

单词 西番雅书

External sources (not reviewed)

虽然那里的人们看作是一个胜利的日子期待的,如阿摩司,何西阿,以赛 书 , 弥迦 , 西番雅 , 耶利米先知们担心这会带来接近或完全破坏,与不断增长的关联从亚述军事威胁。
Although the people looked forward to it as a
day of victory, prophets such
[...] as Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah, Zephaniah, and Jeremiah feared that [...]
it would bring near or complete
destruction, associating it with the growing military threat from Assyria.
例如,在华盛顿西雅图, 税款可通过厄立特里亚拥有的一家旅 行社缴纳。28 [...]
他们采用的方法是否具有敲诈或非法性质往往要视所在国或所在州 法律而定,并取决于收税人是外交官还是外国其他注册代理商、收税人的国籍以 及收税人利用了哪类法律和行政漏洞。
In Seattle, Washington, for example, [...]
taxes can be paid through an Eritrean-owned travel agency.28 Whether or not the techniques
they employ are extortive or illicit is often a matter of national or state law, and depends upon such questions as whether or not the collector is a diplomat or other registered agent of a foreign power, the nationality of the collector and the kinds of legal and administrative loopholes employed by collectors.
除西班牙加入的四项联合国外层空间条约及相关的多边国际 书 外 , 西班 牙 缔结了关于在空间领域进行合作的许多双边协定,包括:与俄罗斯联邦缔结 [...]
的《合作探索及和平利用外层空间协定》,该《协定》于 2006 年 2 月 9 日在马 德里签订,并于 2010
年 3 月 17 日生效;2003 年 1 月 28 日与美利坚合众国缔结 的《科学技术合作协定》,其中规定在西班牙领土上建立一个空间跟踪站;以 及 1991 年 7 月 11 日与美国签订的《空间合作协定》,其中规定在紧急情况下美 国的航天飞机可在西班牙某些机场着陆。
In addition to the four United Nations treaties on outer space
and related multilateral
[...] international instruments to which it is a party, Spain has concluded [...]
a number of bilateral agreements
on cooperation in the field of space, including: the Agreement on Cooperation in the Exploration and Peaceful Use of Outer Space, concluded with the Russian Federation, which was signed in Madrid on 9 February 2006 and entered into force on 17 March 2010; the Scientific and Technical Cooperation Agreement with the United States of America of 28 January 2003, which provides for the establishment of a space-tracking station on Spanish territory; and the Space Cooperation Agreement, signed on 11 July 1991 with the United States, which provides for the landing of the United States space shuttle at certain Spanish airports in cases of emergency.
雅 這 番 言 論 立 即 引 起 英國傳媒的 反 感 , [...]
結果 並 不 是 所 有 人 噤 若 寒蟬, 所 有 傳媒只 報道米 洛 舍 維奇的 暴 行 , 不 再 報道北 約 王 鳳 超發表 了 他 的 言 論 , 有 人 贊 成,也有人
反 對 , 這正正體現了香港的 言 論 自 由 。
These remarks of Tony BLAIR immediately offended [...]
the English media. The result was not that everyone kept silent, or all
sectors of the media reported only the atrocities of the MILOSEVIC Government and not the aftermath of the NATO bombing; on the contrary, all pointed an accusing finger at Tony BLAIR.
在这一问题上,该 代表团建议由亚太经社会西亚经 社会 书 处 共 同拟定一项联合举措,以推 动开展双边和区域合作并寻求解决这一问题的技术办法。
In that context, it suggested the
development of a joint initiative by
[...] ESCAP and the secretariat of ESCWA to facilitate [...]
bilateral and regional cooperation
and technical solutions to manage the problem.
