

单词 视乎

See also:


because conj


regard v
look at v

External sources (not reviewed)

因此视乎养恤金联委会关于养恤基金预算的 建议和大会采取的任何相关行动,估计数可能被进一步订正。
Accordingly, depending on the recommendations [...]
of the Pension Board on the budget of the Fund and any related action taken
by the General Assembly, the estimates may be subject to further revision.
视乎先导计划的检讨结果,医管局 会在未来数年把计划推展至其他地区。
Subject to the evaluation of the pilot programme, HA will roll it out to other districts in the coming years.
秘书须应总 裁或主席视乎情况 而定)或任何董事的要求,以书面、电话或董事会不时决定的 方式发出通知,以召开董事会会议。
time to time determine whenever he shall be required so to do by the president or chairman, as the case may be, or any Director.
费用估计 注册成为CGA所需的全部费用有所不同 视乎 你 需 要选读多少门课, 你需要多长时间完成这些课程,以及你是否需要获得学位。
The total costs for becoming certified as a CGA will vary depending upon how many courses you need to take, how long it takes you to complete the courses, and whether you also need to obtain a degree.
视乎取得 的证据及法律意见,警方会拘捕及落案控告有关人士。
Depending on the evidence available and subject to legal advice, the Police will arrest and lay charges against the persons concerned.
1 次正常及定期之健康及体格检查, 视乎 其 是 否胜任(第 7/2008 号法律第26 条至第32条)。
At least once a year, minor workers are submitted to regular and periodic physical robustness and health examinations (arts. 26 to 32 of Law 7/2008).
[...] 的不再是国家间的协定,而是一个倡议,这个倡议可单方面提出,其结 视乎是 否 遵守恢复施行的条件(第 4 条草案),必要时这个问题可依照现有的解决争端程 [...]
Resumption may be called for by one or more States parties, because it is no longer a matter of an agreement between States, but an
initiative that may be taken unilaterally
[...] and whose result will depend on compliance [...]
with the conditions for resumption set
forth in draft article 4 — an issue which will be resolved, if necessary, through the available dispute settlement procedures.
钩 刺的体视乎刺深及突出,同时决定 纤维带动的情况,内切角的定义是纤 维是否被钩刺保持良好。
The size of the barbs is defined by the barb depth and kick-up, and determines the fibre pick-up significantly.
特别委员会强调,任何违反这些标准的人都将在秘书长权限范围 内受到适当惩处,而国家特遣队成员的刑事和纪律责任 视乎 会 员 国的本国法律 而定。
The Special Committee stresses that in the case of any violations of standards, appropriate action will be taken within the authority of the Secretary-General, while criminal and disciplinary responsibility in respect of members of national contingents will depend on the national law of the Member State.
社署视乎服务 使用者的反应、将启用的 新院舍的数目、私营残疾人士院舍所提供宿位的质素,以及他们对这项先导计划 的反应等,考虑适当地调整拟购买宿位的数目。
Having regard to the response of service users, the number of new homes coming on stream, the quality of places to be provided by and the response of private RCHDs, etc., SWD will consider suitable adjustment to the number of places to be purchased.
在处理乙方的订单过程中,根据乙方的订单的指令购买视 乎具体情况出售,如果甲方已经购买或出售,但是在错误的交割月/截止月或以相关合约的错误行使价格交易,那么甲方可以根 据任何相关交易所的规则用在正确执行乙方的订单过程中为乙方争取到的任何优惠抵消该交易造成的任何损失,从而只向乙方 [...] [...]
Where, in response to your order, we have
[...] bought or sold in accordance with the instruction in your order to buy or, as the case [...]
may be, to sell but have
traded the wrong delivery/expiry month or wrong exercise price of the relevant contract, then we may, in accordance with the rules of any relevant Exchange, offset any loss arising from that trade against any improvement achieved for you in the course of correctly satisfying your order, thus offering you only the net improvement, if any.
除了这些,其实还有其他配套的 视乎 个 人需求去购买吧。
Besides that, there are some other packages, up to you to decide.
The type of treatment required depends on the severity of the pneumothorax, as well as the patient's overall health.
因此,能否在实施《计划》方面取得进展 视乎 政 府 、民间社会各方 和私营部门之间能否进行有效合作,以及在所有层次,包括国家和国际两个层次 上以民主、法治、尊重人权、基本自由和良好施政为基础的有利环境。
Accordingly, progress in the implementation of the Plan should be contingent upon effective partnership between Governments, all parts of civil society and the private sector as well as an enabling environment based, inter alia, on democracy, the rule of law, respect for all human rights, fundamental freedoms and good governance at all levels, including national and international levels.
除害剂对健康造成的不良影响视乎 其 毒 性,以及除害剂残余的摄 入量和摄入期而定。
The adverse health effects of pesticides depend on the toxic nature of the pesticides, as well as the amount and duration of exposure to the pesticide residues.
视乎你的 电话公司的收费,这个号码的费用 可能会高至 8 便士一分钟。
These calls can be charged at up to 8p per minute, depending on your telephone provider.
MG3 数码 W 版用 1 或 2 个可选位移 传感器视乎版本而定)测量位移。
