

单词 见教

See also:

appear (to be sth)

External sources (not reviewed)

一般见:教科文组织在中国和蒙古参与的联合国联合项目已使北京办事处的预算外 资源达到 [...]
700 万美元。
General observations: UNESCO’s participation [...]
in joint United Nations projects in China and Mongolia has enabled the Beijing
office to mobilize extrabudgetary resources to the tune of approximately $7 million.
为了消除见,教育应 在世界各地和社会各界宣扬性别平等的新理念和妇女的积 极作用。
To combat prejudice, education should imbue [...]
renewed visions of gender equality and the positive roles of women everywhere and in all walks of society.
他们往往把这类型的游戏当 作学习或教育性质的玩具见《教育 与学术类》之《学习型玩具》和《智能玩具与教育软 件》)。
Instead, these children will often use games of this
sort as learning or
[...] educational toys (see Educational & Academic Play: Learning Toys and Smart Toys & Educational Software).
事实上见教会本 身已经成了失去的羊的场所。
Indeed the visible church has become a field [...]
of lost sheep itself.
活动可以是发人深省的任何事情( 见教 育资源 W2 建议列表)。
Activities can be anything that fires
[...] the imagination, (see Resource W2 for [...]
a list of suggestions).
此阶 段的小孩喜欢听简单的故事和自己看书,故这些玩具将会合适 见 《 教 育 与 学术类》之《 书 籍》)。
At this age children enjoy listening to
simple stories and looking at books by themselves, so these toys
[...] are appropriate (see Educational & Academic Play: Books).
应总干事的要求,国际生物伦理委员会主席 Michele S.Jean 女士(加拿大)、起草小组 各位联合主席及报告人 Georges B.Kutukdjian 先生(黎巴嫩)与起草小组的所有成员磋商, 着手进行修改未来宣言内容的工作并完成了国际人类基因数据宣言的临时草案初稿(2003 年 4 月 23 日),其中考虑到了“公开听取意见日”活动所收集的 见 、 教 科 文组织执行局 第一六六届会议所发表的评论意见以及在书面国际磋商时所收到的答复意见。
At the request of the Director General, the Chairperson of IBC, Ms Michèle S. Jean (Canada), the Co-Chairpersons of the Drafting Group and its Rapporteur, Mr Georges B. Kutukdjian (Lebanon), in consultation with the Drafting Group as a whole, accordingly undertook the revision of the text of the future declaration and finalized a provisional preliminary draft of the international declaration on human genetic data (23 April 2003) which took account of the comments made at the day of public hearings, observations made at the 166th session of the Executive Board of UNESCO, and the replies received in connection with the international written consultation.
(c) 通过旨在加强司法和拟订有效的国家人权机构、人权教育方案和国家全
[...] 面行动计划的技术合作方案,向国家一级的利益相关者提供人权法律咨询 见、 教育和培训。
(c) Providing stakeholders at the national level with human rights legal advice, education and training through technical cooperation programmes aimed at strengthening the administration of justice and developing
effective national human rights
[...] institutions, human rights education programmes and [...]
comprehensive national plans of action.
由于不同的人有时被解释的措辞,早期手稿以不同的方式(也是真正的“圣经”),开发了许多不同的许多重要议题,发起了许多异端邪说,许多分裂和大量的“人类的 见 ” 教 派 和 其他教会,每个都有自己的人类就这些重要议题的意见。
Since different people have sometimes interpreted the wording of early manuscripts in different ways, (as also is true of the Bible), there developed many different "human opinions" on many important subjects, which initiated many heresies,
many schisms and a large number of
[...] Denominations and other Churches, each which have [...]
their own human opinions on those important subjects.
关于《第1 号一般性见:教育目 标》(2001年) ,委员会建议缔约国努力 将和平教育纳入学校课程和教师培训课程,并特别指出《任择议定书》所列罪 行。
With reference to its
[...] General comment No. 1 (2001) on the aims of education, the Committee [...]
recommends that the State party
undertake efforts to include peace education in the school curricula and in teachers’ training courses, with special reference to crimes under the Optional Protocol.
高度关切 高度关切 高度关切
[...] 高度关切世界每个地方都有妇女仍基本处于政治生活边缘的状态,其原因常 常在于歧视性的法律、惯例、态度和性别 见 , 教 育 程 度低下,得不到医疗保健 以及妇女受贫穷影响尤其严重
that women in every part of the world continue to be largely marginalized from the political sphere, often as a result of
discriminatory laws, practices, attitudes
[...] and gender stereotypes, low levels of education, lack of access [...]
to health care and the disproportionate effect of poverty on women
[...] 话是实现全球和平与谅解的关键,而对不同文化和族裔的 见 、 宗 教 不 容 忍和仇 外心理的表现则造成不同人民和国家间的仇恨和暴力
