

单词 规划局

See also:


plan (how to do sth)

External sources (not reviewed)

这次讲习班是与战规划局合作 举办的,参加者包括联合国在该国 的所有机构以及卢旺达教育、科学和技术部。
This workshop, held in
[...] cooperation with the Bureau of Strategic Planning, brought together [...]
all the United Nations agencies
in the country as well as the Rwanda Ministry for Education, Science and Technology.
所有参与协商者都欢迎战规划局( BSP)制定的注重结果的活动方式(RBM),并 对目前取得的进展表示满意,这一方式还促进了对计划的监督和评估。
With respect to the results-based approach (RBM), all
participants welcomed the approach
[...] developed by the Bureau of Strategic Planning (BSP) and expressed [...]
their satisfaction with
the progress achieved thus far, which will also facilitate programme monitoring and evaluation.
在思考和前瞻性分析方面,去年第四季度着重推销和传播了该双年度所出的各种出版 物(季刊《倾听非洲的意见》;非洲的中期战略(与战 规划局 相 关 );《教科文组织在非 洲:总结教科文组织 2002-2003 年在非洲的成就》;瓦加杜古研讨会的建议《教科文组织与 [...]
中的作用》),并开展了一些宣传活动,例如,为出席大会第三十二届会议的代表开设了一 个宣传台。
As regards reflection and future-oriented analysis, the emphasis in the past six months has been on the promotion and dissemination of various publications produced during the biennium: the biannual
newsletter, Listening to
[...] Africa; the Medium-Term Strategy for the Africa Region (in conjunction with BSP); UNESCO [...]
in Africa (2002-2003)
– an appraisal of the Organization’s achievements in Africa; the recommendations of the Ouagadougou Seminar “UNESCO and NEPAD: From vision to action”, and La société civile africaine: définition et rôle dans le processus du NEPAD; and on communication activities such as the information stand for delegates attending the 32nd session of the General Conference.
规划局还为 举行以不同文明之间的对话为题的其它会议做了大量的组织筹备工 作:2003 年 8 月 28 日和 30 日在前南斯拉夫马其顿共和国奥赫里举办的不同文明间对话地区 [...]
论坛(可查询 http://www.unesco.org/dialogue
2001/ohrid/index.htm)、2003 年 10 月 25 日至 26 日将在也门萨那举行的不同文明之间的对话讨论会和计划 2003 年 11 月 3 日至 5 日在俄罗 斯联邦莫斯科举行的关于“革新文化与知识社会的建设”的国际专家讨论会。
Substantive and
[...] organizational preparations have also been made by BSP for the holding [...]
of other conferences on the subject
of the dialogue among civilizations: the Regional Forum on the Dialogue among Civilizations in Ohrid, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 28 and 30 August 2003 (see http://www.unesco.org/dialogue2001/ohrid/index.htm), the Symposium on the Dialogue among Civilizations, to be held in Sana’a, Yemen, from 25 to 26 October 2003; and the International Expert Symposium on “The Culture of Innovation and the Building of Knowledge Societies”, scheduled to be held in Moscow, Russian Federation, 3 to 5 November 2003.
至于 31C/4 和 31C/5 文件的详细编写过程,战规划局说 自 己采取的是兼顾一切、开放 式的过程,最大的特点就是在拟定计划和预算报告时计划部门、战 规划 编 制局以及预算局(BB)之间进行 过诸多合作。
With regard to the elaboration process of documents 31 C/4 and 31 C/5, BSP pursued what they describe as an inclusive, open process which could best be characterized as a series of interactions on the programme and budget submissions between programme sectors, BSP and BB.
规划局还 为 2003 年 6 月 18 日和 19 日在埃及开罗举行的全国委员会欧洲阿拉伯战略特设工作组会 议;2003 年 3 月在比利时布鲁塞尔由 AMAR 国际慈善基金会举行的关于“不同文明之间的 对话”的会议;和 2003 年 5 月在利比亚的黎波里举办的关于世界秩序未来的讲习班。
BSP also contributed to meetings of the Task Force of National Commissions for the Euro-Arab Strategy in Cairo, Egypt, 18 and 19 June 2003; the conference by the AMAR international charitable foundation on “Dialogue Between Civilizations: Women’s Empowerment”, held in Brussels, Belgium in March 2003; and a workshop on the future of the world order in Tripoli, Libya in May 2003.
