单词 | 言明 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 言明—state clearly明言—say clearly pronounced pronounce argue clearly Examples:不言自明—self-evident; needing no explanation [idiom.] 冰炭不言,冷热自明—ice or coals, whether hot or cold goes without saying (idiom); fig. sincerity is not expressed in words
专项委任代表联合宣言明确提出对阻碍公众获取信息的 人进行制裁。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Joint Declarationspecifically [...] refers to sanctions for those who obstruct access. unesdoc.unesco.org |
1993年大会关于消除对妇女的暴力行为宣言“明确而全面的定义对妇女的暴力行为和明确说明适用的权利,以确保消除暴力侵害妇女的一切形式。 un.org | The 1993 [...] General AssemblyDeclaration on theElimination [...]of Violence against Women contained “a clear and comprehensive [...]definition of violence against women [and] a clear statement of the rights to be applied to ensure the elimination of violence against women in all its forms”. un.org |
如所言明的,该决议加剧了这些重要 法律机构如何适用于一系列实际情况方面的法律不 确定性。 daccess-ods.un.org | As worded, the resolution contributed to legaluncertainty about how those important bodies of law applied to an array of factual circumstances. daccess-ods.un.org |
这对国家的未来,世界上也发挥了重要作用,在希腊和罗马的思想是从Sibyls的预言明显。 mb-soft.com | That the future of nations and the world also played an important role in Greek and Roman thought is [...] evident from the prophecies oftheSibyls. mb-soft.com |
北京宣言》 明确规定了这一点,其中申明“在持续的经济增长、社会发展、环境保护和社会 正义的基础上消灭贫穷,需要妇女参加经济和社会发展、男女有平等的机会并作 [...] 为推动者和受益者充分和平等地参加以人为中心的可持续发展”。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is made clear in the BeijingDeclaration,whichaffirms [...] that the “[e]radication of poverty based on sustained economic [...]growth, social development, environmental protection and social justice requires the involvement of women in economic and social development, equal opportunities and the full and equal participation of women and men as agents and beneficiaries of people-centred sustainable development”. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,对于如何解释合同所述的有关机器必须具备的具体特点,法院认为, 《销售公约》第 8.1 条采用解释规则或解释的主观标准的目的是分辨缔结合同的 当事一方的实际意图——而无需甚至还要进行心理调查—这样,如果合同条款 很明确,便有义务遵守其字面意思,任何当事方均不能声称应以其未言明的愿望为准。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, as regards the interpretation of the contract where it concerned the specific features that the machine in question was required to have, the Court held that the aim of article 8.1 of CISG in introducing the rule or subjective criterion of interpretation was to discern the real intent of a contracting party — without going so far as a psychological investigation — so that, if the terms of the contract were clear, there was an obligation to abide by the literal meaning, without either party being able to claim that its unstated wishes should prevail. daccess-ods.un.org |
各政府有责任在“市场无法为包括最贫穷和被边缘化程度最深的人群在内的 [...] 所有人创造他们可借以行使其全部人权的条件时”实施干预。76 尽管咨询文件 并未言明,但有理由说英国法律的最终目的是帮助重债穷国创造实现其公民的基 [...]本权利和发展权所需的必要条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | Governments have a responsibility to intervene “when markets fail to create the conditions in which all people, including the poorest and most marginalized, can exercise the full range of their [...] human rights”.76 Although the [...] consultation paperdoes not explicitlystateso,it can [...]be argued that the British legislation [...]is ultimately intended to help HIPCs create the necessary conditions for the realization of the basic rights of their citizens and the right to development. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿斯纳塔最后宣言》明确地肯定欧安组织文 书的所有方面,同时包括旨在进一步加强和扞卫欧安 组织的全面、合作和不可分割的安全概念的遗产的明 [...] 确任务,包括开始制定一项行动计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | The AstanaFinal Declaration unequivocallyconfirms all dimensions [...] of the OSCE acquis, and includes clear tasks aimed at [...]further strengthening and defending the OSCE’s legacy of a comprehensive, cooperative and indivisible concept of security, including by starting to work on an action plan. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴厘全球论坛通过了一项宣言“巴厘精神”,宣言明确阐述了该网络的目标:“我们 参加全球论坛‘和平的力量-通过传播与信息建设和平’(巴厘,2007 年 1 月 21-23 日)的 代表(…)呼吁教科文组织探索创建创新机制的途径,通过媒体和信息与传播技术,促进和 平。