单词 | 角位置 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 角位置 noun —angular position nSee also:角 n—corner n • angle n • corners pl • horn n 角—horn-shaped • unit of money equal 0.1 yuan • surname Jue • ancient three legged wine vessel • third note of pentatonic scale • role (theater) 位置 n—position n • location n • locations pl • positioning n • place n • placement n • seat n
位於鰂魚涌糖廠街的The News Room佇立於街頭的轉角位置,在 廣告、設計、傳媒及資訊科技公司的雲集地中,帶出一份閒舒的西方餐飲氣息。 think-silly.com | Situated in Tong Chong Street in Quarry Bay, The News Room sits round the corner from the centre [...] of advertising, design, [...]media and communication companies. think-silly.com |
2.8.4 中區填海第三期工程的海岸線,會在 8 號碼頭的東南 角位置以順時針方向轉向 45°,然後連接中環灣仔繞道 [...] 邊緣以北平均伸延 60 米的海岸線。 devb.gov.hk | 2.8.4 At the southeast corner of Pier No. 8, CRIII [...] shoreline will turn clockwise by 45° and connect to the shoreline which [...]is offset at an average of 60m northwards from the edge of CWB. devb.gov.hk |
李國麟議員: 據報,新型公共屋 公用設施及樓宇設計未能照顧長者需 要,部分樓宇轉角位置過於狹窄,引致不少長者摔倒。 legco.gov.hk | Many elderly people trip and [...] fall at the corners in some building blocks as these corners are too narrow. legco.gov.hk |
月 1 日 [...] 日日 日前大会搭建商仍未收到参展商的书面要 求,搭建商将会自行替展商取走转 角位置 的 侧 面墙。 siaf-china.com | Unless informed otherwise by the exhibitor in writing before 1 [...] Feb 2013, the Organizer will assume that [...] exhibitors occupying corner booths would like to open [...]on the additional side(s). siaf-china.com |
可用于将D系列网络式多传感器红外热像仪安装到建筑物 转 角位置。 flir.com | Can be used to install a D-Series network-ready [...] Multi-Sensor in the corner of a building. flir.com |
政府有沒有數據,顯示這個問題並非一如李議員所說般那麼嚴重, 例如去年,在 32 萬的長者中,有多少名長者因為樓宇的 轉 角位置 過 於 狹窄 而摔倒的呢? legco.gov.hk | Does the Government have any data indicating that the problem is not as serious as claimed by [...] Dr LEE? For instance, among the 320 000 elderly, how many tripped [...] and fell due to the corners being too narrow last year? legco.gov.hk |
7.位于转角位置的参 展商可以要求把侧面墙打开。 siaf-china.com | 7. An exhibitor [...] occupying a booth at the corner has the choice to [...]open it on the additional side(s) with a fascia including name and booth number. siaf-china.com |
货品名称或编号:如果你心目中有一特定货品,可于网页的左 上 角位置 , 利用货品的关键词 (例如:Hydra [...] Zen) 或货品编号 (例如:ALN0100131-000-00) 直接搜索。 cosme-de.com | Products: Type in the keyword (e.g. Hydra Zen) or item no. (e.g. [...] ALN0100131-000-00) in the product search box [...] (top left hand corner of each page), [...]the matching result will appear on the screen. cosme-de.com |
要注意的唯一声学限制是,角落位置 将 导 致明显加重 的低频,因而应避免。 bowers-wilkins.cn | The only acoustic constraint to bear [...] in mind is that corner locations will result in significantly [...]emphasised low frequencies and should be avoided. bowers-wilkins.eu |
尽量避免在角落位置放置扬声器,并确保每个扬声器周围的声学环境相似。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Try to avoid corner locations for the speakers [...] and to ensure that acoustic environment around each speaker is similar. bowers-wilkins.eu |
田北俊議員: [...] 主席,按照李議員的主體質詢,據報部分樓宇的 轉 角位置 過於 狹窄,引致不少長者摔倒,而政府的主體答覆指現時大約有 [...]32 萬長者居住 在屋邨。 legco.gov.hk | MR JAMES TIEN (in Cantonese): President, according to Dr LEE's main question, it has [...] been reported that many elderly people [...] trip and fall at the corners in some building blocks [...]as they are too narrow, and the [...]Government stated in the main reply that there are currently about 320 000 elderly people living in these housing estates. legco.gov.hk |
