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各国应当将这一问题与国家间的问题分开,努力从人道主义角度出解决问题,以 避免失踪人员家属在政治 题解 决 之前受到更多伤害。
States should endeavor to address the humanitarian nature of the problem independently of other
inter-State issues so as to avoid further
[...] distress to the families of missing persons pending the resolution of political issues.
鉴于这一状况是目前危机的根源,所有相关方应该做出努力,以合作的方式讨论 题、 解决问题。
As this situation is at the origin of
the present crisis, all parties should be invited to contribute in
[...] addressing and solving this issue in a cooperative way.
实施 VISION 系统的办事处将得到全球求助服务台和全球专家网络的支持,回答 题 , 解 决可 能出现的任何问题。
Offices implementing VISION will have the support of a global help desk and a global network of experts to answer questions and resolve issues that may arise.
津巴 布韦报告说,其雷区横跨与莫桑比克的边界,两国的国家排雷行动管理局已经在 技术层面上讨论了进入这些雷区及其排雷责任的问题,不久,两国之间业已存在 的政府双边高层论坛将讨论这些题 , 解 决 这些问题预计不会存在困难,因此本 阶段第三方没有理由介入。
Zimbabwe has reported that it has mined areas that straddle its border with Mozambique, that issues of access and responsibility for clearance of these mined areas have been discussed at the technical level between the two countries’ respective national mine action authorities, that these issues will be subject to discussion in due course at bilateral high level government forums that already exist between the two countries and that no problems in dealing with these issues are anticipated and therefore the involvement of third parties is not warranted at this stage.
最后,我国代表团呼吁四方和安全理事会迅速采 取行动,劝使以色列立即停止其定居点政策,恢复直 接谈判,找到全面、和平、公正和持久的解决方案, 因为巴勒斯坦问题是一个国际问题,而不是一个区域题,解决该问题将使所有国家受益。
In conclusion, my delegation calls on the Quartet and the Security Council to act quickly to persuade Israel to immediately put an end to its settlement policy, to resume direct negotiations and to find a
comprehensive, peaceful, just
[...] and lasting solution, because the question of Palestine is an international question, not a regional one, and resolving it will benefit all.
委员会在一起案件 中宣布了塞浦路斯题解决后 归还的决定,在另一案件中裁定部分归还。
In one case, the Commission delivered a decision for restitution
[...] after the settlement of the Cyprus issue, and in another [...]
case it ruled for partial restitution.
[...] 区域办事处,负责协调联合国系统对包括中部非洲国家经济共同体(中非经共体) 在内的该次区域各组织的支持;支持内部政治对话和调解;协调各种努力,解决 诸如海盗等跨界题,解决非 国家武装团体造成的威胁。
The Department of Political Affairs increased support to the Central Africa subregion through the new United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa in Libreville, which is coordinating United Nations system support to subregional organizations, including the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS); supporting
internal political
[...] dialogue and mediation; and coordinating efforts at tackling transborder issues such as piracy [...]
and the threats
posed by non-State armed groups.
本报告介绍上次进度报告(A/65/389)以来该项目面临的 题 ,解 释修订后的 实施办法,概述建议大会采取的决定。
The present report gives an
[...] account of the issues faced by the project since the last progress report (A/65/389), explains the revised implementation [...]
and outlines the decisions that are recommended to be taken by the General Assembly.
在支持地震灾后恢复的同时,我们还必须寻求补救措施,以帮助海地解决历 史遗留的社会和经济题;解决教育赤字问题,因为这阻碍各方面的进步,缺乏 有效的法治,和对人权的尊重;解决住房赤字问题,即使在 1 月之前,也有成千 上万的海地人住在简易的窝棚里。
As we support post-earthquake recovery, we must seek remedies to help Haiti address historic social and economic problems; the deficit in education which holds back progress on all fronts, the lack of effective rule of law and respect for the human rights of all Haitians; and a housing deficit which, even before January, saw hundreds of thousands of Haitians in improvised housing in shanties.
深信必须解决宗教极端主义在世界各地抬头导致个人权利受到影响的 题, 解决以 宗教或信仰为理由或以此名义或以文化和传统习俗为借口实施的影响到 许多妇女和其他个人的暴力和歧视情况,以及滥用宗教或信仰以达到有违《联合 国宪章》及联合国其他相关文书宗旨的目的的问题
Convinced of the need to address the rise in various parts of the world of religious extremism that affects the rights of individuals, the situations of violence and discrimination that affect many women and other individuals on the grounds or in the name of religion or belief or in accordance with cultural and traditional practices and the misuse of religion or belief for ends inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations and other relevant instruments of the United Nations
在这一过渡时期内,我们需要有 专注于应对各种政策挑战的对策和机构,诸如对增长和通胀实行管理;处理 货币流动题;解决特别是在年轻人当中的无就业增长和失业问题;应对各 种灾害风险;以及重新平衡经济发展以便取得质量更高的增长等。
At a time of transition, policies and institutions were required which focused on policy challenges, such as managing growth and inflation, coping with currency flows, addressing jobless growth and unemployment, especially among youth, dealing with disaster risks and rebalancing economies towards better-quality growth.
