

单词 解严

See also:

surname Yan
tight (closely sealed)

External sources (not reviewed)

安全理事会采取的有针对性的措施以及建立国际刑 事法院是解严重侵 犯儿童权利的肇事者有罪不罚的步骤;但这些步骤不能替代 国家司法的执行。
Targeted measures by the Security Council and the establishment of the International
Criminal Court are steps
[...] towards mitigating the impunity of perpetrators of grave child rights [...]
violations; they cannot,
however, replace the delivery of national justice.
3 基本食品价格飙升是近年来 粮食危机的特征,4 非洲之角近来发生的饥荒5 进一步凸显出从人权角度解严 重营 养不良与儿童疾病之间关系的紧迫性。
First, the timeliness of the mandate entrusted by the Council to the Committee should be seen against statistics that show that malnutrition in children remains strikingly high.3 The food crises of recent years, characterized by skyrocketing prices for basic foodstuffs,4 and the recent famine
in the Horn of Africa5
[...] add to the urgency of understanding the linkages between severe malnutrition [...]
and childhood diseases
from a human rights perspective.
如果能购买到,应用巴 氯芬5–20 毫克,每天三次,有助于解严重 的肌痉挛。
If available, baclofen
[...] 5-20mg t.d.s. may help in severe spasm.
在世界一些地方,由于机构的脆弱或乏匮,以致 无法解决或解严重的政治、经济或社会问题,因而 加大了重新陷入冲突的风险。
In several parts of the world, the fragility or
the lack of institutions makes it
[...] difficult to solve or mitigate serious political, [...]
social or economic problems, thus increasing
the risk of relapse into conflict.
大会第 65/196 号决议宣布 3 月 24 日为解严重侵犯人权行为真相权利和维 护受害者尊严国际日,邀请所有会员国、联合国系统各组织和其他国际组织以及 包括非政府组织在内的民间社会实体和个人以适当方式纪念这一国际日。
By its resolution 65/196, the General Assembly proclaimed 24 March the International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims, and invited all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system and other international organizations and civil society entities, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and individuals, to observe the International Day in an appropriate manner.
3 月 24 日为解严重侵 犯人权行为真相权利和维护受害者尊严国际日(第 65/196 号决议
24 March as International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims (resolution 65/196)
另外,在同届会议上,大会宣布 3 月 24 日为解严重侵 犯人权行为真相权 利和维护受害者尊严国际日;邀请所有会员国、联合国系统各组织和其他国际组 织以及包括非政府组织在内的民间社会实体和个人以适当方式纪念这个国际日; 请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议报告本决议执行情况(第 65/196 号决议)。
Also at the same session, the General Assembly proclaimed 24 March as the International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims; invited all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system and other international organizations and civil society entities to observe the International Day in an appropriate manner, and requested the Secretary-General to report on the implementation of the resolution at its sixty-sixth session (resolution 65/196).
理事会还建议大会正式宣布设 立解严重侵犯人权行为真相权利和维护受害者尊 严国际日,以及强迫失踪受害者国际日。
The Council had also recommended that the General Assembly should proclaim international days for the right to the truth concerning gross human rights violations and for the dignity of victims, and for victims of enforced disappearance.
环境保护主义是一项运动,旨在对抗环境受到污染、 解 及 严 重 耗 损的问题,以及保护大自然免受经济发展所带来的肆意破坏。
Environmentalism is a movement against
[...] pollution, degradation and serious depletion of [...]
the environment, and the protection of nature
from the ravages accompanying economic development.
在2006年的研究报告总结中,解严重 侵 犯人权和严重违反人道主义法真相的权利是不可剥夺的、自主的权利,关系到国家保护和保障人权、展开有效调查和保障有效补救与赔偿的责任和义务。
In a study conducted in 2006 the Office of the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights concluded that the
[...] right to the truth about gross human rights [...]
violations and serious violations of human
rights law is an inalienable and autonomous right, linked to the duty and obligation of the State to protect and guarantee human rights, to conduct effective investigations and to guarantee effective remedy and reparations.
回顾 1949 年 8 月 12 日日内瓦四公约《第一附加议定书》4 第 32 和 33 条以 及大会 2006 年 12 月 20 日第 61/177 号决议通过的《保护所有人免遭强迫失踪国 际公约》的第 24 条第 2 款,根据这些条款,每一受害者都有权了解强迫失踪案 情的真相、调查的进展和结果以及失踪者的下落, 考虑到人权委员会 2005 年 4 月 20 日第 2005/66 号决议所界定的了解真相权 利5 以及人权理事会关于了解真相权利的 2006 年 11 月 27 日第 2/105 号决定6以 及 2008 年 9 月 24
日第 9/11 号7 和 2009 年 10 月 1 日第 12/12 号决议,8
[...] 欣见人权理事会题为“宣布 3 月 24 日为解严重侵犯人权行为真相权利和 维护受害者尊严国际日”的 [...]
2010 年 6 月 17 日第 14/7 号决议,9
知悉联合国人权事务高级专员办事处关于了解真相权利的报告10 及其中所 载有关了解真相权利的重要结论
