单词 | 触控萤幕 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 触控荧幕—touch paneltouchscreenExamples:触控式荧幕—touchscreen See also:荧幕n—screenn 荧幕—screen (of a TV, computer etc)
此 外,新 一 代 的 操 作 平 台 备有触 控 萤 幕界面,或 会 提高市场对相关产品的需求。 cre8ir.com | In addition, the introduction of upgraded operating systems with touchscreen interface may also [...] increase demand for touchactivated monitors. cre8ir.com |
您可以从扫瞄机的触控萤幕覆写列印或注释。 graphics.kodak.com | Printing or annotation may be overridden from the scanner’s touchscreen. graphics.kodak.com |
新的爱特梅尔maXTouch mXT540S控制器具有540个节点,可为最大达7英寸的触控萤幕提供高性能的电容式感测功能。 ipress.com.hk | Featuring 540 nodes, the new Atmel maXTouch mXT540S provides high-performance capacitive sensing for touchscreens up to 7 inches. ipress.com.hk |
您可以从扫瞄机的触控萤幕覆写前缘偏移。 graphics.kodak.com | The offset from the lead edge may be overridden from the scanner’s touchscreen. graphics.kodak.com |
去 年,集 团 推 出 了 超 过 六 百 个 个 人 电 脑 监 视 器 [...] 及 液 晶电视的新型号,当中包括配备触控萤幕及3D技术、 超薄及无边设计等的新产品。 cre8ir.com | Last year, it launched [...] more than600 new PC monitor and LCD TV models, [...]including some equipped with touchscreen and 3D technology, [...]and ultra-slim and borderless design models. cre8ir.com |
是的,AMT 提供多款触控面板标准品能够相容於 3M 的 4、8 线触控萤幕和ELO 的 5 线式触控萤幕,如有需求请与我们的业务连系。 amtouch.com.tw | AMT provides [...] many standard touch screens compatible with 3M 4- and 8-wire touch screens, as well as ELO 5-wire touch screen, please contact [...]to Sales for detailed information. amtouch.com.tw |
轻巧超薄设计,搭载智慧型 3 寸大型触控萤幕,拥有简单易上手的主选单,5 倍光学变焦让您更靠近拍摄对象,拍出清楚好照片。 geniusnetusa.com | This handy slim design has [...] a smart 3”largetouch panelwith an easy-to-use [...]menu and the 5X optical powerful zoom gets you [...]closer to the subject with clarity. geniusnetusa.com |
全新的保时捷Panamera可直接在工厂安装保时捷後座娱乐系统,这套全新开发的系统包含两个整合於前座椅背上的七寸高解析度彩色触控萤幕,两组独立的多媒体播放器以及红外线无线耳机,皮革包覆的操控面板上还附有一个USB插槽。 pap.porsche.com | The new Porsche Panamera is available straight from the factory with Porsche Rear Seat Entertainment, a newly developed entertainment system comprising two high-resolution seven-inch colourdisplays integrated in the backrests of the front seats, as well as individual players and two cordless infra-red headsets. pap.porsche.com |
Touch Pen 100 系列为适用於电容式触控萤幕的高品质触控笔,共有三种时尚设计任您挑选。 geniusnetusa.com | The Touch Pen 100 series is a set of high quality stylus pens to use for all [...] capacitive touch screensin three fashionable styles. geniusnetusa.com |
69 公分 (27 寸) 多点触控显示器可让您拥有最极致的 Windows 8 Pro 体验, 或者也可以选择非触控萤幕。 dell.com | The 69 cm (27") multi-touch display is designed to maximize your Windows 8 Pro experience. dell.com |
如果使用的作业系统能支援多点触控功能,再搭配 PenMount 的多点式触控萤幕完整解决方案,即可让您的产品拥有多点触控;换句话说,如果作业系统只能支援单点触控的话,不论是哪一种触控设备,即使装上多点式触控萤幕套件,依旧只能单点触控。 amtouch.com.tw | If the operating system used can support multi-touch function, [...] plus a match with [...] PenMount multi-touchscreen total solution, your products will possess multi-touch function; in other words, if the operating system can only support single touch, regardless the type of touch equipments, it will still only react to single touch even though there is installation of multi-touch panel kit. amtouch.com.tw |
透过菊链方式,可再串接多达31台KVM多电脑切换器,使用者便能从单一键盘、触控萤幕、及滑鼠控制端管理多达256台伺服器。 aten.com.tw | As many as 31 additional compatible KVM switches can be daisy [...] chained together, so that up to 256 [...] computers can all be controlled fromasingle keyboard, [...]monitor, and mouse console. aten.co.uk |
Touch Pen 80S [...] 是一套具备时尚流线设计的高品质触控笔,可适用於任何电容式触控萤幕装置。 geniusnetusa.com | The Touch Pen 80S is a set of high quality stylus pens with a sleek, streamline design that can be used on [...] all capacitive touch screendevices. geniusnetusa.com |
透过你最熟悉的触控萤幕操作模式来控制音乐,并同时享有完美的遥控能力和即时的音乐资讯。 synology.com.tw | Control musicplayback via the touch screen of your handheld [...] for intuitive control and to always have real-time music info. synology.com |
您可以用 30fps/1920 x 1080 [...] 画素录制 Full HD 影片,使用 1000 万画素的感测器拍摄静态影像,并透过 1200 倍变焦(10 倍光学变焦、120 [...] 倍数位变焦)剪辑出生动活泼、色彩艳明的影片,还可利用「16:9 3.5」触控萤幕播放影片,多样化功能,随手可得。 geniusnetusa.com | You can record Full HD video at 30fps/1920 x 1080 pixels video, 10 mega pixel sensor for still image and use 1200X zoom (10X optical zoom; 120X digital zoom) which can [...] clip brilliant and amazing colorful videos, and can play the video back with a [...] wide “16:9 3.5”touch panelfor simple use. geniusnetusa.com |
