

单词 要死不活

See also:








will notv
refrain fromv

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 至少有 33 人,其中包括 9 名儿童和 6 名妇女,在这些袭击中死亡,他们要么是活活被砍头或枪杀。
A United Nations investigation confirmed that during those
attacks, at least 33 persons, including 9 children and 6 women,
[...] had been killed, either burned alive, decapitatedor shot.
间接的后果包括:因劣质或地下堕胎手术生造成的死亡;孕妇 死亡;有害习俗造成的死亡;与贩毒、有组织犯罪和团 相关仅仅 因忽视、饥饿或虐待造成女孩或妇女以及国家蓄意的行为造成
The indirect category includes: deaths due to poorly conducted or clandestine abortions; maternal mortality;
deaths from harmful practices;deaths linked to human trafficking, drug dealing,
[...] organized crime and gangrelated activities; the deathof girls or women from simple neglect, through starvation or illtreatment; and deliberate actsor omissions by the State.
若干种与营养有关的 慢性疾病,如冠心病和中风等,现在都属于全球 要死因之列。 世界上收入最低国家的负担增长最快,有时导致出现营营养 过剩“双重负担”,给社会和保健系统造成巨大负担。
Several nutrition-related chronic diseases, such as coronary
heart disease and stroke, are now among the leading causes of death worldwide, with the burden growing most rapidly on the world’s lowest-income countries, at times leading to a “double burden” of both under- and over-nutrition, and placing a huge burden on societies and health systems.
这些房屋的建筑特性可以对行便 人士提 供无障碍通道,并且便于其正常进行 要活 融入所居住区域的核心部分。
The design of dwellings in this category is to be such as to facilitate
access by persons with reduced
[...] mobility, the normal performance of their motor activities and their integration into the nucleus in which [...]
they live.
我们 将确保到 2011 年使小学净入学率达到百分之百,到 2014 年消除各级教育中男现象,到 2021 年 将妇女参与经比例提高到 40%,到 2021 年 将孕产减至 15%,并将婴幼减至每 100015 例,到 2021 年将预期寿命增至 70 岁, 到 2011 年为所有人提供安全饮用水,到 2013 年为所 有人提供卫生设施,到 2021 年实现孟加拉国数字化, [...]
通过执行我们的国家信息和通信技术政策将我国与 全球各地连接起来。
We will ensure 100 per cent net enrolment at primary school level by 2011, eliminate gender disparity at all levels of
education by 2014, raise the
[...] economic participation of women to 40 per cent by 2021, reduce maternal mortality by 15 per cent and infant mortality to 15 per 1,000 live births by 2021, increase life expectancy to 70 years by 2021, [...]
provide safe drinking
water for all by 2011 and hygienic sanitation by 2013, and achieve a digital Bangladesh for global connectivity by implementing our national information and communications technology policy by 2021.
(d) 继续努力加强各相关机构(柬埔寨国家银行同经济与 财政部)之间的协 调,以改善和强化金融部门取得的成果,这在稳定宏观经济、确保经 济发展的速度和目标、进一步调不活金融资源以对各项生产活 动进行投资等方面发挥了
(d) Great efforts with good coordination between the institutions concerned (National Bank of Cambodia and Ministry of Economy and Finance) would be continued to improve and strengthen the results achieved in the financial sector, which played an important role in stabilizing macro-economy for the speed and the target of economic growth as
well as for
[...] the enhancement of gatheringinactive financial resource for the investments thatserved the production activities.
在卫生 方面,近年来,儿和产 以及生问题,如结核病和其它传染性疾病 都得到控制。
In the area of health, child and maternalmortality rates and major health threats, such as tuberculosis and other communicable diseases, have been brought under control in recent years.
25.2 倘若阁下包括多於一位人士,任何此等人士 其他此等人士仍本客户协议自动终止, 除非根据本客户协议的其他条文终止,但会构成失责事件(见第 12.1(C)条)。
25.2 Where you consist of more than one
[...] person, onthe deathof anyof such persons (being survived by any other such persons),the deathof onepersondoesnot operateto terminate [...]
this Client Agreement
automatically unless terminated in according to other provisions of this Client Agreement but such death constitutes an Event of Default (Clause 12.1(C)).
正如秘书长的报告(S/2009/135)所言,大 多数平民伤亡都是反政府份子所为,他们的行径越来 越可以以全平民死活述。
As stated in the Secretary-General’s report (S/2009/135), most civilian casualties are the result
of the actions of anti-Government elements, which are increasingly
[...] characterized by a total disregard forcivilian lives.
在强迫失踪的问题上害者 单独监禁,切断了有关 个人与整个社会的联系,不允许彼此之间接触,即使是暂时的,也会引起生命的 [...]
In the matter of enforced disappearance,
[...] whether the victimis aliveordead,the mere fact of incommunicado [...]
detention which cuts the
individual concerned off from the human community by severing contact between them, even temporarily, entails a risk to life for which the State is accountable.
The Alexandrians held as firmly as any Catholics to tradition as the rule of faith, at least in theory, but beyond tradition they allowed themselves to speculate, so that the "Hypotyposes" of Clement have been almost entirely lost on account of the errors which found a place in them, and Origen's works fell under the ban
of the Church, though
[...] their author lived the life of a saint, anddied,shortly after the Decian persecution, of the sufferings he had undergone in it.
因此,为确保妇女的活不 力侵害所对措施就必须发生在多个层面,从个人到体制的、从地方到跨国的、以及和 平时期的到冲突后时期的,都应包括。
