

单词 解放区

See also:


refers the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949

解放 v

free v

External sources (not reviewed)

建制警察部队还将有助于加强非索特派团警察部门为支持索马里警察部队而开 展的机构能力建设活动,也有助于扩大特派团在其 解放区 的 行 动。
The formed police units will also facilitate the enhancement of institutional capacity-building activities carried out by the AMISOM
police component in support of the Somali Police Force, as well as the expansion of its
[...] operations to other liberated areas.
此外,索马解放区的人 道主义方面需求巨大, 在 20 多个人道主义组织被驱逐后尤其是如此。
Furthermore, the
[...] humanitarian needs in the liberated areas of Somalia are [...]
great, in particular after the expulsion of more
than 20 humanitarian organizations.
目前,在过渡 政府和非索特派解放区寻求避难的境内流离失所者的人数不断增加。
At present, the number of IDPs seeking refuge in
[...] TFG and AMISOM-liberated areas continues to increase.
考虑到埃塞俄比亚表达的撤解放区 意 向所具有的紧迫性,非索特派团 部队要在埃塞俄比亚支持下进入这些地区
(iii) Insertion of AMISOM
[...] troops in areas liberated with the support [...]
of Ethiopia, in view of the urgency of the stated intent
of Ethiopia to withdraw from those areas
因此,加 强治理以及解放区提供发展援助的战略是明智的。
The strategy to enhance governance and provide
[...] development aid to liberated areas is therefore wise.
在这方面,我的索马里问题特别代表一直与联合国索马里问题特别代表和伊加特 索马里全国和平与民族和解调解人合作,支持实施政府间发展管理局(伊加特)国
[...] 家元首和政府首脑大会关于索马里问题第 20 次特别会议 3 月 15 日通过的重大稳 定战略,以及过渡政府关于解放区 计 划
In this respect, my Special Representative for Somalia has been working with the United Nations Special Representative for Somalia and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Facilitator for Somalia National Peace and National Reconciliation to support the implementation of the IGAD Grand Stabilization Strategy adopted by the 20th extraordinary session of the IGAD
Assembly of Heads of State and Government on Somalia, and the TFG
[...] Plan for the Newly Liberated Areas, adopted on 15 March.
这将需要制定一项健全的政治战略和有效管 理索马解放区。
That will require the development of a sound political strategy and effective
[...] administration in the liberated zones of the country.
此外,特派团将继续努力巩固 解放区 的 安 全。
In addition, the Mission will continue to work towards
[...] consolidating security in the liberated areas.
2010 年 6 月 27 日 萨达纳赫,沙巴镇周围 一支以色列敌军巡逻队侵犯撤离 线,进入黎巴解放区的萨达纳 赫,坐标 Q :148600 -N:154950。
27 June 2010 Sadanah, environs of Shab`a town An Israeli enemy patrol
breached the withdrawal
[...] line and entered liberated Lebanese territory in the Sadanah area of the environs of [...]
Shab`a, coordinates Q:148600-N:154950.
在夺取了阿夫马道后,过渡联邦政府和非索特派团现在 正在巩固解放区的控 制,因为这些地区继续受到青年党分子的零星袭击。
Following the capture of Afmadow, the Transitional Federal
Government and AMISOM are consolidating their
[...] control of the liberated areas, which continue [...]
to witness sporadic attacks by Al-Shabaab elements.
[...] 马里和平与民族和解协调员合作,以便协助实施伊加特重大稳定战略和过渡政府解放区计划
My Special Representative for Somalia continues to work with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Facilitator for Somalia Peace and National Reconciliation to facilitate support for the delivery of
both the IGAD grand stabilization strategy and the plan of the Transitional Federal
[...] Government for newly liberated areas.
游击队运动迅速 壮大,到 1941 年底组建了数个旅并建立解放区。
The partisan movement rapidly gained in strength and by the end of 1941 had organized into brigades
[...] and established liberated territories.
布隆迪和乌干达部署更多部队,以达到目前联合国授权批准的 12 000 人兵力,但有一项了解,即:将依据主 解放区 的 需求,确定这些增派 部队的使用事宜
