of a list of defence counsel; the establishment and maintenance of a system to remunerate defence counsel; interpretation and translation services; assistance to prosecution and defence witnesses testifying before the Tribunal; and legal library services.
Digital records are proposed to complement the one-language written summary records or unedited transcripts.
按照会议一些与会者提出的建议,即应如同向塞尔维亚、克罗 地亚及波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那提供的支持那样向科索沃提供同样的支持,法庭与 潜在捐助者进行了接触,提出了以阿尔巴尼亚文编制有关案件 誊本 的 提 议。
Following the recommendation of several participants at the Conference to provide the same amount of support to Kosovo as that given to Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Tribunal has approached potential donors with a proposal for the production of transcripts in Albanian for relevant cases.
记 录协调员必须重新查看原誊本,编 制并提 誊本 的 修 订公开版本,甄别记录中 新的可披露部分,并进行必要修改。
Transcript coordinators will have to revert to the original transcript to prepare and make available a revised public version of the transcript, identifying the new portions of the record that can be disclosed and making the necessary revisions.
书记官处也将参与前南斯拉夫 地区的专门技能转让和其他能力建设活动,包括培训国内司法和检控方面的培训 专业人员(“培训培训员”),与合作伙伴一道用当地语言制作法庭听证会录誊 本,为 国家法律专业人员查阅法庭记录和档案提供更多便利。
The Registry will also be engaged in the transfer of know-how and in other capacity-building activities in the region of the former Yugoslavia, including by training domestic judicial and prosecutorial training professionals (“training the trainers”), working with partners to produce transcripts of the Tribunal’s hearings in the local languages and improving access by national legal professionals to the Tribunal’s records and archives.
他已经听说了关于以波斯尼 亚文、克罗地亚文和塞尔维亚文制 誊本 的 项 目,并强调说,这表明法庭没人关 心在科索沃的阿族人,而年轻阿族人中有 90%不懂塞尔维亚语。
He has heard of the project of producing transcripts in BCS and stressed that it shows that no one at the Tribunal cares about the Albanian population of Kosovo of which 90% of the younger generation does not understand Serbian.
迅速传递大量书面证据是该系统的基 石,但电子法庭的其他优势还包括:检辩双方可对其记 誊本 附 加 说明供今后使 用;能够对证人作证期间出示的证据附加说明;采用先进的搜索和报告功能快速 检索资料以及远程查阅审判记录。
Speedy dissemination of voluminous documentary evidence is the cornerstone of the system, but other advantages of e-Court include the ability of the parties to annotate their transcripts for future use; the ability to annotate exhibits during a witness’s testimony; quick access to information using the advanced searches and reports function; and remote access to trial records.
迄今为止,已完成 60 000 多页的记誊本,研 究工具大部分内容已翻译完毕,上载到前南问题国际法庭网站,区域 司法机构的 157 名法律专业人员接受了有关搜索和查阅前南问题国际法庭公开材 料的培训。
Over 60,000 pages of transcripts have been completed, much of the Appeals Chamber Case Law Research Tool has been translated and uploaded on to the Tribunal’s website, and 157 legal professionals from regional judiciaries have received training on searching and accessing publicly available Tribunal materials.
(d) 书面会议记录:向和平利用外层空间委员会提供未经编辑的记 誊本 , 以取代逐字记录;3向 联合国国际贸易法委员会和工发组织提供简要记录。
(d) Written records of meetings: provision of unedited transcripts for the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space in lieu of verbatim records;3 provision of summary records for the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law and UNIDO.
法庭正在直接实施价值 120 万欧元的项目内容,包括编制选定 誊本 以 及 将 其上诉分庭的案例法研究工具翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文。
The Tribunal is directly implementing project elements worth €1.2 million, including the production of selected transcripts and the translation of its Appeals Chamber Case Law Research Tool into Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian.
作为法庭能力建设和外联活动的组成部分,该科继续为一些非洲国家的代表举办 培训班,包括法庭即时编制记誊本 系 统 的演示。
As part of its role in the capacity-building and outreach activities of the Tribunal, the Section continued to conduct training sessions for representatives of a number of African countries, including demonstrations of the Tribunal’s system for the instantaneous production of transcripts and the management of judicial records.
我注意到,目前的民主人权办/前 南问题国际法庭项目将制作当地语文记 誊本 , 但 是不包括阿尔巴尼亚语或马其 顿语。
I note that the current ODIHR/ICTY project, which will produce transcripts in local languages, does not include Albanian or Macedonian.
例如,在 2012-2013 期间即将审理的 3 起多名被告案中,预计上诉分庭将复核超过 115 462 页的记誊本以及包括辩护状在内的 19 641 件证物和文件档案。
For example, in regard to the three multiple-accused cases that will be under way in 2012-2013, it is expected that the Appeals Chamber will be reviewing more than 115,462 pages of transcript and 19,641 exhibits and filings, including briefs, etc.
试点小组正在制订职权范围和方法,以审 誊本 、 物 证、 申请或各类裁决和命令等各类机密材料。
The Pilot Team is creating terms of reference and methodologies for the review of the various types of confidential materials, such as transcripts, exhibits, motions, decisions, and orders.
