

单词 西域记



Report of the regions west of Great Tang

External sources (not reviewed)

太平洋域资格登记中心 现在包括斐济、萨摩亚、汤加 和瓦努阿图的国家资格主管部门,并链接到 西 兰。
The Pacific Regional Qualifications Register now includes national qualifications authorities in Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, and Vanuatu and is linked to New Zealand.
自 1991 年第 46/36 L 号决议建立联合国常规武 器记册以来,西一直对登记册予以大力支持,并 且定期提供有关登记册七类武器的信息。
Brazil has strongly supported the Register of Conventional Arms [...]
since its creation by resolution 46/36 L of 1991, and has
regularly provided information on the Register’s seven categories.
例如,可以建立科学域的组记者名 单(举出的例子有罗马尼亚科学新闻工作者协会和斯洛文尼亚科学基 金会),促进科学的普及。
For example, lists of organizations
[...] and individual journalists dealing with science (examples cited were the Romanian [...]
Association of Scientific Journalists and the Slovenian Science
Foundation) could be drawn up, thus contributing to the popularization of science.
具 体的落实行动包括组织召开具体培训届会,旨在激励决策者和政策制定者授予在线普及利用 公记录和政府持有记录的权利,确定和促进公共 域 中 信息和知识的储存并使其可供全 民使用,对政府持有的公共领域信息进行保护和数字化。
Concrete follow-up initiatives have included the organization of specific training sessions with a view to stimulating decision- and policy-makers to enact the right of universal online access
to public and
[...] government-held records, to identify and promote repositories of information and knowledge in the public domain and to make them accessible [...]
to all, as well
as to undertake the preservation and digitization of public domain information held by governments.
这 12 个员额包括行政领导和管理项下的一个 P-2 协理经济事务干事员额;次级 方案 1(与全球经济的联系、区域一体化及合作)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 2(生
产和创新)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案
[...] 3(宏观经济政策和增长)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 5(社会发展与平等)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 12(墨西哥和 中美洲的次域活动)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 13(加勒比次区域活动)下的 1 个当地雇员员额;方案支助项下的一个 P-4 [...]
临时员额、一个 P-2 员额和 3 个当 地雇员员额。
These 12 posts comprise one P-2 post of Associate Economic Affairs Officer under executive direction and management; one P-2 post under subprogramme 1, Linkages with the global economy, regional integration and cooperation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 2, Production and innovation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 3, Macroeconomic policies and growth; one P-2 post under subprogramme 5, Social development and equality; one
P-2 post under
[...] subprogramme 12, Subregional activities in Mexico and Central America; one Local level post under subprogramme 13, Subregional activities [...]
in the Caribbean;
and one P-4 temporary post, one P-2 post and three Local level posts under programme support.
该代表承认,对妇女的暴力问题域 以 及 新 西 兰 的土著毛 利妇女取得更多进展的必要性领域,仍然是该国家面临的挑战。
The representative acknowledged that
violence against women and the need for
[...] more progress for New Zealand’s indigenous Maori [...]
women remained challenges for the country.
外勤特派团的闲置纪录储存在新西 的 一 个商 记 录 设施内,因此请求继 续保留 P-2 职等的一般临时职位。
It is therefore requested that the general temporary assistance position be continued at the P-2 level.
[...] 记者进行的因特网培训;在阿尔及利亚国家广播公司对女广播员进行的培训;提供播放培训 服务,改进中美洲和巴拿马土著人民在社会文化方面的发展;培训毛里求斯 记 者 ;为 巴西 提供 视听产品和开展培训;以及在太平洋新闻发展中心为该地区八个国家的培训人员进行培 训和在线培训。
These included Web training for journalists in the Kazakh State University; training for women broadcasters at the National Broadcasting Company of Algeria; production training service to improve sociocultural development of the indigenous people of
Central America and
[...] Panama; training of journalists in Mauritania; audiovisual production and training in Brazil; and training of [...]
trainers and online
training at the Pacific Journalism Development Centre for eight countries in the region.
中部非洲国家建立次域小武器登记 册 应 该是 我们打击小武器非法贸易的总体努力中的一个有效 步骤,能够促进区域建立信任、稳定和安全。
The establishment of a subregional register of small arms [...]
by the Central African States should be an effective step in our
overall efforts to combat this illicit trade and should promote regional confidence-building, stability and security.
