

单词 覆核

See also:

reply to a letter

External sources (not reviewed)

本 集 團 至 少 於 每 年 年 度 終 了,對 使 用 壽 命 有 限 的 無 形 資 產 的 使 用 壽
[...] 命 及 攤 銷 方 法 進覆 核,必 要 時 進 行 調 整。
The Group reviews, at least at each year
end, the useful life and amortisation method for intangible assets with definite lives
[...] and makes adjustment when necessary.
[...] 意見書後,專家小組要求運輸署提供額外的交通分析資 料,以確保運輸需求電腦模擬數據的可靠;並要求該覆 核各項假設的理據。
Having reviewed the submission of Transport Department, additional traffic analysis and information were requested from Transport Department
to ascertain the robustness of the traffic
[...] demand model and to verify the assumptions [...]
made in the traffic demand model.
政府當局曾建議在條例草案加入一項剝奪裁判權條文,禁止 對審裁處的決定、裁定或命令提出司 覆核 , 因為這樣可清楚表明, 審裁處作為高級紀錄法院,其任何決定、裁定或命令都只應藉上訴 方式,由司法架構內高一級的上訴法 覆核。
The Administration has proposed to add an ouster clause to bar judicial review of the decisions, determinations or orders of the Tribunal made under the Bill on the ground that it would put things beyond doubt that any decision, determination or order of the Tribunal as a superior court of record should only be reviewed by way of appeal to the CA, which is a higher court.
(7) 覆 核 人 員覆 核 押 後 的 原 因 紀 錄 在 拘 留 紀 錄 內 。
(7) The review officer shall record the reasons for any postponement of a review in the custody record.
吳靄儀 議員亦要求政府當局就其他條例的相若條文提供資料,當 中訂明有關人士亦可向法院提覆核 申 請,以及要求法院 在雙方未能達成協議的情況下,釐定所須支付的金額,正 如擬議第72I條所指的情況一樣。
Ms Margaret NG also requested the Administration to provide information on similar provisions in other ordinances in which the concerned parties could also apply to the court for a review, as well as determination of payment of a monetary amount in default of agreement between the parties, as in the case of the proposed section 72I.
應小心進行測試,並妥為記錄及貯存測試結果;在適 當時,對測試結果進行分析覆核;及
tests should be carried out with due care and test results are properly documented, and where
[...] appropriate, analysed and vetted; and
由生產商/供應商發出、經註冊結構工程師簽認的符合規 定證明書(
[...] 包括密封劑相容性報告、密封劑黏結報告、密封劑 應用位置及布局覆核報告) ,須要在申請佔用許可證前向建 [...]
Sealant Adhesion Report and the Print
Review Report issued by the
[...] manufacturers/suppliers and endorsed by the RSE are [...]
required to be submitted prior to the application of an occupation permit.
合 併 成 本 小 於 合 併 中 取 得 的 被 購 買 方 可 辨 認 淨 資 產 公 允 價 值 份 額 的,首 先 對 取 得 的 被 購 買 方 各 項 可 辨 認 資 產、 負 債 及 或 有 負 債 的 公 允 價 值 以 及 合 併 成 本 的 計 量 進覆 核,覆 核 後 合 併 成 本 仍 小 於 合 併 中 取 得 的 被 購 買 方 可 辨 認 淨 資 產 公 允 價 值 份 額 的,其 差 額 計 入 當 期 損 益。
Where the cost of a business combination is less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable netassets,theacquirerreassessesthemeasurementofth efairvaluesoftheacquiree’sidentifiablenet assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities and the measurement of the cost of combinations. If after that reassessment, the cost of combination is still less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the remaining difference is recognised in the profit or loss for the current period.
所有評核及考試的結果均由考試委員會審 覆核 及與校外考試委員討論後決定,而特別個案及學歷頒授名單則由學科學務委員會批核。
All assessment results and examinations are determined by the Boards of Examiners after careful scrutiny and deliberation with the External Examiners, and with the ratification of the Discipline Academic Committees on special cases and award list.
高等法院已同時 接納兩項上訴,現正等覆核。
Both appeals have been admitted by the High Court and are pending review.
(c) 規條 3.4.2
[...] 亦適用於副區總監的委任。區總監在地域總監的認許下,負 責提名委任覆核委任其副區總監。
(c) 3.4.2 where applicable also governs the appointment of Deputy District Commissioner, with the District
Commissioner being responsible for the nomination and review of the appointment, and
