

单词 角斗场

See also:




angle n
corner n
corners pl
horn n

third note of pentatonic scale
surname Jue
role (theater)
ancient three legged wine vessel
unit of money equal 0.1 yuan

cup or dipper shaped object
put together
coming together

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 所有阿富汗人,以武力解决分歧今后不再应是一个选 项,政治舞台应当成为唯一角斗场。
Better governance would help convince all Afghans that settling
differences by force should no longer be an option in the future and that the political arena
[...] should be the only place to fight.
1914 年,这头公牛在西班牙安大路西亚 Sanlúcar de Barrameda 角斗场中使著名的斗牛士 José [...]
Sánchez Rodríguez 险些丧命,它的名字也随之家喻户晓。
His name became popular in 1914, when he fatally
wounded the famous torero José Sánchez
[...] Rodríguez during the bullfight in the arena [...]
Sanlúcar de Barrameda’s, Andalusia, Spain.
值此我们在场斗争中 的共同《承诺宣言》(第 S-26/2 号决议)十周年,我要衷心赞扬我的同胞彼 [...]
得·皮奥所做的出色工作,他发展并领导艾滋病署 11 年。
On this tenth anniversary of our
common Declaration of Commitment
[...] (resolution S-26/2) to this battle, I want to pay a [...]
heartfelt tribute to the outstanding work
of my compatriot Peter Piot, who developed and led UNAIDS for 11 years.
在虚拟交易室本公司的客户可以观看FXOpen 公司的专家对场三角洲专业市场交 易 平台交易,让观众观察期货合约的订单流,以及交易的数量和方向。
In the virtual Trading Room the company’s
clients can watch FXOpen Company
[...] experts’ trade on the Market Delta professional trading platform, [...]
allowing the viewers to observe
the order flow, as well as the amount and direction of transactions in futures contracts.
记者安全及针对媒体工作者的犯罪行为得不到惩罚的现象,依然是捍卫言论 自由及信息自由传播原则场斗争中所面临的挑战。
Safety of journalists and the fight against impunity of perpetrators of
crimes against media workers continue to be
[...] challenges in the fight to uphold the [...]
principles of freedom of expression and the free flow of information.
該套指引將 會就環保斗的使用訂下安全措施,這亦能回應梁劉柔芬議員的關注,例如會
[...] 就環保斗的裝置及放置地點作出多個建議,讓業界遵從,當中包括在黑夜時 間,須於每個環斗的上角附設 黃色閃燈,或在周圍放置交通圓錐筒,並在 [...]
The guidelines formulate safety measures for the use of skips and it will respond to Mrs Sophie LEUNG concern, for example, the guidelines will put forward various suggestions about their fittings and locations for compliance by the trades,
including the installation of yellow flash
[...] lights at each top corner of a skip or placing [...]
traffic cones with yellow flash lights
around such skips at night-time for safety purpose.
场角较宽,是导航辅助、避免碰 撞和落水人员搜救的理想选择。
Its wide-angle field of view is [...]
perfect for navigation, collision avoidance, and finding people in the water.
就此,當局已 制定一套車斗使用指引,供業界遵守,當中就車斗的裝置及放
[...] 置地點作出多項建議,包括夜間在每個 斗 上 角 附 設 黃色閃 105 燈,或在車斗周圍放置附設黃色閃燈的交通圓錐筒以策安全。
In this regard, a set of guidelines on the use of the compartments for compliance by the trades had been drawn up, putting forward various suggestions about their fittings and locations,
including the installation of yellow flash
[...] lights at each top corner of a cargo compartment [...]
or placing traffic cones with yellow
flash lights around such compartments at night time for safety purpose.
发言人 恳请国际社会继续打击严重侵犯人权的行为,同时 明确说场斗争不 应夹杂歧视色彩,二是要以合作 和对话的方式进行。
The international community must continue to fight human rights violations, but it must do so through cooperation and dialogue and without discrimination.
以在城市的公共巴士不建议,但对于那些敢于这样做,你可以检查称为埃本埃泽尔一条公交线路,来自巴士总站和 场 , 并 通过沿 角 洲 大 道,在这里您可以下船在前的大学(行政学院建设),然后步行穿过O`猜疑街道曼努埃拉萨恩斯角落。
Taking public buses in the city is not recommended but, for those who dare doing it, you may check for a bus line called Eben-Ezer,
that comes from the bus terminal
[...] and the airport and passes along Delta avenue, where [...]
you may disembark in front of the
university (building of Administrative Sciences), then walk across O`Leary street to the corner of Manuela Sàenz.
以哈拉尔代雷和霍 比奥为行动基地的索马里海盗中心网络无疑将继续构成挑战,但在邦特兰有一个 可靠的反海盗盟友要比将更多海军力量投入 场 战 斗 的 意 义大得多。
The central Somali piracy networks operating from Xarardheere and Hobyo would of course continue to present a challenge, but a reliable counter-piracy ally in Puntland would be incalculably more valuable than committing more naval assets to the fight.
