

单词 觥筹交错

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现实与虚拟游戏觥筹交错: P rada《Folding in Love》意欲展示不同物品短暂而激烈的冒险旅程,作为此次的飞行主角,太阳镜踏上了多层面超现实的旅程。
An interplay of reality and virtual games: Prada Presents [...]
Folding in Love, a brief and intense adventure of an object, in
this case sunglasses, which is the flying lead character in a multi-level surreal journey.
任职者还将负责协调制定将要交稳 定 与恢 筹 资 机 制的项目提案,并确保方案 符合综合战略框架和提案提交标准。
The incumbent would also be responsible for
coordinating the development of
[...] project proposals for submission to the Stabilization [...]
and Recovery Funding Facility and
ensuring the conformity of programmes with the integrated strategic framework and the submission criteria of proposals.
(b) 还决定进一步讨论任交错的的问题,以便在选举前就采用何种方式达 成协议。
(b) Also decided to discuss further the issue of the staggering of terms, so as to reach an agreement on the modalities prior to the elections.
[...] King乐队成员、前上海交响乐队声部长91岁高龄的郑德仁先生,两位上海老歌的演唱嘉宾“上海歌姬”林宝小姐和被众多媒体誉为“最具周璇神韵”的香港歌手黎蕙兰小姐带来了余音绕梁,让人久久回味的上海老歌,共同呈现衣香鬓影、 觥交错 的 老 上海之夜。
In terms of music performance, Shanghai Light Music Orchestra with national level composer and conductor who has written the theme song of Shanghai Charity Foundation --Mr. Tu Bahai, member of old Shanghai’s first Jazz band “Jimmy King” and former minister of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra--94-year-old Mr. Zheng Deren, prima donna of Shanghai--Ms. Lin Bao, and Ms. Li Huilan, whose
voice bears the closest resemblance to the “Golden Voice” of Zhou Xuan,
[...] together making a splendid, unforgettable night.
工作组第三次会 议的与会者就全民教育的规划与实施、加强合作伙伴关系、《全民教育全球监测报告》、为 全民教筹措资金和交流与 宣传等核心问题展开了辩论。
Participants at the third meeting of the Working Group debated core issues such as planning and implementing EFA, strengthening partnerships, the EFA Global Monitoring Report, financing EFA and communication and advocacy.
[...] 善有利环境,促进利用各方面的资源,考虑森 筹 资 问 题具 交 叉 性 ,推动资源 的调整和提高资源使用效率,在各个层面上加强对森林筹资的协调,促使国家、 [...]
The Expert Group should make clear, feasible and practical recommendations on issues introduced in the resolution, including the components and elements for a comprehensive strategy or strategies that prevent a piecemeal approach to forest financing, improve the enabling environment, catalyse use of resources from
all sources, consider the
[...] crosscutting nature of forest financing, promote resource realignment [...]
and enhance resource efficiency,
promote coordination on forest financing at all levels, make national, regional and international actions mutually supportive, strengthen and improve access to forest financing, and mobilize adequate resources for the implementation of sustainable forest management, the non-legally binding instrument and the achievement of the global objectives on forests.
世界第三大人口城市——一座移民城市,从富裕的实业家、赤贫的乞丐、光鲜的影星、酒吧舞娘、工人、教师、公务员到不幸的妓女、黑手党、建筑工人、贪污的官员和正直的激进分子,所有这些人都共同居住在孟买这个摩天大楼和贫民 交错 的 大 熔炉里。
The third most populated city in the world—a city of migrants that range from wealthy industrialists, penurious beggars, flashy film stars, bar dancers, workers, teachers, clerks to hapless prostitutes, mafia dons, builders, corrupt
politicians and upright activists all co-existing in soaring skyscrapers and
[...] sprawling slums in the cauldron that [...]
is Bombay.
考虑到这种情况,就必须立即着手解决一些有关与发展中国家(特 别是最贫穷国家)技术合作的融资 筹 划 和 交 付 的 重要而普遍的问题。
Taking this into account, there are some important
[...] general issues for the financing, design and delivery [...]
of technical co-operation to developing
countries, and particularly the poorest countries, that need be addressed immediately.
关于在联合国系统支持下落实该报告所载建议的具体建议 包括:(a) 需要共同应对在委员会国别组合中涉及特定国家的问题;(b) 世界银
[...] 方案,特别是在安全、正义和发展问题互 交错 的 领 域;(c) 将《2011 年世界发 展报告》所载相关建议与文职能力审查所产生相关建议(A/65/747-S/2011/85)的 [...]
需要推出可为世界银行和联合国其他实体的工作计划提 供参考的计量工具和指标。
Concrete suggestions to take forward the recommendations of theReport , with support from the United Nations system, included: (a) the need to jointly address country-specific implications in the Commission’s country configurations; (b) combined or closely coordinated programming between the World Bank and other entities of the United Nations system, and other national and international actors,
especially where issues of security, justice
[...] and development intersect; (c) linking the [...]
operationalization of relevant recommendations
contained in the 2011Report to that of relevant recommendations from the review of civilian capacity (A/65/747-S/2011/85); and (d) the need to develop impact measurement tools and indicators that can inform the workplans of the World Bank and other United Nations entities.
