

单词 视神经



optic disk (terminal of the optic nerve on the retina)


optic disk (terminal of the optic nerve on the retina)


neurological visual impairment (NVI)

See also:


God n
god n
look n
gods n
deity n
soul n


External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 的卡尔蔡司公司那里获得一种光学相干断层扫描仪 来检查视网膜视神经,因为这种设备中有由美国汉 弗莱公司提供的零件。
Nor can an optical coherence tomographer be obtained from
the German company Carl Zeiss to examine
[...] the retina and the optical nerve because it has [...]
components supplied by the American company Humphrey.
青光眼是一种相当严重的疾病,它影响眼睛后面 神经 — — 视神经。
Glaucoma is a fairly serious disease affecting the nerves behind the eye – the optic nerves.
他将其描述成一种“冷”而“干”的宝石,能帮助改善视力和治疗眼科疾病,例如弱视 视神经 乳 头 水肿。
He describes it as a “cold” and “dry” stone that helps improve eyesight and ameliorates ophthalmologic conditions such as amblyopia and papilledema.
青光眼是指眼部经线 (即视神经) 被不正常的眼球高压所损害。
Pressure in the eye can increase when too much fluid is being produced, or when the fluid is not
draining properly. Glaucoma is the
[...] condition in which the nerve supplying the eye (the [...]
optic nerve) is harmed by abnormally high eye pressure.
3、眼眶肿瘤,如泪腺肿瘤视神经胶 质 瘤等,多表现为眼痛常伴流泪,眼球突出或眼球运动障碍、视力下降等问题。
3、Orbital tumors, such as the
[...] lacrimal tumor, optic nerve glioma, generally [...]
perform as eye pain accompanied by tears, proptosis
or eye movement disorders and decreased eye sights.
淋巴癌和血癌也可能会扩散至眼部并伴有结膜(眼镜和眼皮之间的粘膜) 视神经 浸 润
Lymphoma and leukemia may also occur in
[...] the eye with infiltration of the conjunctiva (mucus membranes between eye and eyelid) or optic nerve.
在恶性的高血压病变中,肿胀发生在眼球 视神经 遍 布 的地方。
In malignant hypertension, swelling occurs
[...] where the optic nerve meets the eye.
本研究小组,从绿内障的基本病症是“伴 视神经 乳 头凹陷扩大的视网 神经 节 细 胞死亡”出必,着手于抑制这种细胞死亡的神经保护治疗的开发,在本研究中,使用钙蛋白酶抑制剂SNJ-1945,投放到患绿内障的动物身上,有显著的治疗效果。
Since the clinical condition of
[...] glaucoma is “retinal ganglion cell death accompanied with the cupping of optic nerve head,” the [...]
research group has
launched to develop neuroprotective treatment suppressing the cell death, and has revealed the efficacy of Calpain inhibitor SNJ-1945, by using it for mice of glaucoma model in this study.
特征有:当眼睛向下看时,上眼睑挛缩的“上眼睑退缩症”;甲状腺“凝视症”;“角膜暴露症”,症状从轻微的干眼症到很严重的角膜暴露证导致的角膜溃疡;由于眼周肌肉扩张导致的 视神经 受 压 症”。
Common features include: upper eyelid retraction with the upper lid lagging when you look downward; thyroid “stare”; corneal exposure ranging from mild dry
eyes to serious exposure causing corneal
[...] ulcers; and optic nerve compression, caused [...]
by the enlarged muscles surrounding the eye.
离开地球引力将人体中的液体向下牵引,头颅内的压力就开始变大,这就导 视神经 肿 胀 ,眼球出现略微扁平——就像你猜到的那样——最终会出现视力模糊。
Without Earth's gravity pulling the body's fluids down,
there's more pressure in the skull, which leads
[...] to swollen optic nerves, slightly flattened [...]
eyeballs, and—you guessed it—blurry vision.
此外,肾脏疾病、糖尿病、肠胃疾病 神经 系 统疾病和精神疾病发病率正 在增加,关于这类疾病导致死亡的报告增加。
In addition, incidences of renal diseases,
diabetes, gastro-intestinal diseases and
[...] diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders [...]
are on the increase, with increasing
deaths reported from such diseases.
关于少数群体与少数群体问题,儿童基金会强调,磋商的成果是:使人们 更加了解国际人权和政策框架以及影响政策的机会和挑战;阐释了在儿童基金会 方案中汲取的经验和教训;介绍了儿童基金会建立伙伴和合作关系 经 验 ; 说明 了改进儿童基金会工作视角和 明晰度;提出了教育、卫生、 视 、 暴 力、参 与、神和数 据收集领域的具体建议和战略,以及解决土著人民和少数群体问题 的路线图和行动计划。
In relation to minorities and minority issues, UNICEF highlights that the consultation: led to an increased understanding of international human rights and policy frameworks and opportunities and challenges in influencing policies; took note of experiences and lessons learned in
