

单词 言符其实

See also:



External sources (not reviewed)

会上还提到,言虽然 具有没有约束力的性质,但它是 符其实 的 准 则性文件,它所含的条 款,各国都是要承诺执行的。
It was pointed out that a declaration, albeit non-binding in nature, was a standard-setting [...]
instrument in its own right,
setting out the provisions that States undertake to implement.
[...] 地看到各机构利益相关方、民间社会和私营部门的积 极参与和贡献,它们本着《蒙特雷共识》和《发展筹 资问题多哈言》的精神开展了一次 符其实 的 互动 式对话。
I am also pleased by the active participation and contributions of the institutional stakeholders, civil society and the private sector who engaged in a
truly interactive dialogue in the spirit of the
[...] Monterrey Consensus and the Doha Declaration on Financing for Development.
我谨十分满意地指出,会员国和发展筹资 进程中其他利益相关者本着《蒙特雷共识》和《发展 筹资问题多哈言》的 精神,开展了一次 符其实的 互动讨论。
I would like to state with great satisfaction that Member States and other stakeholders in the financing for development process have engaged in a
truly interactive dialogue, in the spirit of the
[...] Monterrey Consensus and the Doha Declaration on Financing for Development.
因此,尽 管有关深海海底采矿业早期先例的结果令人失望,而且一般 言 采 矿 业的风险很 高,但是海洋采矿业最终有可能会 符其实 地 取 代陆地采矿。
Thus, despite the disappointing results of the early precedents for a deep seabed mining industry, and the highly risk-averse nature of the mining sector in general, there is potential for a marine mineral mining industry to emerge as a genuine alternative to land-based mining.
(b) 《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第一条第 3 款中提及的 保留特定非自治领土,与《联合国宪章》及联合国就“赋予殖 民地国家和人民独立”通过的文件 符 , 其 中包括,联合国大 会在 1970 年第 2625 (XXV)号决议中通过的《关于各国依〈联 合国宪章〉建立友好关系和合作的国际法原则 言 》 , 其 中正 式宣布,各国有义务促实现各 民族平等权利及自决权之原 则,以迅速铲除殖民主义。
(b) The maintenance in a state of dependence of certain territories referred to in article 1 (3) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations and the instruments adopted by the Organization on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples, including the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the
Charter of the United
[...] Nations, adopted unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 2625 (XXV) of 1970, which solemnly proclaims the duty of States to promote the realization of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples in order to [...]
bring a speedy end to colonialism.
工作组仍将致力于协助各国确保其法规其他措施符合《宣言》, 在这方面向它们提供专门知识。
The Working Group remains committed to assisting States in
ensuring that their legislation and other
[...] measures are in conformity with the Declaration, by providing [...]
their expertise in this regard.
(g) 确保尊重意见和言论自由、集会和结社自由、确保新的《劳工组织 法》和《和平示威和集会法》实施 符 合国际标准;就新的新闻与出版物法草 案,与民间社会和媒体专业人员等利益攸关者进行磋商确 其符 合 意见 和 言 论自 由权利和国际标准
(g) Ensure respect for the freedoms of opinion and expression,
assembly and association,
[...] and that the implementation of the new Labour Organization Law and Peaceful Demonstration and Gathering Law is consistent with international standards; and consult with relevant stakeholders, such as civil society and media professionals, on the new draft press and publications law to ensure that it is consistent with the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and international [...]
机构间支助土著人民问题小组应采取主动行动,加强政府官员的能力,使他 们了解土著人民的权利、知识和管理制度,制定 实 施 符 合 国际人权标准的森林 政策,其是符合《 联合国土著人民权利 言 》 的 政策。
The Inter-agency Support Group on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues should undertake initiatives to strengthen the capacity of Government officials to understand the rights, knowledge and governance systems of
indigenous peoples and to
[...] develop and implement forest-related policies that are consistent with international human rights standards, in particular, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights [...]
of Indigenous Peoples.
