

单词 角落

角落 ()


See also:


corner n
corners pl
angle n
horn n

role (theater)
surname Jue
ancient three legged wine vessel
third note of pentatonic scale
unit of money equal 0.1 yuan

fall onto
write down
rest with
leave out
fall or drop
get or receive
leave behind or forget to bring
(of a tide) go out
(of the sun) set
be missing
lag or fall behind
decline or sink

External sources (not reviewed)

這些名副其實的「廉價勞工」,就像數目難以估計 的有害蛀蟲,躲在陰角落蠶食 婦女的就業機會。
These are true "cheap labourers" who are just like numerous pests nibbling away women's employment opportunity in the dark.
[...] 可以為我們的客戶提供全面之點對多點發送及服務,遍及地理分散的亞洲每 角落。
This enables us to provide our customers
with comprehensive point to multi-point distribution and service throughout the geographically
[...] fragmented pan-Asian region.
不 論 您 身 在 北 美 任角 落 ,均可使用是項英語服務。
This English-only service is available from anywhere in North America.
它将您组织内各角落的安 全信息联系在一起,从而清晰为您呈现过去的事件、当前状态以及未来的弱点。
It ties together security
[...] information from all corners of your organization [...]
to give you a clear view of past events, current status, and future weakness.
我堅信,正義與真理的光芒必將照耀我們這個國度的每角 落,而我所能做的也只能是倔強的堅持,不為別的,僅僅是為我自己 [...]
良心與靈魂的安穩,以及為了我們的後代們能生活在一個具有優良品 質的社會裏,更為了我們這個民族,我們這個國度能以健康的體魄繼 續存在於世界。
I firmly believe that justice and truth will
[...] shine in every corner of our country. [...]
What I can do now is to hang on persistently,
not for any special cause, but for peace of my own conscience and soul, as well as for a quality society where our children will live; and, more importantly, for our nation, so that our country can continue to exist in this world in good health.
地中海”餐角落提供 多种的芝士和冷食选择,您还能找到甜 角落 和 儿 童食品角。
The Mediterranean corner offers a large selection of cheeses as well as high-quality cold cuts.
考虑到可以预见的全球人口增长、全球化进程波及着所有社会层面 角落 并 影响到所 有国家的发展、贫困化的蔓延和当前人口迁徙与就业动荡的现实,减贫和可持续发展被确定 为教科文组织统领一切的总体目标,本组织应当通过其所有计划领域为实现这一总体目标作 出贡献。
Taking into account the expected increase of the world’s population, the process of globalization affecting all societal spheres and impacting on national development, the prevalence of poverty and the current migration and employment dynamics, poverty reduction and sustainable development were identified as the overarching objectives to which UNESCO should contribute throughout its programme areas.
[...] 发挥了中心作用,今天又召集会议,回应来自世界各角落的呼 吁,要求进行认真努力,以结束已经爆发 的无情暴力并制止占领国以色列对在被困加沙地带 [...]
Undertaking its central role as the most democratic and representative body of the United Nations, the General
Assembly has convened today in response
[...] to appeals from all corners of the world for serious [...]
efforts to be made to bring an
end to the senseless violence that has erupted and to stop the carnage and destruction being perpetrated by Israel, the occupying Power, against the defenceless Palestinian civilian population in the besieged Gaza Strip.
要注意的唯一声学限制是角落位置将导致明显加重 的低频,因而应避免。
The only acoustic constraint to bear
[...] in mind is that corner locations will [...]
result in significantly emphasised low frequencies and should be avoided.
我们深信,只要我们各国政府与各利益攸关方、 特别是民间社会和私营部门协调一致,有效调集国 家、区域和国际各级的政治意愿,执行《德班宣言和 行动纲领》以及德班审查会议的成果文件,我们就能 够在生活各个层面和世界各角落、 包 括在那些被外 国占领的地方,切实打击并遏止种族主义、种族歧视、 仇外心理以及相关不容忍行为的祸患。
It is our profound belief that with the mobilization of political will at national, regional and international levels effectively to implement the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, as well as the outcome documents of the Durban Review Conference by our Governments in concert with all stakeholders, inter alia civil society and the private sector, will we be able truly to combat and curb the scourge of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in all spheres of life and in all parts of the world, including all those under foreign occupation.
