

单词 要么...要么...

要么 ()

either one or the other


either or

See also:


kissing sound (slang onom.)

External sources (not reviewed)

该文件指出要么应该修正 ODS 规则要么印度 政府应该颁布临时命令,以 符合加快氟氯化碳生产淘汰 计划的要求。
The document noted that either the ODS rules should be amended or [...]
the Government of India should issue an interim order
to accommodate the requirements of the Accelerated CFC Production Phase-out Plan.
另有四个国家(几内亚、马里、尼日尔及圣多美和普林西比)没有报告,但是这些国家 五年或五年多来要么从不 报告消费量 要么 报 告 消费量为零。
Four additional countries had not reported (Guinea, Mali, Niger and Sao Tome and Principe), but these have either never reported consumption or reported zero for five years or more.
这些武器的技术特点显示,其中 80%要么来自中 国要么来自前华沙条约组织国家。
The technical characteristics of those weapons reveal that nearly 80 per cent of them come from either China or the countries of the former Warsaw Pact.
最后缔约国提到了第六种可能性,被寻找的失踪人 要么 在 国 内 要么 在国 外被找到,用伪造证件网络提供的假身份生活。
Finally, the sixth scenario concerns persons reported missing who were in fact living in Algeria or abroad under false identities created via a vast network of document forgers.
在比利时,一般来说,如果一国际规范符合下 列条件,便直接影响国内法:表述清晰完整;要求比利时政 要么 不 做 要么 坚决 去做;能够被个人作为法源援引,并且此行为无需任何国内补充立法。
In Belgium, it is generally recognized that an international provision produces direct effects when it is clear and comprehensive, when it requires the Belgian State either to refrain from action or to take some specific action, and when it may be invoked as a source of law by individuals without the need for any additional domestic legislation.
提出要求的成功性取决于第三方必须表明 要么 是发 明人要么是该 专利发明的合作发明人 要么 根 据协定或法律他对该发明享有权利。
To succeed with a claim, the third party must show that he is either the inventor or co-inventor of the patented invention or that he has a right to it by virtue of an agreement or operation of law.
多数儿童都被警察带到中心的(40%),其次是城区儿童保护工作者带来的 (28%),其余要么是儿童本要么是 其 父母来寻求中心援助。
Most children are brought to the centre by the police (40%), followed by child protection workers of city districts (28%), and in the remaining cases either children themselves or their parents come to seek assistance from the centre.
[...] 条件具有“可协商的弹性”,这样就给执法者和犯法者之间留出讨价还价的空间,其结果是要么打击不狠要么滋生腐败行为。
This lowers the efficiency of administrative enforcement and creates conditions for pirates to find loopholes and circumvent the law; 4) The conditions for administrative penalties have some “negotiable flexibilities”, leaving room for
enforcers and violators to bargain, which either
[...] results in insufficient or off-target crackdowns, or breeds corruption.
要么没有 parameterOrder 属性要么该属 性的值为输入消息中所有部件的完整清单,顺序为输入消息中出现的顺序。
Either have no parameterOrder attribute or the value of that attribute must be a complete listing of all parts in the input message in the order they appear therein.
冲突后社会的特点是安全机要么不 存在 , 要么 非常 脆弱——军队土崩瓦解、散乱的准军事部队几乎 失控或无人管治、私人和政府拥有大量武器弹药,并 且政府对警察和军队的控制不受信任和缺乏合法性。
Post-conflict societies are
[...] characterized by non-existent or very weak security mechanisms — armies in shambles, [...]
disorganized paramilitary
forces under little or no control, abundant arms and ammunition in private and Government possession, and lack of trust in and legitimacy of Government control over police and military forces.
虽 然它们在包括减少贫困、实现全民小学教育和实现中学和小学学生性别平 等在内的某些目标方面的确取得了一些进展,但它们在某些其他目标方面 进要么十分缓慢要么很不 充分,其中包括创造就业机会、提高小学毕 业率、为妇女创造更多就业机会、降低孕妇死亡率、提高森林覆盖率、以 [...]
Although progress had been made with regard to some Goals, including poverty reduction, achieving universal primary school enrolment and attaining gender parity in
secondary and primary
[...] school enrolment, there were several Goals in which progress had been either slow or insufficient; [...]
