

单词 觅句



lit. lock the door and search for the right word (idiom); fig. the serious hard work of writing

See also:


sentence n
phrase n


classifier for sentences

External sources (not reviewed)

澳大利亚野生动物和牲畜经常在路 觅 食 , 并会跑进道路当中。
Australian wildlife and livestock often graze on the roadside and can stray onto the road.
它还会帮助投资者觅合适 的合作伙伴、供应 商以及经营的新地点。
Moreover, it helps with finding appropriate partners and suppliers together with new locations.
句话说 ,如果不进行 技术性调整将这些费用增加到上面所列的实际零增长预算的总额之上,活动的水平则势必会 降低。
In other words, the level of activities will inevitably be reduced if these costs are not added, as technical adjustment, on top of the ZRG budget level indicated above.
致函教科文组织各全国委员会,以在 觅 增 强《信使》的伙伴中寻求其帮助。
the dispatch of a letter to National Commissions for UNESCO to request their assistance in seeking partnerships to reinforce the UNESCO Courier.
事实上,确定一项单方面声明是 否“为了指明或澄清声明者所认为的一条约或其中某些条款的含义或范围”―― 它与“解释性声明”的定义相对应――是一回事,确定其中所拟议的解释是否有 效,句话说 即“声明者所认为的一条约或其中某些条款的含义或范围”是否有 效又是另外一回事。
Indeed, it is one thing to determine whether a unilateral statement “purports to specify or clarify the meaning or scope attributed by the declarant to a treaty or to certain of its provisions” — which corresponds to the definition of “interpretative declaration” — and another to determine whether the interpretation proposed therein is valid, or, in other words, whether the “meaning or scope attributed by the declarant to a treaty or to certain of its provisions” is valid.
在 如 今 , 这 样 的 年 纪 可 说 是 正 逢 「 事 业 第二春」,大把的时间可以去发展新的兴 趣,开拓新的人脉,觅更高 效发展的新 道路。
In the new age, 50s and above is often considered the beginning of second or third careers, develop new interests and relationships, and seek out new ways to be productively engaged.
对于稀缺或难以觅的试剂、参照物质或参照样品集,特别是在用于 定性分析方法的情况下,如果有充分的文字证据表明尚未发生重大的 性能退化,则溶液的失效日期可以延长。
In the case of rare or difficult to obtain reagents, Reference Materials, or Reference Collections, particularly for use in qualitative methods, the expiration date of the solution can be extended if adequate documentation exists that no significant deterioration has occurred.
我们认为应该帮助残疾人士凭着他们的能力而 非残疾觅得合适的工作。
We consider that persons with disabilities should be assisted to find appropriate jobs on the basis of their abilities rather than disabilities.
然而……可……包括在”的措辞反映了这一不同 做法的可选性质,而最后的限句“ 如果没有任何缔约国或缔约组织在特定情况 下提出反对”则保障在若无任何一个缔约国或缔约组织反对将其列入计算时适用 第 1 款中制定的原则。
The expression “may, however, be included” reflects the optional nature of this divergent practice, whereas the final qualification “if no contracting State or contracting organization is opposed in a particular case” safeguards the application of the principle established in paragraph 1 should any one contracting State or contracting organization be opposed to that inclusion.
活动时间分配有明显的季节性差异,主要表现为:与雨季相比,黑叶猴在旱季花费更多的时间用 觅 食 和 移动,而相应地减少用于休息的时间。
Langurs spent more time feeding and moving, and less time resting in the dry season than in the rainy season.
州经济促进机构就一切行政事宜向投资者提供支持,并在觅建筑 场地或其他不动产方面提供协助。
The cantonal economic development agencies support investors in all administrative matters and offer assistance in finding construction sites or other real estate.
一个由UNEP资助並由加拿 大著名学者David Rapport博 士带领研究的报告指出,全球 各地湿地的消失逼使眾多野生 雀鸟觅居所,牠们转而投向 农场的池塘或稻田,令野鸟直 接接触到雞、鸭、鹅或其他家 禽,相信这是禽流感散播的主 要原因。
A report commissioned by UNEP and led by a leading Canadian academic Dr. David Rapport found that the loss of wetlands around the globe is forcing many wild birds onto alternative sites like farm ponds and paddy fields, bringing them into direct contact with chickens, ducks, geese and other domesticated fowl which is believed to be a major cause behind the spread of avian influenza.
因此,无论你是想通过Windows Media Player聆听全带宽环绕立体声的消费者还是 觅 最 高 级数字环绕立体声广播编码器的音响专业人员,SRS与ADI公司都可以提供解决方案。
So whether you are a consumer who wants to hear full-bandwidth surround sound over your Windows Media Player or an audio professional looking for the most sophisticated digital surround sound broadcast encoder, SRS and ADI can provide the solution.
(c) 最后敲定评估被安置在养育院儿童的情况的调研报告,并将对儿童生 活状况的评估、服务的提供和养育院内被安置儿童的寄住期以及 觅 寻 得到应有 资源和监督的适当家庭环境所采取的行动,列入该调研报告的宗旨,并采用恰当 措施落实该调研的结果
