

单词 解放军



People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF)


Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN)


People's Liberation Army


Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)

See also:

解放 v

free v


refers the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949


army n
military n
arms n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 控是为国家人员、解散后军事集团的成员、革命武装力量――人民军成员以及民解放军成员
These acts have been attributed to State agents, members of post-demobilization groups, and members of FARCEP and
[...] the National Liberation Army (ELN).
2009年,陆军参谋长乔治·W·凯西发起了一个美国陆军和中国人 解放军 各 个 军事单位之间的军方对军方交流项目。
In 2009, Army Chief of Staff General George W. Casey initiated a
military-to-military exchange program between various military operations within the U.S. Army and
[...] the People’s Liberation Army of China.
[...] 为支持执行 2005 年 《苏丹人民解放运动(苏解/解放军) 与 苏 丹政府的全面和平协定》而提供的援 [...]
助和物品;(b) 苏丹政府经向委员会要求并事先得到同意调动军事装备和用品; (c) 用来监测、核查或和平支助经相关各方同意的行动的用品和相关的技术培训 和援助。
Certain exceptions apply, including the following: (a) assistance and supplies provided in support of the implementation of the 2005 Comprehensive
Peace Agreement between the Sudan
[...] People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) and the [...]
Government of the Sudan; (b) movements
of military equipment and supplies by the Government of the Sudan upon request and receipt of prior approval by the Committee; and (c) supplies and related technical training and assistance to monitoring, verification or peace support operations that are operating with the consent of the relevant parties.
尽管有这些挑战,但已证 实有 113 名儿童被以下武装部队和团体招募:自由派和改革武装运动(从正义与 平等运动和苏解放军/阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派分裂出来的团体)、边境情报部队、 乍得武装反对集团、社区警务部队、警察部队、民防军、苏 解放军 / A bu Gasim 派、苏解放军/历史领袖派(苏 解放军 / 阿 卜杜勒·瓦希德派分裂团体)、苏解放军/阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派、苏丹武装部队以及不知名的武装团体。
Notwithstanding these challenges,
113 children were
[...] confirmed to have been recruited by the following armed forces and groups: Armed Movement of Liberals and Reform (splinter group of JEM and SLA/Abdul Wahid), Border Intelligence Forces, Chadian armed opposition groups, community policing forces, police forces, Popular Defence Forces, SLA/Abu Gasim, SLA/Historical Leadership [...]
(splinter group of SLA/Abdul
Wahid), SLA/Abdul Wahid, Sudanese Armed Forces and unknown armed groups.
今天,我们防务互动是在最高层进行的 解放军 总 参谋长和美国参谋长联席会议主席在努力改善沟通渠道,加强美中军方对军方关系。
Today, our defense interactions take place at the most senior
[...] levels, with the PLA Chief of the General [...]
Staff and the U.S. Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff working to improve lines of communication and strengthen the U.S.-China military to military relationship.
注意到,2010 年,儿童继续与苏丹人解放军驻 Duar(联合州)第 4 师、 驻 Wunyik(北加扎勒河州)第 3 师、驻 Mapel(西加扎勒河州)第 5 师、驻上尼罗州 第 7 师、驻东部和中部赤道州第 2 师和驻琼莱第 8 师的队伍有关联。
Ongoing association of children within the ranks of SPLA Division 4 in Duar (Unity State), Division 3 in Wunyik (Northern Bahr el-Ghazal State), Division 5 in Mapel (Western Bahr el-Ghazal State), Division 7 in Upper Nile State, Division 2 in Eastern and Central Equatoria States and Division 8 in Jonglei State were noted in 2010.
公安部学者陈伟称,九条龙解放军 海 军 部队、海 关执法部门(海关总署)、中国渔政指挥中心(农业 部)、海事局(交通部)、搜救中心(交通部)、公安 海警(公安部)、边防警察(公安部)、中国海监总队 (国家海洋局)及海洋环境保护部门。
According to a scholar with the public security ministry, Chen Wei, the nine dragons include the PLAN, Customs Law Enforcement (General Administration of Customs), China Fisheries Law Enforcement Command (agriculture ministry), Marine Safety Administration (transport ministry), Search and Rescue Centre (transport ministry), Maritime Police (public security ministry), border police (public security ministry), China Marine Surveillance (State Oceanic Administration), and maritime environmental protection.
