

单词 解扣

See also:

cover (with a bowl etc)
deduct (money)
smash or spike (a ball)
fig. tag a label on sb.

External sources (not reviewed)

猛虎解扣留了 政府提 供的粮食,转而供应给其武装骨干分子。
The LTTE withheld food supplies [...]
sent by the Government and diverted those supplies for use by its armed cadres.
(3) 向 內 居 民及商 戶解新的 扣 分 制 度 ; 以及 (4) 協助檢查公共屋 去 水系統。
(4) to assist in the inspection of drainage system in public housing estates.
Many people have the misunderstanding that their CSSA payment will be deducted.
另外, 如果保留该扣率,应当解的是 ,大会批准的 扣 率 是 各部门、也可能是总部 外办事处批准的单个比率的平均数。
Furthermore, if retained it should be understood that the rate approved by the General [...]
Conference would represent an average of the individual rates to be applied
by sectors and possibly by field offices.
據專營巴 士公解釋,錯誤扣減車 費主要原因是個別巴士司機在開車前設定八達通 系統時輸入錯誤資料所致。
According to the bus operators, the main
[...] cause of the incorrect deduction is that bus drivers [...]
inadvertently input wrong information
when setting the Octopus system before commencement of bus service.
根據《扣押入息令規則》(第 13A 章)第 11(2)條, 入息來源如無合理解而沒有遵扣 押 入 息令,即屬犯罪,可處第 2 級罰款。
Under rule 11(2) of the AIO Rules (Cap. 13A), an income source who fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with an AIO commits an offence and is liable to a fine at level 2.
為了補償他們在起訴過程中 所花費的時間和所冒的風險,在全額勝訴酬金的基礎上,和解團體訴訟律師還會要求法院獎勵律師費(從 Lufthansa 和解基金中扣得,金額不超過 Lufthansa 和解基金的 30%),並讓其報銷起訴過程中實際產生 的費用(不超過 250 萬美元)。
As compensation for their time and the risk in prosecuting the litigation on a wholly contingent fee basis, Settlement Class Counsel will ask the Court
for an award of
[...] attorneys’ fees – to be deducted from the Lufthansa Settlement Fund – in an amount not to exceed 30% of the Lufthansa Settlement Fund, as well as [...]
reimbursement for their
expenses actually incurred in the prosecution of the litigation, which will not exceed $2.5 million.
In addition, under the law governing long service payments, young workers can only get partial compensation and employees who are unreasonably dismissed cannot receive reasonable compensations.
扣 除 此 次 不解 鎖 而 作 廢 的 標 的 股 票 額 度 計'3,'25股, 公 司 總 股 本 因 此 增 加85,006,8'3股。
Deducting Subject Share quota of '3,'25 shares which had lapsed without unlocking, the total share [...]
capital of the
Company had increased by 85,006,8'3 shares.
這 可 能 會 導 致 當 事 人 過 早解 , 或 以 大 幅扣 減 了 的 數 額解 , 亦 可 能 會 普 遍 引 致 律 師 與 當 事 人 之 間 [...]
產 生 更 多 爭 議 和 訴 訟 。
This might lead to early or heavily discounted settlement, or to more disputes and litigation [...]
generally between lawyers and their clients.
我稍後會詳解釋這項行扣留權 的荒謬和不合理之處,以及為 何議員返回內地將有機會根據所謂的扣留權被拘禁超過1個月,因未 能履行議員職責而需要辭職。
Later on, I will explain in detail how absurd and unreasonable this power of administrative detention is [...]
and why Members may be detained
for more than one month under this so-called power of administrative detention, thus rendering them incapable of performing their duties as a Member and having to resign.
主席先生,最近政府將 125 名越南拒收的船民釋放,政 府解釋是「無權扣押」 , 不釋放就是知法犯法,但這樣做亦與現行對非法入境者的處理手法有所違背。
Mr President, the Government has recently released 125 boat people whom Vietnam
has refused to take
[...] back, and the explanation offered by the Government is that "it has no right to re-detain them", that [...]
not to release them
would mean an intentional breach of the law.
註4: 本報告期基本每股收益以期末總股本 扣 除 尚 未 解 鎖 的股權激勵限制性股票14,356,561股後 的加權平均普通股股數進行計算;上年同期該指標以當期期末總股本 扣 除 當 時尚 解鎖 的 股權激勵限制性股票64,928,143股後的股數計算,並按本公司實施2010年度利潤分配及資 本公積轉增股本方案進行了重述。
Note 4 : Basic earnings per share for