they included employment
generation, increase in the primary school completion rate, creation of more wage employment for women, reducing maternal mortality, increasing forest coverage, and greater use of information and communications technology.
有与会者还建 议要么将拟议的这一款纳入附件中 要么 将 其 作为条款草案中独立的一项条 款。
It was also recommended that the proposed paragraph either be included in the annex itself, or be inserted as a separate provision in the draft articles.
然而,该研究强调,若要有效运用这些技 术,需要了解为么要使用 及在什么情况下应该使用这些技术。
However, the study emphasized the need to understand why and in what context these technologies should be implemented if they are to be used effectively.
如何处理这些所需资 源应由大会决定,因为人力资源的需求在固定费用中 所占比例达到或超过 70%,委员会所面临的选择可能 是要么减少员额要么减少 方案活动。
How those resource requirements should be handled was a matter for the General Assembly to decide, bearing in mind that, as human resources requirements accounted for 70 per cent or more of fixed costs, the choice facing the Committee might be either to reduce posts or to reduce programme activities.
更为糟糕的是,许多捐助方虽然在《联合国气候变化框架公约》谈判过程中承诺 为气候资金提供新的和额外的资助, 要么 减 少 援助 要么 将 援助转用于支付气 候变化造成的损害。
Even worse, many donors are either reducing their aid or diverting it to pay for climate change damage, despite their commitments in UNFCCC negotiations to provide new and additional funding for climate finance.
这些专利的授要么是因 为专利核准阶段的疏忽要 么只是 因为专利核准人员不具备有关方面的知识。
Such patents may be granted due either to oversights during the examination of the patent or simply because the patent examiner did not have access to the knowledge.
有三份材料 对受扶养人配偶的情况还是介绍比较清楚的,这是因 要么 声 明是最近完成的 要么 是 配偶 的职业收入低于规定的限度。
In three cases, however, the spouse’s dependency status was clearly established by the file, either because the statement had been made recently or because the spouse’s professional income was below the ceiling.
在本双年度的第一年期间,社会科学及人文科学部门高度重视加强该部门对政策制定 的影响,无论是作为技术顾问,还是通过提高对某一问题的认识或努力通过针对主要赞助者要么是政策制定的组成部分要么 是 不会参加的人士)的对话影响政策。
During this first year of the biennium, the Social and Human Science Sector has placed considerable emphasis on strengthening the impact of the Sector’s work on policy development, whether as a technical adviser, by catalysing awareness over an issue or by trying to influence policy through dialogues that target key constituencies that are either integral to the policy development process or who would not otherwise participate.
委 员会 注意 到对 法 定机构的审查所涉问题的不同性质和复杂性,发现这些问 要么 属 于 行政或财务 问题要么属于实质性问题。
The Committee noted the varied nature and complexity of the issues addressed in the Preliminary Review of Statutory Bodies, observing that the issues were either of an administrative or financial nature, or of a substantive character.
事实上,多数水产品加工均由女性完成 要么 在 其 自己拥有的家庭企业要么作为工人在大型加工企业工作。
In fact, most fish processing is performed by women, either in their own household-level industries or as wage labourers in the large-scale processing industry.
投票反对该决议要么声称 ,宗教不可,也不应成为国际人权法的主题要么谴责,在他们看来决议给予了某一宗教占主导地位关注的做法。
Those who voted against the resolution either invoked that religions could not and
should not be
[...] subjects of international human rights law or denounced what they perceived as the resolution’s predominant focus [...]
on one religion.
但更重要的是实施社会援助计划 要么 将 之作为摆脱社会逆境和极端贫穷的 应急举措要么则作 为政府政策中扶贫解困的固定要素。
More important, however, is the implementation of social assistance programmes either as emergency responses to social deprivation and extreme poverty or as permanent features of Government policies to respond to the plight of the poor.
要么会显 示与匹配数据值关联的颜色对 要么 选 择器可配置为使用其 关联值不高于数据的上一个颜色对。
Either a color pair associated with a matching data value is selected, or the selector can be configured to use the last color pair with an associated data value not higher than the data.