Convinced that respect for cultural, ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity, as well as dialogue among and within civilizations, is essential for global peace and
understanding, while manifestations of
[...] cultural and ethnic prejudice, religious intolerance [...]
and xenophobia generate hatred and violence among peoples and nations
As the World Bank has pointed out, it seems hardly desirable that developing
countries should divert resources from
[...] over-burdened health and education budgets to subsidise [...]
the administration of IPRs.
然而,仍然有大量儿童(其 中大部分是女孩)被剥夺了教育的 利 ( 见 方框 4)。
However, still a large number of children, mostly girls,
[...] are denied the right to education (see box 4).
[...] 籍国发生武装冲突时,为国籍国的利益对居留国采取武装敌对行动,所以这些群 体成员如被驱逐或在驱逐过程中不可能“因其政治 见 或 宗 教 信 仰 害怕受到迫 害”。
Secondly, in so far as the group of aliens in question carries out its hostile armed activities in the interest of the State of nationality of its members engaged in an armed conflict with the State of residence, the members of the
group who have been or are being expelled cannot “fear persecution for
[...] [their] political opinions or religious beliefs”.
如果这短暂的犹太法典草图至于其halakic contentsbe的声明补充说,熟语的几个亚摩兰以及他们同时代和院校的成员,反对的 见 , 无论 是 教 师 还 是学生,经常在连接与记录该讨论的院校,一对犹太法典的性质进行更全面的了解和其形式可能是更好的概念报告获得。
If this brief sketch of the Talmud as regards its halakic contentsbe supplemented by the statement that the sayings of the
several amoraim as well
[...] as the opposing views of their contemporaries and the members of the academies, whether teachers or pupils, are frequently [...]
recorded in
connection with the report of the discussions of the academies, a more complete view of the nature of the Talmud and a better conception of its form may be gained.
他们认为,为了使教科文 组织的科学计划产生重大影响,本组织应发挥推动全球、地区和国家层面制定科 学政策的作用,具体工作包括改善相关科学研究知识的基础,通过促进政策性工作和参与提出政策咨询 见来 传 播这方面的知识,以及提高各国制定政策、进行科学监测和制定基准的能力。
They considered that in order for UNESCO science programmes to make a significant difference, the Organization should act as a facilitator of global, regional- and countrylevel science policy development by improving the base of relevant scientific research knowledge and communicating [...]
that knowledge, by promoting
policy work and participating in formulating policy advice, as well as by building country capacity in policy making and scientific monitoring and benchmarking.
苏世民学者项目和苏世民学院的成立是如今高 教 育 界 难得 见 的 大 胆举措,更不用说国际关系领域了。
The establishment of Schwarzman Scholars and Schwarzman
College is the kind of bold
[...] initiative one sees too rarely in higher education today, let [...]
alone in international relations.
[...] 前的平等权利,不分种族、国籍、民族血统、语言、 教 、 性别 、 见 解 、 政治背 景、社会出身或财富(第 16(2)条)。
The supreme law of the Republic of Moldova (the Constitution) ensures all its citizens equal rights before a court of law and public authorities, without discrimination
based on race, nationality, ethnic
[...] origin, language, religion, sex, opinion, political [...]
affiliation, social origin or wealth (Art. 16 (2)).
[...] 决议草案将以协商一致方式通过:删除序言部分第 九段第五行中的“如种族、肤色、性别、语言、教、政治见解或 其他、民族或社会出身、财产、出 生或其他身份状态”;删除序言部分第十三段第三 [...]
行“选举进程”后面应该加上“在明确提出该要求 的国家”几个字。
The sponsors had also made three other changes to the revised text, in the hope that the draft resolution would be adopted by consensus: starting in the fourth line of the ninth preambular paragraph, the
phrase “such as race, colour,
[...] sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national [...]
or social origin, property, birth
or other status” should be deleted; in the third line of the thirteenth preambular paragraph, the words “in particular” should be deleted; and in the third line of the fifteenth preambular paragraph, the words “in requesting countries” had been inserted after the words “election processes”.
[...] 约国“……保证,本公约所宣布的权利应予普遍行使,而不得有例如种族、肤 色、性别、语言、教、政治或其 见 解 、 国籍或社会出身、财产、出生或其他 身份等任何区分”。
Article 2, paragraph 2, of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (the Covenant) obliges each State party “to guarantee that the rights enunciated in the present Covenant will be exercised without discrimination of