自 2006 年 1 月将欧洲有 70 年历史的 VOGT
[...] 纳入集团旗下后,至今为止 Sumida 集团在中国台湾、中国大陆(太平 番 禺 ) 、马 西 亚 、 越南、 西 哥 、 德国、奥地利、罗马尼亚和斯洛文尼亚分别设立生产基地,这些基地均可独立完成产品生产。
Up to present, in addition to VOGT which came under Sumida group in January 2006 and maintains a 70-year-old history in
Europe, where bases in
[...] Taiwan, China (Taiping, Panyu), Malaysia, Vietnam, Mexico, Germany, Austria, [...]
Romania, and Slovenia
where our products are 100% manufactured.
舒帝先生曾担任DCT工业信托公司高级副总裁、总顾问和公司 书 , 负 责公司所有法律事务、风险管理和新兴市场,以及 西雅 图 、墨西哥和加利佛尼亚北部的所有投资和租赁业务。
Mr. Schutte was formerly Senior Vice
[...] President, General Counsel and Secretary at DCT Industrial Trust Inc. where he oversaw the provision of all legal services for the company, risk management and emerging markets and served as a market officer responsible for all investment and leasing matters in Seattle, Mexico and Northern [...]
为审议这个项目,理事会面前有书 长 转 递西 亚经 济社会委员会编写的关于以色列占领对包括东耶路撒冷在内巴勒斯坦被占 [...]
领土的巴勒斯坦人民和被占领叙利亚戈兰的阿拉伯居民生活条件造成的经济和 社会影响的报告的说明(A/64/77-E/2009/13)。
For its consideration of the item, the Council had before it a
[...] note by the Secretary-General transmitting [...]
the report prepared by the Economic and
Social Commission for Western Asia on the economic and social repercussions of the Israeli occupation on the living conditions of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan (A/64/77-E/2009/13).
(b) 鑒於香港土地資源有限,以 及文化藝術界番要求在西 九文化區增加提供文化藝術 設施,政府當局/西九管理 [...]
局應考慮提高西九文化區的 最高地積比率,例如由1.81 倍提高至3倍。
(b) the Administration/WKCDA should consider increasing [...]
the maximum plot ratio for WKCD, say, from 1.81 to 3, given the
scarcity of land resources in Hong Kong and the calls of the arts and cultural sectors for providing more arts and cultural facilities in WKCD.
两 个月的时间,不再有以往假日的随意、散漫与漫不经心,迎来的是别有 番 洞 天 ,是书本到 实践的一次回归,也是人生的一种挑战。
Within two months of practice in industry, students have never wondered around, paid no attention to anything worth to, like they did in the past, but have totally new meaningful feeling about their life and work.
泰国总理的番讲话 一方面是明显威胁要单方面取消一个法律文件,即2000 年 6 月 14 日柬埔寨王国政府和泰王国政府签署的谅解备忘录,另一方面是明显 威胁使用军事力量解决边界划分问题,而 1904 年的《公约》、1907 年法国和暹罗 签订的《条约》以及根据上述《公约》成立的法国和暹罗委员会绘制的地图都已 经明确划分了这段边界。
This statement of the Prime Minister of Thailand constitutes on the one hand an obvious threat to cancel unilaterally a legal document, namely the memorandum of understanding signed on 14 June 2000 between the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand for the demarcation of the border, and on the other hand a clear threat to use military force to settle the problem of the demarcation of the border, which has been clearly demarcated by the Convention of 1904, the Treaty of 1907 between France and Siam and the maps produced by the Franco-Siamese Commission set up by the above-mentioned Convention.
近一 年来,统计研究所数据中心向公众开放的科技数据数量几乎翻了 番。
Over the past year, UIS has doubled the amount of S&T data available to the public in the Data Centre.
隨 着無線射頻識別技術不斷進步,有關應用系統已漸為全球許多大都會 的圖書館所採用,如新加坡國立圖書館 西雅 圖 公 共圖書館等;這系 統對於以自助模式提供圖書館服務亦帶來突破。
With the progressive advancement in RFID technology, RFID library applications have been gradually deployed in many metropolitan libraries worldwide such as Singapore National Library, Seattle Public Library and given rise to a breakthrough in the use of a self-service model for library services.
