

单词 西药

See also:

leaf of the iris

External sources (not reviewed)

The company not only produced Western medicines, but also had a product line of
[...] traditional Chinese medicines that included herbs and minerals.
金海参凝胶是百分百由天然海产提煉而成的,沒有任 西药 成 份 ,基本上不会和其他药物产生不良反应。
Gold G Bio Sea Cucumber is the extract of natural food which does not contain any medication.
西,与药物有 关的专利申请都送交卫生部进行评价, 卫生部也许更有能力对此类有关发明的创造性等进行评价。
In Brazil, applications for pharmaceutical-related patents are [...]
passed for evaluation to the Ministry of Health who may be
in a better position to comment on, for example, the inventiveness of the claimed invention.
鹏翔集团是一家专门致力于医疗设备的研发、生产、销售于一体的现代化企业,主要生产的产品以ABS医用护理设备为主,包括电动护理床、手摇护理床、ABS床头、床头柜及各种塑料配件、护理工作车、程式化自动翻身床;医用不锈钢病床、治疗车、妇产床及各种 西药 械 柜 等。
PengXiang group is a dedicated to medical equipment r &d, production, sales in the integration of modern enterprises, the main production of products with ABS medical care, including electric care bed, handle crank care bed, and various kinds of ABS plastic accessories, nursing, stylized
automatic emancipated bed, Medical treatment, stainless steel, maternity hospital beds and
[...] various Chinese herbal medicine, etc.
在1985年西哥地震发生药物匮 乏的情况下,这种特殊的树曾大放异彩。
The Mexican earthquake of 1985 and the shortage of medicine that followed [...]
brought this special tree's therapeutic benefits back into the spotlight.
[...] 合作事务部将协作向联合国秘书长提供资料,说 西 班 牙的 弹 药 库 存 的情况以及 为了销毁库存而制订的工作计划。
Lastly, the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation would join together to submit to the
Secretary-General of the United Nations
[...] information concerning munitions stockpiles in Spain [...]
and their scheduled destruction.
在 2011 年 3 月 22 日的第二次会议上,印度财 政部税务司特别秘书西班牙国家药 物 管 制计划政府代表、乌拉圭毒品问题国 家秘书处秘书长、哈萨克斯坦打击毒品商业和药物管制委员会主席、老挝人民 民主共和国总理办公厅主任兼国家药物管制与监督委员会主席、阿富汗内政部 负责禁毒事务的副部长、沙特阿拉伯禁毒总局局长和法国打击毒品和吸毒问题 [...]
At the 2nd meeting, on 22 March 2011, opening statements
were made by the Special
[...] Secretary of the Department of Revenue of the Ministry of Finance of India, the Government Delegate for the National Drug Control Plan [...]
of Spain, the Secretary-General
of the National Secretariat on Drugs of Uruguay, the Chairman of the Narcotic Business Combating and Drug Control Committee of Kazakhstan, the Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office and Chairman of the National Commission for Drug Control and Supervision of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, the Deputy Minister of the Interior for Counter-Narcotics of Afghanistan, the Director General of the General Directorate of Narcotics Control of Saudi Arabia and the President of the Interdepartmental Mission for the Fight against Drugs and Drug Addiction of France.
根据国际标准化组织 14001 2004 标准和理事会关于焚烧危险废物的 94/67EC 号指令,销毁西班牙武装部队所有类型集束 药 的 工 作,是 西 班 牙 公司 Fabricaciones Extremeñas(FAEX)进行的,这保证了最大的安全性和毫无环境影 响。
The destruction of all types of cluster munitions allocated to the Spanish armed forces was carried out by the Spanish company Fabricaciones Extremeñas (FAEX), which guaranteed maximum security and no environmental impact whatsoever, in conformity with the ISO-14001:2004 standard and with Council Directive 94/67/EC on the incineration of hazardous wastes.
安理会还在关于“恐怖主义行为对国际和平与安全造成的威胁”的第 1373/2001
[...] 号决议(安理会“关切地注意到国际恐怖主义与跨国有组织犯罪、非药物、 洗钱、非法贩运军火、非法运送核、化学、生物和其他潜在致命材料之间 [...]
会关切地注意到,贩毒和相关的跨国有组织犯罪在一些情况下对包括非洲在内的 世界不同区域的国际安全构成严重威胁”)中,从较广泛的角度审议了该问题)。
It also considered the issue from a more general point of view in resolution 1373 (2001) on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts (the Council “[noted] with concern the close connection between
international terrorism and transnational organized
[...] crime, illicit drugs, money-laundering, [...]
illegal arms-trafficking, and illegal
movement of nuclear, chemical, biological and other potentially deadly materials”) and in the presidential statement (S/PRST/2009/32) on peace and security in Africa (“the Security Council notes with concern the serious threats posed in some cases by drug trafficking and related transnational organized crime to international security in different regions of the world, including in Africa”).
尼日利 亚还指出,它面临的主要困难是未爆 药 , 这 一事实反映出《公约》在确保受影 响国家不仅处理地雷还要处理其他战争遗留爆炸物方面意义非凡。
Nigeria also noted that the fact that the main challenge faced by Nigeria concerned unexploded ordnance points to how valuable this Convention is in ensuring that not only landmines are dealt with by affected countries, but that all other explosive remnants of war are dealt with.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以 西 区 和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库 西 后 勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11