any kind as to race, colour,
[...] sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or [...]
social origin, property, birth or other status”.
[...] 务,不分性别、种族、国籍、民族血统、语言、 教 、 见 解 、政治面貌、财产或 社会背景。
Thus, according to the Family Code, all married persons have equal rights and obligations in their family relations, irrespective
of gender, race, nationality, ethnic
[...] origin, language, religion, opinion, political [...]
adherence, wealth or social origin.
但是,对调查表做出答复的大多数会员国在这个问题上 没有表示任何见。
However, the majority of Member States responding to the questionnaire did not express any opinion on this issue.
国家在行使对外国人的驱逐权时,不得以种族、肤色、性别、语言、教、政治或其见解、民族、族裔或社会出身、财产、出生或其他身份为由 或以国际法不容许的任何其他理由进行任何歧视。
1. The State shall exercise its right to expel aliens without discrimination of any kind on
grounds such as race, colour,
[...] sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, [...]
ethnic or social origin, property,
birth or other status, or any other ground impermissible under international law.
不结盟运动成员国支持 2011 年 6
[...] 月在维也纳召开核安全部长级会议,作为 启动对福岛第一核电厂事故初步评估的平台,并对如何从中吸取经 教 训 交见,以 便进一步加强核安全框架以及应急准备和应急机制。
NAM member States supported the convening of the Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety held in Vienna in June 2011, as a platform for launching an initial assessment of the Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear accident and for an
[...] exchange of views on the lessons to be learned from it, with a view to further [...]
strengthening the nuclear
safety framework and the emergency preparedness and response mechanisms.
我们强调所有国家都有责任根据《宪章》尊重、保护、增进所有人的人权和 基本自由,不分种族、肤色、性别、语言、 教 、 政 治或其 见 解 、 民族或社会 本源、财产、出生、伤残或其他身份。
We emphasize the responsibilities of all States, in conformity with the Charter, to respect, protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of
any kind as to race, colour,
[...] sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or [...]
social origin, property, birth, disability or other status.
这种 方案的例子包括苏丹教育部为帮助达尔富尔学生赶上耽误的学校功课所提供的 方案,以及塞拉利昂教育部和儿基会向该国受冲突影响的青少年提供的辅助速成 小教育方案(见方框 3)。
Examples of such programmes include those being provided by the Ministry of Education of the Sudan to help students in Darfur to catch up with their schooling and the Complementary Rapid Education for Primary School Programme for adolescents
affected by the conflict in Sierra Leone, being provided by
[...] the Ministry of Education of Sierra Leone and UNICEF (see box 3).
同样, 《西班牙宪法》第 14
[...] 条也强调了在法律面前人人平等的原则,并明确在任何情 况下均不得因出生、种族、性别、 教 、 见 解 或其他任何个人或社会条件/环境 而加以歧视。
Article 9 of the Constitution guarantees the freedom and equality of citizens and of the groups to which they belong in political, economic, social and cultural life, while article 14 enshrines the principle of equality before the law and prohibits
all forms of discrimination based on
[...] birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other [...]
personal or social condition or circumstance.
关于匈牙利共和国宪法的 1949 年第 XX 号法(以下简称《宪法》)规定,所
[...] 有人在法律面前一律平等,都享有人权和公民权利,不分种族、肤色、语言、教、政治或其见解、 国籍或社会出身、财金状况、出生或其他情况,除其他 [...]
Act XX of 1949 on the constitution of the Republic of Hungary (hereinafter referred to as the Constitution) provides for equality before the law and human and civil rights for all individuals without
differentiating in terms of race,
[...] color, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or [...]
social origin, pecuniary, birth
or other situations including, among others, disabilities.
的国际法准则和原则基础上尽早解决冲突,但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地
[...] 证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如 见 阿 塞 拜疆最近散发的文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to
its intention to secure the annexation of
[...] these territories (see, for example, [...]
the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).




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