

单词 言语失常症

See also:


aphasia or aphemia (loss of language)


slip of the tongue
indiscreet remark


an aberration
not normal

External sources (not reviewed)

而且,所有活动都用同一语言进行 —— 常 是 律 师、检察官、法官甚至证 人和被告共同使用的语言。
Furthermore, all activities were carried out
[...] in the same language — a language usually shared not only [...]
by counsel, prosecutors and judges,
but also by witnesses and defendants.
主席(以语发言):我 现在请阿拉伯联合酋长常驻代表发言。
The President( spoke in French ): I now give the floor to the Permanent Representative [...]
of the United Arab Emirates.
一些人认为,一个人一失去 了自己语言,就不再能以原本的方式奉行精神信仰。
Some argue that to lose one’s language means one can no [...]
longer practise spirituality as originally given.
对提高对非物质遗产认识的另一项主要贡献是在 2009 年 2 月发布了包括 2 500 多种言 的《濒于失语言分布图》互动版。
Another major contribution to enhancing awareness of intangible heritage is the
interactive edition of the
[...] Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger, including more than 2,500 languages, launched in [...]
February 2009.
(c) 就曾在入院時作臨床推定為感染綜合症,接受綜合症的類固 醇治療,但其後界定為非綜症的 人士 而 言 , 如 他們因綜症接受類固醇治療受影響( 若有的話) ,引起較長遠的後症,而可能令身體出現某程度的機 失 調 ,向他們提供援 助,包括特別恩恤經濟援助( 必須有醫生證明和有確切的經濟 需要)(即附件所指的「曾接受醫治綜合症的類固醇治療的綜 合症『疑似』患者」) 。
(c) assistance, including special ex-gratia financial assistance, for patients who were clinically diagnosed as having SARS on admission, treated
with steroids as
[...] medication for SARS, but turned out subsequently not to have SARS, suffering from longer term effects, attributable to the effects of steroids received (if any), which may result in some degree of physical [...]
dysfunction, subject
to medical proof and financial need, in case this happens.
[...] ㆟士是否自閉或弱智、有精神病或患有某種精 失常症。
SECRETARY FOR SECURITY: Mr President, the training I have just described is not to enable police officers to diagnose or to attempt to diagnose on the spot
whether an individual is autistic or mentally handicapped, mentally ill or suffering from a
[...] specific type of mental disorder.
症是一种因神经系统失调影响到大脑功能而引致的终身发展障碍 症 状 在 三岁前出现,患者多为儿童,分布在许多国家,不分性别、种族或社会经济地位,其特征为社交互动能力 失 、 言语 和 非言语沟通困难,行为、兴趣和活动有限和重复。
It results from a neurological disorder that affects the functioning of the brain, mostly affecting children and adults in many countries irrespective of gender, race or socio-economic status.
焦慮症障礙包括:廣泛性焦慮障礙(GAD)、強迫症(OCD)、恐 症 、 創傷後因壓力而出 失常 ( PTSD)及社交恐 症。
There are several types of anxiety disorders: Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and social phobia.
编列经费 70 000 美元将用于为内部审计司聘请咨询服务,于 2012 年驻地 审计员培训会议期间,提供以下培训:由人力资源管理厅一名顾问支持为期两天
[...] 的团队建设讲习班,和有关数据采样/分析和电脑辅助审计技术使用的培训课程, 所涉题目包括数据操语言、常见数 据格式、数据分析软件导航和数据采集等。
The provision of $70,000 would cover the requirements of the Internal Audit Division to engage consultancy services to deliver the following training courses during the resident auditors’ training conference in 2012: a two-day team-building workshop to be facilitated by an Office of Human Resources Management consultant and a training course on data sampling/analysis and the use of computer-assisted auditing
techniques, covering topics such as
[...] data-manipulation terms, common data formats and [...]
structures, IDEA navigation and data sampling.
尽管存在前述规定,仲裁庭对〔特定的争议种类–用 常 准 确 的 语言 说 明 〕的争议并无管辖权。
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the jurisdiction of the Arbitration Tribunal shall not include
[...] [specify type of dispute with very precise language].
最不发达国家在人的能力发展方面的努力受到以下各方面的影响:贫穷率 高失业现 象严重、人口增长率高、卫生和营养结果差(反映于妇幼发病率和死 亡率高),以及营养不良的沉重负担;传染性疾病的流行,包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、 疟疾、结核病和小儿麻症,以 及日益沉重的非传染性疾病负担。
Efforts at development of human capacities in least developed countries have been affected by high incidence of poverty, mass unemployment, high population growth rates, poor health and nutrition outcomes, as evidenced by high child and maternal morbidity and mortality [...]
rates and the high burden of undernutrition,
