

单词 言行



words and deeds [idiom.]

言行举止 n

demeanourBE n

(言行)粗俗的 adj

coarse adj

External sources (not reviewed)

在同一次会议和9月17日第8 次会议上,阿尔及利亚和摩洛哥代表 言行 使答辩权。
Also at the same meeting, and at the 8th meeting, on 17 September, statements in exercise of the right of reply were made by the representatives of Algeria and Morocco.
还有一项建议提出文件 33
[...] C/5 应包括一项 更加具体的实施和深化《教科文组织世界文化多样性 言 》 行 动 规 划。
A suggestion was also made that document 33 C/5 should
contain a more concrete plan of action for the implementation and pursuit of the
[...] UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity.
应制定和实施关于监狱工作人员行为的明确政策和规章,目的是为女性囚犯 提供最大限度的保护,使之免遭任何基于性别 言行 暴 力、虐待和性骚扰。
Clear policies and regulations on the conduct of prison staff aimed at providing maximum protection for women
prisoners from any gender-based
[...] physical or verbal violence, abuse and sexual harassment shall be developed and implemented.
我呼吁双方在言行中鼓 励克制和相互尊重 的气氛。
I call on all parties to encourage, in their words and actions, an atmosphere of restraint and mutual respect.
也是在同一次会议上,阿拉伯利比亚民众国代表 言行 使 答 辩权。
Also at the same meeting, the representative of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya a
[...] made statement in exercise of the [...]
right of reply.
就上文第 8 段 (c)項言,行政費 用會用作支付審核計算少收的車/ 船費的資訊科技系統的開支、審核實際須發還的款額的開支、為防止 [...]
On item (c) under
[...] paragraph 8 above, the administrative costs are to cater for [...]
the expenditure required for auditing the
information technology systems on calculating the revenue forgone and the actual amount of reimbursement, conducting transport surveys to guard against abuse as well as other expenses necessary for the Scheme.
[...] 报告,包括说明诽谤宗教与不同宗教和不同种族交汇,世界许多地区煽动、不容 忍和仇言行激增 之间的关联以及各国为消除这一现象而采取的步骤(第 [...]
65/224 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit at its sixty-sixth session, a report on the implementation of the present resolution, including the correlation between defamation of religions and the intersection of religion
and race, the upsurge in incitement,
[...] intolerance and hatred in many parts of the [...]
world and steps taken by States to combat
that phenomenon (resolution 65/224).
任何因此而对儿童自由言行的限 制,都不应超出确保有效 保护其免受此种行为伤害的必要限度。
Any consequent constraints on their liberty and conduct should be no more than are strictly necessary to ensure their effective protection from such acts.
[...] 自联合国相关政府间进程所商定的承诺,包括社会发展问题世界首脑会议、人口 与发展问题国际会议、2002 年《马德里老龄问题国际行动计划》、《北京 言行动 纲 要》、《残疾人权利公约》、《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的承诺宣言》、大会第 55/2 号决议通过的《联合国千年宣言》和大会第 [...]
60/1 号决议通过的《2005 年世界首 脑会议成果》。
The strategic direction of the subprogramme derives mainly from the commitments agreed upon at relevant United Nations intergovernmental processes, including the World Summit for Social Development, the International Conference on Population and Development, the Madrid International Plan of
Action on Ageing, 2002,
[...] the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, [...]
the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS,
the United Nations Millennium Declaration adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 55/2 and the 2005 World Summit Outcome adopted by the Assembly in its resolution 60/1.
项,特别是在非洲发展新伙伴关系(NEPAD)(非洲文化问题国家首脑会议(喀土穆,2006 年)
[...] 框架下,包括修正后的《非洲文化复兴宪章》、《非洲世界遗产基金》、《文化产业行动计划》、 《文化产业促进非洲发展的行动计划》和《非洲 言行 动 计 划》)。
Implementation of the Approved Programme and Budget took account of Africa’s priorities in the sphere of culture as set out by the African Union in the context of NEPAD (decisions adopted by the African Heads of States Summit on culture (Khartoum, 2006), including the Revised Charter for the Cultural Renaissance of Africa, the African World Heritage Fund, the Plan of Action for Cultural Industries, the
Action Plan for the Promotion of Cultural Industries for Africa’s
[...] Development and the Language Plan of Action for [...]
按照《 基本法》 第 六十四條的規定,特區政 府必須對立法會負責, 而 特區政 府是 從 多 方 面 向 立法會負責: 就執行法律而言, 特區政 府 切 實執行立 法會通過並已生 效 的法律;就施政 報告言, 行 政長官 每 年 親自 出 席立法會作施政 報告;就徵稅和 公 共 開支而言,財政司司長每 年 提交財政預算案 給 立法會審 議 ;就答覆立法會議員的質詢而 言 ,政務司司長及各 政 策 局局長亦 經 常 出 席立法會會議,不 時 回 答 議員的提問。
