

单词 规管


所规管 v

governed by v

规管制度 n

regulatory regime n


semicircular canal

规管目标 n

regulatory objective n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 信通技术服务需求持续增长并超过供应,中央供资方法已被证明是无效的控制机 制,而且需规管及监 察此类服务需求。
It was determined that, as the demand for ICT services continued to grow and exceed supply, central funding
had proved to be an ineffective control mechanism, and that demand for such services
[...] needed to be regulated and monitored.
他还解释说,区域项目选择这些国家为参与国,是因为它们有类似的法 律规管框架,还因为它们已经属于区域经济集团。
He also explained that the participating countries had been chosen
for the regional project because of
[...] similar legal and regulatory frameworks, and because [...]
they already belonged to regional economic groups.
然而 目前对这些新系统规管不足,需要在对其提高安全性、可靠性和运输服务质量 的潜力达成广泛共识的基础上加以以统一。
However these new systems are
[...] currently under-regulated and need to be [...]
harmonized on the basis of a widely adopted consensus
about their potential for increasing safety, reliability and quality of transport services.
在2005 年,当局对《幼 儿服务条例》进行了修订,以协调分别由两条条 规管 的 学 前服务。
In 2005, amendments were made to the Child Care Services Ordinance to harmonies the pre-primary services governed by the two Ordinances.
把真正的采购 改革与其他属于规管理责 任方面的进步区分清楚 是很重要的。
It was important to distinguish between real procurement reform and other improvements
[...] which were part of management’s regular responsibilities.
国际贸易遵从性。本订单项下授权或销售的商品以及本订单补充的交易(可能包括技术和软件)受美利坚合众国(简称“美国”)的海关和出口控制法律及 规管 辖 ,并且还可能需要受制造或接收产品的国家的海关和出口法律及 规管 辖。
International Trade Compliance The goods or services licensed or sold under this order, and the transaction contemplated by this order, which may include technology and software, are subject to the customs and export control laws and regulations of the United States ("US") and may also be subject to the customs and export laws and regulations of the country in which the goods are manufactured or received.
这些会议以“数字时代的世界遗产”为主题,对有关世界遗产的现行法 律规、管理模 式和监督方法进行了检查整理,探讨了了开发使用新的信息和空间技术问 题,以及与大学合作的问题。在阿拉伯地区和拉丁美洲召开的几个地区级会议, 强调了要 在加强地区范围信息交流和保护工作中强化缔约国之间的合作。
In several regional meetings in the Arab and Latin America regions cooperation between States Parties was intensified with a view to enhancing regional exchange of information and improving conservation efforts.
对于生态系统服务的评估和估值可以或多或少地以 明确的方式进行,其干预市场的程度 规管 可 依据 问题、机遇及情况而变。
Assessment and valuation of ecosystem services may be carried out in more or less
explicit ways, with degrees of intervention in
[...] markets and regulation that reflect [...]
the problem, the opportunity and the circumstances.
(3) 惟除法律所允许者外及在指定证券交易所及任何其他有 规管 机 构 的 规则及规例规限下,本公司不应就任何人士为或有关对本公司任何股份已作出或将 作出的购买提供财务资助。
(3) Except as allowed by the Law and subject further to
[...] compliance with the rules and regulations of the Designated Stock Exchange and any other relevant regulatory authority the Company [...]
shall not give financial
assistance for the purpose of or in connection with a purchase made or to be made by any person of any shares in the Company.
(c) 倘股份上市所在指定证券交易所 规管规 则 有 此规定,则本公司按照 指定证券交易所规则的规定发出通告及刊登报章广告表示有意按指定 [...]
证券交易所规定的方式出售该等股份,且自刊登广告之日起计三(3) 个月或指定证券交易所允许的有关较短期间经已届满。
(c) the Company, if so
[...] required by the rules governing the listing [...]
of shares on the Designated Stock Exchange, has given
notice to, and caused advertisement in newspapers in accordance with the requirements of, the Designated Stock Exchange to be made of its intention to sell such shares in the manner required by the Designated Stock Exchange, and a period of three (3) months or such shorter period as may be allowed by the Designated Stock Exchange has elapsed since the date of such advertisement.