the prevalence of communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and polio, and the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.
秘书长(以语发言):我非常高兴 地出席安理会 本次会议,并介绍我关于联合国东帝汶综合特派团 (联东综合团)的报告(S/2009/72)。
It gives me great pleasure to attend this Council meeting and to present my report (S/2009/72) on the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT).
生活中有些担心和紧张是常的, 但是焦 症 带 来 的极端紧张,烦躁,忧虑,沮丧,混乱和绝望,甚 失 眠 , 睡眠不安,磨牙齿,下颌疼痛,无法坐立,都是很痛苦的。
Insomnia, restless sleep, grinding of teeth, jaw pain, an inability to sit still and difficulty coping are common.
工商专业的学生 学语言非常积极 ,其中很多人学习了不止 一门外语。
Especially active are students of business faculties, many of
[...] whom study more than one foreign language.
这些 方面包括有:减少贫困战略文件(PRSPs)指标与各国全民教育指标以及千年发展目标报告 的指标的协调建议;教语言导致失 学 的因素;作为贫困和失学因素的艾滋病毒/艾滋病指 [...]
These include: proposals for the coordination of indicators in PRSPs with those
in national EFA and Millennium
[...] Development Goal reports; language of instruction as [...]
a factor in exclusion from school; indicators
for HIV/AIDS as a factor in both poverty and exclusion from education; gender indicators across all UNESCO domains; and access to ICT, child labour and rural issues.
关于出生地、族裔常用语言的统 计资料,可参阅中国核心文件最新附录 中关于澳门特区的部分。
For statistical data on place of
[...] birth, ethnicity and usual language of the MSAR population; [...]
please refer to the part relating
to the MSAR of the latest addendum of China’s core document.
對於所有精神及行失調的 病症而言,提 高社區識別和及早介入對減低疾病負擔是很重 要的。
For all mental and behavioural disorders, enhanced community [...]
recognition and early intervention are important to reduce the burden of the diseases.
在很多情况下,振兴土著文化和语言,使土著人民为其独 特性感到自豪,可以有助于处理与土著人 失 去 其 文化 语言 相 关 的社会问题。
In many cases, the revitalization of indigenous cultures and languages, instilling pride in indigenous peoples on account of their distinctiveness,
can be beneficial in addressing social problems associated with
[...] indigenous peoples’ loss of their cultures and languages.
全面的診治常重要,這樣,常與 TS 病例同時出現的「過度活症」、 「強 症 」 、 「睡 失 調 」、 「焦症」或「抑鬱症」等等,也可得到診斷治療。
Comprehensive diagnosis and treatment is important, so that any other conditions like ADHD, OCD, sleep disorders, anxiety or depression that are often seen in people with TS can be identified and treated, too.
外耳炎或游泳性耳炎:外耳道皮肤的 症常常 是 由细菌或真菌感染引起,耳道皮肤会肿胀和疼痛,可能还伴有听力 失。
Otits externa
[...] or ‘Swimmer’s ear’: An inflammation of the skin of the external ear, it is often caused from bacterial or fungal infection.
委员会进一步强调,在国内流离失所的情况下,如果流 失 所 儿语言与当地居民的不同,则必须考虑其自己的语言。
The Committee further stresses that, in situations of
[...] internal displacement, the language of displaced children [...]
must be taken into account if it
is different from that of the local population.
擅長治療:頭痛,偏頭痛,神經痛,美尼爾 症 ; 心 律 失常 , 血 管硬化,高血壓,高血脂,冠心病; 傷風感冒,慢性咳嗽,哮喘,濕疹,氣管炎,花粉症,鼻炎,鼻窦炎;口臭,胃液倒流,腹瀉便秘,厭食或消饑善食,胃痛,腹痛,瘦身減肥或增重; [...]
水腫,膀胱炎,前列腺炎; 痛經,月經不調,性功能障礙,不孕不育,婦女更年期症狀;運動引起的身體疼痛,腰酸無力,腰骶痛,風濕關節炎,坐骨神經痛,痛風,頸背痛,五十肩,網球肘和高爾夫球肘等; 此外,對治療抑郁,焦慮,神經緊張,煩躁易怒及癌症病人化療或電療其間之毒副反應舒緩和療後身體調理有獨到見解。
Specializes in headaches, migraines,
neuralgia, neuropathy and Meniere's disease; arythmia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, hyperglyceridemia, angina pectoris, varicose,
[...] cardio-pulmonary disorders; influenza/common cold, chronic cough, [...]
asthma, eczema,
bronchitis, hay fever, rhinitis and sinusitis; bad breath, constipation/diarrhoea, anorexia/obsessive eating, irritative bowel syndrome (IBS) and weight control( loss and gain); oedema, cystitis, nocturnal enuresis, stranguria, prostatitis and renal disorders; dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, irregular period, sexual vitality, infertility and menopause syndrome; sports induced muscular pain, lumbago osteoarthritis, sciatica, gout, shoulder and neck pain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow and golfer's elbow; he also specializes in depression, anxiety, nervousness/restless and anger management; side effect and recuperation management after cancer treatments.
