单词 | 覆述 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 覆述 —state againSee also:覆 v—overturn v 覆—capsize • reply to a letter 述 v—state v • tell v • narrate v
運輸及房屋局局長扼要覆述現 時 已為長者提供的票價優惠,並表示她會繼續與公共交通營辦 [...] 商商討,爭取更多票價優惠。 legco.gov.hk | STH recapitulated the fare concessions [...] presently available for the elderly, and said that she would continue to negotiate [...]for more concessions from PTOs. legco.gov.hk |
因此,我不打算覆述有關 詳情,正如㆒些議員要求我做的。 legco.gov.hk | For that reason, I shall not go into more details, as some Members have urged me to do. legco.gov.hk |
這㆒切 [...] 我已經在本星期㆒(七月十㆓日)某報章的自由論壇㆖闡述了,在此不 再 覆述。 legco.gov.hk | There is no clear majority in this Council to speak of. I do not intend to reiterate on this occasion the [...] points I made regarding this issue in an article published in a contributors' column of a newspaper [...] on Monday, 12 July 1993. legco.gov.hk |
黃宏發議員(譯文):副主席先生,我不 想 覆述 , 不 過,我可以給你寫出來。 legco.gov.hk | MR ANDREW WONG: Mr Deputy President, I would not like to repeat it, but I can write it out for you. legco.gov.hk |
現在讓我覆述政府打擊毒害的主要政策,我們採取綜合專業 法,其㆗包括防止罪行、偵察罪行、預防教育及宣傳、還有康復及治療多個範疇。 legco.gov.hk | Suffice at this stage just to repeat the [...] key points of the Government's policy [...]against drugs which is, a multi-disciplinary [...]approach which covers the areas of crime prevention and detection, preventive education and publicity and rehabilitation and treatment. legco.gov.hk |
截至目前為止,這些問題仍然存在,本人在此 謹向各位議員覆述,以供探討。 legco.gov.hk | Up to now, these concerns are still valid and I take the liberty to repeat them here for Members’ attention. legco.gov.hk |
然而,我現在不打算逐點覆述,但 我希望提出數點,我們認為這數點在實施時 [...] 如處理或應付不當,可能導致不良的後果,影響業主、物業管理㆟及發展商。 legco.gov.hk | However, I shall not [...] repeat all of them now but I wish to refer [...]to some points which we believe, if not properly addressed [...]or handled upon implementation, could lead to adverse consequences affecting owners, estate managers and developers. legco.gov.hk |
(3) 無信心:不是對九七的信心,而 是對公屋質素、管理和維修的信心,例 子是多不勝數, 剛才已有很多議員提及,我不擬在此 覆述。 legco.gov.hk | Just now, many Members have quoted quite a number of examples; so I do not intend to repeat. legco.gov.hk |
就私㆟房屋 用㆞的問題,我曾多次在本局提出增加土㆞供應及解決這個問題的辦法,對㆖㆒次就 這個課題發言,是㆒九九㆓年㆔月去年度財政預算案的辯論,因此我不打算在 此 覆述 我的論點。 legco.gov.hk | The last time I spoke on this subject was at the last annual Budget debate in March 1992 and I shall therefore not repeat what I said. legco.gov.hk |
該委員會的權力,已載於條例草案,相信各位議員已知悉其內容,但我認為值得在 此 覆述 各項要點。 legco.gov.hk | Members will know something of the power of the proposed Commission as set out in that Bill. legco.gov.hk |
我不打算覆述她的說話,我只想說明我們所爭取的事情是正義的;倘若我們能夠給予 [...] 非華裔少數居民英國國籍,藉此使全部或部份非華裔少數居民與香港建立密切關係, 這樣當會是香港之福。 legco.gov.hk | I will not repeat what she has said and [...] will content myself by saying that our cause is a just one and that if we can successfully [...]bind all or part of the ethnic minorities to Hong Kong by providing them with British nationality, we shall have done Hong Kong a great service. legco.gov.hk |
或許我在此覆述我在 施政報告辯論㆗對這個問題所作的分析,可能會有幫助。 legco.gov.hk | It is perhaps useful to recap my anatomy of [...] the current problem at the policy address debate. legco.gov.hk |