此 外规管监狱内秩序及纪律的《监狱规则》维持不变。
The Prison Rules which regulate order and [...]
discipline in prisons also remain essentially the same.
这些技术要规管程序和机构作好准备,在执行第 一阶段的有限时间框架内发挥安全并具费用效益的作用。拟议的非投资活动将为实现氟氯 [...]
烃淘汰目标提供支助,方法是:加快采用无氟氯烃技术,强化条例的执行,国内有关利益 方继续参与制冷空调设备制造及维修行业的氟氯烃淘汰,以及强化旨在支助氟氯烃淘汰的 监测系统。
These technologies require that the regulatory processes and bodies [...]
be in place for their safe and cost-effective use within
the limited time frame for the implementation of Stage I. The proposed non-investment activities would support the achievement of HCFC phase-out targets through: faster adoption of HCFC-free technologies, stronger regulation enforcement, continued engagement of national stakeholders on HCFC phase-out in the RAC equipment manufacturing and servicing sector, and a stronger monitoring system to support HCFC phase-out.
基础设施服规管者之间的经验交流 规管 合 作 也可得到促 进。
Experience-sharing and regulatory cooperation among infrastructure services regulators could also [...]
be promoted.
尽管加拿大经济由于其更好规管架 构 而在很大程度上避免了任何金融危 机,但由于其与美国的广泛贸易和金融联系,它经历了与美国类似的经济衰退; [...]
Although the Canadian economy largely avoided any financial crisis
[...] owing to its better regulatory framework, it nevertheless [...]
experienced an economic downturn
similar to that in the United States owing to extensive trade and financial linkages with the United States; quarterly growth in the two economies has closely tracked each other for the last several years.
优异的化学防腐性、陶 瓷薄膜真空传感器规管具有寿命长及 精确度高等诸多优点,测试范围从常压 到0.1mbar。
High precision chemically resistant, long lived gauge heads with ceramic diaphragm vacuum sensors are used with instruments that operate in a range to 0.1 mbar.
宪法》第153 条规定“立法应依法制规定,规管 穆 斯 林宗教事宜,并 组织成立一个理事会,就有关穆斯林宗教的问题向总统提供建议”,这为《穆斯 [...]
Article 153 of the Constitution states
that “The Legislation shall by law
[...] make provision for regulating Muslim religious [...]
affairs and for constituting a Council
to advise the President in matters relating to the Muslim religion”, providing the constitutional basis for the AMLA.
ActivTrades公司由金融服务管理局授权 规管 ( FRN 434413),是金融服务补偿计划成员。
ActivTrades PLC is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FRN 434413) and is a member of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
2012 年,为推动这项工作,秘书处利用可用财务资源,聘请了一名顾问启动 初步研究工作,以便:(a) 就拟规管架构的范围提供意见;(b) 审查现有和拟 议的陆上和海洋采规管制度 ,寻找可以考虑的商业规范和先例;(c) 界定和评 估有关应用的经济问题的影响。
In 2012, to advance this work, the secretariat used its available financial resources to hire a consultant to begin work on an initial study to (a)
provide advice on
[...] the scope of the proposed regulatory framework; (b) review the existing and proposed regulatory regimes for land-based and [...]
marine mining for commercial norms and precedents
that may be considered; and (c) define and assess the impact of economic issues related to applications.
发牌制度对私营骨灰龛在多方面 规管 , 包 括龛场经营者使用处所的权利、符合法定规定及地契条款、龛场管理和顾客权益保障等。
The licensing scheme will
[...] impose appropriate regulation on private columbaria [...]
in various aspects, including the right of
the columbarium operator to use the premises, compliance with all statutory requirements and land lease conditions, management of niches and consumer protection.
[...] 并在东道国有法律依据使其得以在该国境内运行,同时需要索马里与东道国达成 协议规管各自的权利和义务。
An extraterritorial Somali anti-piracy court would require a legal basis in the constitutional and legislative framework of Somalia, a legal basis within the host State for its functioning in the territory of that State,
and an agreement between Somalia and the
[...] host State to regulate the respective [...]