在国家一级,诉讼常只用一种语言 进 行 ,而国 际法庭至少需要使用两种语言,可能需要三种或更多种语言。
At the national level,
[...] proceedings are usually conducted in only one language, whereas before [...]
international courts they
are conducted in at least two and possibly three or more languages.
使软件产品适应不同的语种,并非简单的界面和文档文本翻译,而是一个在整个软件开发生命周期(SDLC)中需要特别关注的系统性流程,包括设计、编码、功能测试、翻译 语言 测 试以 及 常 见 的文化适应性审查。
Adapting a software product to a different language is not simple translation of the interface and documentation text, but is rather a systematic process requiring specific attention throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC),
including design, coding, functional
[...] testing, translation, linguistic testing, and often cultural appropriateness review.
拥有精通当语言的专家非常有用 ,特别是在和小公司打交道时。
Having experts with proficiency in the local language is useful, especially [...]
when dealing with small companies.
与国际术语信息中心(INFOTERM)合作开发一个多 语管理平台的项目已经放弃,但另一项有关录制高加索地区濒临 失语言 的 活 动已经开始实 施。
A beta version of the multilingual content management
platform developed in
[...] collaboration with INFOTERM has been released and activities aimed at recording endangered languages in the Caucasian [...]
region have been launched.
[...] [...] 与行为人之间的共同生活安排,接触的频率助长紧张关系、冲突和虐待行为;社 会隔离,这可以增加家庭压力和降低问题能见度或减少干预机会;受害人或行为 人患失智症,其 粗暴行为和难于相处的症状可以促使照护人实行虐待或报复受 到的虐待;行为人方面的病理学因素,药物滥用,精神疾病或人格障碍可以引起 [...]
These include: shared living arrangements between victim and perpetrator, with the frequency of contact serving to flame tension, conflict and abuse; social isolation, which can increase family stress and decrease
problem visibility or
[...] intervention; dementia on the part of either the victim or perpetrator, with its symptoms of aggressive [...]
and difficult behaviours,
which can foster abuse or retaliation against abuse by the caregiver; and pathology on the part of the perpetrator, where substance abuse, mental illness or personality disorders can provoke anger or frustration and reduce inhibitions for abuse occurrence.
讨论中,联合专家小组成员注意到一份初步研究报告,关于为保护土著言和濒临消失的语言起草 一份国际准则性文书,有关其可行性的技术和法律方面 [...]
的问题,包括教科文组织执行的有关这个问题的方案取得成果情况的研究报告 (181 EX/14 号文件)
和其中的决定草案,请总干事继续跟踪现有准则性文书对保 护语言的影响。
During the discussions, the members of the Joint Expert Group took note of the preliminary study of the technical and legal aspects of a possible international
standardsetting instrument for the
[...] protection of indigenous and endangered languages, including a [...]
study of the outcomes of the programmes
implemented by UNESCO relating to this issue (document 181 EX/14), and the draft decision therein inviting the Director-General to continue monitoring the impact on the protection of languages of existing standard-setting instruments.
[...] 性健康和生殖保健服务,包括熟练助产护理、产科急诊和处理人工流产引起的并 发症等方面的服务,导致孕产妇死亡率和发病率居高不下,包括产科瘘管病发病 率很高,而且造成妊娠和分娩期间的并 症 , 常常 导 致 死亡,尤其是对少妇和少 女
that early pregnancy, early childbearing and limited access to quality, comprehensive, integrated and accessible sexual and reproductive health-care services, including in the area of skilled birth attendance, emergency obstetric care and the management of complications arising from abortion, causes high levels of maternal mortality and morbidity, including a high prevalence of
obstetric fistula, and
[...] furthermore entails complications during pregnancy and childbirth, which often lead to death, [...]
particularly for young women and girls
该组织指 出,这种模棱两可语言常常被用 来对同性而相互同意的成人之间的性行为定为 刑事罪行,该组织并促请文莱达鲁萨兰国撤消这些规定,从而使该国法律符合国 [...]
It noted that
[...] such ambiguous language was often used to criminalize [...]
sexual activity between same-sex consenting adults,
and urged Brunei Darussalam to bring its legislation into conformity with international human rights standards by repealing such provisions.




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