(c) Finalize its study to assess the situation of children placed in institutions and include in its objectives the assessment of their living conditions, the services provided and the duration of their stay as well as the actions taken to find an appropriate family environment, duly resourced and monitored, and take appropriate measures to implement the findings
本网站的机场业务版块为您提供在Orlando International Airport开展业务时需要了解的全部信息,无论您是正在寻找机场就业机会的个人,还是正 觅 求 商 机的企业,都可在本版块找到您所需的信息。
The Airport Business section of our web site provides all of the information you need to conduct business at Orlando International Airport, whether you are an individual looking for employment at the airport, or a company looking for business opportunities.
确定野生动物如觅食、吃什么、在哪里以及什么时 觅 食 , 长久以来这是生态学研究的一个重大挑战,特别是在很少有可能进行直接观察的海洋生态系统中更是这样。
Determining how, what, where, and when wild animals eat has long been a major challenge in ecological studies, particularly in marine ecosystems, where direct observations are rarely possible.
科研人员为了更好地理解企鹅的水 觅 食 行为而使用了一套视频摄像机和加速度计的组合。
Researchers have used a combination of video cameras and accelerometers to better understand the underwater foraging behavior of penguins.
2号为觅坚固 但不笨重三脚架的摄影师提供了理想解决方案。
Series 2 is the ideal solution for photographers that are looking for a solid tripod without sacrificing weight.
寻找替换的医疗零件,特别是为老式医疗器械,可以像是没有奖品 觅 物 游 戏-除非您知道在哪里寻找。
Finding a replacement medical part, especially for older medical equipment, can be like a scavenger hunt with no prize ─ unless you know where to look.
值得赞扬的是,大家都很有耐心地 觅 N ew Black Coffee Lab Cafe。
Landy appreciates everyone’s patience in looking or searching for New Black Coffee Lab Cafe location.
我们认为,秘书处在报告中应重点说明这 些重要、相关的事项,而非向安理会某些成员提供其正在 觅 的 借 口,这些人一 直在等待这样的措辞,以便以此为由要求通过一项针对叙利亚的决议。
We believe that, in the report, the Secretariat should have focused on those important and relevant matters, instead of providing the pretext being sought by certain Security Council members, which were waiting for such language in order to justify the adoption of a resolution targeting Syria.
因此,如果贵公司正在觅向特 定国家或地区拓展业务的机会,敬请莅临亚洲移博会国家展区,借此开拓新业务关系,使公司业务更上一层楼。
So if your organisation is seeking opportunities to expand your business into a certain country or region, join us at the MAE Country Pavilions to forge new relationships and take your business to the next level.
1991年,花会接到游人70万人次,全年接待游人250万人次;首次成功举办“全国名花展览会”,早首届无锡全国菊花大赛上荣获“香型独头菊”三等奖和布置优秀奖;儿童游乐区新建:“荷花杯”,“滑行龙”,“碰碰车”大型玩具,大门内新建:“碧桃园”和“十二生肖园”,在桥北动物区新建:“猴山”和“熊池”;在大门内外广场兴建两组喷泉;投资300万元,在公园东区修建了地下 觅 乐 宫 ”,建筑面积约2600平方米 。
In 1991, the Flower show received 700,000 tourists, with the whole year receiving 2.5 million tourists; successfully held “National Famous Flower Exhibition” for the first time; won the third prize and the Outstanding Arrangement Prize of “Aromatic Single Clove Chrysanthemum” at the first Wuxi National Chrysanthemum Competition; installed large toys "Lotus Cup”, “Sliding Dragon”, “Bumper Cars” at the Children’s Adventure Playground; built “Flowering Beach Garden” and “Zodiac Park” in the yard; built “Monkey Hill” and “Bear Garden” in Qiaobei Zoo; built two sets of fountains inside and outside the
gate; invested three million yuan to built
[...] underground “Pleasure Seeking Palace” [...]
in the east part of the park covering an area of 2,600 square meters.
E60是基于Nexsan灵活存储平台™ 开发出来的,因此它具备企业级存 储管理功能,这也正好与Revision3苦苦 觅 的 可 扩展性相契合,其实他们是希望 可以根据将来的存储需求来扩大存储空间。
Built on the Nexsan Flexible Storage Platform™, the E60 delivers the enterprise-class storage management features Revision3 was seeking with the scalability to extend the solution for future needs.
由于这里能觅得具 有专业技能的高素质员工,已有越来越 多非钟表制造业但其产品存在类似技术要求的公司选择搬迁到这 一地区,尤其是医疗技术行业的公司;最近几年,该行业在这一 地区的分布已明显扩大。
The availability of highly qualified staff with professional knowhow has resulted in the relocation to this area of more and more companies outside the watchmaking industry which require similar technologies for their products, in particular the medical technology industry; in recent years its presence in this region has been expanding sharply.
黑叶猴日活动节律表现出明显的季节性变化,表现为旱季上午 觅 食 高 峰被推迟了1 h,觅食时间长于雨季;旱季下午 觅 食 活 动提前1 h结束。
The daily activity patterns showed seasonal variations: in the dry season, a longer feeding duration was exhibited in the morning feeding peak, and the feeding peak occurred 1 hour later in the morning and ended 1 hour earlier in the afternoon than during the rainy season.




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