(b) 司法记誊本、动议、命令、裁决、判决和宣判;协助控辩双方证人在 法庭做证;研究文件、司法日历、审判室使用时间表;其他司法记录
(b) Judicial transcripts, motions, orders, decisions, judgements and sentences; assistance to prosecution and defence witnesses testifying before the Tribunal; research papers, judicial calendars, schedules of courtrooms usage; and other judicial records
尽管这一策略总体来说节省了完成一审审理所需时间,但此类多 名被告案件涉及的材料的数量,包括证据、记 誊本 、 辩护状和意见书,意味着 当这些多名被告案送抵上诉分庭时,该分庭的工作量会急剧增加。
While, generally, this strategy has saved time in completing firstinstance trials, the volume of materials involved in such multiple-accused cases, including evidence, transcripts, briefs and submissions, represents a dramatic increase in the workload of the Appeals Chamber as these cases reach it.
我向他们强调,一旦可供使用,公共记誊 本的波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚语版本也将在司法数据库上提供。
I stressed that, once available, the BCS version of public transcripts would also be available on the JDB.
信息权法案第 9 条规定了须以申请人指明的形式提供信息,并列出备选方案,包括:查阅文 件或收听或观看信息;正式认证的文件副本(例如盖有公共机构官方印戳);音频文件、图像或 编码文件所包含文字誊本。
The Act provides, at section 9, for access to be given in the form specified by an applicant, and listed options include an opportunity to inspect the document or to listen to or view it; a copy of the document, duly authenticated (for example with the official stamp of the public body); or a transcript of the words contained in sounds, images or codified documents.
作 为回应,我告诉他们,本法庭当前正在与民主人权办协作开展一个项目,以便将 大约 20%的记誊本翻译 成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚语,特别优先翻译那些 与该区域国内法律程序有关的记录。
In response, I informed them of the Tribunal’s current project in partnership with ODIHR aimed at producing BCS versions of around 20% of transcripts, with priority being given to those relevant to domestic proceedings in the Region.
不少对话者强调了 由于没有波、克、塞三种语文记 誊本 和 其 他材料,包括判决书,人们如何难以 更好地了解法庭的工作39 以及本国的诉讼程序。
A number of interlocutors stressed how the nonavailability of transcripts and other materials in BCS, including judgements, was an obstacle to a better understanding of the work of the Tribunal,39 as well as also the work of domestic proceedings.
为了确保将前南问题国际法庭的专门知识转让给该地区阿尔巴尼亚语对 口人员,并使他们能够查阅前南问题国际法庭的记录,前南问题国际法庭向潜
[...] 在捐助方提出一项建议,即制作阿尔巴尼亚文的记 誊本 , 并 把《前南问题国 际法庭既定惯例手册》翻译成阿尔巴尼亚文。
As a means of ensuring the transfer of its expertise and access to its records to Albanian-speaking counterparts in the region, the Tribunal has approached potential donors with a proposal for the production of relevant transcripts in the Albanian language, as well as the translation into Albanian of the Tribunal’s manual on developed practices, which was produced by the Tribunal in cooperation
with UNICRI and which provides a
[...] comprehensive description of the operating practices [...]
that have developed at the Tribunal since its inception.
到目前建立的全部原始记录的电子版本都与硬拷 誊本 核 对 完毕,并且所有 360 箱原始记录都已重新存库,约占所有司法记录的 40%。
The verification of the hard copy transcripts against the electronic versions is complete for all original transcripts created to date, and the rehousing of all 360 boxes of original transcripts has been completed.
当时,我们曾要求 向会员国提供秘书长特别代表向安理会所作非公开 情况通报的记誊本,目 的是传播信息。
We requested then that the transcripts of the closed-door briefings by the Special Representatives of the Secretary-General to the Council be made available to Member States in the interest of disseminating information.
依照分庭下令采取的保护措施,修改了记誊本,删 去可识别证人或其家庭成员的信息,然后再公布于众。
In accordance with protective measures ordered by the Chambers, transcripts were redacted to expunge identifying information concerning witnesses or their family members prior to the transcripts being made public.
在培养地方收集誊抄/翻译和编本 土 知 识数据能力这个初步 阶段之后,将拟定一个灵活的框架,留下所有权,也就是在原住民社区继续设 [...]
After an initial phase of building local capacities
[...] for the gathering, transcription/translation and compilation [...]
of indigenous knowledge data,
a flexible framework is being set up that leaves the ownership, i.e. the continuing design, planning, and execution of the project in the hands of the indigenous communities, while offering expert backstopping.
美国国会图书馆所收藏的本书出 自南亚或中亚的某地,约创作于 1730 年,是对一份手稿的精誊模, 原手稿是 1417 年 [希吉来历 820 年 ] 为 Samarkand(今乌兹别克斯坦)的兀鲁伯而准备的,但已经丢失。
This copy, from the collections of the Library of
Congress, was produced
[...] somewhere in south or central Asia, circa 1730, and is an exact copy of a manuscript, now lost, prepared for Ulug Beg of Samarkand [...]
(present-day Uzbekistan) in 1417 [820 A.H.].




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