

单词 解說

External sources (not reviewed)

通過直接傳授式教學,教師可締造簡潔及完整的數學課;而該課 堂內應包括演示解說,以 達至預期的結論。
Teaching mathematics through direct instruction can produce a
mathematically neat and complete lesson which contains
[...] presentations and explanation leading to an [...]
intended conclusion.
教師綜解說,例 如當學生未能掌握活動的重點知識或遇到會嚴重影 響學習的阻礙時,教師應於活動後向學生提供一個清晰的概念架構。
teacher debriefings − for instance, [...]
the presentation of a clear conceptual framework at the end of an activity to help students
who have difficulty in conceptualising the essence of the activity, or encounter obstacles that significantly hinder their learning.
例如,教師提供適 當的模擬答案、示範、提示及回饋、向全 解說 的 機 會或相關的工作紙等。
In this approach, the teacher helps students learn how to “think for themselves”, which may require temporary frameworks or scaffolds such as model answers,
demonstrations, prompts and feedback,
[...] opportunities for students to explain their arguments to [...]
the class, or worksheets for students to work on.
此 外,學生健康服務中心亦定期為中、小學學生及其家長舉辦以青春期 為題的講座解說青春期的生理和心理變化和煩惱等。
In addition, the Student Health Service Centres also organise health talks on the subject of puberty
for primary and secondary students
[...] and their parents, explaining to them the physiological [...]
and psychological changes and
the worries that might arise during puberty.
(a) 按委員的要求,我們可提供類似圖書館式的服務,但由於 我們不能代表建議者,秘書處人員不 解說 個 別 建議,或 比較各項建議
(a) library-like services will be provided for Members on request but since we cannot
represent the authors of the Proposals,
[...] there will not be explanation on individual Proposal [...]
or comparison among Proposals by staff of the Secretariat
(e) 就任何西九龍文娛藝術區發展計劃競投標 書作公解說 或 露 面 ; 以及/ 或
(e) making public presentations or appearance in relation to any bid for the project; and/or
(a) 自二零零三年提交上一份報告後,有關重要發展的資料解說。
(a) information / explanations about any significant [...]
developments since the submission of the previous report in 2003.
根據地鐵公司提供的資料所作的有 解說 載 列 於附錄 4。
An indication of this is at Appendix 4 based on information provided by MTRCL.
(c) 在大坑墩設解說牌,為遊客提供更佳的教育設施; 及
(c) setting up of interpretive signs at Tai [...]
Hang Tun to provide better education facilities for park visitors; and
教師可以在活動後進行 綜解說,讓 學生說明概念和觀察結果之間的關係,加上分組討論和個人 反思,應能幫助學生建構相關知識。
Teachers can help students to articulate concepts and observations with a debriefing, which, together with group discussion and individual self-reflection, should enable them to build the relevant knowledge.
[...] 對實驗所涉及的化學概念和原理的理解,以及他們處理 解說 探 究 所得數 據的能力。
Marking students’ laboratory reports can provide teachers with a good picture of students’ understanding of the
chemical concepts and principles involved, as well as their ability
[...] to handle and interpret data obtained [...]
in investigations.
[...] 股價敏感資料制度並非由聯交所執行,所以上市法團依賴聯 交所作行動與否,解說法例 是否要求作披露,並不恰當。
Since SEHK will not be responsible for enforcing the statutory PSI disclosure regime, it would not be appropriate for listed
corporations to rely on the actions or non-actions taken by SEHK to justify whether a
[...] disclosure is required under the law.
直接傳授式教學對需要通解說、示 範或建模來讓學生增進知識及理解特 定概念的課題,尤為適合。
Three common pedagogical approaches that can be employed for the effective delivery of the Mathematics Curriculum (S4 – 6) are discussed below.
根據傳媒報導,鍾 女士在有關塲 合公開評論若 恆基成功投得西九龍文娛藝術區發展計 劃,將 與 海 外及內 地 博物館合作,她並且 公解說恆基西九建 議書 提及的文化設施及表演項目。
On those occasions, according to press reports, Ms Chung made public comments on partnership between Henderson and overseas / Mainland museums should Henderson succeed in its bid for the WKCD project and made a presentation on the cultural facilities and programmes to be staged under Henderson’s WKCD proposal.