我们亦在《政制发展绿皮书》中表明,就个别司法管辖区 言 , 在 符 合国 际上对“普选”概念的一般理解之余,也可因应人民的特别需要和诉求,社会经 济的独特情况,以及有关地方的历史 实 而 发 展 其 选 举 制度。
We have also stated in the Green Paper on Constitutional Development that as far as an individual
jurisdiction is
[...] concerned, while conforming to the general international understanding of universal suffrage, it can also develop its electoral system having regard to the particular needs and aspirations of its people, the uniqueness of its socio-economic situation, and its historical realities.
创建新网页并实其符合准则涉及额 外工作及至少多 20%的额外制作时间。
The additional efforts necessary to create the new pages and to validate them against the standards have required additional production time, which has increased by at least 20 per cent.
其实,就(h)项中提及的评审标准言 , 此 类采购的重点是放在 下述几个方面的:服务提供商执行特定任务的经验、对所涉任务的理解程度以 [...]
及所提出的方法的质量、所推荐的关键人员的资质、知识转让(如果此种转让 与采购有关或者是任务说明的某一具体的部分),以及关键人员中本国国民参与
[...] in the context of evaluation criteria referred to in subparagraph [...]
(h), the emphasis in this type of procurement
will be placed on the service-provider’s experience for the specific assignment, the quality of the understanding of the assignment under consideration and of the methodology proposed, the qualifications of the key staff proposed, transfer of knowledge, if such transfer is relevant to the procurement or is a specific part of the description of the assignment, and when applicable, the extent of participation by nationals among key staff in the performance of the services.
(C) 於所有適用法律、規則及規例之管制及准許之範圍內及按以下規定取得
[...] 所有必需之同意(如有)之情況下,倘向任何人士以條例並無禁止之方式寄送源自本公司 有關財務文件及屬於適用法律、規則及規例所規定格式並載有當中所規定資料之財務報告 概要而非有關財務文件,即就該人士 言 將 被 視為 符 合 本細則第(B)段之規定,惟倘 有權獲取本公司有關財務文件之任何人士按照條例及所 其 他 適用法律、規則及規例 向本公司發出書面通知提出要求,則該人士除財務報告概要之外並可要求獲寄送本公 司有關財務文件之完整印刷本。
(C) To the extent permitted by and subject to due compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and to obtaining all necessary consents, if any, required thereunder, the requirements in paragraph (B) of this Article shall be deemed satisfied in relation to any person by sending to the person in any manner not prohibited by the Ordinance and instead of a copy of the Relevant Financial Documents, a summary financial report derived from the Relevant Financial Documents which shall be in the form and containing the information
required by applicable
[...] laws, rules and regulations, provided that any person who is otherwise entitled to the Relevant Financial Documents may, if he so requires and in accordance with the Ordinance and all other applicable [...]
laws, rules and regulations,
by notice in writing served on the Company, demand that the Company sends to him, in addition to a summary financial report, a complete printed copy of the Relevant Financial Documents.
因此,在决定被贩运儿童是否应参与刑事诉讼时,应谨慎权衡利弊, 以确其决定确实符合儿 童的最大利益。
Thus, in determining whether a trafficked child should be involved in criminal proceedings, the benefits of such involvement should be carefully
weighed against any negative consequences in order to
[...] ensure that it is indeed in the best interests of the particular child.
有些人被解雇,作为早期基督教的吸积这apocatyptic注意,但许多学者认为新台币作为一个深刻的神学 实 世 界 末日的 言符 号。
Some have dismissed this apocatyptic note as an early
Christian accretion, but many NT scholars have viewed the
[...] apocalyptic language as symbolic of a profound theological reality.
就方法论言,有人建议,应考虑将条款草案重组为五个部分的可能性: 第一部分应确定该条款草案的范围和规定“驱逐”的含义;第二部分提出如果要 在国际范围内以合法方式进行驱逐所必 符 合 的 实 质 性条件;第三部分应该包括 程序事项;第四部分可能包含涉及遭受驱逐者财产的有关规定;第五部分则专门 讨论过境国和目的地国的法律义务。
As far as methodology was concerned, it was suggested that consideration should be given to the possibility of reorganizing the draft articles in
five parts:
[...] a first part should determine the scope of the draft articles and define “expulsion”; the second might set forth the substantive conditions that had to be met if expulsion were to be internationally lawful; a third part should cover procedural matters; a fourth part might contain [...]
provisions concerning
the property of the expelled person; and a fifth part might be devoted to the legal obligations of the States of transit and destination.