In accordance with Article 64 of the Basic Law, the SAR Government must be accountable to the Legislative Council, and the SAR Government is accountable to the Legislative Council in many ways: in respect of implementation of laws, the SAR Government fully implements laws passed by the Council and already in force; in respect of policy addresses, the Chief Executive personally delivers his policy address in the Legislative Council each year; in respect of taxation and public expenditure, the Financial Secretary presents an annual budget to seek the Legislative Council's approval; in respect of answering questions raised by Members of the Council, the Chief Secretary for Administration and Policy Secretaries frequently attend Legislative Council meetings and from time to time answer questions raised by Members of the Council.
小册子言行一致 : 人口基金行动中的道德操守”于 2011 年发布,是人 口基金道德操守办公室为加强道德操守在组织问责内的作用的又一举措。
The booklet “Walking the Talk: Ethics in Action at UNFPA”, which was issued in [...]
2011, was another undertaking by the UNFPA
Ethics Office to reinforce the role of ethics in organizational accountability.
法语社区和弗拉芒语社区有权规定下列三个领域应使用的 言 : 行 政事 务、由政府创建和资助的教育机构、雇主与其员工的社会关系、法律法规规定企 业必须具备的证书和文件。
The French and Flemish communities are empowered to regulate the use of languages in three areas: administrative matters; education in establishments set up and subsidized by public authorities; and employer/employee relations, as well as companies’ legal instruments and documents as required by law.
AWEYS 在担任每一个这些职位时言行都明 确和持续表现出搞垮过渡联邦 政府和用武力把非索特派团赶出索马里的意图。
In each of these positions, AWEYS's statements and actions have demonstrated an unequivocal and sustained intention to dismantle the TFG and expel AMISOM by force from Somalia.
你是否要继续言行使答 辩权,或者你已经发完 言了?
Are you still going on with your statement in exercise of the right of reply, or did you exhaust it?
[...] [...] 法采取认真和协调一致的行动,重新唤起人们对在 1967 年以前边界基础上落实 两国解决办法的憧憬,值此之际,占领国以色列 言行 显 示 ,以色列故意确保上 述努力归于失败,继续肆无忌惮地藐视法治,藐视国际社会的立场和意愿,并选 [...]
At a time when the international community is fully and responsibly focused on promoting an environment conducive to the achievement of a peaceful settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and seeks serious and coordinated action to salvage the prospects for realizing the two-State solution on the basis of the pre-1967 borders,
Israel, the occupying
[...] Power, in word and in deed is demonstrating its deliberate intent to ensure the [...]
failure of these efforts
as it continues to recklessly defy the rule of law and the position and will of the international community and to choose continued occupation and conflict over peace.
以色列必须言行证明,它真 正想要结束 1967 年以来对巴勒斯坦土地的非法占领 [...]
并达成全面和平,使巴勒斯坦人民能够在以东耶路撒 冷为其首都的自己的巴勒斯坦国自由生活,为包括巴 勒斯坦难民在内的人民伸张正义,让以色列和巴勒斯 坦能够毗邻和平共处,以及同区域所有邻国一道繁荣
In word and deed, Israel must prove [...]
that it is serious about ending its military occupation of Palestinian land since 1967
and reaching a comprehensive peace that will allow the Palestinian people to live in freedom in their State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, achieve justice, including for the Palestine refugees, and allow Israel and Palestine to peacefully coexist and thrive side by side, as well as with all our neighbours in the region, ensuring a future of freedom, dignity and security for all of our children.
(d) 根据 1996 年、2001 年和 2008
[...] 年禁止对儿童进行商业性剥削世界会 议通过的《言》、《行动议程》和《全球承诺》以及关于该问题的 [...]
其他国际会议成果,为防止儿童受害并帮助儿童受害者康复和重新融 入社会不断落实适当政策和方案。
(d) Continue to implement appropriate policies and programmes for the prevention, recovery and social
reintegration of child victims, in
[...] accordance with the Declaration and Agenda for [...]
Action and the Global Commitment adopted
at the 1996, 2001 and 2008 World Congresses against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children as well as the outcome of other international conferences on this issue.
言语障碍人士不能有效地与他人沟通,又或由于有言语困难而引致他人对言 行过分 注意,以致影响其学业、情绪和社交方面的发展。
Persons with speech impairment are persons who cannot communicate effectively with others, or whose speech difficulty draws undue attention to their speech acts to such an extent that it affects their academic, emotional and social developments.