(ii) the deployment by Burundi and Uganda of additional troops to reach the currently
UN-authorized strength of
[...] 12,000, with the understanding that the utilization of these additional troops will be determined on the basis of the needs in the main liberated areas
本次会议的目的是交流在几个大城市失 守,以及解放区的政 治和安全局势显著改善后青年党当前状态的情况。
The objective of the meeting was to exchange information on the current state of Al-Shabaab following the loss of major cities and the significantly improved political and security situation in the newly liberated areas.
非索特派团正在 利用现有资源,在解放区努力 实施速效项目,例如挖掘水井以及治疗伤员和排 雷活动。
On its part, AMISOM, within the available resources, is engaged in the implementation of quick-impact projects, such as the drilling of water wells, the treatment of the wounded and demining activities, in the newly liberated areas.
[...] 控是为国家人员、解散后军事集团的成员、革命武装力量――人民军成员以及民解放军成员。
These acts have been attributed to State agents, members of post-demobilization groups, and members of FARCEP and
[...] the National Liberation Army (ELN).
就本质而言, 该战略概念作出以下规定:把得到联合国支助的非索 特派团军警人员人数从 12 000 人增至 17 731 人,包 括来自新部队派遣国的 5 700 人,吉布提特遣队和换 盔的肯尼亚部队,以及非索特派团警察部分;布隆迪
和乌干达增派部队,以便达到目前联合国核准的 12 000
[...] 人编制;扩大非索特派团责任区,包括把非索特派团 部队插入在埃塞俄比亚支持下获 解放 的 地 区 ; 提供 必要的增强军力的手段和增效办法,并向非索特派团 [...]
其他部门提供后勤支助;以及最后但并非最不重要的 是,加强过渡联邦政府安全部队和盟军,以使它们能
Essentially, the strategic concept provides for the following: an increase in the level of United Nationssupported AMISOM uniformed personnel from 12,000 to 17,731, including 5,700 from the new troopcontributing countries, a Djiboutian contingent and the rehatted Kenyan troops, as well as an AMISOM police component; the deployment by Burundi and Uganda of additional troops to reach the current United Nationsauthorized strength of 12,000; the extension of AMISOM’s area of
responsibility, including the insertion of AMISOM
[...] troops in the areas liberated with the support [...]
of Ethiopia; the provision of the required
force enablers and multipliers, as well as logistical support to other components of AMISOM; and, last but not least, enhancement of the TFG security and allied forces, so as to enable and empower them to play an increased role in the implementation of the strategic concept.
还建议把第 04221 段“双年度结束时的预期结果”第二项改为“举办了研讨班和 开展了培训活动”;并在第 04131 段“双年度结束时的预期结果”第一项里的 “绩效指标”1“特别是在最不发达国家和非洲的项目”后加上“,包括保护、 保存和开发区解放遗产 所需的战略指导和资源”以及在“绩效指标”3“制订 清单”之后加上“,包括关于南部非洲发展共同体地区的非洲 放 遗 产 资料的类 别和地点的数据和数据库”; 71.
Further recommends to add in paragraph 04221 “expected results at the end of the biennium” the following words in the second bullet: “seminar and” before the words “training activities”, and to add in paragraph 04131 after the word “Africa” the words “including strategic direction and resources needed for
the protection, conservation
[...] and development of the region’s liberation heritage”, as well as to insert after the words “drawn up” the words “including data and databases on types and location of heritage resources of African liberation in the SADC region
[...] 利用伽利略系统作为符合公共部门会计准则的不动产、厂房和 设备以及维持和平和特别政治任务方面的库存数据的临时 放区 ; (b ) 利用现有 的外勤支助部系统作为附录自动披露的一 解 决 方 案,这是符合公共部门会计标 准财务报表的重要组成部分;(c) 以临时和变通方式,继续使用联合国秘书处在 [...]
(d) 为目前的 Sun Accounts 和综合管理信息系统(综管系统)制订一个手工和半 自动化流程的综合系统,在公共部门会计准则下的货物和服务交付新原则的基础 上记录财政期结束时的支出数额。
Among other things, the following are being evaluated as part of contingency planning efforts: (a) using Galileo as an interim staging area for IPSAS-compliant property, plant and equipment, and inventory data in peacekeeping and
