

单词 解体



perceptual separability




human anatomy


human anatomy

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 阿拉伯地区对付人口增长、城市环境变化和青年失业、社会动荡(包括青年极端主义)、以 及家庭关解体等问题。
This would assist the Arab region in tackling problems of population growth and changing urban
environments with its attendant youth unemployment, social unrest (including youth
[...] extremism) and the unravelling of family ties.
如果对本产品进行了改造解体,即 使在质保期内发生问 题厂方也不负责。
The product warranty period is for 1.5 years after shipment from our plant or 1 year of use, whichever is shorter.
从介绍非集中化战略实施问题的点击信息上一下便能清楚地看出,非集中化不应被理 解为一个中央集权的体的解体,而 应当被看作是一个以系统概念为基础的新机制的建立。
It was immediately clear from the information on the implementation of the decentralization strategy that it should not be seen as the dismantling of a centralized bloc, but rather as the establishment of new arrangements based on the system concept.
虽然不能正式适用于前南斯拉夫在 1991-1992 年期间发生解 体过程,但考虑到前南斯拉夫早在 1980 年就同意接受《维也纳公约》约束 [...]
这一事实,以及南斯拉夫联盟共和国自 1992 年 4 月起就是该公约缔约国, 通过类推维也纳条约法公约第
18 条,就不会想到,一个以通知加入的方式 表示同意被视为接受《关于国家在条约方面的继承的维也纳公约》约束的国 家,会在某个独特情况中采取不符合公约第 34 条所载规则的行动,而在大 量其他情况中则采取完全符合该规则的行动。
Although not formally applicable to
[...] the process of the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia, [...]
which occurred in the 1991–1992
period, in light of the fact that the former Yugoslavia consented to be bound by the Vienna Convention already in 1980, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has been a contracting State to that Convention since April 1992, one would not expect, by analogy to article 18 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, a State which, through notification of its accession, expresses its consent to be considered as bound by the Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties to act in a singular case inconsistently with the rule contained in article 34 of that Convention, while in a great number of other cases to acting in full conformity with that rule.
提 案国的最终目的是使联合国不复存在,就像欧洲国 家促使国际联解体那样 ,以满足它们的殖民贪欲 和掠夺发展中国家财富的欲望。
The ultimate goal of the sponsors was to put the United Nations out of existence, just as European nations had put the League of Nations out of existence in order to satisfy their colonial greed and their desire to plunder the wealth of the developing world.
该制度明显旨在损害人的尊 严和制造无用感,在许多情况下施加严重的身心痛苦,以获得配合和供词, 导致衰竭、人解体和非人化。
This regime was clearly designed to undermine human dignity and to create a sense of futility by inducing, in many cases, severe physical and mental pain and suffering, with the aim of obtaining compliance and extracting information, resulting in exhaustion, depersonalization and dehumanization.
他60岁时,发生了日本负担了其五分之一的费用的海湾战争,同年,苏联在阿富汗进行军事干预的泥淖中消耗殆尽,走 解体。
At 60, the Gulf War one fifth expenses of which Japan covered; collapse of Soviet Union after being exhausted from the quagmire of military intervention to Afghanistan.
捷克斯洛伐解体后,设立了一个捷克-奥地利混合委员会, 以继续履行 1960 年《捷克斯洛伐克共和国政府与奥地利联邦政府间关于开采共 [...]
After the disintegration of Czechoslovakia, [...]
a Czech-Austrian Mixed Commission was set up to continue to fulfil the tasks
arising from the 1960 Agreement between the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic and the Austrian Federal Government on the Exploitation of Shared Natural Gas and Oil Deposits.
自 1991 年索马里政解体以来 ,索马里历代领导人都 采取了腐蚀性政治和经济做法,这加剧了冲突,并有碍于在该国恢复和平与安全。
Since the collapse of the
[...] Somali Government in 1991, successive [...]
generations of Somali leaders have engaged in corrosive
political and economic practices that have aggravated the conflict and helped thwart the restoration of peace and security in the country.
1920 年 4 月,奥斯曼帝解体,胜 利的同盟国指示西亚美尼亚附于新的共和国,并任命美国 [...]
In April 1920, the
[...] victorious Allied Powers, dismantling the Ottoman Empire, [...]
directed that Western Armenia be attached to