(一 ) 鑒於復蘇機體積輕巧和價格相宜(每部只需款約一萬多元), 政府會不會參考海外的做法,在各公共場所(包括立法會大樓 及所有政府大廈)的滅火喉、洗手間或升降機附近多處設置復 蘇機,並鼓勵私人機構效法;如果會,詳情是甚麼;如果不 會,原因是甚麼;及 (二 ) 鑒於復蘇機操作簡易並能在自動分析病人的心率狀態後適 當地施以電擊,而且美西雅圖在 加強其市民的急救知識及 在市內多處設置復蘇機後,突發心臟病病發者獲救的機會由 1%至 3%大增至16%至 25%,當局會不會進行宣傳,教導公眾 如何使用復蘇機,以期當突發心臟病患者病發時,附近的人 可在黃金5分鐘內為其進行急救,從而減低突發心臟病患者 猝死的死亡率;如果會,詳情是甚麼;如果不會,原因是甚 麼?
(b) given that it is easy and simple to operate an AED, which can automatically assess the patient's heart rate and then administer the electric shock as appropriate, and that in Seattle of the United States, upon enhancement of citizens' first-aid knowledge and installation of AEDs at a number of places across the city, the survival rate of persons suffering from sudden cardiac arrest has increased tremendously from 1% to 3% to 16% to 25%, whether the authorities will launch campaigns to teach the public how to use AEDs, with a view to enabling people nearby to give first aid to a person suffering from sudden cardiac arrest within the critical five-minute period, thereby reducing the rate of sudden death of persons suffering from sudden cardiac arrest; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?
费明杰已经完成了多件公共艺术设施项目:MTA的,地兰西街地铁站,在纽约市;刑事司法中心在费城,纽约市的史泰登岛渡轮码头,在華盛頓州 西雅 图 法 院,,在俄勒冈州的波特兰市会议中心,或; [...]
Llurberas公园,波多黎各; 皇后区法拉盛市中心,和蒂沃利联排别墅的费城重建局。
Ming Fay has completed numerous public art projects across the US including installations at: MTA, Delancey Street Subway Station in NYC; Criminal Justice Center in Philadelphia;
the Staten Island Ferry Terminal of NYC; US
[...] Court House in Seattle; the Oregon Convention [...]
Center in Portland, OR; Llurberas
Park in Yauco, Puerto Rico; Downtown Flushing Queens, and the Tivoli Townhouse for the Redevelopment Authority of Philadelphia.
在过去 20 年,马西亚的产量翻了番,印西亚的产量翻了番,导 致热带森林消失。
In the last 20 years, production has doubled in Malaysia and tripled in Indonesia, causing tropical forests to disappear.
根据这些行动计划开展的活动包括:(a) 设计、 出版和传播提高认识材料,在尼泊尔移民和潜在移徙工人的主要出发点发放和展 示;(b) 对罗姆人情况进行国家研究,以建立一个监测局势的数据库,罗马尼亚
工会大会(阿尔法联合会)对罗马尼亚移民融入意大利和西班牙劳动力市场情况 进行研究;(c)
[...] 在南非两个省为工会成员举办两期国家讲习班,特别着重讲授促 进平等待遇和平等机会的国家和国际 书 ; (d) 与西反种 族歧视国家委员会联 合举办一期为期三天的居民提高认识国家讲习班。
Activities under these action plans included: (a) the design, publication and dissemination of awareness-raising materials, for distribution and display at the main departure points for migrant and potential migrant labour in Nepal; (b) a national study on the situation of the Roma population, with the aim of developing a database to monitor the situation; and research regarding the inclusion of Romanian migrants in the Italian and Spanish labour markets, undertaken by the National Trade Union Congress (Cartel Alfa) of Romania; (c) two national workshops, in two different South African provinces, for trade union
members, with special emphasis on national
[...] and international instruments that promote equality [...]
of treatment and opportunity; and
(d) a national three-day residential awareness-raising workshop organized jointly with the National Commission against Racial Discrimination in Brazil.