[...] Regional Commissioner the endorsement.
關於改良方案,學生較其他人傾向贊成「增加審裁員數目,由現在的300人增加至500人」、「以陪審員制度取代現時的審裁員制度 (即由約有57萬人的名單抽取審裁員,而不是由300人的審裁員名單抽取)
[...] [...] 」、「立法訂明每次聆訊都必須將某些指定界別人士(如教育界、社福界等)納入審裁委員小組」及「增加聆訊時的審裁員人數,由暫定聆訊時的兩人加至4人及全面聆訊時的4人加至6人」;白領則較其他人讚成「成立一個新的獨立審裁機構,負責評定物品的暫定類別,如有要 覆核 , 由審裁處作為司法機關進行」,而藍領較傾向贊成「廢除審裁處,改由法庭裁判官評定物品類別」。
Regarding the improvement proposals put to test, the student group was more inclined to agree with "expanding the existing panel of adjudicators from 300 to 500 individuals", "drawing adjudicators from the list of jurors instead of the list of adjudicators for each tribunal hearing", "prescribing in the legislation that each tribunal hearing should consist of adjudicators from specified sectors, e.g. education, social welfare, etc." and "increasing the number of adjudicators in each hearing, i.e., from 2 to 4 persons for interim hearings and from 4 to 6 persons for full hearings", whereas white collars showed
more support to "establishing an independent
[...] classification board for making interim [...]
classifications on articles, while the
existing OAT will remain as a judicial body to consider appeals against the classification decisions of the board" than the others.
覆核委員會是由「本計劃」所包括的各院校代表及各學生會代表所組 成。
Members of the RSC include representatives from student unions and the institutions covered by the TSFS.
上訴人已在申請表格上及覆核聆訊 中承諾,他會聘請認可的專業人士評估天然山坡 災害及擬備地盤平整工程報告,並在有需要時進行斜坡鞏 固工程。
The Appellant has already undertaken in the application form and during the review hearing that he will employ authorized professionals to assess natural terrain hazards and prepare a site formation report, and that slope stabilization works will be implemented if necessary.
對 於 本 集 團 的 金 融 資 產, 除 非 完 成 一 項 詳覆 核,目 前 對 該 影 響 提 出 合 理 估 計 是 不 實 際 的。
Regarding the Group’s financial assets, it is not practicable to provide a reasonable estimate of that effect until a detailed review has been completed.
覆 核 人 員 須 立 即 把 此 事 向 一 名 警 司 或 以 上 職 級 的 人 員 報 告,而 該 人 員 是覆 核 人 員 就 有 關 拘 留 出覆 核 人 員 的 警 署 的 主 管 。
the review officer shall refer the matter at once to an officer of the rank of superintendent or above who is responsible for the police station for which the review officer is acting as review officer in connection with the detention.
會委任校外考試委員有覆核 所有 經評核後的習作,包括試卷、專題習作報告及其他作業。
The External Examiner has the right to examine any assessed material including examination scripts, project reports and other programme work of all students in the programme.
(v) 有關地區的證券交易所明確要求其終止出任董事,而相關申 覆核或 上 訴的期限已過,亦無任何就相關要求的已提出或進行中 覆核 及上
(B) A Director may act by himself or his
firm in a
[...] professional capacity for the Company (otherwise than as Auditors) and he or his firm shall be entitled to remuneration [...]
for professional
services as if he were not a Director.
因此,你無須通知本處參加上述考察所用的經 費,亦不必以參加此類考察而須支付額外經費為理由而提 覆核 申 請
You need not inform the Agency of the details of the compulsory field trip(s), or request for a review of your application on the grounds of the expenses incurred in the overseas compulsory field trip(s).
此外,《條例草案》將建議禁止公職人員出任為上訴委員會成員,以進一步加L《空氣污染管制條例》(第311章)(下稱「該條例」)下的上訴制度的公正性和獨立性,以及廢除環境保護署署長可根據該條例把上訴委員會的決定轉交行政長官會同行政會 覆核 的 條 文。
In addition, the bill will propose to bar a public officer from serving as a member of an appeal board, to further enhance the independence and impartiality of the appeal system under the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Chapter 311) (APCO).
中期財務資料的審閱工作包括主要詢問負責財務及會計事項的人員,以 及採用分析覆核及其他審閱程序。
A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures.