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Global Forum in Bali adopted [...] a declaration, The Spirit of Bali, in which the objective of the network is clearlylaid out:“We, [...]the participants of the [...]Global Forum, Power of Peace – Building Peace through Communication and Information, Bali, 21-23 January 2007, … call upon UNESCO to explore the ways forward for the creation of an innovative mechanism to promote peace through media and ICTs. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因为每个保险计划均不同,它们的条件错综复杂,所以要具体言明颇有困难。 familyvoicesofca.org | Because each plan varies and their terms are so intricate, it is difficult to be specific. familyvoicesofca.org |
宣言》明确指出,发展是一个多方面综合的进程,其目的是“在全体人民和所有个人积极、自由和有意义地参与发展”及由此产生的好处“得到公平分配的基础上,改善全体人民和所有个人的福利。 un.org | The Declaration clearly states that development [...] is a comprehensive process aiming to improve “the well-being of the entire [...]population and of all individuals on the basis of their active, free and meaningful participation in development and in the fair distribution” of the resulting benefits. un.org |
该仪式产生的《上海宣言》明确表达了支持国际合作打击毒品的政治共 识和意愿。 daccess-ods.un.org | The resulting ShanghaiDeclaration affirmed the consensus [...] and political will for drugcontrol cooperation. daccess-ods.un.org |
宣言》明确表示,自决包括土着人民有权为促进其经济、社会和文化发展 而自由开展工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | TheDeclaration makes it clearthatself-determination [...] embraces the right of indigenous peoples to work freely for their [...]own economic, social and cultural development. daccess-ods.un.org |
13 这些说法虽然的确因此为如何解决此种局 面提供了某种指导,但对于保留的安排在何种程度上适用于此类情况却远远未能言明。 daccess-ods.un.org | It should be noted that the commentaries to this guideline in the relevant report of the International Law Commission as well as the thirteenth report of the Special Rapporteur establish that “A divergence of views between the States or international organizations concerned can be resolved only through the intervention of an impartial third party with decision-making authority”.13 While they do therefore provide some indication of how the situation could be resolved, they nevertheless provide too little clarity on the degree to which the arrangements for reservations actually apply in such cases. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009 年在挪威举行的第四届 世界驯鹿牧民大会通过的《凯于图凯努宣言》23明确指出,俄罗斯联邦应制订联 邦驯鹿放牧法,为鹿放牧权利权、牧场保护和驯鹿所有权等问题作出规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Kautokeino Declaration23 adopted by the 4th World Reindeer [...] Herders’ Congress held in Kautokeino, [...] Norway, in2009 expresses explicitlythe need for a [...]federal law in the Russian Federation [...]on reindeer husbandry, addressing reindeer herding rights, the protection of pastures and the ownership of reindeer. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,丢弃人类所有的 猜想,在预言之光和明确的成就中去阅读 理解预言,我们就会不断靠近神圣真理的 源泉;我们还要把上帝说过曾要密封的预言 明明地写在版上,因此,那些预言虽然在这 个时代结束前不能被理解,但是,他给了我 们到那时会理解的保证。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | Therefore, discarding all human inventions, we keep close to the fountain of divine truth, endeavoring to read prophecy in the light of prophecy and its manifest fulfilment; and to make plain upon tables that which God said would be sealed up, and which therefore could not beunderstood before this time of the end, but of which he gave assurance that it should then be understood. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
联合国反腐败公约》的序言明确阐述贪腐破坏法治、 民主体制与人类的基本自由、威胁国家的稳定与发展,以及损害自由贸易与公平 竞争。此外,贪腐也会降低投资和融资水平及其效用,尤其是在经济环境较差的 社会。 wolfsberg-principles.com | In addition, the level and efficacy of investment and financing are reduced, particularly within economically disadvantaged societies. wolfsberg-principles.com |
4.2.8 总括而言,明挖回填式隧道是香港会议展览中心以西、穿 过香港会议展览中心水道、沿湾仔海岸以及穿过铜锣湾避 风塘路段时实际可行的建造主干道方式。 devb.gov.hk | 4.2.8 In summary, cut-and-cover tunnel construction is considered to be the practical and feasible form of construction for implementation of the Trunk Road at the west of the HKCEC, through the HKCEC water channel, along the Wan Chai shoreline and through the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter. devb.gov.hk |