除了發 布諮詢文件,我們由 1 月中至今已先後與中、小學校長和教師、
[...] 大專學者、教育團體、學校議會、提供服務予少數族裔的非政府 組織等持份者舉行會議,仔解說諮 詢 文件的內容及聆聽各方面 的意見。
Apart from publishing the Consultation Paper, we have met with stakeholders including primary and secondary school heads and teachers, tertiary scholars, educational bodies, school councils and non-governmental organizations providing
services for the ethnic minorities
[...] since mid-January, explaining in detail the contents [...]
of the Paper and listening to views expressed by various sectors.
教師需 向學生提供有關的資訊解說,並 有層次地演示一些確實的資料。
In this approach, the teacher focuses on directing the learning of the students through
[...] providing information or explanations.
(iv) 提供廣東話自學教材讓有需要的非本地或少數族裔在囚人士借閱,以提高他 們的廣東話語解說能力
(iv) Cantonese self-learning kits are available for loan
by non-local or ethnic minority persons in custody in order to enhance their
[...] ability to speak and understand Cantonese.
我們認為鍾女士在二零零四年十月及十一月就恆基西九建 議書文化事宜 公開露 面、發表評論並作解說( 見 上文第 11 段 ), 等同於參與宣傳恆基的 建 議書,這 並 不 在獲批准工作範圍內 ,因此 是不恰當及不能接 受 的。
We consider that Ms Chung’s making public appearances, comments and presentation on the cultural aspects of Henderson’s WKCD proposal in October and November 2004 (see para. 11 above) amounted to participation in the promotion of Henderson’s proposal to the public and fell outside the scope of approved work, and hence was inappropriate and unacceptable.
或“你能 否運用圖表去協助你解說?
or “Could you make use of a diagram to
[...] help with your explanation?
經濟發展及勞工局 局 長 在動議辯論發言解說,對電訊服務「冷靜期」一點 , [...]
電訊局已公布規定,營辦商須隨後以電話確認服務,並讓消 費 者可退 出 早前經 直 銷 途徑簽訂的合約 ,作為電訊服務持牌 人 所 須遵從的 9 項最佳 做法指標2 之一。
As explained in the speech of Secretary [...]
for Economic Development and Labour during the motion debate, in respect of a “cooling-off
period” for telecommunications services, OFTA has already promulgated the requirement for a subsequent confirmation telephone call, with the opportunity for the consumer to back out of an earlier contract signed through a direct marketing channel, as one of the 9 Best Practice Indicators2 for the telecommunications licensees to follow.
按 自然保育及 可持續 發展的原則, 漁農自然護理 署 ( 下稱“
[...] 漁護署”)透 過 互 聯 網、刊物、現解 說牌、主 題活動及 導賞團等不同途徑, 推廣負責任的自然觀賞行為。
Under the principles of nature conservation and sustainable development, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) would promote responsible nature appreciation through different
channels including the internet,
[...] publications, on-site interpretation, themed activities [...]
and guided tours etc. TC in collaboration
with the travel industry had provided training courses on nature appreciation for tourist guides under the Government’s Skills Upgrading (SU) Scheme.
您可在此頁面中找到有關您磁碟機的疑難 解 資 訊 、更新的 軟體、產品規格、評論以及最說明 文 件。
From there, you can find troubleshooting information, updated software, product specifications, reviews, and the latest documentation for your drive.
9.2.2 假若獲款機構有意從某一供應商採購 物品或服務,便須在申請書內詳細列 明不遵照上文第 9.2.1 段所述採購程序 的原因,並提出合解釋和說明與該 供應商的關係。
9.2.2 In case the project applicant intends to procure goods or services from one supplier, it has to provide details, its relationship with the supplier concerned and justifications in the application form for not following the open procurement process set out in paragraph 9.2.1 above.
上市規則》第 13.09 條其餘部分及解(舉例 來說,第 13.09(1)(b)條適用於因市場上流傳着不準確及/或 具誤導性的資料而須加以澄清的情況,而遇有這種情況,不 論是否已出現股價敏感事宜,聯交所仍有需要處理;第 13.09(2)條規定,上市法團如在香港及海外市場雙重上市,在 向其他市場公布資料時,亦須同時向聯交所披露有關資料), 會在《上市規則》第 13 章其他部分予以保留。
The residual part of Listing Rule 13.09 and its notes (e.g. sub-rule (1)(b) which is applicable in circumstances where there is an obligation to clarify inaccurate and/or misleading information already in the market, which SEHK would still need to address whether or not issues of price-sensitivity have arisen; and sub-rule (2) which requires listed corporations dually listed on Hong Kong and overseas markets to make a disclosure to SEHK at the same time as the information is released to the other markets) will be retained elsewhere in Chapter 13 of the Listing Rules.