考虑到土著人民权利长期受到侵犯,以及该言实施过程中遇到的困难,罗马教廷代表重申,承 认人的神圣并促进人权在促进土著人民发展过程中 非常重要,需要加倍努力,帮助土著人民决 符合 他们传统的生活方式。
Given the ongoing violations of indigenous peoples’ rights and the problems that had been experienced in the implementation of the Declaration, he reaffirmed that recognition of the dignity of each person and the promotion of [...]
human rights played an essential role in
promoting indigenous peoples’ development and that efforts should be redoubled to help those peoples shape their life according to their own traditions.
联合国系统各组织的立法机关应通过关于职业安全和健康问题的适当标准, 要考虑到并确其符合最低实务安保标准新的修订。
The legislative bodies of United Nations system organizations should adopt appropriate standards with regard to Occupational Safety and Health issues, taking into account and ensuring compatibility with emerging modifications to the Minimum Operating Safety and Security Standards.
通过对宗教的诽谤和否定、刻板地描绘宗教或 种族是最坏的种族主义形式之一 其实 践 者 可以在 表达言论自 由的掩护下,无视国际约定的标准, 损害不同宗教信奉者的人权却不受惩罚,巴基斯坦 对此表示遗憾。
Pakistan regretted that practitioners of one of the worst forms of racism, the incitement to racial and religious hatred through the denigration of religions and negative stereotypes of religions or races, could take refuge behind freedom of expression and opinion to attack with impunity the rights of persons professing a different religion, disregarding accepted international standards.
2006 年 7 月 19 日,安 全理事会主席发表了一份说明(S/2006/507),其附件 中载有一系列寻求更新和调整工作方法的某些领域 以使其符合现实需要的规定。
On 19 July 2006, the President of the Security Council issued a note (S/2006/507), whose annex contained a series of provisions seeking to update and modernize some areas of the working methods.
加强各项行动的跨部门性,其看作 是开展和落实本组织有关非洲的倡议或计 划,实符合全 球重点非洲项目成果的跨部门行动的一项措施。
Strengthening of intersectorality as an approach to development and to the implementation of the
Organization’s initiatives for Africa or
[...] planning and implementation of intersectoral activities consistent with the results of Global Priority Africa.
法院提出咨询意见的适当性——对法院司法职能完整性的尊重——寻求咨询 意见的轻率请求——以法院取代安全理事会行 使 其 政 治 责任——向法院所提问题 的范围和含义——联合国管理下的领土通过独立 言 是 否 符 合 国 际法——单方面 宣布独立者的身份——安全理事会僵局的后果——对国际法中“沉默”的解释 ——特别法和 一般国际法——科索沃特派团订立的《宪法框架》。
Propriety of the Court giving an advisory opinion ⎯ Respect for the integrity of the Court’s judicial function ⎯ Frivolous requests for advisory opinions ⎯ Substitution of the Court for
the Security Council
[...] in exercising its political responsibilities ⎯ Scope and meaning of the question put to the Court ⎯ Accordance with international law of the declaration of independence [...]
adopted in the context
of a territory under United Nations administration ⎯ Identity of the authors of the unilateral declaration of independence ⎯ Consequences of the stalemate in the Security Council ⎯ Interpretation of “silence” in international law ⎯ Lex specialis and general international law ⎯ Constitutional Framework established by UNMIK.
认识到有必要修订《仲裁规则》,使 其符 合 国 际贸易现行做法,适应过去三 十年仲实践发生的变化
Recognizing the need for revising the
[...] Arbitration Rules to conform to current practices in international trade and to meet changes that have taken place over the last thirty years in arbitral practice
(a) 专家小组决心保其言论的最大实 性 , 并确保遵守安全理事会关于制 裁的一般性问题非正式工作组 2006 [...]
年报告(S/2006/997)提出的标准,即依靠经 核实为真实的文件、具体的证据和专家的现场观察,包括在可能时进行拍照。
(a) The Panel is determined to maintain the
[...] utmost fidelity in its assertions, and to ensure compliance [...]
with the standards recommended
by the Informal Working Group of the Security Council on General Issues of Sanctions in its report (S/2006/997), which is to rely on verified, genuine documents and concrete evidence and on-site observations by the experts, including taking photographs, wherever possible.