为促进妇女的人权,各位部长表示决心在国家、 域 和 国际各级采取合理 措施,提高妇女的生活质量,实现两性平等,并增强妇女权能,同时还 记妇 女的内在潜力,采取的方法除其他外包括,通过合理的社会经济战略和方案, 向所有妇女,特别是残疾妇女和农村妇女提供政府服务,包括保健、教育和司 法服务,并增强家庭福祉。
The Ministers in order to promote the human rights of women expressed their resolve to
take appropriate
[...] measures at the national, regional and international levels to improve the quality of life and achieve gender equality and empowerment of women, bearing in mind the [...]
inherent potential
of women, through inter alia adopting proper socio- economic strategies and programmes and provisions of government services to all women particularly women with disabilities and women in rural areas, including access to health, education and justice services and strengthening family well-being.
同样,我们决心提高武 器领域的透明度,包括通过设立一个次 域 登 记 册, 记载各国的小武器和轻武器储存数据。
Similarly, we are determined to enhance the transparency in
weapons, including through the
[...] establishment of a subregional register of national [...]
stockpiles of small arms and light weapons.
美国报告了以下方面的情况:它与印尼一道探索调查“珊瑚三角区” 内印度西亚水域深海 栖息地和海洋生物之多样性和分布情况;为确定墨西哥湾 [...]
深海珊瑚栖息地的特点开展的多年期合作;以及同新西兰举办的关于海洋和海洋 生物科学的双边研讨会,以太平洋盆地冷水珊瑚和其他脆弱海洋生态系统方面合 作研究为重点。
The United States reported on exploratory investigations with Indonesia on the diversity and distribution
of deep-sea habitats and marine life in
[...] Indonesian waters within the Coral Triangle [...]
region, on a multi-year collaboration
to characterize deep-sea coral habitat in the Gulf of Mexico and on a bilateral workshop with New Zealand on ocean and marine biosciences that focused on cooperative research on cold-water corals and other VMEs in the Pacific Basin.
虽然政府继续与联合禁毒工作队合作,争取塞拉 利昂西非次区域无毒品存在,西 非 贩 毒和有组织 跨国犯罪的威胁依然确实存在,这需要联塞建和办在 今后多年继续介入塞拉利昂工作,尤其是在 2012 年总 统选举、议会选举和地方政府选举迅速逼近的情况下。
While the Government continues working with the Joint Drug Interdiction
Task Force to make
[...] Sierra Leone and the West African subregion drug-free, the narcotic trafficking menace in West Africa and organized [...]
cross-border crime
remain real threats and require UNIPSIL’s continued engagement in Sierra Leone for many more years to come, especially with the fast-approaching 2012 presidential, legislative and local government elections.
各代表团还就下列问题做了评论: 世界海洋日;船籍记;区域监测 、监督和控制网络及将地理信息系统作为沿海 [...]
Delegations also commented on the
following issues: World Oceans Day;
[...] national vessel registrations; regional monitoring, [...]
surveillance and control networks and
the use of geographic information systems as an important tool in coastal zone management.
为此《2002--2003 年计划与预算》 (31C/5)在第 03101
[...] 段规定:“教科文组织将对就业、社会保障及教育等 域 可 能使 用记 名个 人基因数据所提出的伦理和法律问题进行研究,(……)探索拟定一份关于基因数据问 [...]
The Programme and Budget for 2002-2003 (31 C/5) therefore provides in paragraph 03101 that “UNESCO will study the ethical and legal issues
raised by the potential use of personal
[...] genetic data in such areas as employment, social [...]
security and education (…) it will
explore the possibility of drafting an international instrument on genetic data”.
由联合国民主基金资助的“加强巴勒斯坦参与性民主和对话”项目(29 万美元)已经
顺利完成,而教科文组织的主要合作伙伴阿拉伯媒体因特网(AMIN)则以 2011 年国际传播
[...] 发展计划资金补充了该项目;“民间媒体:变革的工具”这一进行中的项目(应于 2012 年 3 月前结束)包括面西岸和加沙记 者 、 社区成员和博客的先进社会媒体技术讲习班,其 目的是提供一个备选媒体平台,以促进表达自由、多元化、社会变革和积极的参与性对话。
The project “Strengthening Palestinian Participatory Democracy and Dialogue” ($290,000), funded by the United Nations Democracy Funds was successfully completed, while UNESCO’s main partner AMIN Network complemented this project with the International Programme for the Development of Communication funds for 2011; “Citizen Media: a tool for change”, an ongoing project which shall end by March 2012, included workshops on
advanced social media
[...] techniques targeted journalists, community members and bloggers in the West Bank and Gaza, aiming [...]
at providing an alternative
media platform to promote freedom of expression, pluralism, social change and active participatory dialogue.
