

单词 规律性

See also:

规律 n

regularity n
discipline n
rule n


regular pattern
law of behavior
rule (e.g. of science)

External sources (not reviewed)

但是,为保持公务客运 以及邮件和邮袋服务的持性和 规律性 , 维 持了航班。
In order to maintain consistency and regularity of official passenger [...]
transportation and mail and pouch services, however, the flights were maintained.
1955年 推出Audemars
[...] Piguet首款配备万年历的腕表(机芯:VZSSQP):这一计时器将闰年考虑在内,可以显示月份的定期的 规律性。
1955 Introduction of the first Audemars Piguet wristwatch equipped with a perpetual calendar mechanism
(calibre VZSSQP): this time-piece displays
[...] the “regular” irregularity of the months, [...]
while taking account of the leap years.
持续评估计划》凭借规律性、反馈和基于业绩的任务等优势,可 令学生成为更优秀的学习者,培养学生的自信心和自律。
The Continuous Assessment Scheme, with
[...] its merits of regularity, feedback and [...]
performance-based tasks, will make students
become better learners, develop self-confidence and perform autonomously.
投资澳大利亚时借助专业服务,已形成明显的趋势,这种趋势不断提高使用专业服务从业机构 规律性 , 也能扩大使用专业服务工作的深度。
There has been a clear trend to utilise professional services when investing in
Australia and this trend continues to
[...] increase in both the regularity of engaging professional [...]
service providers and the depth
of work that is being performed.
[...] 落实:实施一项合理化行动计划、编制一份关于每个季度落实情况的报告,以及在应达到的 目标和应取得的结果方面应当注意检查适宜性而不是严格 规律性。
In regard to the management of travel, the Group of Experts noted that the External Auditor’s recommendations had not yet been put into effect; those included the implementation of a plan of action to achieve rationalization, the preparation on a quarterly basis of a monitoring report, and
taking care to ensure that the objectives and desired results are
[...] appropriate rather than monitoring strict compliance.
至今没有任何对各种媒体影响做出估计研究,但由于信息 规律性 , 似乎 公共媒体影响力仍占优势。
No study has yet been conducted to estimate the impact of the various media, but it appears that the influence of public media outlets still dominates, because they provide information on a regular basis.
24 科学部门呈现规律性的支 出。人文科学部 门在 2008 年和 2010 年没有任何支出,也许是因为该部门负责人职位空缺的原因。
The Social and Human Sciences Sector did not spend any of its resources in 2008 and 2010, no doubt because the post of the officer in charge of the unit was vacant.
这有助于加深理解保留对条 约关系的效果,包括审议具有排他效果的保留以及这种保留的 规律性 效 果 ,规 定保留不得修改条约中除法律效果之外的条款,以及确认这些效果不仅适用于条 约的某些条款,还在某些方面适用于整个条约。
This helps to improve understanding of the effects of reservations on treaty relations, including
consideration of
[...] reservations with exclusionary effects and their corresponding contraregularity effect; the stipulation that a reservation does not modify the provisions of a treaty, except its legal effects; and [...]
recognition that these
effects could apply not only to certain provisions of the treaty, but also to the treaty as a whole in respect of certain aspects.
规律性:直到不 久前尚未定期出 版。
Lacks regularity: has not been [...]
published on a regular basis until recently
This regularity gives more [...]
in-depth knowledge of the normal condition of the machine.
整个社会对于产学合作规律性没有科学 的研究认识,因此个别实践带有很大盲目性,这是中国产学合作不能持久的重要原因, 也是中国和发达国家在产学合作方面的巨大差距。
As the whole society can hardly understand University-Industry Cooperation in a scientific way, the cooperation is sometimes blind, which is an important reason why University-Industry Cooperation in China cannot last for a long period.
这一制度规律性及提 示性让各缔约国能在为 条约机构分配报告资料时更有效率。
This would put an end to the unequal treatment of States parties resulting from different levels of compliance with treaty obligations.
这样规律性地升级安装的 package 的用户就能够看到他们需要进行升级。
That is how the users who upgrade installed packages on a regular basis will see they need to run an update.
下图所示的标识,涵盖了软件开发的核心理念,包括它是一门专注于现实构造(Reality Construction1)规律性艺术、在平台软件上展开工作、以不同但充满热情的人为中心、依靠集体力量、又全体参与贡献的群体实践等等。
The program logo (shown below) captured the fundamental concept that software
[...] development was a disciplined art dedicated [...]
to reality construction1,
using software as a platform, practiced by human-centric teams of diverse, passionate people bonded by their shared efforts.
当 前的趋势是,报道越来越规律性, 对 情况了解得越来越少,持续报道联合国的 知识渊博的常驻纽约记者越来越少。
There has been a trend towards more erratic and less informed coverage, with fewer New York-based correspondents covering the United Nations in a sustained and knowledgeable way.
维护者规律性地检查这些报告, 这不仅会提高用户联编的速度, 同时也避免了浪费那些镜像了全部 distfile 的志愿者的带宽。
Maintainers are asked to check this report periodically, not only to speed up the building process for users, but to help avoid wasting bandwidth of the sites that volunteer to host all these distfiles.
The regularity and accuracy of a movement [...]
are regulated by adjusting the balance spring so that optimal results are obtained
in the five most common positions a wristwatch will experience.
34 °C和36 °C下的表观消化系数和同化效率大于其它更低或更高温度下的对应数值,但这两个变量未因体温变化而清晰呈 规律性 的 变 化。
Sprint speed increased with increase in body temperature within the range from 18 °C to 36 °C, and then decreased at 38 °C. The body temperatures maximizing sprint speed was around 36 °C, which was much close to the mean value of body temperatures selected by lizards on the thermal gradient.
这50位医生和健康专家支援这个观点,他们报告说诺丽对以下严重慢性头疼有效 规律性 神 经 头痛、神经肌肉疼痛和关节疼痛----有时效果快得惊人。
The 50 doctors and health experts to support this