the new republic and appointed U.S. President Woodrow Wilson to arbitrate the boundary between Turkey (successor to the Ottoman Empire) and Armenia.
委员会感到关注的还有:由于家 解体 , 大 量遣返儿童生活在收 养家庭之中,从而使得他们遭到各种形式的暴力和忽视。
The Committee is further
[...] concerned that family disintegration has led to a high [...]
proportion of repatriated children living
in foster families where they are subjected to various forms of violence and neglect.
[...] 一项条约的目标和宗旨和着眼于防止拆除其义务,那就是把它 解体 成 捆 绑的义 务,个别和单独地予以实现,起不到作为整体条约的目标予以实现的作用。
(7) The first element, the interdependence of the rights and obligations affected by the reservation, lays emphasis on the goal of achieving global realization of the object and purpose of a treaty and aims at
preventing the dismantling of its
[...] obligations, that is, their disintegration into a bundle of [...]
obligations, the individual, separate
realization of which would not achieve the realization of the object of the treaty as a whole.
在以冲突、内部动荡和大量难民进而导致经济滑坡和最广泛阶层的人口陷于 贫困为特征的南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和 解体 之 后,于 1992 年创建了南斯拉 夫联邦共和国,由塞尔维亚共和国和黑山共和国两个联邦单位组成。
Following the dissolution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which was marked by conflicts, internal instability and a large inflow of refugees that led to an economic downfall and impoverishment of the widest classes of the population, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was created in 1992 comprising two federal units – the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Montenegro.
有三个最重要的事件我预测正确,这也是在情理之中的:  共和党候选人及美国大选的结果、标普 500 指数的表现以及欧盟并解体且欧 元仍旧是欧洲大陆的基本货币。
I got the three most important ones reasonably right:  the Republican candidate and outcome of the U.S. election, the performance of the Standard & Poor’s 500, and the European Union holding together with the euro remaining the basic currency of the continent.
  原南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国是联合国的创始会员国,于1945年6月26日签署,1945年10月19日批准《宪章》 ,在下列国家成立并随后加入为新会员国 解体 : 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、克罗地亚共和国、斯洛文尼亚共和国、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、南斯拉夫联盟共和国。
The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was an original Member of the United Nations, the Charter having been signed on its behalf
on 26 June 1945 and ratified 19
[...] October 1945, until its dissolution following the establishment [...]
and subsequent admission as
new Members of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Slovenia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
从苏解体后数 年间出现的低迷——波兰航空企业几乎 是在一夜之间失去了当时他们的主要市场,再到全国最大的飞 机及直升机制造商的私有化,这样的转变几乎是脱胎换骨。
From the doldrums of the years following the end of the Soviet Union, when Polish aviation companies lost, almost overnight, what was by far and away their main market, to the privatization of the country’s largest aircraft and helicopter producers, the transformation is almost total.
鉴于 该国安全和执法部解体,联 科行动的军事和警察部门还必须进一步加强在保护 联合国人员、设施和资产方面的作用,包括联科行动针对科特迪瓦利益攸关方和 [...]
In light of the disintegration of the national security [...]
and law enforcement services, the military and police components
of UNOCI will also have to further reinforce their role in protecting United Nations personnel, facilities and assets, including the mission’s protection arrangements for Ivorian stakeholders and key installations.
[...] 迫流离失所所带来的新挑战以及寻求 体解 决 这 些问题的具体建设性方法。
The High Commissioner closed by asking the international community to reaffirm and recommit to the value of international
protection, face the new challenges of forced displacement, and find concrete and constructive
[...] ways to address them collectively.
它使所有会员国都能 够了解与安全理事会工作方法有关的主要问题,并且 帮助我们找到改善工作方法的体解 决 办 法。
It places all Member States in a position to know the main
issues related to the Security Council’s working methods, and it helps
[...] us to identify concrete solutions for improving them.
4/96/M 号法律,规范 适用于为教学和研究为目的之体解 剖 , 以及器官或组织之摘取。