场斗争将 在投票 箱前进行,而红衫军将全力支持它的参选机构—— [...]
The next battle will be waged through [...]
ballot boxes and the Red Shirts will throw their weight behind their electoral wing, the Pheu Thai Party.
这就需要承认妇女在冲突期间经常扮演的角色——作为斗员、 为家庭提供生活来源的经济行为者和参与社区和解的活动 分子。
This requires a
[...] recognition of the new roles that women often assume during conflict — as combatants, economic actors [...]
providing for their
families or activists engaged in community reconciliation.
有些男人可 能开始会出于其他原因而参与进来,甚至可 能是为了支持其他男人遭受的苦难,但他们
[...] 会最终看到,性别不平等才是造成这些问题 的根本原因,并且加入到场斗争中 来。
Often men might be enlisted for some other concern, perhaps to support the suffering of
other men, but they might eventually see the underlying issue of gender inequality as the
[...] root cause and join in that fight.
在其后的一 个阶段,局势日趋紧张,其主要因素如下:以社会复 兴党领导人和第二名候选人昆巴·亚拉先生为首的五 名候选人决定抵制第二轮选举;政界内部勾 斗角, 导 致国家机构失灵;政界中有一派成员担心自身安 全,担心军队可能介入;几内亚军方和安哥拉几内亚 比绍军事技术援助团(安哥拉援助团)之间的猜疑和 敌意不断加重。
The period following the inconclusive first round of the election was marked by mounting tensions that were notably characterized by the following factors: the decision of five of the candidates led by Mr. Kumba Yala, leader of the Party for Social Renewal and the second-placed candidate, to boycott the run-off; malfunctioning State institutions amid rancour within the political class; fear among members of a section of the political class for their safety and fear of a possible military intervention; and rising suspicion and animosity between the Guinean military and the Angolan Technical and Military Assistance Mission in Guinea-Bissau (MISSANG).
无论是在环球剧场欣赏莎士比亚话剧, 竞场里观看角斗士, 抑或仅仅是在咖啡店 中精心摆放的小桌旁品尝饮品,加入一定的 群体能够加强这种体验。
For thousands of years, humans consumed content communally. Whether enjoying Shakespeare at the Globe, gladiators in the Coliseum, or merely a wellpositioned table in a café, being part of a group enhanced the experience.
以这种方式受到利用的法院在场政 治 角 力 中 将一无是处,无论是在化解单 方面宣布独立所引起的紧张方面,还是在澄清联合国对被置于其管理下的一块领 [...]
By becoming enlisted in this way, the Court has
[...] everything to lose in this political contest, without contributing [...]
in any real way either to
reducing the tensions caused by the unilateral declaration of independence or to clarifying the functions and responsibility of the United Nations in respect of a territory placed under its administration.
该报告提供了极为珍贵的角,揭 示在工 场 所 、课堂以及日常的社会生活中,世界各地的人们如何看待智障人士的角色和能力。
The report offers valuable insight into how people around the world view the roles and capabilities of persons with intellectual disabilities in the workplace, classroom and daily social life.
从 青年时期开始,到后来被残酷政权监禁近 30 年期间, 直至担任一个自由国度的领袖,他一直毫无退缩地投 身于场斗争,而这场斗争所 产生的影响远远超出了 他的国家和非洲大陆,影响到了全世界,并树立了新 的国际和平文化标准。
But this fight, to which he has committed himself without any concession since his youth, through nearly 30 years of incarceration by a ruthless regime and as the leader of a free nation, has projected itself far beyond his country and continent, to encompass the world and set the standard for a new international culture of peace.
此外,為加強香港對廣東山區、兩翼以至泛珠 角 的 “ 漏 斗 效 應 ”,增 加香港港口的貨源,香港應設法降低跨境貨運成本。
In order to enhance the "funnel effect" of the mountainous flanks of Guangdong and even the PPRD on Hong Kong, thereby increasing the sources of cargoes for our port, we should seek to lower the costs of cross-boundary freight transport.
保护和保存传统森林知识,对大多数土 著人民及其社区而言,场艰苦的斗 争 , 特别是他们面临着其森林资源被开采的 [...]
The protection and preservation of traditional forest
[...] knowledge is an uphill battle for most indigenous [...]
peoples and their communities, in particular
in the face of rising exploitation pressures on their forest resources.
国际社会在场斗争中是 阿富汗人民真正和坚定不移的朋友,我们期待着建立 [...]
The international community has been a
true and steadfast friend to the Afghan
[...] people in that struggle, and we look [...]
forward to a partnership that is closer, more concrete and more focused.
该影片随后还记录斗牛士在场地上 斗 牛 的 情形,斗牛士的旁边有短枪手、剑侍和骑在马背上的长枪手,而背景则是欢呼的人群。
The film that follows shows matadors fighting the bulls in the arena, assisted by an entourage of flagmen, sword pages, and lancers mounted on horseback, with cheering crowds in the background.
