

单词 解和

和解 verb ()

reconciliate v


和解进程 n

reconciliation process n

和解活动 n

reconciliation n
reconciliation activity n


money settlement (fine or payment end a legal dispute)


peace settlement
peaceful solution

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 更具建设性和更加平衡的决议,同时注重和平教育、 容忍、相互解和预防 煽动,将此作为未来活动的 基础。
It would, however, be willing to engage in the formulation of a more constructive and balanced
resolution, focused on peace education,
[...] tolerance, mutual understanding and the prevention [...]
of incitement, as the basis for future activities.
为了为缩小这些差距奠定基础,因此,在进行任何评估之前,重 要的是解和探索 千年发展目标衡量标准和 WIPO 注重成果的管理框架之间的联系。
In order to lay the foundation for closing these gaps it is
important therefore, before undertaking any
[...] assessment, to understand and explore the [...]
conceptual linkages between the MDGs measurement
metrics and WIPO’s RBM framework.
[...] 指出,除了缔约国努力增进对实现《卡塔赫纳行动计划》的目标的 解和 取 得 进 展的认识以外,诸如国际残疾协会和幸存者互助队等非政府组织也主动开展类似 [...]
It was also noted that in addition
to States Parties’ efforts to raise
[...] aware to promote understanding of and progress in [...]
achieving the aims of the Cartagena
Action Plan, non-governmental organizations, such as Handicap International and Survivor Corps, have taken the initiative to do the same, for example through regional workshops in Amman, Nairobi and Sarajevo.
最后,我国代表团要重申,越南坚定不移地支持 在路线图、阿拉伯和平倡议、安纳波利斯 解和 包括 第 242(1967)号、第 338(1973)号、第 1397(2002)号、 第 1515(2003)号和第 1850(2008)号决议在内的相关 安全理事会决议的基础上和平解决 以 巴冲突和实现 以色列和巴勒斯坦两国在安全和公认边界内毗邻和 平共存的目标。
Finally, my delegation would like
[...] to reaffirm Viet Nam’s steadfast support for the peaceful settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the realization of two States, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace, within secure [...]
and recognized borders,
on the basis of the road map, the Arab Peace Initiative, the Annapolis understanding and relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 1397 (2002), 1515 (2003) and 1850 (2008).
向邻国终点站运输马里石油和天然气的活动在某些方面需要更详细研究, 即:不同国家的规章的一体化和统一;与马里共有沉积盆地的邻国达成的 解和/ 或安排。
Certain aspects of the transport of Malian oil and gas to terminals in neighbouring countries need more detailed study, namely: integration and
harmonization of the regulations of the
[...] different countries; and understandings and/or arrangements [...]
with neighbouring countries with
which Mali shares sedimentary basins.
新《宪法》(2008 年 8 月 7 日获得批准)保证公民权利、政治权利和基本自 由。除其他外,其中包括:生命权;不受歧视的权利;公正和公开审判权;不受 任意拘留的权利;保释权;免于被迫招供权利;获得法律援助的权利;禁止酷刑 或有辱人格的待遇;上诉权利;因为遭受非法逮捕或拘留而获得赔偿的权利;投 票(投票年龄降至 18 岁)和担任公职的权利;解和言论 自由;隐私权;知情 权;结社自由;集会自由;移徙自由;以及向包括儿童、青少年、老年人及有特 需的人在内的弱势群体提供特别保护。
The new Constitution (ratified on 7 August 2008) guarantees civil and political rights and fundamental freedoms including, inter alia: the right to life; right to nondiscrimination; right to fair and public trials; protection from arbitrary detention; right to bail; freedom from forced confession; right to legal aid; prohibition of torture or degrading treatment; right to appeal; access to compensation for unlawful arrest or detention; right to vote (voting age reduced to 18) and to hold public office; freedom of opinion and expression; right to privacy; right to information; freedom of association; freedom of assembly; freedom of movement; and provision of special protection to vulnerable groups, including children, adolescents, elders, and people with special needs.
如果这短暂的犹太法典草图至于其halakic contentsbe的声明补充说,熟语的几个亚摩兰以及他们同时代和院校的成员,反对的意见,无论是教师还是学生,经常在连接与记录该讨论的院校,一对犹太法典的性质进行更全面的 解和 其 形式可能是更好的概念报告获得。
If this brief sketch of the Talmud as regards its halakic contentsbe supplemented by the statement that the sayings of the several amoraim as well as the opposing views of their contemporaries and the members of the academies, whether teachers or pupils, are frequently recorded in connection with the report of the discussions of the academies, a more complete view of the nature of the Talmud and a better conception of its form may be gained.