level III hospitals in
[...] Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed [...]
to the current two hours a day.
本會促請政府全 面 檢西九龍文娛藝術區發展計劃,在規 劃文化設施 之 前 , 應 先 考慮有關‘軟 件 ’的 內容, 延 長提交發展建議的期 限 ,並公開 及 詳 細 地 諮詢文化界 、 專 業 團 體 、地產 界 、立法會、公眾 及相關組織 , 以 貫徹文化委員會西九龍 發展計劃提出‘以 人 為本’、 ‘建立伙 伴 關 係 ’ 和 ‘民間主導’的原則 , 制 訂 公 開 、公平 和 適切合 宜 的發展及運作方案, 而 在發展過程中,政府應 促成發展商與 文化界 的 伙 伴 關 係,讓 文化界參 與 區 內 設施的策 劃及將來的運作。
That this Council urges the Government
[...] to comprehensively review the West Kowloon Cultural District development project, consider the ‘software’ contents before planning the cultural facilities, extend the deadline for submission of development proposals, openly and thoroughly consult the cultural sector, professional bodies, the real estate sector, the Legislative Council, the public and relevant organizations, and uphold the ‘people-oriented’, ‘partnership’ and ‘community-driven’ principles put forward by the Culture and Heritage Commission for the West Kowloon development in formulating [...]
a development
and operation plan that is open, fair and proper; and in the process of development, the Government should also facilitate a partnership between developers and the cultural sector, so as to allow the latter to participate in the planning and future operation of the facilities in the district.
这 12 个员额包括行政领导和管理项下的一个 P-2 协理经济事务干事员额;次级 方案 1(与全球经济的联系、区域一体化及合作)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 2(生 产和创新)下的一个 P-2
员额;次级方案 3(宏观经济政策和增长)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案
[...] 5(社会发展与平等)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 12(墨西哥和 中美洲的次区域活动)下的一个 [...]
P-2 员额;次级方案 13(加勒比次区域活动)下的 1 个当地雇员员额;方案支助项下的一个
P-4 临时员额、一个 P-2 员额和 3 个当 地雇员员额。
These 12 posts comprise one P-2 post of Associate Economic Affairs Officer under executive direction and management; one P-2 post under subprogramme 1, Linkages with the global economy, regional integration and cooperation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 2, Production and innovation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 3, Macroeconomic policies and growth; one P-2 post under subprogramme 5, Social development and equality; one
P-2 post under subprogramme 12, Subregional
[...] activities in Mexico and Central [...]
America; one Local level post under subprogramme
13, Subregional activities in the Caribbean; and one P-4 temporary post, one P-2 post and three Local level posts under programme support.
任何人如在任何巴士西北鐵 路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分之內或之上拾獲任何物品或物 體,須在切實可行的範圍內盡快將該物品或物體交予人員;除人員外,任何人不得將遺失或遺留 在任何巴士西北鐵 路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分的財物,移離任何巴士 西 北 鐵 路車輛或鐵路處 所任何部分,但目的為在切實可行範圍內盡快將該財物交予人員則屬例外;而就拾獲者與公司之 間而言,拾獲的所有物品或物體均須當作由公司所管有。
Every person who
[...] finds any article or object in or upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an official shall remove from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises any property lost or left [...]
behind therein,
save for the purpose of handing over the same as soon as is practicable to an official and all articles or objects so found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation.
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、 西 兰 、 荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马 西 亚 、 摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican
Republic, Finland,
[...] Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, [...]
and Zambia),
requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.
[...] 家安全部队,与新组建的军队举行联合演习,按照联合国军火禁运豁免规定检查 政府获得的武器和药库存 ,供国家警察使用,开展警戒和搜查行动以收回非法 [...]
The forces of the United Nations Mission in Liberia will consolidate their locations and bases, shifting to a more mobile posture and working within the reduced strength of the military component of the Mission, in order to provide a security umbrella throughout the country, support the national security forces, conduct joint exercises with the new
army, undertake inspections of inventories
[...] of weapons and ammunition obtained by the [...]
Government in accordance with the exemptions
to the United Nations arms embargo for use by the national police, undertake cordon and search operations to retrieve illegal weapons, protect key United Nations and Government locations and installations and conduct regular air and ground patrols, in particular along the borders and in other high-risk areas.




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