special political missions;
[...] (b) leveraging an existing Department of Field Support system as a solution for automating notes disclosures which [...]
represent a significant
part of the IPSAS-compliant financial statements; (c) continuing to use, temporarily and with some workarounds, some of the information systems which are currently used for asset management in United Nations Secretariat offices other than peacekeeping and special political missions; (d) devising a combination of manual and semi-automated processes to existing systems, Sun Accounts and the Integrated Management Information System (IMIS), to record fiscal period end expenditures based on the new principle of delivery of goods and services under IPSAS.
尽管有这些挑战,但已证 实有 113
[...] 平等运动和苏丹解放军/阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派分裂出来的团体)、边境情报部队、 乍得武装反对集团、区警务 部队、警察部队、民防军、苏 解放 军 /A bu Gasim 派、苏解放军/历 史领袖派(苏丹解放军/阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派分裂团体)、苏丹 解放军/阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派、苏丹武装部队以及不知名的武装团体。
Notwithstanding these challenges, 113 children were confirmed to have been recruited by the following armed forces and groups: Armed Movement of Liberals and Reform (splinter group of JEM and
SLA/Abdul Wahid), Border
[...] Intelligence Forces, Chadian armed opposition groups, community policing forces, police forces, Popular Defence Forces, [...]
SLA/Abu Gasim, SLA/Historical
Leadership (splinter group of SLA/Abdul Wahid), SLA/Abdul Wahid, Sudanese Armed Forces and unknown armed groups.
另外,2008 年 3 月 12 日的第 179ex/34 号文件还提到了关于新的超额支出的其他原 因,其中包括“工程师建议的技解 决 方 案的变更,特别是有关 III 号楼排风系统 (制冷)技术参数的变更”和“由于有关健康和安全方面法规条例的加强,要求在石 棉清除/拆卸和装卸放区域进行更多的检测项目”。
Furthermore, document 179 EX/34, dated 12 March 2008, gives still other reasons for the
new overrun, including
[...] “technical changes recommended by the engineers, in particular the installation of ventilation equipment (dry coolers) on the roof of Building III” and “additional testing for asbestos in cleaning/demolition and removal zones … owing to the tightening [...]
of health and safety rules”.
而且,我要澄清的是,1956 年 1 月划定了 Abiad 湖在苏丹共和国与南苏丹共 和国之间边界,这方面不存在争议,整个 Abiad 湖地区不属于两国边境上有争议 的四个或五个区,受到苏丹人 解放 军 和 正义运动部队攻击的我国武装部队是 驻扎在苏丹共和国领土上。
Furthermore, I would like to clarify that the Abiad Lake is divided between the Republic of the Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan by the border line of January 1956 and there is no dispute on that, the whole of the Abiad Lake area is
not among the four or
[...] five disputed areas on the border between the two countries, and our armed forces, which were attacked by SPLA and JEM forces, [...]
were stationed inside
the territories of the Republic of the Sudan.
[...] 及应急计划,其目标是提高特派团保护平民的能力,包括联合保护小组定期出访; 支助政府建立运行良好的行政架构,通过扩大和巩固之前被武装团体控制地区的 国家权力机构稳定北基伍省、南基伍省和东方省等东部 区 ; 解 除 非 法武装团体 的武装;为放与武 装团体有关联的儿童作出安排;为与刚果(金)武装力量的联 合军事行动提供后勤支助。
Those objectives will be achieved through the development of joint civilian and military strategies and contingency plans, which will aim at improving the Mission’s capacity to protect civilians, including regular missions of the Joint Protection Teams; the provision of support to the Government in establishing functioning administrative structures aimed at stabilizing the east in the provinces of North Kivu, South Kivu and Orientale by