(a) 一个教科文组织小组访问了马来西亚科学院、马来西亚标准与工业研究院 (SIRIM)、世界工业技术研究组织协会 书 处 ( WAITRO)、马 西 亚 国 际伊 斯兰大学、以及科技与创新部(MOSTI)下属的几个机构,如科技处、马来西亚 科技园、多媒体开发公司、马来西亚气象局、马来西亚遥感研究所和马来西亚国 家科学中心等。
(a) A UNESCO team visited the Academy of Science Malaysia, The Malaysia Standards and Industrial Research
Institute of Malaysia
[...] (SIRIM), the Secretariat of the World Association of Industrial Research Organizations (WAITRO), the International Islamic University Malaysia, and several [...]
institutions under the
umbrella of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), such as: Division of Science and Technology, Technology Park Malaysia, Multi-Media Development Corporation, Malaysia Meteorological Department, Malaysia Remote Sensing Institute and National Science Centre Malaysia.
食典委通过了为这两个委员会提议的职权范围及 西 代 表 团在 书 面 评 论中建 议的修正,从而决定由食品添加剂委员会和食品污染物委员会取代添加剂和污染物委 [...]
The Commission adopted the terms of reference proposed for both
committees with the amendments proposed
[...] by the Delegation of Brazil in its written comments, [...]
thereby deciding to replace the
Committee on Additives and Contaminants (CCFAC) with the Committees on Food Additives (CCFA) and on Contaminants in Foods (CCCF).
现在注册!! T 订阅西雅图投资月刊,请点击如 上链接。
To subscribe
[...] to the Greater Seattle investment e-letter, [...]
please click on the link above.
西哥欢迎秘书长关 于联合国塞拉利昂建设和平 综合办事处(联塞建和办)的第一次报告(S/2009/59), 并祝愿米夏埃尔·冯德舒伦堡先生领导联塞建和办的 [...]
Mexico welcomes the first report of the Secretary-General on the United [...]
Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Sierra
Leone (UNIPSIL) (S/2009/59) and wishes Mr. Michael von der Schulenburg every success in his efforts as head of that Office.
为了巩固西非次区域的建设和 平和和解,西非国家经济共同体(西非经共体)各国国
[...] 家元首和政府首脑决定把暂停进口、出口和生产小武 器的声明转变为一项具有法律约束力的 书 , 即 《西 非经共体关于小武器和轻武器、其弹药及其他相关材 料的公约》。
To consolidate peacebuilding and reconciliation in the subregion, the heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) decided to transform the moratorium on the importation, exportation and
manufacture of light weapons into a
[...] legally binding instrument, known as the ECOWAS Convention [...]
on Small Arms and Light Weapons,
Their Ammunition and Other Related Materials.
西雅图回 来,我发现那些光与影都不复存在了。
Coming from Seattle, I found the [...]
difference between light and shadow almost unbelievable.
法案委員會 經番商議和辯論,並考慮過政府當局進一步提出的理據後,最終同 [...]
意政府當局的建議。該等理據計有:第一,在證明某人觸犯新的法定 罪行方面涉及若干技術上的限制,可能令當局不能對某些犯罪者提出 檢控;第二,按法案的現有條文,香港或許不能向在當地法律中保留
了較廣義欺詐罪概念的其他司法管轄區提供相互法律協助;第三,英 國法律委員會仍在檢討所有涉及不誠實元素的罪行,並且要在檢討完 成後,才就串謀詐騙罪提出最終建議,而香港的欺詐法例實際上與英 國的法令相同。
After much discussion and debate [...]
the bills committee finally agreed to the Administration's proposal taking into account
further justifications provided by the Administration: firstly, the technical limitations to prove the new statutory offence might result in the inability to prosecute some offenders; secondly, the bill in its present form would mean that Hong Kong might not be able to provide mutual legal assistance to other jurisdictions which maintained a wider notion of fraud under their respective laws; and thirdly, the English Law Commission had been reviewing all offences involving dishonesty and had deferred making a final recommendation on conspiracy to defraud until that review had been completed, and the fraud legislation in Hong Kong was virtually identical to the English Act.