本系列产品采用极软弹性触控笔尖,使用时可保护您昂贵的触控萤幕产品;此外,产品强韧的笔尖灵敏度高且通过实验室认证,让您在任何情况下都能精准地操作。 geniusnetusa.com | They are designed to help prevent scratching [...] your valuable touch screen products with [...]a super soft and flexible stylus tip; moreover, [...]the highly sensitive and lab certified durable pen tip provides precision control in any condition. geniusnetusa.com |
Remote 815 具备智慧学习功能、七彩背光 LCD 显示及人性化触控萤幕,可轻松操控各式红外线感应家电。 geniusnetusa.com | The Remote 815 has a smart learning function, a seven-color [...] backlight LCD display and user [...] friendly touch screen; whichallowsyou tocontrol all of your infrared [...]home devices easily. geniusnetusa.com |
如果您使用触控萤幕,请触碰画面顶端,然後将应用程式拖曳到画面底部。 content.dell.com | Using a touch screen, touch the top of the screen anddrag [...] the app to the bottom of the screen. content.dell.com |
由於拥有高速的触控萤幕1操控能力与不占空间的尺寸设计 (甚至可装设於墙面),Veriton [...] Z 系列能够打造乾净俐落的工作空间,并促成生产力最佳化。 acer.com.tw | With its [...] speedy touchscreen1 control and space-saving [...]size -- it's even wall mountable -- the Veriton Z Series creates a [...]clean and neat workspace for optimized productivity. acer.es |
全新的 Inspiron™ [...] 14R 配备 14寸萤幕、多种色彩选项及长效电池续航力,而且体积轻巧纤薄,是专为旅行携带方便而打造的机种 加购触控萤幕,大幅提升互动能力加购触控萤幕,大幅提升互动能力。 dell.com | The new Inspiron™ [...] 14R features a 35.56cm screen, multiple colour options and long battery life, all in a [...]thin and light system built to travel. dell.com |
XSense技术能够实现具有出色性能的更薄感测器叠层,可让华硕等OEM厂商开发出更大、更轻、更时尚的弯曲无边弧型触控萤幕设计,用於智能手机、平板电脑、ultrabook和其它众多新一代触控产品。 ipress.com.hk | XSense enables thinner sensor stacks with superior performance to enable original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) such as ASUS to [...] develop larger, lighter, [...] sleeker, curvedand edgeless designs for smartphones, tablets, ultrabooks and a plethora of next-generation touch-enabled products. ipress.com.hk |
使用 Touch Pen 80S,就可避免在触控萤幕上留下指纹或污迹。 geniusnetusa.com | Using TouchPen 80S with your device, you can keep your screen free of fingerprints [...] and smudge marks. geniusnetusa.com |
经由将这项功³能加入触控萤幕控制器,带来使用sensor hub解决方案的所有优势,而且无需附加元件,可以节省PCB占位面积和功³耗,同时经由结合触控和运动感测技术来增加语境意识(context [...] awareness)功³能。 electronictechnology.com.hk | Adding this [...] functionality to the touchscreen controller brings all the [...]benefits of using a sensor hub solution but without [...]the need for an additional device, saving PCB footprint and power consumption, while increasing context awareness capabilities by combining touch and motion sensing. electronictechnology.com.hk |
Aspire V5 系列完美瘦身,提升您的行动力,显示器尺寸包含 11.6 寸、14.0 寸以及 15.6 寸,供您自由选择,其中还包括配备十指触控萤幕的机型! 各种优雅柔和的色款任您挑选,轻巧机体十分方便携带,其智慧型气流设计更能常保凉爽触感。 acer.com.tw | The Aspire V5 Series features slimmed-down mobile convenience in your choice of 11.6", 14.0" and 15.6" display sizes -- including models with 10-point touchscreens! acer.ae |
爱特梅尔也是业界第一家在触控萤幕控制器中整合sensor hub功³能的厂商,将人机介面解决方案扩展到超越触控功³能,在单晶片解决方案中提供更佳的性能和能源效益。 electronictechnology.com.hk | Atmel is also the first company in the industry to [...] integrate sensor hub functionality [...] into touchscreencontrollers extendinghuman [...]interface solutions beyond touch to deliver [...]performance and power efficiency gains in a single-chip solution. electronictechnology.com.hk |
本公司手机平台方案改写了功能型手机〈Feature [...] Phone〉的多媒体标准,使得流畅录像、高清视频、电影王等都成为功能型手机之标准配备, [...] 此外,本公司手机解决方案并可支援3D使用者介面、介面动画特效、高解析度触控萤幕、PDA准智能手机、电影背景影像、电影主选单等功能,亦将有效且快速地协助本公司客户推出各项新型机种,进而提升本公司之整体业务成长动能。 mstarsemi.com.tw | MStar's mobile phone solutions have helped establish high end multimedia applications as standard features. With a broad range of technologies and support that include 3D graphic user [...] interface, special animation effects, [...] high resolution touch screen support, PDA [...]and smart phone features, and unique entertainment [...]functionalities, MStar can better support its customers designing handset models with unique market propositions and short time-to-market. mstarsemi.com.tw |