共同组织本届会议的下列联合国组织和专门机构的代表作为会议 联合秘书处的一部分出席了会议:联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划
署亚洲及太平洋支助组、联合国开发计划署亚太区域中心、联合国毒 品和犯罪问题办事处东亚及太平洋区域中心、联合国儿童基金会东亚
[...] 及太平洋区域办事处、联合国人口基金亚洲及太平洋区域办事处、促 进两性平等和增强妇女权能署东亚和东南亚次区域办事处、以及世界 卫生组西太平洋区域办事处。
Representatives of the following United Nations bodies and specialized agencies, which had co-sponsored the Meeting, attended as part of the Joint Meeting Secretariat: Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, Regional Support Team Asia and the Pacific; United Nations Development Programme, Asia-Pacific Regional Centre; United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Regional Centre for East Asia and the Pacific; United Nations Children’s Fund, East Asia and Pacific Regional Office; United Nations Population Fund, Asia and Pacific Regional Office; United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment
of Women, East and Southeast Asia Subregional Office; and the World
[...] Health Organization, Western Pacific Regional Office.
执行局还将收到 17 份国家方案文件草案,分别涉及非洲区域的佛得角(共同
国家方案文件草案)、中非共和国、乍得、冈比亚、马拉维和莫桑比克;阿拉伯 国家区域的阿尔及利亚和也门;亚洲和太平洋区域的伊朗伊斯兰共和国、缅甸、
[...] 巴布亚新几内亚(共同国家方案文件草案)、泰国和越南(共同国家方案文件草 案);拉丁美洲和加勒比域的巴西、 多米尼加共和国、巴拿马和秘鲁。
The Executive Board will also have before it for discussion 17 draft country programme documents: Cape Verde (draft common country programme document), Central African Republic, Chad, Gambia, Malawi and Mozambique in the Africa region; Algeria and Yemen in the Arab States region; Iran (Islamic Republic of), Myanmar, Papua New Guinea (draft common country programme document), Thailand and Viet Nam (draft common country programme
document) in the Asia and the
[...] Pacific region; and Brazil, Dominican Republic, [...]
Panama and Peru in the Latin America and Caribbean region.
次级方案 8(促进发展的次区域活动)净增 421 200
美元,原因是提议为北亚和中亚次 区域办事处设立 1 个 D-1 员额,旨在加强区域合作,提高中亚委员会作用和活动的针
[...] 对性和成效,加强北亚和中亚次区域办事处的作用和能力,使之成为次区域合作和协 调国际项目的重要机制,确保亚太经社会新设东亚和东北亚、北亚和中亚、南亚西 南亚次区域办事 处政府间特别会议确定的优先领域得到充分支助。
(viii) A net increase of $421,200 under subprogramme 8, Subregional activities for development, resulting from the proposed establishment of one D-1 post for the Subregional Office for North and Central Asia, intended to strengthen regional cooperation and increase the relevance and effectiveness of the role and activities of the Commission in Central Asia, strengthen the role and capacity of the Subregional Office for North and Central Asia as an important mechanism for subregional cooperation and the coordination of international projects and ensure that the priority areas identified by the Ad Hoc
Intergovernmental Meeting on
[...] the New ESCAP Subregional Offices for East and North-East Asia, North and Central Asia, and South and South-West [...]
Asia are fully supported.
西非和中非域最近 对有关贩运儿童的方案进行了评价,结果导致对有关 保护贩运受害者的区域指南进行了修改,并且发起了一项关于“移徙中的儿童” [...]
In the West and Central Africa region, recent [...]
evaluations of child-trafficking programmes led to an adaptation of the regional
guidelines to protect trafficking victims and a multi-agency initiative on “children on the move”, covering migration and trafficking.
在体育活动域,由西班牙 残奥委员会、体育高等理事会及卫生及社会政 策部共同推动了一项残奥运动支持计划(ADOP),该计划的目标是为西班牙的残 奥会运动员提供尽可能好的条件,是他们为参加残奥会做好准备,并保障西班牙 的残奥代表团在运动会上取得好的成绩。
In the area of sport, mention should be made of the plan entitled Support for Sport, Objective Paralympics (ADOP), an initiative of the Spanish Paralympic Committee, the Higher Council for Sports and the Ministry of Health and Social Policy, aimed at providing Spanish paralympic athletes with the best possible training conditions and thus ensuring the success of the Spanish team at the Paralympic Games.