天空中某一区域的偏振光的亮度是随着这一区域与太阳的相对位置变化而改变 的,峰值出现在与太阳成 90 度角的位置。 motion.kodak.com | The amount of polarized light from a particular area of the sky [...] varies according to the position of the area with respect to the sun, the maximum [...] occurring at an angle of 90˚ from [...]the sun. motion.kodak.com |
靠背的倾斜角度可以随意调节,您可以选择 在适当的角度位置停住 ,而不是将扶手椅或沙发完全放倒。 natuzzi.com | The inclination of the back can be regulated, as you desire, you can choose to block the mechanism in the desired position without having to open it completely. natuzzi.com |
用于进行旋转和角位置控制的 RLS 新型 13 位磁性传感器已被 NASA Tech Briefs 杂志选为 2006 年 11 月的“本月产品”,该杂志是美国国家航空航天管理局 [...] (NASA) 的官方出版物。 rls.si | RLS' new 13 bit magnetic sensor for rotary and angular positioning control has [...] been named 'Product of the Month' for November [...]2006 by NASA Tech Briefs magazine, an official publication of the USA's National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA). rls.si |
首先,李議員的主體質詢問及部分樓宇的 轉 角位置 , 這當然是指樓宇與 樓宇之間的位置;第二,部分樓宇的 轉 角位置 可 能 是指該座樓宇內的走廊, 這也屬於部分樓宇的轉彎位置。 legco.gov.hk | Although we are not the concerned parties, I can see that [...] there are two [...] explanations for this. First, Dr LEE's main question asked about the corners of some building blocks, which certainly refers to the area [...]in-between two blocks. legco.gov.hk |
通过变焦镜头,当您打开微距模式并在保持聚焦被摄物的同时尽可能地靠近,与被摄物的最小距离和画面中被摄物的大小将会因镜头是在 广 角位置 还 是 在远摄变焦位置而不同。 ricoh.com | With a zoom lens, when you turn on macro mode and move as close as possible while still keeping the subject in focus, the minimum distance to the subject and the [...] size of the subject in the frame will differ depending on whether the [...] lens is at a wide-angle or telephoto zoom position. ricoh.com |
在上面的范例里,圆锥体的顶点和立方体 的 角位 于 同一 个 位置 , 这样的情形会造成布尔运算失败。 rhinoceros.helpmax.net | This is one of the situations that can cause the Boolean operations to fail. rhinoceros.helpmax.net |
PEER 是一个自主而独立的计划,它是完全下放到内罗毕办事处的一项计划,地 理 位置 符合 非洲之角和大湖地区各国的中立立场。 unesdoc.unesco.org | PEER is an autonomous and independent programme that is fully [...] decentralized and based in Nairobi – a neutral ground [...] for the countries in the Horn of Africa and the Great [...]Lakes Region to meet. unesdoc.unesco.org |
申请材料上必须注明运动员 的运动大项以及根据需要注明小项和具体 的 位置 或 角 色。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The application must identify the Athlete’s sport and, where appropriate, [...] discipline and specific position or role. unesdoc.unesco.org |
3) 转动 1 周的增量位置(G91.1) 从当前位置出发的角度量移动。 ckd.co.jp | 3) Full revolution [...] incremental dimension (G91.1) Travel from the current position by an angle. ckd.co.jp |
这一节定义 [...] webservices.xml 文件的内容、模块内的位置、角色和职责以及格式。 huihoo.org | This section defines the content of the [...] webservices.xml file, location within modules, [...]roles and responsibilities, and the format. huihoo.org |
国家经济大大依赖于服务行业,这一状况主要是由国家的战 略 位置 及 其 非洲 之角免税区的地位决定的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Because of the country’s [...] strategic position and its status as a free zone in the Horn of Africa, its [...]economy is based mainly on the service industry. daccess-ods.un.org |
传感器部生产具有无接触传感功能的霍尔效应传感器 [...] IC,以满足汽车、工业、消费类和便携式电子产品领域对方向检测、齿轮齿、速度、线性 、 角 度 、 电流 和 位置 感 应等的应用需求。 digikey.cn | The Sensor group produces Hall-effect sensor ICs offering contactless sensing for applications such as [...] direction-detection, gear-tooth, [...] speed, linear, angle, current and position sensing for [...]automotive, industrial, consumer, and portable electronics. digikey.ca |