expanding and consolidating
[...] State authority in areas formerly controlled by armed groups; disarming illegal armed groups; arranging for the release of children associated [...]
with armed groups;
and the provision of logistical support for joint military operations with FARDC.
有一些例外,其中包括:(a) 为支持执行 2005 年 《苏丹人解放运动(苏解/解放军 )与 苏丹政府的全面和平协定》而提供的援 [...]
助和物品;(b) 苏丹政府经向委员会要求并事先得到同意调动军事装备和用品; (c) 用来监测、核查或和平支助经相关各方同意的行动的用品和相关的技术培训 和援助。
Certain exceptions apply, including the following: (a) assistance and supplies provided in support of the implementation of the 2005
Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the
[...] Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) and the Government [...]
of the Sudan; (b) movements
of military equipment and supplies by the Government of the Sudan upon request and receipt of prior approval by the Committee; and (c) supplies and related technical training and assistance to monitoring, verification or peace support operations that are operating with the consent of the relevant parties.
教育组织法》确定了如下教育目标:(a) 开发每个人的创造潜能,使其充 分行使他或她的个性和公民权;(b) 制定基于主动积极的参与和行动的新的政治 文化,以增强人民的权力;(c) 依据地史学的方法培养个人,使他们具备国籍和
主权的意识;(d) 促进尊重人的尊严和了解以下内容的培训:容忍、正义、团结、 和平、尊重人权和不歧视的道德价值观;(e) 鼓励提高生态意识,以保护生物多
[...] 样性和社会多样性;(f) 从整体的角度,借助和通解放性的社会工作并在这一 工作中教育学生。
The Organic Law on Education defines the aims of education as follows: (a) to develop each human being’s creative potential for the full exercise of his or her personality and citizenship; (b) to develop a new political culture grounded in proactive participation and action to strengthen the power of the people; (c) to develop individuals on the basis of a geohistorical approach aimed at instilling awareness of their nationality and sovereignty; (d) to promote respect for human dignity and training informed by the ethical values of tolerance, justice, solidarity, peace, respect for human rights and non-discrimination; (e) to encourage the growth of ecological awareness with a view to preserving
biodiversity and social diversity; and (f) to educate pupils in,
[...] by and through liberating social work from [...]
an integral standpoint.
法案委員會主席黃定光議員匯報,該條 例草案的目的,是在《釋義及通則條例》第3條, 就 " 中央人民政府在香港特別行政區設立的機 構 " ,訂立單一的定義,並修訂《立法會行政管 理委員會條例》、《植物品種保護條例》、《專
利條例》及《註冊外觀設計條例》的適用條文, 使該4 項條例,除適用於特區政府外,亦適用於 中央人民政府在香港特別行政區設立的3 個機 構,即中央人民政府駐香港特區聯絡辦公室、中
[...] 華人民共和國外交部駐香港特區特派員公署及 中國人解放軍駐香港部隊。
Mr WONG Ting-kwong, Chairman of the Bills Committee, reported that the objectives of the Bill were to introduce a single definition of "Offices set up by the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" in section 3 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance; and to amend the application provisions of The Legislative Council Commission Ordinance, the Plant Varieties Protection Ordinance, the Patents Ordinance and the Registered Designs Ordinance to make the provisions of these Ordinances, apart from being applicable to the Hong Kong Government, also applicable to the three Offices set up by the Central People's Government (CPG) in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), namely the Liaison Office of CPG in HKSAR, the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the People's Republic of China in HKSAR, and the Hong Kong Garrison of the
[...] Chinese People's Liberation Army.




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