the reporting period
[...] has been calculated on the basis of the weighted average number of ordinary shares representing the total share capital as at the end of the period less 14,356,561 restricted shares remaining in lock-up under the share incentive scheme. Basic earnings per share for the same period last year was calculated on the basis of the total [...]
share capital as at
the end of the period less 64,928,143 restricted shares then remaining in lock-up under the share incentive scheme and has been restated to reflect the implementation of the 2010 profit distribution and capitalisation of capital reserves plan.
何俊仁議員: 局長在主體答覆中提及,警務人員在進行搜查前,須向 扣留 人士解釋進行脫衣搜身的理由。
MR ALBERT HO (in Cantonese): The Secretary mentioned in the
main reply that police
[...] officers would explain the purpose of a search to a detained person before [...]
conducting the search.
現時法例並無規定當局須向扣押㆟ 士 解 釋 其 在法律㆖的處境及/或告知他當 局可以提供法律意見及援助,亦無規定當局根據第 [...]
32(4)(a)或 32(4)(b)條申請扣押 時須告訴他這些事項。
There are
[...] no requirements to explain to a detainee his [...]
legal position and/or to inform him about the availability of legal
advice and assistance, nor is he informed of this when applications for detention are made under sections 32(4)(a) or 32(4)(b).
[...] 的商業糾紛與遭受扣押的個案,都是由於㆗國政府沒有依法嚴格執行,或是㆞方公安 機構與企業勾結,以非扣押㆟質來 解 決 商 業糾紛。
From the cases quoted in the report, we found that certain cases involving commercial disputes and detention were the result of failure of the Chinese Government to follow the law strictly
or collusion between local public security authorities and enterprises to
[...] settle commercial disputes by keeping hostages.
上年度期末歸屬於上市公司股東的每股淨資產以上年度期末 總股扣除尚未解鎖的限制性股票69,737,523股後的股數計算。
Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of the listed company as at the end of the previous year was calculated on the basis of the total share capital as at the end of the previous year less 69,737,523 restricted shares remaining in lock-up.
鑒 於 當局尚 未 確 定所需的 成 本 , 故 此
[...] 現階段不能斷 定,把受二噁英 污染的泥土運 往扣灣的解吸處理 廠進行 非 原地處置的做法 ,在 [...]
成 本效益方面比 不上其 他 處 理程序 (例如直接焚化)。
As the respective cost had not yet been ascertained, it could not be concluded at this stage that treatment of the
dioxin-contaminated soil off-site in
[...] a thermal desorption plant at To Kau Wan would [...]
be less costeffective than other process such as direct incineration.
扣除有关圣经与圣经制定的约哈难(10A)推断,以及另一baraita阐明了树木和baraita就此种植,引首,约哈难的从将军 扣 的 解 释。
Biblical deduction regarding the planting of trees and a baraita thereon, with an inference drawn from the Bible by
Johanan (10a), and an elucidation of another
[...] baraita cited in explanation of the first, Johanan's deduction from Gen. viii.
註4: 由於公司實施2008年度利潤分配方案,2009年同期基本每股收益進行了重述;本報告期基 本每股收益以期末總股扣除尚未解 鎖 的 限制性股票69,737,523股後的加權平均普通股股 本計算。
Note 4 : Basicearningspershareforthesameperiodof2009hasbee nrestatedasaresultofthe implementation of the 2008 profit distribution plan; basic earnings per share for the reporting period is calculated on the basis of the weighted average ordinary share capital representing the total share capital as at the end of the period less 69,737,523 restricted shares remaining in lockup.
註2: 本報告期末歸屬於上市公司股東的每股淨資產以期末總股本 扣 除 尚 未 解 鎖 的 股權激勵限 制性股票14,356,561股後的股數計算;上年度期末歸屬於上市公司股東的每股淨資產以上年 度期末總股本扣除當時尚解鎖的 股權激勵限制性股票62,407,186股後的股數計算,並按 本公司實施2010年度利潤分配及資本公積轉增股本方案進行了重述。