他们遍布于城市的各角落。此 外,还有很多商贩定期上门服务,甚至有良好的售后服务, 看不了的光盘可以退换。
In addition, many small retailers provide home delivery services and even good after-sale services, allowing customers to refund or exchange disks that cannot be read.
以在城市的公共巴士不建议,但对于那些敢于这样做,你可以检查称为埃本埃泽尔一条公交线路,来自巴士总站和机场,并通过沿三角洲大道,在这里您可以下船在前的大学(行政学院建设),然后步行穿过O`猜疑街道曼努埃拉萨恩 角落。
Taking public buses in the city is not recommended but, for those who dare doing it, you may check for a bus line called Eben-Ezer, that comes from the bus terminal and the airport and passes along Delta avenue, where you may disembark in front
of the university (building of Administrative Sciences), then walk across
[...] O`Leary street to the corner of Manuela Sàenz.
讲一点个人的有关经历,在我访问过的这个国家的每 角落 , 我 们各自从事的工作中几乎都能看到这些共同利益的迹象:去年访问新疆一所美国出资为HIV呈阴性的注射吸毒者设立的治疗设施时,我看到了我们共同努力预防HIV/艾滋病的成果。
To personalize this a bit, I
[...] hardly visit a corner of this country [...]
without seeing evidence of these common interests in
the work that each is doing: I saw the fruits of our shared efforts on HIV/AIDS prevention when I visited a joint U.S.-China treatment facility for HIV negative injecting drug addicts in Xinjiang last year.
借助海卓泰特的全新起顶系统,四个重型千斤顶分别位于发动机的四 角落 , 能 够在 0.0002-0.0003" 内进行对准。
With the new Hydratight jacking system,
four Heavy Lift jacks are positioned on
[...] each of the four corners of the generator, [...]
these are able to align within 0.0002-0.0003".
这个题为《时刻》的创新抽象影像作品只用橡胶带和细线来形成对移动抽象的研究,而选择的一系列2009年纸上作品均来自不起眼的材料,包括平淡和没人要的材料, “无望角落和无 用的东西”,这展示了艺术家转化改变所选取的任意材料和媒介的能力。
The innovative abstract video, The Movement (2007) uses only rubber bands and filament to create a study in moving abstraction, while a selection of works on paper from 2009 similarly emanate from these insignificant materials, showing this artist’s facility in transforming virtually any material or medium she takes up, including the mundane and unwanted, “the hopeless corners and useless things.
条约》之所以重要是因为它是使各缔约国承担 责任、防止扩散并将核能的益处带到世界各 角落 的主要国际文书。
The Treaty mattered because it was the principal international instrument holding
parties accountable, discouraging proliferation and bringing the benefits of
[...] nuclear energy to all corners of the world.
隨著員 工越來越多機會在世界不角落—包括分支辦事處、家中、酒店及客戶辦事地 點等地工作,用戶端/伺服器運算解決方案成爲不可或缺的工具,於提供企業主 導的運算機資源下減低複雜性及大幅降低總擁用成本。
As employees become increasingly spread around the world in branch offices, homes, hotels, and customer sites, client/server computing solutions become more of a necessity in order to reduce both the complexity and the total cost of ownership in the provision of enterprise-driven computing resources.
虽然世界 上少数最大经济体举行非正式会议,探讨仅影响这些
[...] 国家自身经济的事项,有其不可否认的逻辑;但在危 机全面迅速蔓延,影响到世界每一 角落 的 情 况下, 这种逻辑便已退色。
While there is an undeniable logic to a small group of the world’s largest economies meeting informally to thrash out matters that affect only their own large
economies, the logic fades in the face of a crisis that has spread rapidly and
[...] comprehensively to every corner of the globe.
这幅节选的书法作品包含三张不同的字幅,均以波斯体书写:第一张字幅是用黑色墨水写在蓝色纸张上,第二张用白色墨水写在米色纸张上,在 角落 和 下 角落 有 两个标注性三角形(或者拇指握持标志),第三张(在页面的最底部)用黑色墨水写在米色纸张上。
This calligraphic fragment includes three distinct text panels all executed in Nasta'liq script: one written in black ink on blue paper, another in white ink on beige
paper with two
[...] illuminated triangles (or thumb pieces) in the upper and lower corners, and a third [...]
(lowest on the page) written in black ink on beige paper.
主要的防火系统叫Consilium,它包括了不同类型的探测器,这些探测器分布于船上的各 角落 并 按 不同区域分别监控。
The main system for prevention is the Consilium System which consists of the following different types of detectors located throughout the ship and divided by the type of the area to be monitored.