在欧洲,欧洲海底观测网还在发展中, 计划在北冰洋、挪威缘、北欧海、亚述尔群岛、伊比利亚缘、利古里亚海、地中 海 Hellenic 和西西里东部区域以及 黑海等一些地区建立节点。
In Europe, the European Seafloor Observatory Network (ESONET) is in development and has nodes planned for locations in the Arctic Ocean, the Norwegian margin, the Nordic Seas, the Azores, the Iberian Margin, the Ligurian Sea, the Hellenic and East Sicily regions in the Mediterranean Sea, and the Black Sea.
用于项目的替代熏蒸剂没有在马西亚 13 进行记,需 要获得有关部门(农药委员会)的同意与批准,而这导致了项目执行 [...]
的延误;以及 c) 有必要每月举行一次进度会议,以增进各机构之间的协调。
Alternative fumigants for
[...] the project were not registered in the country and [...]
required consent and approval from appropriate
government departments such as the Pesticide Board which caused delays in project implementation; and c) it is useful to conduct a monthly progress meeting to improve coordination among various agencies.
拉丁美洲和加勒比域从墨西哥进 口含 HCFC-141b 预混多元醇的几个有泡沫企业国家 提议根据各自的氟氯烃淘汰管理计划改造这些企业,因此哥斯达黎加的项目是合事宜的。
Several countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region with foam enterprises, which imported pre-blended polyols containing HCFC-141b from Mexico, proposed to convert those enterprises under their respective HPMPs and therefore the project for Costa Rica was timely.
性、公正性、客观性和非选择性原则以及建设性对话与合作的基础上,推广和深 化人权学习,从而进一步促进和保护所有人权和基本自由,同时铭记国家不论其
[...] 政治、经济或文化制度为何,都有义务促进和保护所有人权和基本自由,并记 国家和区域特点 以及不同历史、文化和宗教背景的重要性
Reaffirming that activities undertaken during the International Year of Human Rights Learning should broaden and deepen human rights learning on the basis of the principles of universality, indivisibility, interdependency, impartiality and objectivity, and on non-selectivity, constructive dialogue and cooperation, with a view to enhancing the promotion and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, bearing in mind the duty of the State, regardless of its political, economic or cultural system, to promote and protect all human rights and
fundamental freedoms, and the
[...] significance of national and regional particularities and [...]
various historical, cultural and religious backgrounds
几个代表团赞赏地注意到,泰国国家方案文件草案旨在支持执行国家政策 和方案,涉及域包括出生记、灾 害预防、保护边缘群体的弱势儿童以及通过 [...]
Several delegations noted with appreciation that the Thailand draft CPD aimed to support the
implementation of national policies and
[...] programmes regarding birth registration, disaster prevention, [...]
and protection of vulnerable children
in marginalized groups, as well as the sharing of best practices and expertise through South-South cooperation.
在各区域开展工作的联合国系统各组织有必要在与伙伴组织和利益攸 关方接触的总的集体战略内协调其干预行动,并 记 各 自 区 域 的 特 殊性和优 先目标。
The United Nations system organizations working together in each region need to coordinate their interventions within an overarching collective strategy of engagement with the partner organizations and stakeholders, bearing in mind the specificities and priorities of each region.
又回顾秘书长关于联合国和平与裁军非洲区域中心的报告、1 关于联合国和 平与裁军亚洲及太平洋区域中心的报告2 和关于联合国和平、裁军与发展拉丁美 洲和加勒比区域中心的报告,3 重申大会 1982 年第十二届特别会议作出的决定,即建立联合国裁军宣传方 案,以宣传和教育公众,促使公众了解和支持联合国在军备控制和裁军 域的 目标,4 铭记关于 尼泊尔、秘鲁和多哥和平与裁军区域中心的 1985 年 12 月 16 日第 40/151 G 号、1986 年 12 月 3 日第 41/60 J 号、1987 年 11 月 30 日第 42/39 D 号 和 1989 年 12 月 15 日第 44/117 F 号决议, 认识到世界发生的变化既为实现裁军创造了新的机会,也带来了新的挑战, 在这方面,记和平与裁军域中心 能在和平、裁军和发展领域为每一特定区域 的国家间相互了解与合作作出重大贡献
Recalling also the reports of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa,1 the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific2 and the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean,3 Reaffirming its decision, taken in 1982 at its twelfth special session, to establish the United Nations Disarmament Information Programme, the purpose of which is to inform, educate and generate public understanding and support for the objectives of the United Nations in the field of arms control and disarmament,4 Bearing in mind its resolutions 40/151 G of 16 December 1985, 41/60 J of 3 December 1986, 42/39 D of 30 November 1987 and 44/117 F of 15 December 1989 on the regional centres for peace and disarmament in Nepal, Peru and Togo




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