UNICEF programmes; presented the experience of UNICEF in forging partnerships and collaborations; provided perspective and clarity for improving the performance of UNICEF; and led to the development of
[...] specific recommendations and strategies in areas such as education, heath, discrimination, violence, participation, and monitoring and data collection, as well as [...]
a road map and action proposals on indigenous peoples’ and minorities’ issues.
仲裁员被要求 把别视作某种神圣事物,无论愤怒或任何理由,在 经 同 意 下,都不得以 任何方式予以侵害,如果侵害,则可视为一种引起赔偿的行为,赔偿应与侵 害的精神和性质及受害人的品质成比例。
The umpire has been told to regard the person of another as something to be held sacred, and that it could not be touched even in the lightest manner, in anger or without cause, against his consent, and [...]
if so done it is considered
an assault for which damages must be given commensurate with the spirit and the character of the assault and the quality of the manhood represented in the individual thus assaulted.
这不是,因此,令人惊讶的是犹太民族的宗教希望应该是这样一来主要是末世论,而大众的想象, 视 , 神 圣 启 示的角度来看,应该​​ 经 学 会了为建立看地球的光荣王国上帝,这是保证基督徒在天上会实现只在本特许关闭。
It is not, therefore, surprising that the religious hopes of the Jewish nation should have be come so predominantly eschatological, and that the popular
[...] foreshortening the perspective of Divine Revelation, should have learned to look for the establishment [...]
on earth of
the glorious Kingdom of God, which Christians are assured will be realized only in heaven at the close of the present dispensation.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、神 或教 育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受视自由 制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
[...] “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 的神,特别在知识社会和知经济 的 背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially
within the framework of the
[...] knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of [...]
the World Summit on the Information Society.
2005 年 ICOMOS 大会通过的《关于保护遗产建筑物、古迹和历史区域的西安宣言》7 将遗产区域定义为“紧靠古遗址的和延伸的、影响古遗址重要性或是其重要性组成部分的周 边环境”,并承认“与物质视觉、 精 神 及 其他文化的背景环境之间所产生联系”之历史区 域的重要性和独特性,它有力地推动了制订有关对保护和管理遗址区域适当进行规划的工具 与战略。
The Xi’an Declaration on the Conservation of the Setting of Heritage Structures, Sites and Areas, adopted in 2005 by the General Conference of ICOMOS7 defined the setting of a heritage area as “the immediate and extended environment that is part of, or contributes to, its significance and distinctive character” and, having acknowledged that the significance and distinctive character of historic areas derive from the relationship “with their physical, visual, spiritual and other cultural context and settings”, it promoted the development of proper planning tools and strategies for the conservation and management of the areas forming the setting.
长期摄入无机砷对人体健康造成的不良影 响主要包括癌症、皮肤病患、心血管系统疾病 神经 系 统中毒和糖尿病。
The main adverse effects in human
after long-term ingestion of inorganic arsenic are cancer, skin lesions,
[...] cardiovascular disease, neurotoxicity and diabetes.
心理健康不是一个游离的概念,它是我们健康的一个组成要素,我们应视它为身心全面健 康的着眼点,而不是仅视其为精神 疾 病 的缺失。
Mental health is not a separate entity – it is one element of our health, and
we should look at it in the context of “holistic health,” rather than think of
[...] it as simply an absence of mental illness.
据中国神话,龙王有九个儿子,而这神 物被视作权力的象征,中国宫殿和许多传统艺术品(包 括北京的紫禁城,城中有九龙戏珠的琉璃壁画)中常常 有九龙戏海的图案。
According to Chinese legend, the Dragon king has
[...] nine sons and the mystic creatures are seen as symbol of power, images of nine dragons playing in the sea [...]