當局在 2007 年 1 [...] 月向立法會規劃地政及工程事務委員 會 (事務委員會)提交的文件中,亦有 覆述 以 往 就中環填海計劃第 三期工程所進行的諮詢結果,包括有關舊天星碼頭及皇后碼頭 [...]的安排。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration’s paper to the LegCo Panel on [...] Planning, Lands and Works (PLW Panel) in [...] January 2007 also recapitulated the past consultation [...]of the CRIII project, including [...]the arrangements for the old Star Ferry Pier and the Queen’s Pier. legco.gov.hk |
她又扼要覆述上述的嶼 南整體規劃目標。 legco.gov.hk | She also recapitulated the above overall [...] planning objectives of south Lantau. legco.gov.hk |
難道要將所有建議覆述一遍 ,然後說房委會仍在考慮中嗎? housingauthority.gov.hk | Should I simply repeat all of the recommendations and say that the Authority is considering them? housingauthority.gov.hk |
規劃環境㆞政司答(譯文):副主席先生,我相信我其實已解釋過如何釐定該等單位的 售價,但我可在此更詳細㆞覆述㆒次。 legco.gov.hk | SECRETARY FOR PLANNING, ENVIRONMENT AND LANDS: Mr Deputy [...] President, I believe I have actually explained how the sale price was arrived at but [...] I may as well repeat in more detail here. legco.gov.hk |
每次使用時重覆上述過程 至少三次,以提高滲入皮下之濃度,否則效果必定打折。 trade-taiwan.org | Repeated the above process at least three times, in order to have enough density to achieve best results. trade-taiwan.org |
為了避免出現疑問,也為了清楚起見,我 會 覆述 經 修 訂後動 議的措辭:「本局要求政府在與公共事業及公共交通公司達成利潤管制計劃及延續專利 [...] 權前,就該等計劃及專利權充份考慮本局及公眾㆟士的意見。 legco.gov.hk | For the avoidance of doubt and for the purpose of [...] clarity, I will recapitulate the wording [...]of that motion as amended. legco.gov.hk |
歸國後的「稻田系列」與「遠眺系列」,大同小異 地 覆述 著 靜 純樸世界的眷戀,他的鄉土寫實不再是攝影鏡頭獵取下的切面空間,而是透過細緻描繪與嚴謹結構組合出的鄉土意象,一吋吋貂毛筆所犁過的畫布,似乎意欲攫取住每一吋畫面所能擁有的寂靜,似幻似真地抗拒了外來世界的侵擾。 ravenelart.com | Returning to Taiwan from abroad, Huang devoted his creative energy to two sets of similar projects, the 'Rice Field' series and the 'Views from Afar' series, both keen representations of the artist's love of a simpler and more serene world. His paintings of local scenery were no longer random photographic 'snapshot s' , but rather succinctly composed rural imageries that speak to audiences through their meticulous attention to detail, deftly combined to produce impressive tapestries of tranquility. ravenelart.com |
蘇 格 蘭 法 律 委 員 會 認 為 , 因 覆 述 而 出 現 歪 曲 的 問 題 可 透 過 批 准 法 院 考 慮 傳 聞 證 據 的 分 量 來 解 決 , 而 並 非 完 全 拒 絕 接 納 傳 聞 證 據 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The Scottish Law Commission considered that the problem of distortion through repetition is better dealt with by permitting the court to consider what weight is to be attached to the hearsay rather than by simply excluding hearsay altogether. hkreform.gov.hk |
業界代表在會議中就該項市場調查所表達的意見和政府代表的 答 覆 概 述 如 下 : a) 主席說,有關營養標籤是否符合規定的檢查分兩個層面:第一個層面是營養標 籤有否列出規例所規定的“1+7”基本資料,第二個層面是透過實驗測試檢查 營養數值的準確性。 cfs.gov.hk | Views from trade representatives and replies from Government representatives on the market survey exchanged at the meeting were summarized as follows cfs.gov.hk |
在第二阶段,如果增设 40 个职位的请求获得批准,则总共将部署 89 个 社区联络助理,覆盖上述所有 76 个优先地点。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the second phase, should the request for an additional 40 positions be approved, [...] a total of 89 community liaison assistants would [...] be deployed, covering all 76 of the aforementioned priority locations. daccess-ods.un.org |