该组织促请人权理事会成 员确保该国政府与公民社会协作,采取步骤结束基于族裔和性别的歧视,并促进 言论、解和新闻的自由。
It urged the members of the Council to ensure that the Government work with civil society, take steps to end ethnic and gender-based discrimination and promote freedom of expression, opinion and the press.
[...] 话,对世界上不同文化和民族的个人和人民之间 和 平 、 谅 解和 友 谊 至关重要, 而对属于不同文化、宗教和信仰的人表现出的文化偏见、不容忍和仇外心理则导 [...]
Convinced that respect for cultural, ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity, as well as dialogue
among and within civilizations, is
[...] essential for peace, understanding and friendship among [...]
individuals and people of the different
cultures and nations of the world, while manifestations of cultural prejudice, intolerance and xenophobia towards people belonging to different cultures, religions and beliefs give rise to polarization and disturb social cohesion, generating hatred and violence among peoples and nations throughout the world
(a) 在各种族、民族和各阶层人民之间建立和促进更好的 解和 更 为友好的 关系;促进在世界各国实现普遍持久和平的愿望;促进世界裁军、核裁军和削减 [...]
各国武器库存的运动;支持努力制定促进和平关系的经济激励手段;促进采取集 体做法,解决冲突和安全问题;鼓励提交国际争端,以由联合国或其他多国机构
(a) To create and
[...] promote a better understanding and a more friendly [...]
relationship between races, nations and classes of
people; to foster a desire for universal perpetual peace on the part of the nations of the world; to promote the movement for world disarmament, nuclear disarmament and a reduction in the stockpiling of weapons by all countries; to support efforts to create economic incentives for peaceful relations; to promote collective approaches to conflict and security problems; to encourage the submission of international disputes to negotiation, arbitration and judicial settlement by the United Nations or other multinational institutions for the settlement of controversies
需要采取协调一致 的措施和行动,帮助最不发达国家努力实现出口基础多样化,以减少对初级商品 的依赖,并解和减少初级商品价格波动的不利影响。
There is a need for concerted measures and actions to support least developed countries’ efforts to reduce commodity dependence, including through the diversification of their export base, and to mitigate and reduce the adverse effects of commodity price volatility.
我们希望共同为未来领袖创建一个独特平台,获得真实的全球化经验及与政治、商业和思想领袖互动,以便推动中国和世界之间的深入 解和 更 多有意义的对话。
Together we hope to build a unique platform for future leaders to gain real-life global experiences and have interaction with political, business and
thought leaders, with the vision of
[...] fostering greater understanding and more meaningful [...]
dialogue between China and the world.
政府也正在与非政府组织合作,制定《家庭暴力法 案》,以在国家一级确和解决与涉及妇女的法律和公正有关的问题。
The Government is also developing a Domestic Violence Bill in collaboration with NGOs, to recognise and address issues relating to law and justice for women at the national level.
安全理事会在其第 1880(2009)号和第 1911(2010)号决议中要求联科行动全 力支持执行《瓦加杜古协议》余下的任务,特别是对于举行总统选举至关重要的 任务;向选举委员会提供技术和后勤支助;支持解除武装、复员和重返社会方案 及民兵解除武和解散方案;继续帮助政府恢复国家权力,包括在全国派驻民警 和建立法治机构;继续协助调解人及其在阿比让的特别代表;以及继续与紧张地 区的人道主义机构就流离失所者返回问题密切合作,以便及时和适当地应对可能 爆发的暴力行为和平民面临的其他威胁。
In its resolutions 1880 (2009) and 1911 (2010), the Security Council requested UNOCI to bring its full support to the implementation of the remaining tasks under the Ouagadougou agreements, in particular those that are essential to the holding of the presidential election; provide technical and logistical support to the Electoral Commission; support the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme and the disarmament and dismantling of militias; continue to assist the Government in restoring State authority, including a civilian policing presence and rule of law institutions throughout the country; continue to assist the Facilitator and his Special Representative in Abidjan; and continue to work closely with humanitarian agencies in areas of tension and with respect to the return of displaced persons in order to respond to possible outbreaks of violence and other threats against civilians in a timely and appropriate manner.
拟编列 68 800 美元,用作与下列讨论会/会议/讲习班有关的差旅费:与
[...] 环境署冲突后事务处的伙伴关系将延伸至外地行动;为解决合同管理、业 和解 决办 法协定等方面的现有问题,与承包商就克服口粮方面的短缺举行年度会议; [...]