can be found in Chinese
palaces and many traditional artworks (including in the Forbidden City in Beijing where there is a glazed mural featuring nine dragons each playing with a pearl).
尤其将视经历危 机和紧张局势的国家、转型期国家和冲突后国家、以及受自然灾害 影响的国家。在那些地区,通讯和信息的获取、表达自由、振兴文化和修复文化遗产,所有 [...]
Special attention will be given to countries experiencing crisis and [...]
tensions, countries in transition and following situations
of conflict, as well as countries impacted by natural disasters – where access to communication and information, freedom of expression and support to the revitalization of culture and the rehabilitation of cultural heritage are essential for creating the conditions for recovery, lasting peace and sustainable development.
没有某一特定年度的关于歧视亚 美尼亚人的报告不应当被作为经停 止 这种 视 的 证据,特别是在各种其他报告 都表明阿塞拜疆的亚美尼亚人都在试图隐瞒族裔身份的时候。
The absence of
[...] new reports on discrimination against Armenians during one specific year should not be used as evidence that such discrimination [...]
has ceased, especially when various
other reports concurrently indicate that Armenians in Azerbaijan are trying to conceal their ethnicity.
强调少数群体许多成员,特别是少数群体儿童,无法享有平等机会和平等接 受教育的机会,从而不能充分地对所属群体和整个社会作出贡献,造成遭受视、经济边 缘化和社会排斥的少数群体成员无法摆脱深受其害的无止无休的贫 困, 又强调少数群体成员有效参与其所属社会的国家政治、文化、宗教、经济和 社会进程对于他们充分和平等地享受所有人权至关重要,有助于缓解紧张关系, 有利于预防冲突,促进稳定和提高社会凝聚力
Stressing that the lack of equal opportunities and equal access to education for many persons belonging to minorities, in particular minority children, prevents them from contributing fully to their own communities and to the wider society, and perpetuates the cycle of poverty experienced acutely by persons belonging to minorities facing discrimination, economic marginalization and social exclusion
通过下列活动促进了非洲人的科技能力建设:2008 年 6 月 23 至 25 日在利比亚的黎波
[...] 议;在摩洛哥举办了基因技术和生物信息技术课程,在南非举办了一次关于感染的分子和细 胞基的讲座;2008 年 6 月 26 至 28 日举办了关神经变性 疾病的培训课程。
Human capacity-building in S&T in Africa was promoted through the following activities: UNESCO together with the Libyan Biotechnology Centre organized a regional meeting from 23 to 25 June 2008 in Tripoli, Libya, to promote networking in biotechnology in Africa; teaching courses were organized in genomics and bioinformatics in Morocco and a lecture course on the molecular and cellular basis of
infection was held in South Africa; a
[...] training course on neurodegenerative diseases was organized [...]
in Dakar, Senegal, from 26 to 28 June 2008.
在政治层面缺乏对烟草控制问题的优先 视 , 经 常 导 致缺乏关于烟草控 制的法律框架和(或)有效的执行和执法机制
Lack of prioritization of tobacco control issues at the political level, often resulting in the absence of a legal framework on tobacco control and/or of effective implementation and enforcement mechanisms
[...] 赞扬秘书长为审查对以色列和土耳其进行内部调查的 结果而建立的小组,赞扬小组体现出的合作 神 , 并视该小 组为国际社会审查此事件的主要方式。
His delegation commended the panel established by the Secretary-General to review the results of the internal investigations
in Israel and Turkey and the
[...] spirit of cooperation it represented, and continued to regard that [...]
panel as the primary method
for the international community to review that incident.
虽然邪恶王国下跌(罗马)视为对 神 的 国 度(Pesiḥ.诉51)开始兴起,信仰是之间的罗马帝国以东=下降和失败的gog和玛军队将有一个较长的时间(见Pesiḥ二十二148A条。
While the fall of the wicked kingdom (Rome)
was taken to be the beginning of the
[...] rise of the kingdom of God (Pesiḥ. v. 51a), [...]
the belief was that between the fall of
the empire of Edom = Rome and the defeat of the Gog and Magog army there would be a long interval (see Pesiḥ. xxii. 148a; comp.




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