自 2005 年以来,外交部与一些非政府组织和联合国中东和平进程特别协 调员办事处合作,发起了“以色列示模拟联合国”的模拟方案,耶路撒冷许多高中 学校加入了该方案,它们来自该城市各 角落 和 社 会各个派别。
Since 2005, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with several NGOs and the office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, is sponsoring the simulation program “Israel Model United Nations”, with the participation of numerous Jerusalem high-schools from all parts of the city and all segments of society.
本组织正通过其成员、工 作人员和非政府组织盟友,向全球各 角落 传 播 核裁军讯息。
Through our members, our staff and our allies in
non-governmental organization, the organization is spreading the word about
[...] nuclear disarmament to all corners of the globe.
暴力和野蛮事件遍及土著世界的 每一角落,对 象常常是正在捍卫自己的权利和土地、领地和自然资源的土著人 民。
Examples of violence and brutality have
[...] occurred in every corner of the indigenous [...]
world, often perpetrated against indigenous
peoples who are defending their rights and their lands, territories and natural resources.
我們展望將高質的基督教禮品、書籍與影音產品,透過批發零售的網絡,能夠藉本地市場的經驗,全球市場的策略思維,及主要靠著上帝的恩典與同在,將耶穌基督的福音、祂的大愛和好信息,傳到世界每 角落 , 及幫助已經得著救恩神的兒女,生命更豐盛的成長。
As we look to high-quality Christian gifts, books and audio-visual products through the wholesale and retail network, be able to borrow the experience of the local market, the global market, strategic thinking, and the main relied on the grace of God with the same at will of Jesus Christ
Gospel, His great love and good
[...] information, spread to every corner of the world, and [...]
help has been the salvation of God were
the sons and daughters, life more abundant growth.
生物多樣性起源、結構與演變實驗室主任路易•德哈文(Louis Deharveng)指出:“每棵樹、每個隱蔽 角落 都 生 活著數百種形態各異的小虫子,小到一毫米,大道一厘米!一個誘捕器一次紀錄的標本就達數千個。
Granted, its scope and amplitude do make it look something of a mission impossible, admits Louis Deharveng, director of the Origine, Structure et Evolution de la Biodiversité (OSEB) laboratory at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, in charge of small land invertebrates, which represent potentially the largest (and the least well recorded) part of Mercantour’s biodiversity: “Every tree, every hidden little nook contain hundreds of different creatures from a millimetre to a centimetre long!
为寻求最新电子玩伴系列产品的灵感,从喜马拉雅山冰雪覆盖的顶峰到非洲酷热的草原,Optimal集团(纳斯达克股票代码:OPMR)旗下的WowWee公司已将足迹踏遍地球的每 角落。
From the snowy peaks of the Himalayas to the sweltering plains of Africa, WowWee, an Optimal Group company (NASDAQ:OPMR), has scoured the corners of the Earth in search of inspiration for their newest line of animatronic playmates.
前端纸张存取可让打印机靠墙或 角落 内 放 置,从而更好的利用办公室空间,顶盖上方必须至少留出 [...]
Front Paper Access offers better utilization of
office space by placing the printer against a
[...] wall, or into a corner (minimum clearance [...]
of 4” for the top cover to open) with
forms loaded and print jobs retrieved from the front of the Cabinet.
我花了一段時間,才慢慢習慣小城市,後來甚至享受「小地方」的生活,任何地方只需步行即可抵達,在街上會巧遇熟人,認識城市裡每 角落 與 點 點滴滴,還能參與地方傳統活動,以及討論公共議題。
It took me a while to get accustomed to a small city, but I ended up enjoying the life of a “little town”: being able to walk everywhere all the time, running
into acquaintaces in the street, getting to
[...] know every nook and cranny of the colonial [...]
city, taking part in local traditions
and the discussion of public issues.
我身為單車騎士,比汽車駕駛看到更多洛杉磯 角落 , 我騎著單車,到從未前往區域與人碰面,當我向對方讚美附近社區多麼美麗,他們都疑惑不解,因為他們總是開車出門,所以沒見過那些美景!我常遇到這種情況。
I go by bike to meet someone in an area I haven’t previously visited, and when I exclaim over the charms of their neighborhood to them, they are usually puzzled because they’ve never seen them, as they always drive!




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