Taking into account the right to the truth as defined in Commission on Human Rights resolution 2005/66 of 20 April 20055 and Human Rights Council decision 2/105 of 27 November 20066 and resolutions 9/11 of 24 September 20087 and 12/12 of 1 October 20098 on the right to the truth, Welcoming Human Rights Council resolution 14/7 of 17 June 2010 entitled “Proclamation of 24 March as the International Day for the Right to the
Truth concerning Gross Human Rights
[...] Violations and for the Dignity of Victims”,9 [...]
Acknowledging the reports of the Office of
the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights10 and the significant conclusions therein related to the right to the truth
主席建议,按照大会第 55/488 号决定附件,委 员会应当注意到秘书长关于纪念 解严 重 侵 犯人权 行为真相权利和维护受害者尊严国际日的报告 (A/66/335)。
suggested that the Committee should take note, in accordance with the annex to General Assembly decision 55/488, of the report of the Secretary-General on the observance of the International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims (A/66/335).
该方案特别强调通过以下措施加强生物安保和生物安全:(a) 制定并 执行国家生物安保/生物安全标准及相关法律;(b) 协助成立国家和区域生物安
[...] 全协会并使专业人员加入现有的国际生物安全协会;(c) 生物安保和生物安全培 训;以及(d) 升级生物设施并建造新设施,解决 严 重 的 扩散问题。
Particular emphasis is being placed on improving biological security and biological safety through (a) development and implementation of national biosecurity/biosafety standards and related legislation; (b) assistance in establishing national and regional biosafety associations and integrating professionals within existing international biosafety associations; (c) biosecurity and biosafety
training; and (d) upgrading biological facilities, and constructing new
[...] facilities to address serious proliferation concerns.
(a) 加强向具有营养不良风险的儿童提供社会与财政资助,改进社区一级 监督儿童成长的系统,为监测解决 严 重 长 期营养不良现象,通过基本保健中心 采取相关的营养干预措施
(a) Strengthen social and financial support to children at risk of malnutrition and improve the systems at community level to monitor child growth and undertake relevant nutrition interventions through basic health centres in order to detect and address acute and chronic malnutrition
在会议行将结束之际,他呼吁要加大努 力、投资并加强国际合作,来应对亟 解 决 的 严 峻 挑 战,以消除本区域饥饿问题。
In closing the Conference, he called for increased efforts,
investment and international
[...] cooperation to address the serious challenges that [...]
need to be addressed to eliminate hunger in the region.
它们的最终建 成可以大大解日益严重的 国际运输瓶颈。
The eventual completion of their construction may significantly alleviate the increasing bottlenecks in international shipping.
此外, 生命权也在一些案例中解释为有尊 严 的 生 活的权利,包括食品权、清洁用水权 以及防止沦入绝对贫困。
Furthermore the right to life
[...] has also been interpreted in some cases as a right to live in dignity which would [...]
encompass the right
to food, the right to clean water and protection from absolute poverty.
66 但仍有必要找到更 多可以广泛应用解决现有严重公 众健康问题的可持续进行方案。
These are all welcome contributions to improving access to medicines in developing countries.66 But there is also
the need to seek more
[...] broad-based solutions, which are also sustainable, to the serious public health [...]
problems that are being addressed.
[...] 系,以及相应的培训等)将使秘书处能根据明确和明白的采购条例行事,也将使秘书处更好 地解和更严格地 执行这样的条例,以防止重犯审计报告中指出的错误。
Looking ahead, the Director-General is confident that the changes put in place (such as the clarification of the Manual items and their relation to the Financial Regulations, and appropriate training) will enable the Secretariat to function within clear and
well-known procurement rules, and will
[...] lead to a better understanding of and strict adherence to such [...]
rules by the Secretariat, in
order to prevent reoccurrence of the failures identified in the audit report.
专家组在之前的报告中不断强调,有必要通 严 格 解 读 制裁机制控制军用 车辆的销售。
The Group repeatedly highlighted in its previous reports
the importance of controlling sales of vehicles for military
[...] use through a strict interpretation of the sanctions regime.
持续时间和频率信息有助 于您解决最严重的 问题,您可以进一步下探以发现更详细的信 [...]
息,例如发生错误的时间、受影响的喷码机参数以及可用于长期 解决问题的应对措施。
The duration and frequency information helps you
[...] address the most serious problem first, and [...]
you can drill down further to reveal
information about when the errors occurred, what printer parameters were affected and countermeasures you can take to fix the problem on a long-term basis.