MG3 Digital W versions offer displacement measuring with 1 or 2 optional displacement sensor(s) depending on version.
视乎气胸 的严重性,以上徵状的程度也有不同。
Depending on the severity of the collapsed lung, there will be varying degrees of these symptoms.
本位币 用于开立乙方的账户的货币,可能是英国(英镑)、欧盟(欧元)、美国(美元) 和瑞士(瑞士法郎)的法定货币 视乎 情 况 而定。
Base Currency the currency used to open your account, which may be the lawful currency of the United Kingdom (GBP Sterling), the European Union (Euros), the United States (United States Dollars) and Switzerland (CHF Francs), as appropriate.
抽 样样本数视乎 FDA 要测试的装载货物数量。
The sample size will depend on the size
[...] of the shipment that FDA is testing.
于 整 个 观 察 期 内 ,如 有 关 汇 率 一 直 维 持 相 等 于 或 低 于 /高 于 (视 乎 投 资 种 类 而 定 ) 触 发 汇 率 而 最 终 汇 率 于 开 首 汇 率 及 触 发 汇 率 之 间 ,投 资 者 于 到 期 时 有 机 会 获 得 较 高 之 潜 在 回 报 ,而 有 关 汇 率 于 观 察 期 间 之 升 /跌 幅 ( 视 乎 投 资 种 类 而 定 ) 将 为 计 算 该 潜 在 回 报 之 其 中 一 个 要 素 。
During the whole Observation Period, if the relevant exchange rate
stays equal or below/above
[...] (depending on the Investment Type) the Trigger Level, and the Final Exchange Rate is between the Initial Exchange Rate and Trigger Level, Investor will have the chance to receive a higher Potential Return at maturity, and the percentage of appreciation/depreciation (depending on the Investment Type) [...]
of the relevant exchange
rate during the Observation Period will be one of the factors used to calculate the Potential Return.
要 达至这种成熟,主要视乎个人 在成长路途上,跟从父母或监护 人和在学时老师学习了甚麽。
How such maturity occurs depends in large measure on what an individual learned growing up mainly from parents, or their surrogates, but also from teachers in school.
在摄影中最令人失望的视乎相机 LED屏幕上看起来非常清晰的图像,从电脑显示器的实际尺寸上显示的却是模糊的时候。
One of the most common disappointments in photography is realizing that a photo that looked great on your camera’s screen is actually slightly blurred when you view it at actual size on your computer.
材料和粒子尺寸及填料级别或粘合视 乎待粘合的材料和间距大小而定。
The material and size of the particles as well as the filling grade or adhesive depends on the materials to be bonded and the pitch size.
部件的具体数目视乎小孩 和设计意图而定,但对此阶段的小孩基本上无须设 限。
The appropriate number of parts varies according to the child and the intended design, but there is essentially no limit to the number of parts for these ages.
但是,在过往的经济衰退中视乎已 经 证明了许多职业正走向衰退,委托外发或者流向海外。
But many careers
[...] that previously seemed recession-proof [...]
have been downsized, outsourced or shipped off to foreign countries.
建立家长的教育技巧, 让他们教育孩子变得成熟,懂视乎 环 境 的转变而给予所需的弹性, 尤其是懂得面对一息万变的世界,是DESD合乎逻辑的自然发展。
It is a logical outgrowth of the DESD to develop parental education techniques for
raising mature children with the flexibility
[...] necessary to adjust to environmental [...]
change, especially if change is rapid, but
currently, at the beginning of the Decade, the focus remains on schools and teachers.
17 该文本接着会在2008年12月被提交到联合国大会。虽然这部新的议 定书产生的实际影响尚需要时日方可评估,且相当程度 视乎 经 社 文权利委员会能否建立 有说服力的法理,但是,这个迟来的改革也反映出除了借助审议机制记录和审查遵从经社 文权利的情况已被人们广泛接受以外,人们也已经普遍接受了这一点:即经社文权利委员 会审理和裁判有关经社文权利的请求也是非常必要的 。
While the practical effect of this new protocol may take some time to be assessed, and will significantly depend on the CESCR to create persuasive jurisprudence, this long overdue reform reflects a broad acceptance that in addition to documenting and reviewing compliance with ESC rights through review mechanisms, it is also essential that the CESCR hear and adjudicate ESC rights claims.
由 于 霉 菌 毒 素 无 可 避 免 地 在 食 物 和 饲 料 上 产 生 , 而 且 其 出 现 受 一 些 环 境 因 素 所 影 响 , 因 此 受 霉 菌 毒 素 污 染 的 范 围 大 小 无 法 预 计视 乎 地 理 位 置 、 农 业 上 的 惯 常 做 法 和 农 业 管 理 方 法 而 定 , 以 及 取 决 于 农 产 品 在 收 成 前 后 和 储 存 期 间 是 否 容 易 发 霉 。
The occurrence of the mycotoxins in foods and feeds is unavoidable and influenced by certain environmental factors; hence the extent of mycotoxins contamination is unpredictable and may vary with geographic location, agricultural and agronomic practices and the susceptibility of commodities to fungal invasion during pre-harvest, post harvest, storage periods.
如 你 有 雇 主 自 愿 性 供 款 或 雇 主 转 移 自 职 业 退 休 计 划 的 供 款 , 你 可 获 取 的 款 额视 乎 你 的 雇 主 所 填 报 的 离 职 理 由 及 你 的 雇 主 所 订 立 的 归 属 比 例 而 定 。
If you have Employer Voluntary Contribution or Employer ORSO Transfer, the amount you are entitled to will depend on the reason for the termination reported by your employer and according to the vesting scale set by your employer.




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