view, they reported the
[...] following severe chronic headache effective Noni: regularity neural headache, [...]
muscle pain and joint
pain, sometimes the effect is surprisingly fast.
会议-演讲主题:”经济的周性和 规律性。
The subject of the
[...] speech: “Periodicities and regularities of the economy.
通过向客户提规律性的更 新升级,他们将能一直使用软件的最新版本,从而使得您可以得到越来越多的客户满意度,同时减少了维护成本。
By providing regular updates to users, you'll keep them running your best available version, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and reduced support costs.
因此,所 有人应在机会平等的条件下没有任何区分地获得就学机会;同时,随着社会的逐 渐转变,应保障就学规律性和连 续性。
This means that schooling must be accessible to all, without any distinction whatsoever, under conditions of equal opportunity, guaranteeing regularity and continuity, and progressively adapted to social change.
开 发一种简单的工具,以便能按类别提问和根据一系列标准分类,将简化和精简审 查数据的过程,和使规律性的东 西和令人关切的领域更容易识别。
The development of a simple tool, which would allow querying by category and classification by range of criteria, would simplify and streamline the process of reviewing the data, and allow patterns and areas of concern to be more easily identified.31 180.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准规范的法律和政 策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员发展战性和主题性的 合 作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一性;(f )支助建立网络和平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on
[...] (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery [...]
of technical assistance;
and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.
与此同时,由于继承的律性质,并运用在保留时所使用的相同逻辑,非 新独立国家的继承国如果在国家统一或分离时条约依然有效,这不能视为有能力 就国家继承之日之前提出的保留提出反对,除非为被继承 规 定 的 提出反对的期 限尚未结束,而继承国在这一期限内提出了反对。
At the same time, owing to the ipso jure nature of succession and applying the same logic used in the case of reservations, a successor State other than a newly independent State, for which the treaty remained in force following a uniting or separating of States, could not be considered [...]
to enjoy the capacity to formulate
an objection to a reservation formulated prior to the date of the succession of States unless on that date the time period prescribed for the formulation of an objection had not elapsed for the predecessor State and the successor State formulated its objection within that period.
在依照现行《议规则》 第 15 条向会员国转交任何公约或建议书的正式文本时,总干 事应明确提醒各会员国履行其根据《组织法》第 IV 条第 4 段将有关公约或建议书送交 本国主管部门之义务,并提请各会员国注意公约和建议书之不同 律性 质。
While transmitting, pursuant to Article 15 of
[...] the present Rules, a certified copy of any convention or recommendation to Member States, the Director-General shall formally remind them of their obligation to submit the convention or recommendation in question to their competent national authorities in accordance with Article IV, paragraph 4, of the Constitution, drawing also their attention to the difference in the legal nature of conventions [...]
and recommendations.
在订正决议草案 E/CN.7/2010/L.9/Rev.1 执行部分第 3 段,麻醉药品委员会 将促请有关国际组织包括国际麻醉品管制局、联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室和 世界卫生组织收集信息,进一步分析借助药物实 性 侵 犯 或其他犯罪行为这一 现象,以便在适当考虑到各国的举措和 律规 定 的 情况下,拟订共同定义和标 准,特别是进行法医分析以查性侵 犯 或其他犯罪行为中曾使用精神药物的国 际准则。
In operative paragraph 3 of revised draft resolution E/CN.7/2010/L.9/Rev.1, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs would urge the relevant international organizations, including the International Narcotics Control Board, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the World Health Organization, to gather information and further
analyse the phenomenon of
[...] drug-facilitated sexual assault or other criminal acts, with a view to developing common definitions and standards, in particular international guidelines for forensic analyses to identify the presence of psychoactive substances used in connection with sexual assault or other [...]
criminal acts, with due
regard for States’ initiatives and legal provisions.
已提议以律规定补 充立法,扩大军用船只指挥官和非军用船舶船长的具体 程性权力 ,赋予他们调查权;增加参与审理刑事案件的人数,列入向海盗嫌疑 人提供法律援助的人;并修改调查海盗罪行的程序期限。
It has been
[...] proposed that the legislation should be supplemented with legal provisions that would expand specific procedural powers of commanders [...]
of military vessels and
captains of non-military vessels, endowing them with investigative authority; increase the number of participants in criminal cases to include individuals providing legal assistance to suspected pirates; and modify procedural deadlines for the investigation of crimes of piracy.
(b) 与可识别之个人有关联的人类基因数据、人类蛋白质组数据和生物标本不应向第三者, 特别是雇主、保险公司、教育机构和家庭披露,也不应让他们查询,除非由于重大公共 利益的原因,与国际人权法相一致的国内 律 另 有限 制 性规 定 ,或经当事人事先在自愿 并知情的情况下明确表示同意,且同意这样做符合国内法律和国际人权法的规定。
(b) Human genetic data, human proteomic data and biological samples linked to an identifiable person should not be disclosed or made accessible to third parties, in particular, employers, insurance companies, educational institutions and the family, except for an important public interest reason in cases restrictively provided for by domestic law consistent with the international law of human rights or where the prior, free, informed and express consent of the person concerned has been obtained provided that such consent is in accordance with domestic law and the international law of human rights.




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