rights and obligations of the two States.
该法案的推出正值毛里求斯就业法历史上的关键 时刻,在推出之前,就业法律主要由
[...] 1975 年《劳动法》(“旧法”)和其他规管 理, 这些法规从本质而言是无法授权的,鉴于此,旧法是“给料器”法规。
The Act was introduced at a crucial time in the history of employment law in Mauritius in
as much as until its advent, the laws of
[...] employment were governed predominantly [...]
by the Labour Act 1975 (the “old law”)
and other pieces of legislation that were not enabling in nature and in respect of which the old law was the “feeder” piece of legislation.
[...] 如何才能使之有助于切实建立起一套更具包容性的金融体系,并指明了为此所需配备规管架构
It examines a range of financial institutions and ways
in which they can contribute to more inclusive finance
[...] and points out the regulatory framework required [...]
for that purpose.
采用新医疗程序及进行临床工作时,医生须遵守源自《赫尔辛基宣言》的 专业伦理原则,同时符合优良临床工作守则的要求及一切适用 规管 性 质 规 定。
15.7 New medical procedures and clinical research should be conducted in accordance with the ethical principles that have their origin in the
Declaration of Helsinki, and that are consistent with good clinical practice
[...] and the applicable regulatory requirements.
Brüel &
[...] Kjær很高兴地宣布,Noise Sentinel,一项针对噪声规管理的基于订购的服务获得了英国噪声控制学会的John [...]
Brüel & Kjær is pleased to announce that Noise
Sentinel, a subscription-based
[...] service for noise compliance management, has won the UK Noise [...]
Abatement Society’s John Connell
Technology Award, sponsored by the Institute of Acoustics.
为此,社会提出了加强食品安全管理体制的强烈要求,粮油食 品公司也以食品安全、规管理室为中心,加强有关食品安全管理的教育启发 和贯彻落实,并为了预防事故强化供应商管理。
In response, the Food Company will
take steps, primarily through its
[...] Food Safety and Compliance Management Office, by educating [...]
employees about food safety
control and fortifying supply chain management to prevent problems.
政府现建议制定一条名为《私营骨灰龛条例》的新法例,规定除非获豁免,所有私营骨灰龛必须受发牌制 规管 ; 并成立法定私营骨灰龛牌照委员会作为发牌当局。
The Government proposes to formulate a new piece of legislation titled the Private Columbaria
Ordinance, under which all private columbaria, unless exempted, shall be
[...] subject to regulation under the licensing scheme.
ActivTrades 公司是在英国由金融服务管理局(FSA)授权 规管 的 一 家公司,我们有欧盟各国通行证,我们的活动受有关监管机构监管。
A: Yes, ActivTrades PLC is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Services Authority (FSA), and our activities are passported in all countries of the European Union with the respective regulatory bodies.
美国报告称《莱西法规管非法 的跨州或外国交易非法捕捞的渔获,而且规管悬挂美国国旗的渔船在公海以及在别国管辖区内的船上活动。
The United States reported that the Lacey Act targeted illicit interstate or foreign commerce in illegally taken fish, and also covered activities onboard vessels flying the flag of the United States on the high seas and in areas within the national jurisdiction of other States.
这项服务提供的解决方案实际上取自于整个BigFix产品线,包括资产目录管理、软件发布、补丁管理、软件使用管理、端点安全(杀毒、杀恶意软件、防火墙、网络接入控制)、服务桌面/服务台、安全 规管 理 、 安全漏洞管理和电源管理。
The Service offers solutions drawn from virtually the entire BigFix product line, including Asset Inventory Management, Software Distribution, Patch Management, Software Usage Management, Endpoint Security (anti-virus, anti-malware, firewall, network
access control), Service
[...] Desk/Helpdesk, Security Compliance Management, Vulnerability Management, and Power Management.
他与 UL 的商业部、运营部规管事务 部、用户事务部、华盛顿办事处,以及首席技术官团队 (CTO Group) 的同仁们密切合作,是 UL 公共安全的把关者,公司内外部事务的代言者和支持者,并在重大安全举措上代表 UL。
He acts as UL's Public Safety guardian, ambassador and advocate both inside and outside of the company, and represents UL on major safety initiatives, working closely with UL's Commercial, Operations, Regulatory Affairs, Consumer Affairs, Washington D.C. Office, and the staff of the CTO Group.




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