言行 上,以色列显然执意要违反《日内瓦第四公约》,在 [...]
实地制造既成事实,从而非法地、人为地改变巴勒斯 坦被占领土特别是东耶路撒冷的人口组成、特性和地 位,使情况对其有利,并破坏巴勒斯坦人的各方面生 活,对平民百姓无论是西岸还是加沙地带的平民百姓
In word and deed, it is apparent [...]
that Israel is bent on breaching the Fourth Geneva Convention and creating facts on the
ground that illegally and artificially alter in its favour the demographic composition, character and status of the occupied Palestinian territory, especially in and around East Jerusalem — facts on the ground that impair all aspects of Palestinian life, imposing constant humiliation and hardship on the civilian population, whether in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip.
麻委会第五十一届会议审议了《执行主任关于世界毒品问题的第五期报告》 (E/CN.7/2008/2 和
[...] Add.1-6),其中列入了尤其是落实《实施减少毒品需求指 导原则言行动计划》的情况。
At its fifty-first session, the Commission considered the fifth report of the Executive Director on the world drug problem (E/CN.7/2008/2 and Add.1-6), which included
the follow-up on, inter alia, the Action Plan for the
[...] Implementation of the Declaration on the Guiding [...]
Principles of Drug Demand Reduction.
他是一名伊玛目,也是研究费格赫教律和圣训(先知穆罕默德及其同伴的传教、立 言行 录 ) 的专家。
He was an imam and expert in the principles of fiqh and of hadith (the body of
[...] traditions relating to the Prophet Muhammad).
防治工作場所性騷擾,確保兩性工作 平 權 , 除 於 工 作 規 則 中 明 訂 相 關 規 範,並於公司內部網站公告相關法令 暨申訴管道,以規範員工在工作場所言行舉止
The Company is actively disseminating information on related laws and procedures for filing complaints on sexual harassment in its intranet to serve as a guideline for employees.
The senior managers need to set the right tone at the top, by “walking the talk”.
道德操守办公室依赖广泛的 交流形式,将道德操守纳入 2011 年组织议程,这包括:面对面的道德操守培训 和情况通报会;强制性道德操守在线培训;出版题为 言行 一 致 :人口基金行动 中的道德操守”的小册子;以及利用道德操守办公室网站。
The Ethics Office relied on a range of communication modalities to keep ethics on the 2011 organizational agenda, including face-to-face ethics training and briefing sessions; mandatory online training on ethics; publication of the booklet “Walking the Talk: Ethics in Action at UNFPA”; and use of the Ethics Office website.
(c) 请缔约国参照先后于1996年、2001年和2008 年在斯德哥尔摩、横滨 和里约热内卢举行的第一届、第二届和第三届禁止儿童的性剥削世界大会通过的 《言》、《行动纲 领》及《全球承诺》有效实施《任择议定书》的所有条款。
Protocol taking into account the Declaration and Agenda for Action and the Global Commitment adopted at the First, Second and Third World Congresses against Sexual Exploitation of Children held in Stockholm, Yokohama and Rio de Janeiro in 1996, 2001 and 2008 respectively.
虽然采矿业声称将建立管理制度和政策框架,以遵守全球标准并改善报告制 度、更好地承担社会责任和进一步推广可持续的科学采矿做法,但它们尚 言行 一致地采取充分实地行动。
While there are claims to significantly establish management systems and policy frameworks to comply with global standards and to improve reporting, social responsibility and the promotion of scientific and sustainable mining, the extractive industry has yet to match its pronouncements with sufficient action on the ground.
规定不受欢迎的性行为包括(直接的或暗示的)身体行为和勾引、性交要求或请 求、淫秽语言、展示色情图片、海报或涂鸦以及任何其他不受欢迎的与性有关的身 体、语言或非言行为。
Provide that unwelcome sexually determined behaviour includes (whether directly or by implication) physical conduct and advances; a demand or request for sexual favours; sexually coloured remarks; displaying sexually explicit pictures, posters or graffiti; and any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.
我們的目標是與家長攜手合作,藉著身教和言教,讓每個孩子都懂得如何與別人溝通交往,並言行得體 ,彼此尊重,建立良好關係。
Our goal is to work with families to teach and model for our students, appropriate and respectful interactions with each other so that every child understands how to communicate effectively and how to build positive relationships with the greater school community.
新生们也在药剂学系系院长Associate Prof Dr Tey Kim Kuan的受促下,叮咛他们在宣誓后必须时刻提醒自己,无论是在校园中 言行 举 止以及课业上都必须符合专业精神,甚至在假期中也必须遵守约章。
The new students were reminded by Associate Prof Dr Tey Kim Kuan, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, that by professing this pledge, they must strive to behave professionally and be responsible in their study and their actions at all time, including during holidays and semester breaks.




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