苏丹人解放军(苏丹解 放军)与日 益活跃的民兵团体之间的族群之间冲突据 报已导致 1 100 多人死亡,其中多数是平民,此外还 [...]
导致 116 000 多人流离失所。
Intercommunal conflict and clashes between
[...] the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and increasingly [...]
active militia groups have reportedly
killed over 1,100 people, the majority civilians, and displaced over 116,000.
哥伦比亚革命武装力量和民解 放军、准军事团伙、政府安全部队和贩毒者都在争夺 Awá 领土的控制权。
FARC, ELN, paramilitary groups, Government security forces and drug traffickers are all vying for control of Awá territory.
它建议哥伦比亚政府(a) 深 化 与公民社会组织、人权捍卫者和少 数群体的联系 和对他们 的 支持, 确保其人 身 安 全 , 必 要时建立具 体机制,包括发表公开声 明 肯 定他们 在民主中的 重 要作用; (b) 努 力解决
贫困问题,关 注 社会最弱势群体,包括土著 群 体;(c) 继 续采取措 施 , 消 除
[...] 哥伦比亚革命武装力量和哥伦比亚民 解放 军 等非法武装团体以及“ 黑 鹰 ” 等 [...]
新 的准武装军事团体的影响, 并 在这样做时 遵守国际人道 主义法。
It recommended that the Government (a) deepen its engagement with and support for civil society actors, human rights defenders and minority groups, and ensure their safety, with specific mechanisms in place if necessary, including through supportive public statements on the important role they play in democracy; (b) increase its efforts to tackle poverty and give its attention to the most vulnerable groups in society,
including indigenous groups; (c) continue to
[...] take measures to tackle the influence of [...]
illegal groups, including FARC, ELN and
new and reforming armed paramilitary groups such as the Aguilas Negras, and that it does so while conforming to international humanitarian law.
而且,我要澄清的是,1956 年 1 月划定了 Abiad 湖在苏丹共和国与南苏丹共 和国之间边界,这方面不存在争议,整个 Abiad
[...] 湖地区不属于两国边境上有争议 的四个或五个地区,受到苏丹人 解放军 和 正义运动部队攻击的我国武装部队是 [...]
Furthermore, I would like to clarify that the Abiad Lake is divided between the Republic of the Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan by the border line of January 1956 and there is no dispute on that, the whole of the Abiad Lake area is not among the four or five disputed areas on the border between the
two countries, and our armed forces, which
[...] were attacked by SPLA and JEM forces, [...]
were stationed inside the territories of the Republic of the Sudan.
(c) 全面执行苏丹人解放军( 苏人解)于2009年11月20 日签署的《行动 [...]
(c) Fully implement the Action Plan signed by the Sudan
[...] People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) on 20 [...]
November 2009, which commits to a child-free
SPLA within one year of signature.
最近更新时间: 2012/12/13 // 2012年12月1日至9日,中国人解放军 代 表 中国在广州举办了第47届国际军体射击世界锦标赛。
Last updated: 13/12/2012
[...] // People’s Liberation Army and China hosted the 47th World Military Shooting Championship [...]
in Guangzhou
from 1st to 9th December 2012.
安全理事会于1998年介入科索沃冲突,当时要求科索沃完全独立的科索 解放军 ( 科 军)与南斯拉夫联盟共和国(塞尔维亚和黑山)政府的暴力冲突加剧。
The Security Council became involved in the conflict in
Kosovo in 1998 when violence increased
[...] between the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), which [...]
demanded full independence for Kosovo,
and the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro).
上图:青岛是著名的旅游城市,也是重要的军事港口,现在是中国人 解放军 北 海 舰队的总部所在地。
Qingdao is a famous tourist city and
[...] an important military port, now the seat of the PLA Headquarters [...]
of the North Sea Fleet
[...] 即非国家行为者仍正在一些国家布雷,因而指出, 苏丹人民解放运动/解放军在南 科尔多凡州和青尼罗 州遗留了地雷,但未在任何地图上说明其所在地。
Noting the observation by the Secretary-General in his report (A/66/292) that non-State actors were still planting mines in some countries, he pointed out
that mines had been left by the Sudan
[...] People’s Liberation Movement/Army in the states of [...]
Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile without
indicating their locality on any maps.
039A型潜艇(北约代号元级潜艇)是中国人 解放军 海 军 开发的的新型常规动力潜艇。