至于展望职能,秘书处的代表回顾说,执行局的建议曾使它与战略规划职能的联系更 加密切,这已经通过纳入战规划局 而 得 以实现,这是执行局在其上届会议上的明确 要求。
As regards the foresight function, the representative of the Secretariat recalled that it had been the Executive Board’s recommendation to link it more closely to the strategic planning function, which
has been achieved by the
[...] integration into the Bureau of Strategic Planning, as explicitly [...]
requested by the Executive Board at its last session.
规划局青年 科通过审查 31 C/5 工作规划实施情况和为高级管理部门拟定的报告, [...]
定期检查了贯穿于教科文组织各计划的青年的需要和关心的问题,并在 32 C/5 草案中做出了 一些规定。
The Youth Section of BSP, regularly [...]
monitored the mainstreaming of the needs and concerns of youth throughout UNESCO’s programmes
by reviewing the implementation of work plans for document 31 C/5, with reports being prepared for senior management, and the provisions made in draft document 32 C/5.
规划局局长介 绍了该项目,并在辩论结束时对委员会的评论 和意见作了回答。
The Director of the Bureau of Strategic Planning introduced the [...]
item and replied to the comments and suggestions made by
the Commission at the end of the debate.
预算与战规划局副局长对内容丰富的辩论表示赞赏,并指出,代表们对于继续并进一步加强现有的方 式意见非常一致。
The Deputy Director of BSP expressed his appreciation of the rich debate and noted the great convergence of views among delegates concerning the continuation and further deepening of the current approaches.
关于最不发达国家(LDCs),战 规划局 最 不 发达国家活动中心继续与联合国秘书长 负责最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家(LLDCs)和小岛屿发展中国家(SIDS)事务的高级 代表在实施布鲁塞尔最不发达国家行动计划方面进行了密切合作。
With respect to least developed countries (LDCs), the focal point for LDCs in BSP continued close collaboration with the High Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for LDCs, Land-Locked Developing Countries (LLDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in implementing the Brussels Programme of Action for LDCs.
此外,为了确保更有效地协调与最不发达国家相关的活动,负责协调本组织对重视最 不发达国家的反应的战规划局与非 洲部合作,必要时与有关地区的各国和国家办事处合 [...]
作,目前正在进行拟定本组织主管领域中重点更加突出的需要评估工作,并充分考虑了《最 不发达国家
2001—2010 年十年行动计划》、《联合国援助发展框架》(UNDAFs)以及各 国的战略文件,特别是与消除贫困有关的文件。
Furthermore, with a view to ensuring a more efficient coordination of
activities relating to the LDCs,
[...] the Bureau of Strategic Planning, which has responsibility [...]
for coordinating the Organization’s
response pertaining to the mainstreaming of LDCs’ needs, in cooperation with the Africa Department, as appropriate as well as with the cluster and national offices in the field concerned, is currently engaged in the process of elaborating more focused needs assessments in the fields of competence of the Organization, duly taking account of the Plan of Action for Least Developed Countries (2001-2010), UNDAFs as well as national strategic documents, in particular those relating to poverty eradication.
关于贯穿于本组织各项计划之中的问题,根据《2002-2007 年中期战略》(31 C/4), 战规划局用两 种语言(英文和法文)为妇女、青年和最不发达国家以及和平文化出版了关 [...]
于“各方都关心 ……需要 ”的专门手册。
As regards issues to be mainstreamed in the
programmes of the Organization in
[...] accordance with the provisions of the Medium-Term [...]
Strategy for 2002-2007 (31 C/4), BSP
has completed the publication of specific brochures on “Mainstreaming the needs of ...” for women, youth and least developed countries as well as for the culture of peace in two languages (English and French).
在审查期间,战规划局还保 障了教科文组织参与联合国发展小组(UNDG)及其附 属机构的计划编制活动,尤其是与落实千年发展目标、联合国发展援助框架(UNDAF)和 [...]