危 机冲突解决的方案是由国际社会共同参与制定 的,我们有充分的理由相信,在条件成熟的情况 下,中国绝非是国际危机解决的障碍,它可能力 量有限,参与解决的决心也不够充分,但一定是题解决过程中至关重要的合作伙伴。
As policy options are formulated in the international community for ending crisis and resolving conflict, it makes ever more sense to assume that in the right conditions, China, far from being an unconditional obstacle, can become a limited and reluctant, but critical, partner.
阿斯纳尔这 样做违反一切国际规范,但他说:“我们有问题,但我们把 题解 决 了 ”。
Aznar, who had thus violated all manner of international standards, stated: “We
[...] had a problem and now we have solved it”.
尽管黎巴嫩密切关注在上述全面办法之外为实 现部分解决和开始解决而采取的举措,但黎巴嫩重 申,将不会同意任何黎巴嫩并未参与、或者任何违背 其重要国家利益,尤其是违背其反对以任何形式在黎 巴嫩领土重新安置巴勒斯坦难民的主权权利的中东题解决方法。
While Lebanon closely follows initiatives undertaken to reach partial solutions, or beginnings of solutions, made outside the aforementioned comprehensive approaches, it reiterates that it would not agree to any solution for the Middle East cause in which it does not participate or which contradicts its high national interests, particularly its sovereign right to oppose any form of resettlement of Palestinian refugees in its territories.
[...] 括以下各方的各办公室和实体进行协调和联络:信息和通信技术厅, 解 决 与系 统托管有关的题;供 应商,涉及技术事项和设备升级;安全和安保部,涉及周 [...]
事警察组织(国际刑警组织),涉及丢失或被盗的旅行证件数据库;以及国际民用 航空组织。
The Advisory Committee was informed that the incumbent would be responsible for coordinating and liaising with various offices and entities, including with the Office
of Information and
[...] Communications Technology to address issues related to the hosting of the [...]
system; the vendor in relation
to the technical matters and upgrading of equipment; the Department of Safety and Security for perimeter security access control; the Umoja project team for human resources data and asset management; the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) for a lost or stolen travel document database; and the International Civil Aviation Organization.
题解决方 案存在数据库中,因此可提供最新 的知识,并且在详细分析后,可通过知识数据库的形式 [...]
Filing the problem solution in a database [...]
provides an evergrowing font of knowledge, which can be accessed in the form of
a knowledge database after detailed analysis.
财政支持和石油交易将 有助于防止在短期内南北苏丹或其中任何一方的经
[...] 济发生崩溃,但对于将提供多少财政援助必须小 心,以免其强化负面的政治态度,而只是使 题解 决受到推迟。
Financial support and a deal on oil could help prevent economic collapse in one or both states in the near term, but care must be
taken as to how financial assistance is offered lest it reinforce negative political
[...] dynamics and simply defer the problem.
澳洲的中小学鼓励学生培养沟通技能、自律、 题解 决 能 力,以及自尊、尊重他人和尊重社会。
Australian schools encourage students to develop communication skills, self
[...] discipline, problem solving abilities and [...]
respect for themselves, others and society.
我们认为,这一 援助和鼓励行动对整个社会来说是非常重要的,因为这是确保公民关心这类问 题,并寻求该题解决方 案的重要途径之一。
Support for and promotion of initiatives by society are considered to be of the utmost importance as a way of ensuring the citizen participation which is so necessary in dealing with problems of this kind.
当所有财务 和实际题解决之 后,可以考虑将这些安排推广到执行委员会会议录音。
When all financial and
[...] practical aspects had been solved, the extension [...]
of these arrangements to the recording of the Executive
Committee’s proceedings could be considered.
[...] 和排斥,并很可能会引发其他各种(甚至更严重)问题,结果将使所谓的 题解决 办法变得脆弱和难以持久。
The reason for this is that its transgression will generate social criticism and repudiation of the chosen policy and its outcomes, and most
likely will trigger other types of problems (even more serious) that will
[...] make the alleged solution to the problem [...]
fragile and ephemeral.
秘书处就科特迪瓦尚未批准《蒙特利尔议定书北京修正案》提出 题 , 解 释 说 未加 入《北京修正案》的国家在2013年1月1日之后将不能进口任何新生产的氟氯烃,除非缔约 [...]