此外,如果我们要获得它们的 合作——这种合作对这一努力也非常必要——就必 须使我们的人民解局势的严重性,以便我们能够收 缴非法持有的武器。
Moreover, if we are to obtain their cooperation, which is also necessary to that effort, our people must be made aware of the gravity of the situation so that we can collect illegally held arms.
如果主要利益相关者对问题有共 同理解,可避免决策和执行过程严 重 误 解。
If key stakeholders share a common understanding of
[...] the problem, serious misunderstandings during the decision-making [...]
process and implementation can be avoided.
各国对资助,包括通过犯罪活动资助小武器和轻武器非法贸易的问题表示关 注,呼吁采取有效的国家、区域和全球措施,并进行国际合作, 解 决 这 一日严重的现象。
States expressed concern regarding the financing of the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons, including through the proceeds of other criminal activities, and called for
effective national, regional and global measures, as well as
[...] international cooperation, to address this growing phenomenon.
社论活动当中,从halakic材料以来秋叶的mishnah结晶与该老师介绍了系统的顺序按照犹太法典,积累了大量隐含 解 释 和 的ha la k a h 严 格 审 查,并且是,因此,类似于塔木德方法。
The editorial activity which, from the mass of halakic material that had accumulated since Akiba's Mishnah, crystallized the Talmud in accordance with the systematic order
introduced by that teacher,
[...] implied the interpretation and critical examination of the Halakah, and was, therefore, [...]
analogous to Talmudic methodology.
教育组织法》确定了如下教育目标:(a) 开发每个人的创造潜能,使其充 分行使他或她的个性和公民权;(b)
制定基于主动积极的参与和行动的新的政治 文化,以增强人民的权力;(c)
[...] 依据地史学的方法培养个人,使他们具备国籍和 主权的意识;(d) 促进尊重人的严和了解以下 内容的培训:容忍、正义、团结、 [...]
和平、尊重人权和不歧视的道德价值观;(e) 鼓励提高生态意识,以保护生物多 样性和社会多样性;(f)
从整体的角度,借助和通过解放性的社会工作并在这一 工作中教育学生。
The Organic Law on Education defines the aims of education as follows: (a) to develop each human being’s creative potential for the full exercise of his or her personality and citizenship; (b) to develop a new political culture grounded in proactive participation and action to strengthen the power of the people; (c) to develop individuals on the basis of a geohistorical approach aimed at instilling awareness of their
nationality and sovereignty; (d) to promote
[...] respect for human dignity and training informed [...]
by the ethical values of tolerance,
justice, solidarity, peace, respect for human rights and non-discrimination; (e) to encourage the growth of ecological awareness with a view to preserving biodiversity and social diversity; and (f) to educate pupils in, by and through liberating social work from an integral standpoint.
在专家组在对关于活跃在刚果(金)东部武装团体筹资问题的任务规定做出严格解释中 ,专家组将刚果领土内的布隆迪反叛分子称为民解力量,但在其 2011 年最后报告脚注 46 中说明“布隆迪各反对派领导人还在谈判用什么名字来称呼其 战斗人员。
In a strict interpretation of the Group’s mandate regarding the financing of armed groups active in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Group referred to the Burundian rebels present on Congolese soil as FNL, but acknowledged in footnote 46 of its final report of 2011 that “negotiations among Burundian opposition leaders about a name for their combatants are ongoing.
若干代表谈到了《蒙特利尔议定书》将面临的各项挑战,并提出了一些具 体问题,其中包括亟需找到甲基溴在某些特定用途的替代品、臭氧消耗物质的 库存量居高不下、应对回收和再利用系统予以完善、非法贸易和倾销问题日严重、在将创解决方 案引入替代技术领域的问题上面临挑战,以及气候炎热 国家的制冷和空调部门面临重重问题。
A number of representatives spoke of the challenges that lay ahead for the Montreal Protocol. Among the specific issues raised were the urgent need to find alternatives for certain uses of methyl bromide, the continuing existence of large banks and stockpiles of ozone-depleting substances, the need to improve
systems for recovery and
[...] recycling, the growing problem of illicit trade and dumping, the need for further institutional strengthening, the challenge of incorporating innovative solutions in the field [...]
of alternative technologies,
and the problems faced by countries with hot climates in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sectors.
特别令人关切的问题是,用于计划生育服务的供资比例下降,如果不扭转这 一趋势,可严重影响各解决未 满足此类服务需求的能力,而且可能有损预防 [...]
Of particular concern is the decreasing proportion of funding for
family planning services, which, if
[...] not reversed, may have serious implications for countries’ [...]
ability to address unmet needs
for such services and could undermine efforts to prevent unintended pregnancies and reduce maternal and infant mortality.




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