当我们努力促成维和工作 [...] 朝建设和平和长期政治稳定平稳过渡的时候,有必要 把国家自主性和国家视角置于法 治援助的中 心 位置, 以 此扩大各利益攸关者之间的伙伴协作。 daccess-ods.un.org | While we work towards a seamless transition from peacekeeping to peacebuilding and long-term political stability, partnerships among various [...] stakeholders need to be expanded by placing [...] national ownership and perspectives at the centre of rule of law assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
作為最早進軍亞洲市場的衛星營運商之一, 我們擁有多個經悉心安排的 C 波段軌道位置,令我們處於有利的 位置 , 迎 合市場增長的需求。 asiasat.com | As one of the earliest satellite operators to enter the Asian market, we have a selection of well-coordinated C-band slots, putting us in a good position to meet the increasing demand. asiasat.com |
(ii) 加深操作人員對各黑點情況的了解,特別是周邊地形、礁石 位置、航道形態、闊度、深淺與及進入航道時的合 適 位置、 角度及速度等;以及 legco.gov.hk | (ii) enhancing officers’ understanding of the black spots, particularly the topography, locations of submerged [...] rock, shape, width and depth of waterways, and the [...] appropriate position, angle and speed in [...]entering these waterways; and legco.gov.hk |
HL Planar 专注于薄膜金属化工艺,其生产的传感器可分为四个主要类别:(1) [...] 用于家电、汽车、医疗及其它非接触式温度测量应用的红外热电堆,(2) 测量磁场变化以确定位置、角度、 旋转或电流的磁阻传感器,(3) 在汽车、医疗和工业应用中用来测量气流及其它气体变化的空气流量 [...](MAF) 传感器,(4) [...] 在建筑设备、汽车和航空航天应用中用来精确测量液位、角度或倾斜度的 MEMS 型倾斜传感器。 digikey.cn | HL Planar specializes in thin-film metallization processes, producing sensors in four main categories: (1) infrared thermopiles used in appliance, automobile, medical and other applications for non-contacting temperature measurement; (2) magneto-resistive sensors [...] that measure changes in magnetic fields to [...] determine position, angle, rotation or current; [...](3) mass air flow (MAF) sensors [...]to measure the changes in air flow and other gases for use in automotive, medical and industrial applications; (4) MEMS-based inclination sensors for the precise measurement of level, angle or tilt in construction equipment, automobile and aerospace applications. digikey.ca |
技術上,基於無線電波的傳送特性,以及可能受處所的環境或設計所限 (例如室內個別較為深入或隱蔽的 位置 , 又 或是建築物內有太多 轉 角位 ), 即使處所已有流動服務覆蓋,用戶可能只接收到微弱的訊號,甚至未能接收 [...] 任何訊號。 legco.gov.hk | Technically speaking, given the inherent propagation characteristics of radio waves and potential physical constraints arising from the environment or design of the [...] premises (for example, certain spots deep inside a building [...] or concealed locations in an indoor venue, or too many corners within a building), [...]mobile users may be able [...]to receive weak signals only or no signals at all, even though the premises are covered by mobile networks. legco.gov.hk |
在其东北和西北两侧成犄角之势各布 置 两 栋 长短不一的条式体量的客房楼,东侧的平行临河,西侧的垂直临河;它们的内部布局都是线形串联结构,两层双坡;底层的中心是一 个 位 于 临 水平台上的四面可开敞的明轩式客厅。 chinese-architects.com | The north-eastern side one is parallel with the river and the north-western side one is perpendicular to the river. chinese-architects.com |
根据该决议草案,大会除其他外,将要求所有利 益攸关方加强对话,把国家视角置于 法 治援助的中 心,以加强国家掌管权;请秘书长及时提交其关于联 [...] 合国法治活动的下一年度报告;并决定在大会第六十 七届会议高级别部分期间召开大会关于国内和国际 的法治的一次高级别会议,会议的方式将在第六十六 [...]届会议期间最后确定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under the terms of that draft resolution, the Assembly would, inter alia, call for enhancing [...] dialogue among all stakeholders with a view to [...] placing national perspectives at the centre of [...]rule of law assistance in order [...]to strengthen national ownership; request the Secretary-General to submit, in a timely manner, his next annual report on United Nations rule of law activities; and decide to convene a high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the rule of law at the national and international levels during the high-level segment of its sixty-seventh session, the modalities of which would be finalized during its sixty-sixth session. daccess-ods.un.org |