2010年2月2日,外交部长比尔特在“全球零核”倡议首脑会议上特别指出, 国际社会已到达一个重要关头要么 采 取 决定性步骤,进一步削减核武库并防止 核武器进一步泛滥,最终接近实现无核武器世界的目标 要么 将 面 临不扩散制度 被侵蚀的严重危险,从而助长大大增加使用这些武器的风险并带来灾难性和无法 预见的影响。
In an address given at the Global Zero summit on 2 February 2010, Foreign
Minister Bildt stated,
[...] inter alia, that the international community had arrived at a critical point, where it could either take decisive steps forward in further reducing nuclear arsenals and preventing a further spread of nuclear weapons, eventually taking the world closer to the goal of a world free [...]
of those weapons, or
face the very serious risk of the non-proliferation regime eroding and paving the way for a development that would significantly increase the risk of those weapons being used, with catastrophic and unforeseeable effects.
由于辩护方办公室具有的各种特 要么 从 未 见之于以往国际法庭 要么曾 存在于其他机关,因此确定辩护方办公室的组织结构是 2009 年的工作重点之一。
Since the Defence Office combines features that either have not existed before in international courts or have existed in other organs, defining the organizational structure of the Office was one of the priorities for 2009.
在某些情况下,有可能将每个集团成员完全分开处理,但对许多企业集团来 说,要为各个成员实现最好的结果,可采用较为广泛且有可能通用的解决办 法,反映在破产发生之前集团开展业务的方式 要么 分 别处理不同的业务部 门要么将集团作为一个整体处理,特别是在业务紧密结合的情形下。
While it may be possible in some instances to treat each group member entirely separately, for many enterprise groups the best result for each of the different members may be achieved through a more widely-based and potentially global solution that reflects the manner in which the group conducted its business before the onset of insolvency and addresses either distinct business units or the enterprise group as a whole, particularly where the business is closely integrated.
存货货主还向专家组进一步解释说,出口行愿支付的每公斤价 格即便与基伍的价格相比都很低,因为出口 要么要 支 付 转让税,把矿物从一 省运往另一省再出口要么另外 要有马涅马省出口行的执照。
Stock owners further explained to the Group that the price export houses pay per kilo is very low even compared to the Kivus because export houses are either required to pay transfer taxes to move minerals from one province to another before export, or, when exporting directly, need to obtain a separate export house licence for Maniema.
但另一 方面,有些土著人民组织未得到国家的承认, 要么 是 由 于他们作为土著人民的 身分遭到否认要么是由 于国家不承认土著人民的政治机构。
On the other hand, some indigenous peoples’ organizations are not recognized by States, either because their status as indigenous peoples is denied or because the State does not recognize indigenous peoples’ political institutions.
另一个主要问题是非法药物使用者中间日益增多的多种药物使用 要么 将 处 方 药物与其首选非法药物合并使用以增强效果 要么 在 供 应临时中断情况下用处 方药物替代其首选非法药物。
Another major concern is that the growing number of polydrug users among illicit drug users either use prescription drugs in combination with their illicit drug of choice to enhance the effects or substitute their illicit drug of choice with prescription drugs in cases of temporary disruption of its supply.
巴西代表团认为第 13.1.2 项卫生控制程序没有反映目前的科学证据,提 要么重 新 插入原文本,即允许工厂内用氯处理并指出此类系统应遵循粮农组织/世卫组织鱼制品 加工中使用氯的指南草案的原文本 要么 应 将第 13 项龙虾,退回到鱼和渔业产品委员会 供进一步讨论。
The Delegation of Brazil, supported by several delegations, expressed the view that Section 13.1.2 Hygiene Control Programme did not reflect current scientific evidence and proposed that either the original text, which allowed for in-factory chlorination while also indicating that such systems should follow the Draft FAO/WHO Guide on the Use of Chlorination in Fish Processing, should be reinserted or that Section 13 Lobsters should be returned to the Committee on Fish and Fishery Products for further discussion.




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