此外,很多分布最终都会向正态分布收敛(随着试验次数的增加,一个二项分布最后会变成 正态分布;在高中间率的情况下,泊松分布也会变成正态分布;在切去两端的最大值和最小 值后,三角分布也变成了正态分布;等等),如果用多种不同类型的分布来模拟 DCF 模型,
那我们就不能确定最终 NPV
[...] 分布的形状和类型(例如,收益服从对数正态分布,并随着时 间彼此呈现负相关,运营成本与收益正相关,但是假设其服从一个 角 分 布, 市 场 竞 争 的影 响我们用一个泊松分布来模拟,它是用一个小利率乘上服从二项分布的技术成功概率)。
In addition, a lot of distributions will converge to the normal distribution anyway (a Binomial distribution becomes normally distributed when number of trials increase; a Poisson distribution also becomes normally distributed with a high average rate; a Triangular distribution is a normal distribution with truncated upper and lower values; an so forth) and it is not possible to ascertain the shape and type of the final NPV distribution if the DCF model is simulated with many different types of distributions (e.g., revenues are Lognormally distributed and are negatively correlated to one another over time, while operating expenses are positively correlated to revenues but are
assumed to be
[...] distributed following a Triangular distribution, while the effects of market competition are [...]
simulated using a Poisson
distribution with a small rate times the probability of technical success simulated as a Binomial distribution).
近年来,中国的能源需求使之在国际 场上 的角色愈 发突出,从而导致了国际社会对中国的 [...]
种种担忧,例如中国对其他国家能源安全以及对 全球和地区安全的潜在影响。
China’s energy needs have led it to play a more prominent role
[...] in international markets in recent years.
教科文组织的战略是,以公平的角 , 在 各种相 场 合 就 教育中 的管理和筹资问题发起讨论,为在全民教育高级别小组(HLG)第 [...]
8 次会议上就这些问题进 行更深入的讨论奠定基础,会议将于 2008 年 12 月 16 日至 18 日在挪威奥斯陆举行。
UNESCO’s strategy is to initiate discussions on governance and
financing of education through an equity
[...] lens on all relevant occasions, setting the stage for [...]
more in-depth discussions on these
issues during the Eighth meeting of the High-Level Group (HLG) on EFA, which will take place in Oslo, Norway, from 16 to 18 December 2008.
2012 年 1 月 17 日和 18 日,安援部队 指挥官在安援部队指挥部举行了会议,总结北约在利比亚的行动的经验教训,统 一指挥官对安援部队指挥官战术指令(第四次修订)的认识,并从 斗 飞 行员 的角 度探 索今后如何将空中支援逐步移交给阿富汗国家安全部队的合作伙伴和非合 作伙伴部队。
The Commander of ISAF held a conference at ISAF headquarters on 17 and 18 January 2012, in order to gather lessons learned from NATO operations in Libya, synchronize commanders’ understanding of the ISAF Commander’s Tactical Directive (Rev.4), and evolve future air support to partnered and non-partnered Afghan National Security Force units from a combat aviator’s perspective.
为了确定对话--这一文化多样性(包括每种文化和文明内部的多样性,也包括它们之间 的多样性)的必然产物的形式与条件,必须制订双重战略:a) 承认外来元素,扩大各种文明 间的交流和互动来展示文化多样性产生的有益效果:这就是要说明文化多样性是不断丰富社 会的源泉,并可揭示萦绕人们心头对世界观念、问题看法、意识形态和识别能力的广泛幻 想,这些都有助于每个公民提出个人和共同的几种生活蓝图;b) 宣传“和睦相处”政策,几 种文化属性之间不要勾斗角,互 不信任:这就是要表明,“和睦相处”有助于所有公民在 平等的地位上尊重差异;平等对促进相互交谈、相互了解、并肩协作是必不可少的,但各种 差异仍是激励和显示每个人的独特性而不可回避的现实。
(b) to promote policies on “living together” without conflict of loyalty due to membership of different cultures, the aim being to show that “living together puts citizens on an equal footing in regard to respect for differences; equality is indispensable for speaking to, understanding and working alongside each other, but differences remain absolutely necessary for stimulating and revealing each person’s distinctive features.
创新署在2011年已开始推出 “创新果酱”,创建在线“头脑风暴”使用户有机会讨论在研发和工业化,地方机构和私人资金,公共管理的创新和 场角 色 ,智 能城市之间的合作主题和合作机 会,以便找到解决方案,想法和最佳的实施办法,以回应众多问题的具体办法。
The Agency in 2011 has launched the initiative “Innovatori Jam”, creating a “brain storming” online where users were given the opportunity to discuss on
themes of
[...] collaboration between research and industry, local institutions and private finance, innovation in public administration and the role of the market, [...]
smart cities etc.
in order to find solutions, ideas and best practices to respond in a concrete way to the big questions.
我们将赢得场斗争, 我们的力量不仅来自军队,而且来自我们的价值观:我们所坚持的民主、我们所珍视的自由、我们所奉行的法律--不分种族、宗教、财富或社会地位。
The laws that we apply without regard to race,
[...] or religion, or wealth, or status.




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