单词 | 覆盖面 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 覆v—overturnv 覆—capsize reply to a letter 覆盖v—coverv overridev overwritev capv
商誉主要与Viterra谷物营销及推销业务有关,并基於连同谷物营销业 务预期增加之地理覆盖面及业务规模所产生的协同效应。 glencore.com | The goodwill is primarily related to the Viterra grain marketing and merchandising business and is substantively attributable to synergies which are [...] expected to arise in conjunction [...] with thegrain marketing division’s increased geographiccoverage and scale of [...]activities. glencore.com |
与飞利浦合作,会进一 步提升以上的优势,并且无论在阔度或深度上,将 扩阔我们的全球覆盖面。 cre8ir.com | All these critical advantages will be boosted [...] further as the result of our partnership with Philips, which will [...] expand our global reach, both horizontally and vertically. cre8ir.com |
自发动员的模式的长处是组织成本低,号召覆盖面广泛,动员网络个人化,不容易为权力中心所瓦解。 hkupop.hku.hk | The value of citizen self-mobilization is enhanced by the lack of a developed participatory culture in Hong Kong, and its possibility is provided by the vibrant media system. hkupop.hku.hk |
Ovoot Tolgoi矿拥有一个覆盖面积达9,308公顷的开 采许可证及一个相关开采执照。 southgobi.com | The Ovoot [...] TolgoiMine is covered by a single 9,308 [...]hectare (“ha”) mining license and a corresponding permit to mine. southgobi.com |
硬碟机在膝上型电脑、笔记型电脑、数位影像录影机、PDA、GPS 系统等设备中随处可见,是许多进阶产品的重要组件 ─ Veeco 可提供战略合作关系,使您借助我们巨大的知识库、广泛的制程设备解决方案范围及全球覆盖面,充分利用该等新应用。 veeco.com.tw | Found in devices ranging from laptops, netbook PCs, digital video recorders, PDAs, GPS systems and more, hard disk drives are a crucial component of many advanced products -- and Veeco provides the strategic partnership that enables [...] you to take advantage [...] of these new applications, withthe largest knowledge base, the greatest breadth of process equipment solutions, and worldwide reach. veeco.com |
TP Vision的 成 立 [...] 正 好 扩 大 了 集 团的覆 盖 面,同时 也 正 提 升 其 [...]货 币 管 理 力 度 以 减 轻 外 汇 风 险 。 cre8ir.com | The formation of TP Vision has given the Group much [...] wider geographicalcoverage,and itis enhancing [...]its currency management efforts in [...]order to mitigate exchange risks. cre8ir.com |
由於垂直綠化是利用攀缘植物依附在建筑物外墙或以组件形式装置在樓宇立 面上,是整个栽种工程设计的其中一部份,因此并没有垂直綠化覆盖面积的分项數字。 devb.gov.hk | Vertical greening in the form of planting of self-clinging climbers or modular systems on building facades is an integral part of planting design. devb.gov.hk |
不过,只有那些拥有充足的财务覆盖面、灵活应变和别具创意的供应商,才能把这些方案有效地运用。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | However, this will only apply if it can be leveraged by providers with sufficient financial footprint, solution flexibility and creativity. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
透过亚洲三号 S 卫星广濶的覆盖面和强大的渗透能力, Zhwandoon TV 不单可以接入至阿富汗各广播网络及电视家庭观众,更广播至海外,包括中亚、 中东、南亚及亚太区其他地方。 asiasat.com | Through AsiaSat 3S’s powerful access across the Asia Pacific, Zhwandoon TV reaches notonly all broadcast networks and audiences in Afghanistan but also Central Asia, Middle East, South Asia and other parts of Asia Pacific. asiasat.com |
这些无刷电机的基础上6扭矩对应於不同的法兰尺寸和发动机功率,覆盖面积达1,7 37牛。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | These brushless motors are based on 6 torques correspond to different flange sizes and [...] engine power, and cover an areaof up 1,7 37 Nm. en.developmentscout.com |