减贫战略计划(PRAPs)相关的活动和负责联合国系统主要行政机关(CEB)计划的高级委 员会的活动。
During the period under review, the Bureau has also ensured UNESCO [...]
participation in programmatic activities of the United
Nations Development Group (UNDG) and its subsidiary bodies, especially with respect to the pursuit of the Millennium Development Goals, UNDAF and PRSPs, and the High-level Committee on Programmes of the Chief Executives Board (CEB) of the United Nations system.
此外, 战规划局/妇女 和性别平等科还参与了出版关于性别平等和艾滋病病毒/艾滋病 的成套宣传资料的工作,并参与了 2003 年在日内瓦举行的世界信息社会高峰会 议的筹备工作。
BSP/WGE moreover participated in work on the publication of an information package on gender equality and HIV/AIDS, and is involved in the preparation of the World Summit on an Information Society in 2003 in Geneva.
规划局正在 拟定提交高级管理部门的关于各部门计划实施情况的定 期季度报告,包括非集中化程度和贯穿各领域(即非洲、最不发达国家、妇女和青年)实施 情况的细节。
BSP is also establishing and providing to senior management on a regular basis quarterly reports on programme implementation by sectors, including details of the extent of decentralization and the implementation of mainstreaming areas (i.e. Africa, least developed countries, women and youth).
教科文组织的风险管理委员会由战 规划局 任 主 席,内部监督处提供秘书 处服务。
The risk management committee in UNESCO is
[...] chaired by the bureau of strategic planning, with the secretariat [...]
provided by the internal oversight service.
规划局还继 续管理和扩大了战略、任务和结果评估信息系统(SISTER),这是重 成果的计划编制方法的主要工具,它现在包括了由正常预算和预算外资金资助的所有项目的 工作规划。
BSP has also continued to manage and develop SISTER, the main tool for a results-based programming approach, which now includes work plans for all projects funded from both regular and all new extrabudgetary resources.
关于贯穿教科文组织各计划的性别问题,战 规划局 妇 女 与性别平等科(BSP/WGE) 加强了它在总部、总部外办事处以及教科文组织各全国委员会的性别问题联络中心网络。
As regards gender mainstreaming,
the Section for Women and Gender
[...] Equality in the Bureau of Strategic Planning (BSP/WGE) [...]
consolidated its network of gender
focal points at Headquarters, in Field Offices as well as in the National Commissions for UNESCO.
[...] 加勒比国家协会秘书长、西印度大学阿瑟·刘易斯勋爵社会和经济学院发展研究 教授兼主任和牙买加政府全 规划局局 长。
Previous positions include: Secretary-General of the Association of Caribbean States; Professor of Development Studies and Director of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and
Economic Studies, University of the West Indies; and
[...] head of the National Planning Agency of the Government [...]
of Jamaica.
总干事的代表,教科文组织战 规划局 ( BS P)局长 Hans d’orville 先生对在编制 2006-2007 [...]
年《计划与预算草案》(33 C/5)之前要做的有关工作作了总体介绍。
The representative of the Director-General, Mr Hans d’Orville, Director of
[...] UNESCO’s Bureau of Strategic Planning (BSP) presented [...]
an overview of the process leading
to the preparation of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2006-2007 (33 C/5).
另外还收到研究人员、设在牙买加的若干大使馆和常驻代表团以及其他国家 的各类学术和研究机构提出的请求,并向他们提供了图书馆服务,其中包括:中 国厦门大学;尼日利亚海洋学和海洋研究所;新西兰奥克兰大学图书馆;联合王
[...] [...] 国剑桥芬纳斯钱伯斯律师事务所;墨西哥国立自治大学海洋和湖泊科学研究所; 加勒比法院;环境署牙买加办事处;牙买加国家环境 规划局 、 海 事管理局和外 交和对外贸易部;牙买加理工大学的学生;牙买加西印度群岛大学和诺曼·曼利 [...]
Kirton);中国常驻牙买加代表 团和巴西常驻牙买加代表团。
Requests were also received from, and library services utilized by, individual researchers, a number of embassies and permanent missions based in Jamaica and academic and research institutions in other countries, including Xiamen University, China; the Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research; the University of Auckland Library, New Zealand; Fenners Chambers, Cambridge, United Kingdom; the Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología of the National Autonomous University of Mexico; the Caribbean Court of Justice; the UNEP
office in Jamaica; the
[...] National Environment and Planning Agency, the Maritime Authority and the Ministry [...]
of Foreign Affairs and
Foreign Trade of Jamaica; students from the University of Technology, the University of the West Indies and the Norman Manley Law School, Jamaica; the Caribbean Maritime Institute; Allan Kirton; and the permanent missions of China and Brazil in Jamaica.