The Type 039A submarine (Nato code name Yuan class) is the newest class of diesel-electric submarine
[...] in the People's Liberation Army Navy.
经过多年的国内冲突后,2003年,政府和南部的两大反叛运动苏丹人民解放运 动 / 解放军 ( 苏 人 解/解放军 ) 签 署《安全安排框架协定》,安全理事会对此表示欢迎。
Following years of civil conflict, in
2003, the Government and the
[...] Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A), the main rebel [...]
movement in the south, signed
the Framework Agreement on Security Arrangements, which was welcomed by the Security Council.
联合国分别与苏解放军(解放军)/ 解放军 自 由 意志派、苏解放军/解放军 母亲 派(阿布·卡西姆派)和阿富汗政府分别签署了旨在解决招募和使用儿童问题 及保证释放儿童的新的行动计划。
New action plans to address child recruitment and
use, as well as to
[...] secure their release, were signed between the United Nations and the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA)/SLA/Free [...]
Will; Sudan Liberation
Army/SLA/Mother Wing (Abu Gasim); and the Government of Afghanistan, respectively.
科索解放军正式 网站,提供最新消息。
Kosovo People's Liberation Army official website, [...]
provides most recent news.
委员会感到关切的是非法武装集团,特别是哥伦比亚革命武装力量――人民 军,以及民解放军征募 儿童入伍的问题。
The Committee is concerned about the recruitment of children
by illegal armed groups, especially by FARC-EP and the Ejército de
[...] Liberación Nacional (National Liberation Army) (ELN).
许多人猜测华为可能与中国政府有一些黑暗的政府关系的主要一个原因就是羞怯,因为他从未公开出面谈及他之前的工作,创办华为之前,他在人 解放军 做 工 程师。
That shyness is one of the main reasons why many speculate that Huawei may have some murky government connections with Beijing, since he has
never publicly come out to discuss his former role as an engineer in
[...] the People’s Liberation Army before he founded Huawei.
解放军、从 叛军分出来的其他武装团体和阿拉伯民兵。
The Sudan Liberation Army, and other armed [...]
groups arising from the fragmentation of the rebellion and Arab militias.
2002年英国,一个叫苏格兰民解放军 的 分裂组织向多个政治目标,包括英国首相布莱尔的夫人,邮寄了16包腐蚀性苏打。
United Kingdom, 2002: A secessionist group known as the
[...] Scottish National Liberation Army sent up to 16 packages [...]
of corrosive caustic soda to various
political targets, including the wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
( 北方苏丹人解放军)均在Kadugli 镇的战略 区域布设了杀伤人员地雷”,“据报苏丹武装部队在Kalimo 周边布设了地 雷”,“据报北方苏人解在副州长官邸附近布设了地雷。
With respect to this case, an August 2011 report issued by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights stated that “both the SAF (Sudanese Armed Forces) and the SPLA-N (Sudan People’s Liberation Army – North) are reported to have laid anti-personnel mines in strategic areas of Kadugli town”, that “the SAF is reported to have mined the Kalimo neighbourhood” and that “the SPLA-N is reported to have laid land mines in areas around the deputy governor’s residence.
作为中国医疗设备行业的一大盛会,China Med 2009由中国人解放军总后 勤部卫生部、中国国际贸易中心股份有限公司、惠通兴业国际展览(北京)有限公司和杜塞尔多夫展览(中国)有限公司共同主办,本届展会展出总面积达3万平方米,汇聚了来自中国、美国、韩国、德国、日本等22个国家和地区的505家展商同台竞技,预计将吸引10,000名专业观众到场参观,来自全国各地约2000名军队和地方医疗机构的专业买家、及政府、媒体等相关机构人员莅临参观,进行广泛深入的购销洽谈及学术交流,参与各种现场看样、咨询和测试活动,为军队医院采购招评标提供一手资料。
As the most influential exhibition in Chinese medical instruments and equipments industry, CHINA MED is co-organized by the Health Department of General Logistics Department of Chinese People’s Liberaton Army, China World Trade Center Co.
此外,缔约国还应该充分支持总检察长办公室及其人权和人道主义法律处内设的 一个特别小组,提供充足的资源,全面执行关于提高认识、防止和惩处一切形式 侵害妇女的暴力和歧视行为的措施的 儿童仍然被非法武装团体、尤其是哥伦比亚革命武装力量-人民军和民解放军
The State party should also adequately support the Attorney General’s Office and the special group set up in its Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Unit, by providing sufficient resources, and give full effect to the Act No. 1257 of 2008 on measures to raise awareness, prevent and punish all forms of violence and discrimination against women.




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