The Secretariat raised the issue related to Côte d’Ivoire’s
non-ratification of the Beijing Amendment to the
[...] Montreal Protocol and explained that a non-party [...]
to the Beijing Amendment would not be
able to import any newly produced HCFCs after 1 January 2013, except if the Meeting of the Parties determines that the non-Party is in full compliance with Article 2, Articles 2A to 2I and Article 4, and has submitted data to that effect as specified in Article 7 (paragraphs 8 and 9 of Article).
任何人均可以从其它服务器来使用本服务器之文档﹝例如白皮书、新闻稿、数据表或常见 题解 答 (FAQ)),然而必须遵守以下的规定: (1) 在所有文字数据的拷贝上必须出现著作权声明及此文档使用同意声明;(2) 本服务器文档之使用,仅限于为提供个人信息之非营利目的,且不得于任何网络计算机或传播媒体上复制或公告;(3) 任何情况下不得修改本服务器之文档。
Permission to use Documents (such as white papers, press releases, datasheets and FAQs) from the Services is granted, provided that (1) the below copyright notice appears in all copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear, (2) use of such Documents from the Services is for informational and non-commercial or personal use only and will not be copied or posted on any network computer or broadcast in any media, and (3) no modifications of any Documents are made.
Ntabakuze 的 上诉目前已经准备好听证,将在律师 题解 决 后 尽早听取。
Ntabakuze’s appeal, which is ready for hearing, will be heard as soon as
[...] pending counsel issues are resolved.
作为低地和三角洲题解决方 法的多重土地利用。
Multifunctional land uses as
[...] approach to the problems of lowlands [...]
and deltas
我们最终的要求是,当 《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》充分生效时,在发展中国家,为专利药品市场创造一个支 持竞争的题解决方 案,保证这些国家长期、快捷地以最低价格购买有关药品。
The ultimate need is to create a procompetitive solution for the market in patented drugs in developing countries after TRIPS is fully in force which allows expeditious procurement of drugs in a sustainable manner at the lowest possible cost.
他表示,执行委员会不妨通过以下办法对备选办法进行审议,即:在题 解决之前,临时性地利用关于国家方案执行情况的进度报告中报告的数据,以便确定第 [...]
5 条国家各单个行业在淘汰氟氯烃消费方面是否符合资格。
He said that the Executive Committee might wish to consider
the option of using, on an interim basis
[...] until the issue was resolved, the data [...]
reported under the progress reports on the
implementation of country programmes in order to determine the eligibility of individual sectors in Article 5 countries with regard to the phase-out of HCFC consumption.
这十个部分按现代医疗术语讨论了以下 题 : ( 1) 解剖学 、生理学以及已知的性格、体液和要素;(2) 一般病理生理学(包括一个描述脉搏类型的章节和一个关于可导致死亡的原因的章节);(3) [...]
诊断和预后;(5) 发烧及其分类;(6) 治疗(当时的医生参阅最多的内容);(7) 感染性疾病;(8) 皮肤疾病;(9) 毒理学;(10) 药理学。
In current medical terminology, the ten parts
[...] discuss the following topics: (1) anatomy, physiology and [...]
knowing temperaments, humors, and
elements; (2) general pathophysiology (including a chapter describing the kinds of pulses and a chapter on causes of death); (3) hygiene and nutrition (including separate chapters on diseases of childhood, of age, and especially diseases contracted while traveling); (4) diagnoses and prognoses; (5) fever and its classification; (6) treatments (the volume of the encyclopedia most sought after by physicians of the period); (7) infectious diseases; (8) skin diseases; (9) toxicology; and (10) pharmacology.
[...] 抵达和待遇情况的报告;关于以色列的庇护与移民问题的报告;以及关于移徙和 流动性在寻求难民题解决办 法的作用的报告。
In addition to these projects, PDES has published reports on the profile, arrival and treatment of unaccompanied Afghan children in
Europe; on the issue of asylum and migration in Israel; and on the role of migration and mobility in
[...] the search for solutions to refugee situation.
卡 - 2PC 常见题解答: 问:我买了一辆丰田ADKautoscan.com测试仪IT2,它无法工作,但我的车从2000-2006年后,2006年与2000年和之前的车型那 答:这取决于什么车型,丰田测试仪IT2只适用与铃木来自北美市场,而不是与铃木从其他左翼市场。
Card -- 2pc FAQ: Q: I bought from ADKautoscan.com a Toyota tester IT2; it fails to work with my car s from 2000-2006 year, but works with the car models before 2000 year and that of after 2006 year A: It depends on what car model, Toyota tester IT2 only works with Suzuki from North America market, not works with Suzuki from the other left market.




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