的分享和技术交流以及联合国空间数据基础设施的开发;北约和平伙伴关系地理 空间年度会议,以交流地理信息系统数据和应用程序;与北约、欧洲联盟卫星中 心和欧洲联盟委员会联合研究中心的协调会议。
An amount of $68,800 is proposed for travel in connection with the following seminars/conferences/workshops: partnership work with the UNEP post-conflict branch to be extended to field operations; annual conference to
address existing issues of contract
[...] management, performance and resolution agreement [...]
with contractors on overcoming shortfalls
with respect to rations; eleventh annual plenary meeting of the United Nations Geographic Information Working Group, which focuses on GIS data sharing and technology exchange as well as development of the United Nations spatial data infrastructure; annual NATO Partnership for Peace geospatial conference for the exchange of GIS data and applications; and coordination meetings with NATO, the European Union Satellite Centre and the European Commission Joint Research Centre.
常任秘書長( 環境及運輸) 除負責上 述各項有關新措施的工作外,
[...] 還須繼續執行原有的職務,包括協助局長制 和解 釋 政 策,並為政策 進 行 辯 解 ; 爭取市民和立法 [...]
會的支持,以及回答立 法 會的提問 ; 就 條 例草案 提出動 議和出席 立 法 會 全 體 會議的動 議 辯
論 ; 申 請和調撥 資 源,以便 落實政策和提供 有關服 務;督導和 統 籌 執行部門( 運輸署 和 路 政 署 ) 的工作,並與其他相 關的政策局聯絡,確保各項議定的政策和工 作計劃能夠適時並有效地順利推行;以及負責運輸分部屬下人 員和公 務員的員工管理事宜。
In addition to the work arising from all the above new initiatives, PSET is also expected to discharge on-going
duties to assist SETW
[...] in formulating, explaining and defending [...]
policies, securing support of the public and the Legislative Council and answering
Legislative Council questions, moving bills and taking part in motion debates in plenary sessions of Legislative Council, and acquiring and deploying resources to support the implementation of policies and delivery of services; to steer and co-ordinate with the executive departments (Transport Department and Highways Department) and liaise with other concerned bureaux to achieve smooth, timely and effective implementation of the agreed policies and programmes; and to manage staff and civil service matters in the Transport Sub-branch.
相应的法案还规定恢复国家真相和 解委员 会以及国家政治监禁和酷刑问题委员会,为期六个月。
The corresponding bill also provided for the reinstatement of the
[...] national truth and reconciliation commission and [...]
the national commission on political
imprisonment and torture, for a period of six months.
与此同时,联科行动将继续重点帮助科特迪瓦各方克服所面临的挑战,将上 述风险降至最低限度,其中包括采取下列做法:(a) 支持科特迪瓦各和调解人 努 力使和平进程不脱轨;(b) 促进营造安全的选举环境,包括推动有效地解除前 战斗人员武和解散民 兵的议程,其中包括监测前战斗人员“进入屯驻点”和储 存收缴的武器;(c) 为选举进程提供技术和后勤支助,并监督促进实现具有公信 力和透明度的选举的各种进程所取得的进展;(d) 通过我的特别代表的认证作 用,加强选举进程的可信性;(e) 支持科特迪瓦政府开展经济复苏进程。
In the meantime, UNOCI will continue to focus on helping the Ivorian parties to surmount the challenges and minimize the risks identified above, including by: (a)
supporting the Ivorian
[...] parties and the Facilitator in their efforts to keep the peace process on track; (b) contributing to a secure environment for the elections, including by advancing the agendas for the effective disarmament of former combatants and dismantling of militias, [...]
inter alia, by monitoring
the cantonment of former combatants and the storage of the weapons collected; (c) providing technical and logistical support for the electoral process and monitoring the progress made in the various processes leading to credible and transparent elections; (d) contributing, through my Special Representative’s certification role, to enhancing the credibility of the electoral process; and (e) supporting the economic recovery process pursued by the Government of Côte d’Ivoire.
这些讲习班 旨在:(a)提供促进国际合作和司法协助所需的知识、信息和工具;(b)查 和解决 在 该国或该区域阻碍开展有效国际合作的法律问题或实际问题;(c)加强与邻国 和该区域其他国家的网络;以及(d)查 和解 决 在 应对人口贩运和偷运移民中与 国际合作具体相关的各种问题。
These workshops were aimed at: (a) providing the knowledge, information and tools necessary to facilitate international cooperation and mutual legal assistance; (b) identifying and addressing legal or practical issues that impede effective international cooperation in the country or region; (c) strengthening networks with neighbouring countries and other countries in the region; and (d) identifying and addressing issues relating specifically to international cooperation in response to trafficking in persons and the smuggling of migrants.