2006 年,关于评价维持和平行动成果预算 制的报告以及关于改革进程中联合国成果管理制的报告都指出,缺乏 筹 安 排 是有交付成果的一项障碍。
In 2006, the report on the evaluation of results-based budgeting in peacekeeping operations and that on results-based management in the United Nations
in the context of the reform process referred to lack of integration as
[...] an obstacle for effective delivery of programmes.
通过对主要合作机构的访问和就技术问 交 换 意见 , 筹 备 将 在 2006 年年中召开 一次发起机构领导人高级会议,并在可能的情况下批准这项《全球行动计划》。
Through visits to and technical exchanges with key partner agencies, [...]
preparing for a high-level meeting of heads of convening
agencies in mid-2006 to affirm, if possible, the Global Action Plan.
在与各区域国家集团代表协商 后,主席兼报告员宣布,已 就 下列各方面 达成协议:(a)
将继续讨论政府间工作组今后的工作,但是,欧洲联盟的代表将行 使不参加讨论的权利,欧洲联盟将是一个积极的倾听者;(b) 讨论的记录将纳入政 府间工作组的报告;(c)
[...] 以协商 一致方式商 定的结论和建议(题 为 “ 结论和建议汇 编”)将是唯一通过的结论和建议,他们将 交 给 筹 备 委 员会。
Following consultations with the representatives of the regional groups of States, the Chairperson-Rapporteur announced that agreement had been reached as to the following: (a) discussions on the future work of the Intergovernmental Working Group will proceed, but that the representative of the European Union will exercise the right not to contribute to the discussion, the European Union will be an active listener; (b) the record of the discussion will be included in the report of the Intergovernmental Working Group; (c) the conclusions and recommendations agreed on by consensus) entitled “Compilations of conclusions and
recommendations” would be the only conclusions and recommendations
[...] adopted and they would be submitted to the Preparatory Committee.
缔约方会议第6/COP.9 号决定第7 段请秘书处与全球机制协作,制定一项 共同的资金筹措战略,以调动资源,开展补充全球机制活动的各项活动,处理受 影响发展中国家缔约方的需要,并在适当情况下处理中东欧受影响国家缔约方的 需要以及《公约》各机构和附属机构的内部需求,同时考虑到《公约》所规定的 秘书处与全球机制的各自任务,并将 筹 资 战略 提 交 缔 约 方会议审议和通过。
In paragraph 7 of decision 6/COP.9, the COP requested the secretariat to establish, in collaboration with the GM, and to submit to the COP for consideration and adoption, a common fund-raising strategy with respect to the mobilization of resources for activities that are complementary to GM activities, addressing both the needs of affected developing country Parties and, where appropriate, of affected country Parties in Central and Eastern Europe and the internal requirements of the institutions and the subsidiary bodies of the Convention, taking into account the respective mandates of the secretariat and of the GM as provided in the Convention.
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交错的联 系可能加强了该组织的凝聚力,也 拓宽了它的关系网。
The overlapping associations probably strengthened the group’s cohesion as well as broadened its contacts.
通过抽签机制向一些法官提供较短任期,是为了 通过确交错任命 法庭法官,保护机构记忆,提供连续性,从而避免每隔七年每 [...]
Some of the judges were afforded shorter terms of office, through the mechanism of the drawing of lots, in order to protect
institutional memory and provide continuity by
[...] ensuring that there would be staggered [...]
appointments to the Tribunals, so avoiding
the problem attendant upon a new full set of judges being appointed for each Tribunal every seven years.
此类供应链受到 多种复杂和相交错的因 素的影响,包括土地所有权、农场规模、市场结 构(包括供应链各行为者的市场能力)、信息流、现有金融和银行设施的情 况及使用成本、现有的物流基础设施与服务、政府政策(立法、法规和财 政环境)以及公私营部门的参与程度。
Such chains are affected by a number of complex and interrelated factors, including land tenure, farm size, market structure (including the market power of various actors in the chain), information flows, the availability and cost of finance and banking facilities, available logistics infrastructure and services, Government policies (legislative, regulatory and fiscal environment) and levels of public and private participation.
三个室内空间(出租、小卖、公共厕所)也不再被捏合成一块,而是按最方便游人使用的方式与多个室外休息空 交错 布 置
The three indoor spaces (rental, snack shop and public restrooms) were not grouped into one chunk, but rather mingled with the outdoor spaces to allow visitors use them conveniently.
此外,某些组织关于同捐助方缔结信托基金协定的内部规范 程序没有规定同具体负责报告工作的部门的磋商机制或信 交 流 机 制,为此筹 资方 没能充分重视履行非标准性报告要求将造成的负担。
Further, in some organizations the internal procedures regulating the conclusions on trust funds agreement with the donor does
not contain
[...] consultation or clearing mechanisms with the units responsible for the implementation of reporting, and therefore the fundraisers [...]
do not pay sufficient
attention to the burden caused by accepting non-standard reporting requirements.