然而,具有讽刺意味的是,番针对伊朗和平核计划的煽动性言论和毫无根 据的指控出自以色列官员之口,而以色列政权在遵守安全理事会决议方面记录是 最差的,记录在案的该政权种种罪行和暴行已构成危害人类罪,它秘密开发和非 法拥有核武器是对该地区以及国际和平与安全独一无二的威胁。
It is ironic, however, that such inflammatory remarks and baseless allegations against Iran’s peaceful nuclear programme are uttered by officials of a regime that has an unparalleled record of crimes and atrocities amounting to crimes against humanity and whose clandestine development and unlawful possession of nuclear weapons are the unique threat to regional as well as international peace and security.
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 LIM/16 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉硫磷(049)、葡萄番 茄中 的灭多威(094)、花椰菜、阔叶苣、苹果和桃子中的噻嗪酮(118),以及杏、甘蓝、 花椰菜、白菜头、牛奶、油桃、桃子 番 茄 、 甜椒和玉米中的氯氰菊酯(146)。
The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and pear; dimethoate (027) in peppers and lettuce; malathion (049) in
wheat; methomyl (094) in
[...] grapes and tomato; cypermethrins (118) in cauliflower, scarole, apples and peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, [...]
and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16.
這些例 子 其 實都番 四 次西 鐵 在 設 計上不 單 止 未 能 達 到這個 議會的 [...]
要求, 而 且 亦不能 達 到專業的 水 平,因為該項工程其實亦不能 達 到 建 築 署 的 要求。
These examples repeatedly show
[...] that the design of the West Rail fails not only to [...]
meet the expectations of this Council,
but is also not up to professional standards because the project cannot in fact meet the requirements specified by the Architectural Services Department.
全美亞太裔耆老中心 (NAPCA) 從華盛頓特區計劃辦公室﹔
[...] 伊利諾州芝加哥第 5區計劃辦公室及華盛頓西雅圖第 10 區辦公室的 3 個辦公室﹐在全國的政府機構安排富經驗的專業人士。
NAPCA matches seasoned professionals with government agencies nationwide from three field offices: The
Washington D.C. Project Office; the Region V Project Office in Chicago, IL, and the
[...] Region X Project Office in Seattle, WA.
2006 年 3 月 23 日,华盛顿州贝尔维尤市的 Howard Hsy 因合谋违反《武器出
[...] 口控制法》而被美国地区法官 Thomas S.Zilly 在西雅图地区法院判处缓刑两年 [...]
和 15 000 美元罚款。
On 23 March 2006, Howard Hsy, of Bellevue, Washington, was sentenced by United States District Judge Thomas S. Zilly to two years of probation
and a $15,000 fine in the United States
[...] District Court in Seattle for conspiracy [...]
to violate the Arms Export Control Act.
他是美国商务部华盛顿州区域出口委员会成员 西雅 图 扶 轮社成员、 西雅 图 贸 易发展联盟顾问委员会成员 西雅 图 大 学阿尔伯斯经济及工商管理学院全球商业顾问委员会成员、国际教育工作者协会中东小组成员,以及Taproot剧院顾问委员会成员。
He is a member of the U.S. Secretary of Commerce-appointed District
Export Council for
[...] Washington State, the Seattle Rotary Club, the Advisory Board of the Trade Development Alliance of the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce, the Global Business Advisory Board of Seattle University’s [...]
Albers School of Business
and Economics, the Middle East Interest Group of NAFSA: Association of International Educators, and a member of the Taproot Theatre Advisory Board.




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