您在该网站上和/或通过我们产品提交的信息将会被用于大量的商业目的,例如,完成产品交易和付款;向您提供我们的产品;验证您的身份;回应您对服务或帮助的请求;预 和解 决 我 们的产品的实际和潜在的问题;创建并改进产品;推荐其他不同的产品;对目前和将来的产品作出内部商业决定;提供个性化服务和用户体验;保护我们的权益和财产;以及收集的信息在其他条款或条件下适用于该网站和/或产品的特定功能。
Any information you submit on this Site and/or through our Offerings will be used for a variety of business purposes, including for example, to complete transactions and bill for Offerings; provide you with our Offerings; verify your identity; respond to your requests for service or assistance; anticipate and resolve actual and potential problems with our Offerings; create and improve Offerings; suggest additional or different Offerings; make internal business decisions about current and future offers; provide customised service and user experiences; protect our rights and property; and as otherwise disclosed at the point where such information is collected or in any additional terms and conditions applicable to the particular feature of this Site and/or the Offerings.
时的社会、政治以及安全环境;注意提交人没有用尽所有国内补救措施;注意缔 约国的有关机构已经建立了一种全面的内部解决机制,以便通过符合《联合国宪
[...] 章》以及随后的条约和公约中的原则的旨在实现和平与民 和解 的 措 施,处和 解决这 些来文中所提到的案件;判定上述来文是不可受理的;要求提交人利用适 [...]
4.8 The State party asks the Committee to note how similar the facts and situations described by the authors are and to take into account the socio-political and security context at the time; to note that the authors failed to exhaust all domestic remedies; to note that the authorities of the State party have established a comprehensive domestic mechanism for processing and settling the cases referred to in these communications
through measures aimed at
[...] achieving peace and national reconciliation that are consistent with [...]
the principles of the Charter
of the United Nations and subsequent covenants and conventions; to find the above-mentioned communications inadmissible; and to request the authors to avail themselves of the appropriate remedy.
安全 理事会第 2009(2011)号决议设立了支助团,任务是支
[...] 持利比亚全国作出努力,以恢复公共安全和秩序,促 进法治;开展包容各方的政治对话,促进民 和解, 着手开展制宪和选举工作;扩大国家的权力范围,包 [...]
括加强新机构和恢复公共服务;促进和保护人权,并 支持过渡时期司法;采取必要步骤启动经济复苏;协
By its resolution 2009 (2011) the Security Council had established the Mission, with the mandate of supporting Libyan national efforts to restore public security and order and promote the rule of law;
undertake inclusive political dialogue,
[...] promote national reconciliation, and embark upon [...]
the constitution-making and electoral
processes; extend State authority, including through strengthening emerging institutions and restoring public services; promote and protect human rights and support transitional justice; take the steps required to initiate economic recovery; and coordinate any request for support from other multilateral and bilateral actors.
他们再次呼和平解决索 马里冲突,这是 取得持久和平和真和解的唯一办法,吁请所有尚未加入该政治进程的各方加 入进程,并敦促索马里利益攸关方迅速采取行动,并显示在完成过渡期剩余任 务方面取得的进展,包括起草和批准《宪法》以及扩大国家权力、促 和解进 程 ,并通过提供必要的服务提高人民的生活水平。
They reiterated
[...] their call for the peaceful resolution of the Somali conflict as the only way to a durable peace and genuine reconciliation and called upon all parties that had not yet joined the political process to do so, and urged the Somali stakeholders to take expeditious action and show progress in the accomplishment of the remaining tasks of the transitional period including the drafting and approval of the Constitution as well as expanding the authority of the state, promoting the reconciliation process and improving [...]
the livelihood
of the population by providing essential services.
巴勒斯坦各派过去一个月来认真参加由埃及调 解的对话进程,导致设立正在处理民 和解 问 题 的五 个委员会,关于加沙重建的开罗国际会议取得成功结 果,巴勒斯坦权力机构作出进一步努力,尤其在面临 毁灭性的全球金融危机之时,改进社会经济复原和重 建工作。
The serious engagement of Palestinian factions over the
past month in a
[...] dialogue process mediated by Egypt has led to the establishment of five committees that are working on national reconciliation issues, the [...]