部門管方應委員會的要求覆檢上述個 案 ,最終 修訂建議,改為延長該員的試用期三個月,而 [...] 該員無須蒙受金錢損失。 psc.gov.hk | Upon review as requested by the Commission, [...] the departmental management revised its recommendation for the officer’s probationary [...]period to be extended for three months without financial loss. psc.gov.hk |
他重覆地講述同一 段話,黃太 太還以為他有點神智不清,但細心觀察後,卻發覺他十分正常。 cancarecentre.org.au | As he repeated the same thing over and over again, Mrs Wong at first thought he was in a state of delirium; but after careful observation, she found him very normal in his mind. cancarecentre.org.au |
为突出这场悲剧的世界性,项目在过去把重心放在跨大西洋的贩卖路线,作为第一阶 段工作重点,今后将把活动范围扩展到过 去 覆 盖 不 够的 下 述 地区 unesdoc.unesco.org | In order to emphasize the universal nature of this tragedy, the project will, having placed the stress on the transatlantic trade during [...] the first phase, pursue an expansion of its activities to the following [...] regions, which are still insufficiently covered. unesdoc.unesco.org |
並 且 在 不 損 害 ( b ) 段 的 原 則 下 , 就 本 部 而 言 , 頇 將 名 譽 視 作 為 一 項 事 實 而 非 涉 及 該 名 譽 所 關 事 宜 的 一 項 陳 述 或 繁 多 而 重 覆 的 陳 述 。 hkreform.gov.hk | and, without prejudice to paragraph (b), reputation shall for the purposes of this Part be treated as a fact and not as a statement or multiplicity of statements dealing with the matter reputed. hkreform.gov.hk |
如 果 作 出 陳 述 的 人 不 會 閱 讀 或 拒 絕 閱 讀 陳 述 , 負 責 書 寫 陳 述 的 警 務 人 員 頇 向 該 人 覆 讀 陳 述,詢 問 該 人 他 是 否 想 作 出 任 何 更 正 、 修 改 或 增 補 , 並 且 要 求 該 人 在 陳 述 的 結 尾 簽 署 或 劃 押 , 然 後 這 名 警 務 人 員 頇 在 陳 述 之 上 簽 署 , 作 為 他 本 人 所 曾 作 之 事 的 證 明 。 hkreform.gov.hk | If the person making the statement cannot read, or refuses to read it, the officer who has taken it down shall read it over to him and ask him whether he would like to correct, alter or add anything and to put his signature or make his mark at the end. hkreform.gov.hk |
為 計 算 所 需 的 專 責 小 組 成 員 人 數 , 我 們 假 設 進 行 建 議 8 所 概 述 的 程 序( 包 括 向 被 控 人 覆 讀 其 陳 述 ) , 每 一 名 被 控 人 大 約 需 時 3 0 分 鐘 。 hkreform.gov.hk | For the purposes of this calculation it is assumed that the procedure outlined in Proposal 8 (including the reading of the accused's statement to him) will take approximately 30 minutes in respect of each accused. hkreform.gov.hk |
正如答覆編號 DEVB(PL)129 所 述 ,一 些涉及平整土地及基建設施的大型工程, 例如中環填海計劃第三期和將軍澳進一步發展等項目, [...] 已於 2012 年大致完成。 devb.gov.hk | As explained in the reply serial no. DEVB(PL)129, some [...] major projects involving land formation and engineering infrastructure [...]works, such as Central Reclamation Phase III and Tseung Kwan O Further Development, had been substantially completed in 2012. devb.gov.hk |
(a) 如答覆編號 DEVB(PL)095 所述,當局計劃提議修訂法例以實施招牌監管制 度,容許符合訂明尺寸規限和其他指明準則的現存違例招牌,經註冊建築專 [...] 業人士或註冊承建商進行安全檢查、鞏固(如有需要)和核證後,便可繼續 使用。 devb.gov.hk | (a) As mentioned in the reply under Serial No. DEVB(PL)095, [...] for existing unauthorised signboards within stipulated dimensional [...]requirements and meeting other specified criteria, the Administration plans to introduce legislative amendments to implement the Signboard Control System (SBCS) to allow the continued use of such existing unauthorised signboards after safety checks, strengthening (if necessary) and certification by registered building professionals or registered contractors. devb.gov.hk |