通过其广阔的C波段覆盖面及针对个别市场的Ku波段固定和可调转式波束,传送极多元化的娱乐资讯及主题频道,并为亚太区内提供灵活通讯连系。 asiasat.com | It delivers a great diversity of infotainment and thematic channels and mobilises communications across the Asia-Pacific region with an extensive C-band footprint as well as fixed and steerable Ku-beams enabling greater flexibility in network connectivity. asiasat.com |
於2012年3月1日,本公司拥有3个采矿许可证及8个勘探许可证(其中4个已申请开采前协议),总覆盖面积约为 418,000公顷。 southgobi.com | As at March 1, 2012, the Company held three mining licenses and eight [...] exploration licenses (four of which have PMA applications lodged), [...] which in total coveran area ofapproximately [...]418,000ha. southgobi.com |
14英寸宽的特大地墙刷覆盖面积大,让 您可以快速清洁面积较大的区域。 rainbowsystem.com | The 14-inch wide Jumbo Floor [...] & WallBrush coversa larger area, allowing you to clean large surfacemore quickly. rainbowsystem.com |
然而,一些回应 者(635 位回应者中的 85 位,即 [...] 13%)不认为需要包括其他樓宇装置,因为现有的覆 盖面已经足够(11),并且这些装备已占主要能源消耗(3)。 susdev.org.hk | However, some (13% - 85 out of 635 respondents) did not agree there was a need [...] to cover other types of installations [...] since the existing coveragewas sufficient [...](TU=11), and those installations already [...]accounted for the majority of energy consumption (TU=3). susdev.org.hk |
e21摩奇创意总部位於矽谷,在大中国地区拥有广阔的市场覆盖面,并设有6家分公司,包括香港、北京、上海、广州、成都和台北。 ipress.com.hk | Headquartered in Silicon Valley, e21 Magicmedia [...] has extensivecoverage in Greater China [...]with six offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, [...]Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Taipei. ipress.com.hk |
1980-2000年间森林覆盖面积的演化 来自联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO):全球森林资源评估 cn.canson.com | Change in global forest cover, 1980-2000 - Source: [...] Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Global Forest Resources Assessment. en.canson.com |
一些回应者建议政府通过立法将该计划覆盖面扩大到所有电力产品,以为 消费者带來更多益处(18)。 susdev.org.hk | Some respondents suggested, in order to [...] better benefit consumers, the Government [...] should extend thecoverage of MEELS to all [...]electrical appliances by legislation (TU=18). susdev.org.hk |
怡和科技香港有限公司采购及配置服务总经理梁淑仪表示,期待提升 ISS 方 案在香港及澳门市场的覆盖面。 jos.com | We look forward to promoting the ISS solutions to users in Hong Kong and Macau,” said Albrey Leung, General Manager, Procurement and DeploymentServices, Hong Kong, JOS. jos.com |
这个全球其中一个最大型户外3D光效投射滙演「幻彩四季」,以春夏秋冬四季为主题,利用数码视频映射技术,投射覆盖面超过43,000平方。 yp.mo | A dazzling holiday light show supported by digital video mapping technology will take spectators on a journey themed on the four seasons. yp.mo |
藉 着双方的合作,IBM 以完备见称的防御性保安产品系列,将透过 JOS 合作夥伴所 组成的区域网络,扩展在香港市场的覆盖面,并开辟 ISS 产品於澳门的销售市场。 jos.com | The deal increases the availability of IBM’s comprehensive portfolio of pre-emptive offerings through JOS’s regional network of channel partners and for the first time makes IBM’s ISS products available in Macau. jos.com |
二 零 一 一 年 年 底,维 达 国 际 销 售 办 事 处 总 数 达155个(二 [...] 零 一 零 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日:141个),经 销 商 达1,174家(二 零 一 零 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日:856家),销 售 网 点 足 [...] 印 遍 及 全 国260,000个,市场覆 盖 面进一步 扩 大。 vindapaper.com | By the end of 2011, the number of Vinda International’s sales offices reached 155 (31 December 2010: 141) while the number of distributors reached 1,174 (31 [...] December 2010: 856), building a national sales network of 260,000 points of sales, [...] and further broadening market coverage. vindapaper.com |