(c) 大会应对召开任何修订本条约的外交会议作出决定,并给予 WIPO 总干筹备此种外交会 议的必要指示。
(c) The Assembly shall decide the convocation of any diplomatic conference for the revision of this
Treaty and give the necessary instructions to the Director General of WIPO for
[...] the preparation of such diplomatic conference.
器条约缔约国 2010 年审议大会的结论和后续行 动建议,包括核武器国家承诺立即进行互动协
[...] 作,以期除其他外考虑非核武器国家对于进一步 降低核武器系统的战备状态以促进国际稳定与 安全的正当关切,并期待着核武器国家就此项承 诺向 2014 年审议大筹备委员会交报告”。
Welcomes the adoption by consensus of the conclusions and recommendations for followon actions of the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, including the commitments of the nuclear-weapon States to promptly engage with a view to, inter alia, considering the legitimate interest of non-nuclear-weapon States in further reducing the operational status of nuclear weapons systems in ways that promote international stability and security, and looks forward to the
report of the
[...] nuclear-weapon States, in terms of that undertaking, to the Preparatory Committee of [...]
the Review Conference in 2014”.
将为 2011 年会议交一份关于筹行动 小组问题的报告 (A/65/669)。
A report on the integrated operational teams will be issued for the 2011 session (A/65/669).
我们赞赏两法庭在其报告(见 S/2010/ 270 和 S/2010/259)中说明了根据国际法庭非正式工作 组的要求为便利顺利交所采取的筹 备 措 施。
We appreciate both Tribunals having described in their reports (see S/2010/270 and S/2010/259) the preparatory measures taken to facilitate a smooth transition, in response to the request of the Informal Working Group on International Tribunals.
健康保 险的基本理念是本着团结和相互理解的精神,调动社区参与惠及所有个人和家庭 的卫生服务筹资、管理交付, 以实现全面保健和社会发展。
The philosophy underlying health insurance is built on involving the community, in a spirit of solidarity
and mutual
[...] understanding, in the financing, management and delivery of health services to all individuals and families in order to achieve comprehensive care and social development.
该时间表是根 据第 29 C/87
[...] 号决议的一项建议制定的,旨在将各委员会的会 交错 安 排在整个会议期间, 以避免三个以上的附属机构在某个时间同时开会,鼓励规模较小的代表团也参与进来。
Following a recommendation contained in 29 C/Resolution
87, the timetable has since been
[...] constructed in order to stagger the meetings [...]
of commissions throughout the session with
a view to avoiding parallel meetings of more than three subsidiary organs at a time in order to facilitate the participation of small delegations.
贩毒与相关犯罪活动——如资助冲 突、跨国有组织犯罪、武器非法贩运以及洗钱——彼交错,进一步削弱了这些区域,而这里仍有若干国 家尚未摆脱冲突,或正在经历危机。
The interaction between drug trafficking and related criminal activities — such as the funding of conflicts, transnational organized crime, illicit trafficking in weapons and money laundering — further weaken those regions, in which a number of States are still emerging from conflict or are currently experiencing crises.
由锈钢穿孔板/格栅所代表的公共商业功能从地面层开始,与周边城市发 交错 渗 透 的复杂关系,并从浅灰色混凝土挂板代表的酒店客房功能的长方形体量中逐渐盘旋上升,结束于建筑顶层的观景餐厅。
Clad with Cor-ten Steel perforated panel, the social function volume initiated at the ground level, permeable to the urban fabric, and continues to grow vertically, engraves through the hotel function volume veneered by precast concrete panels,  eventually ends at the top floor observatory restaurant.
埃及还在阿拉伯国家联盟的框架内采取步骤,努力执行 1995 年决议和 2010 年第四个行动计划,包括通过外交部和秘书处高级官员委员会会议,筹备所有阿 拉伯国家参加 2012
年会议,通过负责调查以色列违反条约的核活动委员会会议, 通过编写一份阿拉伯关于
[...] 1995 年决议执行情况的工作文件交给筹 备 委员会这 次第一届会议,以及通过阿拉伯国家联盟理事会首脑会议和部长级会议通过的各 [...]
项决定,最新决定是 2012 年 3
月 29 日在巴格达举行的阿拉伯国家首脑会议就此 作出的决定。
Egypt has also taken steps and made efforts within the framework of the League of Arab States towards the implementation of the 1995 resolution and the 2010 fourth action plan, including through meetings of the Committee of Senior Officials from Ministries of Foreign Affairs and the Secretariat to prepare for the participation of all Arab States in the 2012 Conference, and of the Committee responsible for following up on Israeli nuclear activity in contravention of the Treaty, and the preparation of an Arab working paper on the implementation of the 1995
resolution for presentation at this first
[...] session of the Preparatory Committee, as [...]
well as the relevant decisions taken at
the meetings of the Council of the League of Arab States held at the summit and ministerial levels, the latest of which was the decision taken at the Arab Summit in Baghdad in this regard on 29 March 2012.




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