On the other hand, Law 4/96/M governs
[...] the Dissection of Human Cadavers and the Removal [...]
of Organs or Tissues for Teaching and Investigation Purposes.
[...] 行对话,确保平等和文化上恰当的接触,促进跨文化 解 , 并 具 体解 决 关 于环境、 社会和科学研究影响方面的关切。
Encourage openness and dialogue with employees, marine research scientists and the regional community, including indigenous peoples, ensure equitable and culturally
appropriate engagement, promote
[...] cross-cultural awareness, and specifically address concerns [...]
about environmental, social and scientific research impacts.
这些标准的一个缺点 是,它们很难从本质上改变人们的出行模式,因此不能“ 体 ” 解 决 交 通运输问 题。
A disadvantage of standards is
that, by definition, they scarcely alter mobility patterns and therefore
[...] offer no “integral” solution to transport problems.
任职者还将确保在武装体解除武 装、复员和重返 社会的各个阶段都要考虑到与战斗人员有关联的妇女及其受扶养者的需求;帮助 制定预防、预警和快速干预计划,并与妇女网络和地方当局进行联络,协调当地 社区的保护机制;支持妇女开展建设和平和调解行动,以实现当地社区的和平共 [...]
The incumbents would also ensure that the needs of women affiliated with combatants and their dependants are taken into consideration [...]
in all phases of the
disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of armed groups; contribute to the formulation of prevention, alert and rapid intervention plans as well as the coordination of protection mechanisms of local communities in liaison with women’s networks and local authorities; and support women’s peacebuilding and mediation initiatives for peaceful cohabitation of local communities and women’s participation in decisionmaking and all processes of social reconstruction.
咨询委员会获悉,任职者将负责与包 括以下各方的各办公室和体进行协调和联络:信息和通信技术厅, 解 决 与 系 统托管有关的问题;供应商,涉及技术事项和设备升级;安全和安保部,涉及周 [...]
边安全进出管制;“团结”项目工作队,涉及人力资源数据和资产管理;国际刑 事警察组织(国际刑警组织),涉及丢失或被盗的旅行证件数据库;以及国际民用 航空组织。
The Advisory Committee was informed that the incumbent would be responsible for coordinating
and liaising with various offices and entities, including with the Office of Information and Communications Technology to address issues related to the hosting of the system; the vendor in relation to the technical matters and upgrading of equipment; the Department of Safety and Security for perimeter security access control; the Umoja project team for human resources data and asset management; the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) for a lost or stolen travel document database; and the International Civil Aviation Organization.
瓦克,以有机硅为基础的体解决方案的领先供应商,将在2013年中国国际化妆品、个人及家庭护理用品原料展览会(PCHi [...]
WACKER, a leading supplier of complete
[...] silicone-based solutions, will present [...]
its latest products and innovative solutions
at the upcoming Personal Care and Homecare Ingredients (PCHi) 2013 trade show.
深信每个国家都必须根据其资源和能力采取战略,在落实《世界粮食安全罗 马宣言》和《世界粮食首脑会议行动计划》所载建议过程中实现本国的各项目标,
[...] 同时必须开展区域和国际合作,以便在各机构、社会和经济体日益相互关联、各 方必须协调努力并分担责任的世界中,筹划 体解 决 全 球粮食安全问题的办法
Convinced that each State must adopt a strategy consistent with its resources and capacities to achieve its individual goals in implementing the recommendations contained in the Rome Declaration on World Food Security and the World Food Summit Plan of Action and, at the same time, cooperate regionally and internationally in order to organize collective solutions to global issues of food security in a world
of increasingly interlinked institutions,
[...] societies and economies where coordinated [...]
efforts and shared responsibilities are essential
铭记关于移徙问题的政策和举措,包括有序管理移徙的政策和举措,应当倡 导体解决办 法,要考虑到这一现象的原因及后果,充分尊重移徙者的人权和基 本自由
Bearing in mind that policies and initiatives on the issue of migration, including those that refer to the orderly
management of migration,
[...] should promote holistic approaches that take into account the causes and consequences [...]
of the phenomenon,
as well as full respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of migrants




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