Net assets per share attributable to the shareholders of the listed company at the end of the previous year was calculated on the basis of the total share capital as at the end of the previous year less 62,407,186 restricted shares then remaining in lock-up under the share incentive scheme, restated to reflect the implementation of the Company’s 2010 profit distribution and capitalisation of capital reserves plan.
擬議新訂的第 22 號命令(附帶條款和解提議及附帶條款付款制度)不 單容許被告人,而且還容許原告人提出以一筆 扣 減 的 款項 解。
The new Order 22 (Sanctioned Offers and Sanctioned Payments) allows not just the defendant but also the plaintiff to offer to settle at a reduced sum.
但從負面角度看,本地各派依然帽子 扣 , 以 一己利 解 讀 群 眾訴求;失勢者,仍然蠢蠢欲動,陽奉陰違;得勢者又恃勢凌人,沒有重整人民的理性力量。
However, on the negative side, politicians are still throwing nasty titles to others, and reinterpreting people's demands according to their private interest.
當轉讓限制期屆滿後,如居屋業主 欲在公開市場出售、出租或轉讓其單位,必須先行繳付補價(即於補價 時的單位市值乘以扣率),以解除有 關限制。
Upon expiry of the alienation restriction period, owners must pay a premium (calculated by multiplying the prevailing market value with the discount rate) for removal of the restrictions before they can sell, let or assign the flats in the open market.
註1: 2011年第一季度末和2010年末歸屬於上市公司股東的每股淨資產分別以2011年3月31日和 2010年12月31日總股本扣除尚未解鎖 的 股權激勵限制性股票62,407,186股後的股數計 算。
Note 1 : Net asset per share attributable to shareholders of the listed company as at the end of the first
quarter of 2011 and the end of 2010 was
[...] calculated on the basis of the number of shares [...]
representing the total share capital
as at 31 March 2011 and 31 December 2010 less 62,407,186 restricted shares remaining in lock-up under the share incentive plan.
(b) 當局是否有向此等遭扣押㆟士頒布羈留令;現時有否任何嚴格規定,使當局必須 向扣押的㆟士解釋其 在法律㆖的處境情況,及告知他們關於當局可以為其提供 [...]
(b) whether the detainees are served with detention
orders, and whether there are stringent
[...] requirements for explaining to them their legal [...]
position and informing them of the
legal advice and assistance available; and
有關當警務人員在進行搜查前向扣 留 人 士 解 釋 進 行搜查目的時,會否清楚 向其表明,如果他對搜查有任何關注,可向警署值日官或主管人員表達,警 [...]
As regards whether a police officer would clearly inform a
[...] detainee, when he explains the reason for the [...]
search to the detainee before conducting
the search, that if the detainee has any concerns about the search he could raise them with the Duty Officer of the police station, the internal guidelines of the Force currently do not provide for the above arrangement.
(四 ) 現時檢討重新簽發固定攤位小販牌照的進展及就各項實務
[...] 安排制訂營運指引的最新情況為何;政府有何新措施(例如引 入扣分制)以解決小 販認可區的管理問題?
(d) of the progress of the current review of re-issuing Fixed-Pitch Hawker Licences and the latest situation of developing operational guidelines on various practical arrangements; what
new measures the Government has in place (such as introducing a
[...] demerit point system) to solve the HPA management problem?
(c) 二零一二年的其他項目錄得(1,600)萬英鎊,包括與加強死亡率假設有關的支出(5,200)萬英鎊, 扣 除 準備 金 解 除 及 年金 業務重新平衡組合的影響。
(c) Other items in 2012 of £(16) million includes a charge of £(52) million for the strengthening of mortality assumptions, net of reserve releases and the effects of portfolio rebalancing for annuity business.
這些工序包括挖掘和運 送受二噁英 污染的泥 土、為 倒扣灣工地進行土地準 備工作、在扣灣設立 熱解吸處理廠、熱解吸處 理廠的運作、儲存設施、為經熱 力解吸處理後 的 泥 土進行混凝土 凝固法、在 青衣化學廢物處理 中心焚化油性剩餘物以及實 施 監察及 安全管制措施。
These include excavation and transportation of the dioxin-contaminated soil, site preparation at TKW, setting up of a thermal desorption plant at TKW, operation of the thermal desorption plant, storage facilities, cement solidification for soil after thermal desorption, incineration of residue at CWTC and implementation of monitoring and safety control measures.




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