吊車公司的主席或行政總裁(或 他們各自的委任代名人)在覆核完結 後,可行使其絕對酌情決定權拒絕該 申請或授權退還全部或部分附加費或所交出車票的餘值。
(3) Any person who has paid a surcharge or delivered up his ticket pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be entitled to apply in writing to the Chairman or Chief Executive Officer of the Company (or their respective appointed nominee) for a review of the circumstances in which he became liable to a surcharge or to deliver up his ticket and the said Chairman or Chief Executive Officer of the Company (or their respective appointed nominee) upon the conclusion of such review may at his absolute discretion reject such application or may authorize repayment of the whole or any part of the surcharge or the remaining value in the delivered up ticket.
上 述 金 融 資 產 之 風 險 限 額 均 由 市 場 風 險 管 理 部 作 每 日 之 交 易 部覆 核 及 給 予 交 易 部 門 額 度 。
The risks limits of the aforementioned financial assets are reviewed daily by the department of market risk management.
假設最後的決定是兩年任期,特區巿民提出司 覆核 , 人 大最後「勉強」釋法為任期兩年,但倘若人大在釋法時能夠同時指出這是權宜之計,並確認檢討《基本法》的日程,相信不少巿民亦會體諒。
Assuming the final decision is the former and the Hong Kong people then apply for judicial review, the NPC will be eventually "forced" to make a decision of 2 years. Yet, if the NPC, when interpreting the Basic Law, is able to point out this is only an expedient, and affirm the agenda for the review of the Basic Law, it is believed that a lot of people will also understand this.
(e) 有關地區之證券交易所明確要求其終止出任董事,而相關申 覆核 或 上訴 之期限已過,亦無任何就相關要求之已提出或進行中 覆核 或 上 訴申請; 或
(e) if he has been validly required by the stock exchange of the Relevant Territory to cease to be a Director and the relevant time
period for application
[...] for review of or appeal against such requirement has lapsed and no application for review or appeal has been filed or is underway against such requirement; or
阁 下 须 对 任 何 资 料 之 准 确 性 及 完 整 性 自
[...] 行 负 责 , 本 行 无 责覆 核 资 料 , 并 不 须 对 阁 下 [...]
因 资 料 错 误 或 遗 漏 而 引 起 之 任 何 索 偿 或 损 失 负 任 何 责 任 。
You are solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of any
Information and we shall not be
[...] responsible to check or verify the same and that [...]
we shall not be liable for any losses
or damages suffered by you arising from any inaccuracies or omissions of any Information.
如申請人對結果不滿意,可在通知書發出後的兩星期內,以書面形式向校長提 覆核申 請,但須詳列理由及提供證明。
If applicants are dissatisfied with the result of their application, they can apply in writing to the Headmaster for a review within two weeks from the date of notification, providing detailed justifications and any documentary evidence in support of their application.
遞 延 所 得 稅 資 產 的 賬 面 金 額 會 在 每 一 報 告 期 間 末 進覆 核,如 果 很 可 能 無 法 獲 得 足 夠 的 應 納 稅 利 潤 來 收 回 全 部 或 部 分 資 產,則 相 應 減 少 遞 延 所 得 稅 資 產 的 賬 面 金 額。
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at the end of the reporting period and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be recovered.
2) 委員會根據第 4 段行使其權力時,以及校務委員會在上訴個案中行使 覆核 處 罰 的權力時,均須考 慮到校長根據本段命令暫時凍結權利的時間。
(2) Any period of temporary withholding imposed by the Vice-Chancellor under this paragraph shall be taken into account by the Committee in exercising its powers under paragraph 4 and by the Council in exercising its powers to review penalties on appeal.
(1) 如申請人不服其申請遭拒絕,可於申請結果通知日起計 10 天內連同補充 資料向委員會提交書面陳述要覆核 申 請,但委員會並不保證能在原有申 請擬拍攝日期前作覆核決定 並通知申請人。
(1) If the applicant is recalcitrant with his / her application being rejected, he / she can submit a written statement together with supplementary information to the Committee requesting for a review of the Committee’s decision within 10 days after notification of result.




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