根據《監管政策手冊》 第
[...] SA-1 章,風險為本的監管方法的主要組成部分為:認可機構 綜覽,列載金管局目前對認可機構的結構與財務狀況的 解; 風險評說明文 件,分析認可機構面對的風險水平、管理這些 風險的系統的質素,以及風險的發展方向(例如風險正在減少、 增加或保持穩定);以及風險狀況矩陣分析,總結每類風險的 [...]
認可機構的風險狀況(即考慮到管控措施後認可機構的潛在風 險)給予整體評級。
The main components of the RSA, as set out in module SA-1 of the Supervisory Policy Manual (SPM) are: the Institutional Overview which sets
out the HKMA’s
[...] current state of knowledge of the structure and financial condition of the AI; the Risk Assessment Narrative which analyses [...]
the level of the risks
facing the AI, the quality of the systems 31 used to manage these risks and the direction of the risks (i.e. are they decreasing, increasing or stable); and the risk profile matrix which for each type of risk summarises the level of inherent risk, the quality of risk management systems and the direction of risk and produces an overall rating of the AI’s risk profile (i.e. inherent risk after allowing for controls).
他們亦須學習烷和烯的化學反應;學生利用電子說明單次取代的鹵烷的生成,便能 解 有 機 化學反應通常涉及活潑的物 種,並以多於一個步驟進行。
By illustrating the formation of monosubstituted halomethane with electron diagrams, students should realise that chemical reactions often take place in more than one step and involve reactive species.
[...] 目前須予履行或解除,否則不得出售,而且須待向股份當時的登記持有人或 本公司已獲知會因該持有人身故、神智失常或破產等理由而有權享有股份的 人士發出書面通知說明及 要求支付目前應付的款額,或列明有關責任或承 諾並要求履行解除該 等責任或承諾,以及作出有意在違約情況下出售股份 的通知)起計14天屆滿後才可出售。
The Company may sell in such manner as the Board thinks fit any shares on which the Company has a lien, but no sale shall be made unless some sum in respect of which the lien exists is presently payable or the liability or engagement in respect of which such lien exists is liable to be presently fulfilled or discharged, nor until the expiration of 14 days after a notice in writing, stating and demanding payment of the sum presently payable or specifying the liability or engagement and demanding fulfillment or
discharge thereof and giving
[...] notice of intention to sell in default, shall have been given to the registered holder for the time being of the shares or the person, of [...]
which the Company has
notice, entitled to the shares by reason of such holder‘s death, mental disorder or bankruptcy.
非實驗有 關作業的例子,包括批判性地閱讀、分析和匯報化學對 解 物 料 世界所作 的貢獻;設計海報或單張,嘗說服 不 同人士遵守綠色化學原則;撰寫報 告,總結參觀化工廠獲取的科學知識和概念;開發多媒體製品,說明聚合 物合成的過程。
Examples of such tasks include: critical reading, analysis and reporting
on the contribution
[...] of chemistry to the understanding of the material world; designing a poster or pamphlet aimed at persuading people [...]
to follow the principles
of green chemistry; writing a report to present the scientific knowledge and concepts acquired after a visit to an industrial plant; and developing a multimedia artefact to illustrate the synthesis of polymers.
這項研究的目的,說 明納米技術的基本原理;確定納米技術應用於食物業引起的潛在安全問題;以及探討食 物中人工納米材料的風險評估方法。
The objectives of this RA study were to present the basic principles of nanotechnology, to identify potential safety implications associated with the application of nanotechnology in the food sector and to review the strategies for RA of engineered nanoparticles.
陳蓉蓉女說,這 項風險評估研究的目的,是檢測動物源性食物的多溴聯苯醚含量;估計本港中學生可能 從這些食物攝入多溴聯苯醚的情況;以及評估多溴聯苯醚對健康帶來的風險。
Ms Melva CHEN said that the RA study aimed to measure the levels of PBDEs in food of animal origin, to estimate the potential dietary exposure to PBDEs of secondary school students in Hong Kong from these foods and to assess the associated health risks.




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