Hence, the
[...] response required toensure that women’s livesare free of violence [...]
must occur on multiple levels, from the individual
to the institutional, from the local to the transnational, and in times of peace to times of post-conflict.
我们鼓励联合国制订一种简便官僚的办法,以迅速回应新 出现的帮助处理迫切需要关注的各种局势。
We encourage the United Nations to develop a nimble, bureaucratically light approach that can respond quickly to emerging need and help address situations that require urgent attention.
几个非低消费量国家的氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第一阶段所包含的 要活 及减少制 造行业中使用的氟氯烃的消费量,主要是用作聚氨酯泡沫塑料发泡剂的 HCFC-141b ,以 及用多的作为制冷和空调设备制造中的制冷剂的 HCFC-22 和挤塑聚苯乙烯泡沫 塑料生产中使用的 HCFC-22/HCFC-142b 。
The main activities included in stage I of the HPMPs of several non-LVC countriesare related to reducing the consumption of HCFCs used in the manufacturing sector, mainly HCFC-141b used as a polyurethane foam blowing agent and, toalesser extent, HCFC-22 used as refrigerant in the manufacturing of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, and HCFC-22/HCFC-142b used in the production of extruded polystyrene foams.
国际笔会还对“亵渎”法的存在表 示关注,依据这类法律,一些作家和出版人被起诉、监禁和判国际笔会 指出,它将继放根据此类法律监禁的人。
International Pen was also concerned about the existence of “blasphemy” laws, under which a number of writers and publishers had
[...] charged and imprisoned and sentenced to death, and indicated that it would continue [...]
to call for the release of those imprisoned under such legislation.
此外,秘鲁排雷行动中心继续努力执行帮 助地雷幸存者属重新融入社会和经济案。
In addition, CONTRAMINAS continued its efforts
to implement social and economic reintegration
[...] programmes to assist landmine survivors and the families of the deceased.
可是,我有责任把三个人的 遗骨拿回家乡家人的手里,所 死不
But I couldn‘t, filled with a sense of duty that I was responsible for bringing the ashes of the three of them to my parents-in-law‘s hometown and delivering them tothe family there.
特别委员会关切地注意到,保健方面的问题,包括心血管疾病、艾滋病毒/ 艾滋病和其他传染病,仍然是外地的 要死因。
The Special Committee notes with concern that health-related issues, including
cardiovascular diseases, HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases, are still among the
[...] leading causes of fatalities in the field.
最后,link 绝不可以创建控制循环,也就是说,源活动的逻辑优先活动是目标活动,目标活动 逻辑优先于源活动(如果从语义上说活动 B 的初始化要活A的完成,那么 A 逻辑优先于 B)。
[...] a linkMUST NOTcreate a control cycle, that is, the source activity mustnot have the target activity as a logically preceding activity, where an activity A logically precedesan activity B if the initiation [...]
of B semantically
requires the completion of A. Therefore, directed graphs created by links are always acyclic.
选择 的 BRI 线路 (或选择所有同时配置所有线路)并给管理员控制选不活
c. Choose the
[...] BRI line youwish to configure (or choose All toconfigure all lines simultaneously) and choose Active or Inactive for Administrator [...]
在第 131 段中,审计委员会建议联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议)继续努力, 使技术合作信托基金合理化,为此每年为贸易和发展理事会编制:(a) 一份新信 托基金的清单,并设立这些基金的理由;(b) 一不活金的清单, 并说明保留这些基金的理由。
In paragraph 131, the Board recommended that the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) continue its efforts to rationalize the technical cooperation trust funds by preparing each year for the Trade and Development Board: (a) a list of new trust funds with a brief justification for their establishment; and (b) a list ofinactive funds with an explanation of the reasons for their continuation.
这种安碍原子能机构开展 要活 以提供可信的保证――在有关 地点未申报核材料和活动,包括解决与第二条所述资料的正确性和完整 性相关的问题或解决与该资料相关的不一致问题”。
Such arrangements shallnot preclude the Agencyfrom conductingactivities necessary to provide credible assurance of the absence [...]
of undeclared nuclear
material and activities at the location in question, including the resolution of a question relating to the correctness and completeness of the information referred to in Article 2 or of an inconsistency relating to that information”.
鼓励各国政府,包括通过技术和财政支持与合作,作为优先事项,防止 和应对与妊娠和分娩有关的死亡和并发症,这仍然是许多发展中国家育龄妇女的要死同时认识到国家的孕产妇死亡率和发病率下降得很少,缺乏 安全孕产服务仍然是世界上的紧迫关切之一,降低孕产妇死亡率和发病率可以拯 救妇女的生命,保护家庭健康,减轻贫困并为子孙后代提供更多机会
Governments, including through technical and financial support and cooperation, to prevent and address, as a matter of priority, deaths and complications related to pregnancy and childbirth,
which are still the
[...] leading cause ofdeath of women of reproductive age in many developing countries, recognizing that maternal mortality and morbidity have shown very [...]
little decline in the
least developed countries, that the lack of safe motherhood services is still one of the world’s urgent concerns and that reducing maternal mortality and morbidity saves women’s lives, protects family health, alleviates poverty and improves opportunities for future generations




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