[...] 务或作为其协调中心:工发组织设有特别方案和最不发达国家问题工作组;教科 文组织设有战规划局;儿基会设有政策和实践司;经社部设有发展合作政策 处;禁毒办设有巴黎公约协调股/综合方案和监督处;世卫组织设有伙伴关系和 [...] [...]
At other organizations, the technical cooperation department/division, the policy division or a special programme is in charge of or act as focal point for SSC: the
Special Programmes and LDC
[...] Group at UNIDO; the Bureau of Strategic Planning at UNESCO; the Division [...]
on Policy and Practice
at UNICEF; the Development Cooperation Policy Branch at DESA; the Paris Pact Coordination Unit/Integrated Programme and Oversight Branch at UNODC; the Department of Partnerships and United Nations reform at WHO (see Annex 1).
(a) 人居署在与古巴国家住房事务局和建 规划局 协 作 拟订技术合作项目; 2008 年 6 月,人居署执行主任签署了关于可持续人类住区和城市环境管理的合作 协定,该协定依然在执行中
(a) UN-Habitat has been developing technical cooperation projects in collaboration with its counterparts in the Cuban National Housing Institute and the Physical Planning Institute.
数据来源:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那经 规划局 、 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那统 计局、机构养老金和伤残保险基金、http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2012/01/ [...]
Source of data: Bosnia and
[...] Herzegovina Directorate for Economic Planning, Bosnia and Herzegovina [...]
Statistics Agency, Entity
Pension and Disability Insurance Funds, available from www.imf.org/external/ pubs/ft/weo/2012/01/pdf/text.pdf.
根据波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那对外贸易和经济关系部的修正数据,波斯尼亚 和黑塞哥维那经规划局报告称,2011 年外国直接投资比 2010 年下降了 42.5%,减少了 [...]
3.917 亿可兑换马克。
Based on the revised data of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Foreign Trade and
Economic Relations, the Bosnia
[...] and Herzegovina Directorate for Economic Planning reports a decline [...]
in foreign direct investment
by 42.5 per cent in 2011, a decrease of KM 391.7 million compared to 2010.
[...] Casacchia教授、B&T国际律师事务所Giampaolo Naronte教授、意大利博洛尼亚大学Giampiero Cuppini教授和曲阜规划局领导 等出席会议并发言。
Professor WANG Ruiguang from Sino-Italian Campus, Professor RUAN Yisan from College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University, Professor Giorgio CASACCHIA from Istituto Italiano per l,Africa e l,Oriente ( IsIAO), Professor Giampaolo NARONTE from B&T LLP, Professor
Giampiero CUPPINI from Bologna
[...] University and officials from Qufu Urban Planning Bureau attended the meeting [...]
and made speeches.
规划局注意 到,波斯 尼亚和黑塞哥维那经济直到 2011 年底一直在逐渐恶化,这很大一部分是由欧洲 [...]
联盟金融危机造成的,目前可获得的 2012 年数据也表明今年的头几个月经济增 长继续放缓。
The Directorate noted a gradual economic [...]
deterioration in Bosnia and Herzegovina towards the end of 2011, resulting in large
part from the financial crisis in the European Union, while available data for 2012 also indicate a continued slowdown in the first months of this year.17 64.
遵照过去几届规划委员会积累的经验 规划 当 局 在 执 行这一任务的过程中 不断询问贝多因各位代表的意见,他们根据每个城镇需要具备的特点提出自己的 观点,特点诸如该城镇是否针对特别需要划定聚居区的农业人口建立;该城居民 [...]
Following lessons learned
[...] from past planning committees, the planning authorities performed this [...]
task in constant consultation
with Bedouin representatives who provided input as to their vision of every town’s desired character depending on such characteristics as whether the town is built for an agrarian population with a special needs for designated flocking areas; whether the town is planned for a group that requires strict separation to be maintained between the various tribes or whether the town is designed for a population that has a more urban character.




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