部长级论坛在其第一届会上最终通过了《关于在亚洲发展交通运输的 曼谷言》,其中提 供了一个用以推进开展区域合作以支持社会-经济发展 的明确框架,其中包括努实现关 于建立一套国际综合性多式联运及物流 系统的构想。
The first session of the Forum
culminated in the adoption
[...] of the Bangkok Declaration on Transport Development in Asia, which provides a clear framework for promoting regional cooperation in support of socio-economic development, including the realization of the long-term [...]
vision of an international
integrated intermodal transport and logistics system.
在 4 月 21 日和 22 日第 5 和 6 次会议上,论坛审议了议程项目 4“人权: (a)《联合国土著人民权利言》实施 情 况”;(b) 与土著人人权和基本自由状 况特别报告员其他特别报告员对话。
At its 5th and 6th meetings, on 21 and 22 April, the Forum considered agenda item 4, “Human rights:
(a) Implementation of the
[...] United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; (b) Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people and other special rapporteurs”.
我们还愉快地欢迎孟加拉国外交部长迪布·莫尼女士阁下,感谢她所作的全 面而重要的言,其中重 申孟加拉国将致力于消除大规模毁灭性武器,尤其是核 武器,并在此基础实现全 世界的和平与安全。
We are also pleased to welcome Her Excellency Ms. Dipu Moni, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh, and to thank her for her comprehensive and important statement, confirming the commitment of Bangladesh to establishing peace and security throughout the world based on the elimination of weapons of mass destruction, in particular nuclear weapons.
秘书处还指出,就该企业技术转换活动的供资资格 言 , 符 合 供资条件的消费量将 不会超过 1.8 ODP 吨,如果按照泡沫塑料行业每千克 7.83 美元的成效计算,将会导致符 合供资条件的最高供资数额为 130,761 美元,外加额外供资 25%,如果该企业使用低全球 升温潜能值替代实施技术转换活动。
The Secretariat also indicated that as far as funding eligibility for the conversion of the enterprise is concerned, the consumption eligible for funding would not be more than 1.8 ODP tonnes, which, if calculated at the cost-effectiveness of US $7.83/kg for the foam sector will result in a maximum eligible funding of US $130,761 plus an additional 25 per cent if the enterprise uses a low-GWP alternative for the conversion.
大会第 64/259 号决议第 13 至 18 段强调须建立并全面实施促进各级机构和 个人问责的符其实、有成效、有效率的机制;请秘书长:分析他提议的人力资 源管理改革措施对个人问责制的影响;根据该决议第 8 段所述问责制的定义提出 具体和全面的措施,以加强秘书处各级的个人问责制;进一步改进管理人员评价 [...]
The General Assembly, in paragraphs 13 to 18 of its resolution 64/259, emphasized the importance of
establishing and fully
[...] implementing real, effective and efficient mechanisms that foster institutional and personal accountability at all levels and requested [...]
the Secretary-General
to: analyse the impact of his proposed human resources management reform measures on personal accountability; propose concrete and comprehensive measures to strengthen personal accountability at all levels within the Secretariat, based on the definition of accountability outlined in paragraph 8 of the same resolution; further improve the managers’ evaluation system; clearly identify the critical linkages between institutional and personal accountability through the senior managers’ compacts, and the performance appraisal system of all staff below the level of Assistant Secretary-General; and establish proper accountability mechanisms for underperformance at all levels.
敦促加拿大政府放弃就实施努纳武特地区创建和运作的规定提起的诉讼,因 为这种诉讼与《联合国土著人民权利宣言》的规定,特别是强调会员国庄严宣布 《宣言》是“本着合作伙伴和相互尊重的精神争 实 现 的 标准”的 言 措 辞符。
The Government of Canada is urged to dispense with the litigation concerning the implementation of the provisions for the creation and functioning of Nunavut as it is inconsistent with the provisions of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, in particular the
preambular language emphasizing the fact that Member States
[...] solemnly proclaimed the Declaration as “a standard of achievement to be pursued in a spirit of partnership and mutual respect”.




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