successful outcome of
the Cairo international conference on the reconstruction of Gaza and the further efforts of the Palestinian Authority to improve socio-economic rehabilitation and reconstruction, especially in the face of the devastating global financial crisis.
2002 年蒙特雷会议后取得了重要进展,其中包括私营部门和 政府部门在危机预和解决方 面的工作关系得到改善,促进了债务可持续性问题 的对话;更清楚地认识到要维持债务可持续性,包括新巴塞尔资本协定在内的规 则必须逆周期而动;在公债中更多地引入了集体诉讼条款;内债和外债的界限更 加模糊,产生了一系列新的问题。
Some of the salient developments since the Monterrey Conference in 2002 were the improved working relationship between the private and official sectors in the area of crisis prevention and resolution, which had contributed to a better dialogue on debt sustainability; the increasing realization that regulations, including Basel II, had to be counter-cyclical in order to maintain debt sustainability; the increasing introduction of collective action clauses in bond issues; and the increased blurring between domestic and external debt, creating a new set of challenges.
豁免方」是指個別和所有原告及 [Lufthansa] 全和解團體 成員,代表自身以及透過他們提 出索賠的任何個人或實體,包括繼承者、管理員、遺贈受益人、前任、接任、母公司、子公 司、任何形式的代表、股東、合作夥伴、董事、任何形式的所有者、附屬機構、受託人、代 理商、雇員、承包人、律師或保險商;以 和解 團 體律師,代表自身以及透過他們提出索賠 的任何個人或實體,包括繼承者、管理員、遺贈受益人、前任、接任、母公司、子公司、任 何形式的代表、股東、合作夥伴、董事、任何形式的所有者、附屬機構、受託人、代理商、 雇員、承包人、律師或保險商。
Releasing Parties” shall refer individually and
collectively, to Plaintiffs
[...] and all [Lufthansa] Settlement Class Members, on behalf of themselves and any person or entity claiming by or through them as an heir, administrator, devisee, predecessor, successor, parent, subsidiary, representative of any kind, shareholder, partner, director, owner of any kind, affiliate, assignee, agent, employee, contractor, attorney, or insurer, and to Settlement Class Counsel, on [...]
behalf of themselves
and any person or entity claiming by or through them as an heir, administrator, devisee, predecessor, successor, parent, subsidiary, representative of any kind, shareholder, partner, director, owner of any kind, affiliate, assignee, agent, employee, contractor, attorney, or insurer.
它具有千兆赫级CPU、集成的全高清1080p编 和解 码 功能、集成的支持ISP的16MP图像采集功能以及集成的音频处理引擎,可实现极低功耗音频播放和极高质量的声音,并且它还具有集成的EPD显示器控制器和高级3D图形。ARMADA [...]
Featuring a gigahertz-class CPU, integrated full HD
[...] 1080p encode and decode, an integrated [...]
ISP capable of 16MP image captures, an
integrated audio processing engine for extremely low power audio playback and exceptional high quality sound, an integrated EPD display controller and advanced 3D graphics, the ARMADA 610 delivers the best combination of fast, PC-caliber processing, an uncompromised Internet experience — all in the lightweight form factors with extended battery life consumers are looking for.
在视可能情况纳入来自国家臭氧机构、牵头执行机构和合作执行机构的评 和解释 后 ,进行评价的实体将完成报告并将报告提交国家臭氧机构和牵头执行机构。
Upon incorporating
[...] the comments and explanations as may be applicable, [...]
from NOU, Lead IA and the Cooperating IAs, the evaluating
entity shall finalize the report and submit to the NOU and Lead IA.
阿塞拜疆共和国一再指出,虽然各方不断作出政治努力,促进在普遍接受 的国际法准和原则基础上尽解决 冲 突,但占领国亚美尼亚 和 国 通 过在被 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地 证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如,见阿塞拜疆最近散发的文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing
political efforts towards
[...] the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice [...]
of the Republic of Armenia,
the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the annexation of these territories (see, for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).
应当重视提高该地区各国在以下方面 的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预和解决与 水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地区水观察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 林系统的可持续性,以及利用当地知识来保护环境。
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitation of degraded water ecosystems, research on disappearing water resources, aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.




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