英国伦敦此次第三度主办奥运,2005年时,伦敦清楚言明,要藉由奥运创造城市深远影响,除了使用知名既有场馆,也决定改造250公顷的废弃污染区域,做为奥运公园之用,有些人表示,未来数十年内,随着公园与周遭社区一步步融入城市,才可能逐渐感受到後续影响。 thisbigcity.net | Alongside the use of iconic existing venues such as Lords, the O2, Wembley Stadium and Wimbledon, London made the decision to convert an abandoned and contaminated 250 hectare site in one of the most deprived parts of the city into the Olympic Park. thisbigcity.net |
申明「盼望的缘 由」就是尝试言說那不可言明与含混之盼望, 此为使徒保羅所总结为︰「无可指 [...] 望中的指望」(羅 4:18), 而齐克果则称之为「荒谬之盼望」。 stephenchanweb.org | (NRSV) The “accounting for the hope” is an [...] effort tounderstand the ineffable and elusive [...]hope as summarized by the apostle Paul [...]as “hope against hope” (Romans 4:18) and described by Kierkegaard as “absurd logic. stephenchanweb.org |
那麽若果本局现在只要求「公开谘询」公众意见,而政府又㆒早明言已有进行谘询公众工作,我们今日又可期望得到些甚麽实质效果呢? legco.gov.hk | Hence, what actual effect can we expect if this Council only demand for [...] "public consultation" today while the Government has [...] already made itclear thatsuch consultation [...]has been carried out? legco.gov.hk |
应规定尊重法治、在法律面前平等和人 人获得经济、社会和文化权利,并应保证各种各样的媒体存在,表明言论自由得 到尊重。 daccess-ods.un.org | It should provide for the respect of the rule of law, equality before the law and equal access to economic, social and cultural [...] rights for everyone, and should guarantee a great variety [...] of media, indicating that freedom ofexpression isrespected. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,条文中没有明言,而只是暗指:安全理事会授权国家或国际组织,在把一些力量链接到联 合国的指控链的范围以外采取必要措施时,不能把国家或国际组织的军事力量的 行为归于联合国。 daccess-ods.un.org | For instance, the articles do not say, but only imply, that conduct of military forces of States or international organizations is not attributable to the United Nations when the Security Council authorizes States or international organizations to take necessary measures outside a chain of command linking those forces to the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们已写明是不得 ─ (i) [...] 以未成年人士为目标;(ii) 夸大赢 取金钱的可能性;或(iii)明言或暗示投注於赛马是收入的来源,或是克服财 [...]务困难的可行方法。 legco.gov.hk | It is expressly stated that such activity shall not (i) target [...] juveniles; (ii) exaggerate the likelihood of [...] winning;or (iii) expresslyorimpliedly suggest [...]that betting on horse races is a source [...]of income or a viable way to overcome financial difficulties. legco.gov.hk |
工发组织想方设法(通过工发组织阿比让办事处和臭氧事务干事)获得 COPACI 的反 馈,可只在 2006 年 10 月 18 日, 工发组织的国家代表才见到 COPACI 的技术主任;技术 主任明言,COPACI 没有受到充分教育的技术人员可以派往联合王国。 multilateralfund.org | Despite UNIDO’s attempts to obtain feedback from COPACI (through UNIDO’s Office in Abidjan and the Ozone Officer), it was only on 18 October 2006 that UNIDO’s country representative met with the technical Director of COPACI, who indicated that COPACI did not have sufficiently educated technical staff to send to the United Kingdom. multilateralfund.org |
以785个成功个案计,调查显示(见表一),超过九成的游行者明言上街是为了争取分别在2007年和2008年直选特首和全部立法会议员。 hkupop.hku.hk | Based on the 785 successful cases, the survey shows that more than 90% of the marchers avowedthat they took to the street in order to fight for the direct election of the Chief Executive and all legislators in 2007 and 2008 respectively (See Table 1). hkupop.hku.hk |
况且,基本法明言,特首的产生办法最终要达至「由一个有广泛代表性的提名委员会按民主程序提名後普选产生的目标」。 hkupop.hku.hk | Moreover, according to the Basic Law, theultimate aim of the selection of the CE is "by universal suffrage upon nomination by a broadly representative nominating committee in accordance with democratic procedures". hkupop.hku.hk |
委员会关切地注意到有报告表明言论自由遭到侵犯,其中包括对新闻记者 进行攻击,关闭新闻发表站,而且马达加斯加的民众,特别是儿童,通过媒体获 得信息的机会很少。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee notes with concern reports of infringements on freedom of expressionincluding attacks on journalists and closing down of media outlets in conjunction with information that the population of Madagascar, in particularly its children, have very limited access to information through media. daccess-ods.un.org |