单词 | 西双版纳粗榧 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 西双版纳粗榧 —Cephalotaxus mannii (botany)See also:粗榧—Cephalotaxus sinensis (botany) • Chinese plum-yew
在目的地,该组织与 Liming 社区政府和西双版纳州青 年团开展了合作,以提高移民对劳动剥削和贩运等移徙 [...] 相关风险的认识。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the place of destination, the organization works with the [...] community government of Liming and the [...] youth league of Xishuangbanna Prefecture to [...]raise migrants’ awareness of the risks [...]associated with migration, such as labour exploitation and trafficking. daccess-ods.un.org |
一個很好的例子便是,現在外國 把一種中草藥跟西藥結 合,這是目前世界上治療瘧疾最有效的一種 療法。 legco.gov.hk | A case in point is that a kind of Chinese herbal [...] medicine is combined with Western medicine overseas to [...]make one of the most effective treatments in the world for malaria. legco.gov.hk |
危 机组织访谈,西双版纳,2009 年 3 月 6 日。 crisisgroup.org | Crisis Group Interview, Xi Shuang Ban Na, 6 March 2009. crisisgroup.org |
在聖多美普林西比, 由我國瘧疾防治專家連日清 博士主持「瘧疾防治計畫」,經過多年努力,該國瘧疾 感染率自 35%-40%,大幅降到 3%-4%。 mofa.gov.tw | Following years of hard work, the team has seen the malaria infection rate fall dramatically from 35-40 percent of the population to just 3-4 percent. mofa.gov.tw |
危机组织访谈,北京,昆明, 西双版纳 , 云 南,仰光,2009 年 2-3 月。 crisisgroup.org | Crisis Group interviews, [...] Beijing, Kunming, Xi Shuang Ban Na, Yunnan, [...]Yangon, February-March 2009. crisisgroup.org |
您可以选用粗体、斜体、双倍高度、 双 倍 宽度等样式的字符。 printronix.cn | Characters can be bold, italic, double high, double wide, etc. printronix.cn |
一些品種的蚊子可傳播登革熱、日本腦炎、瘧疾、黃熱病等 疾病,並對人類健康構成威脅。 legco.gov.hk | Some species of mosquitoes are capable of transmitting disease, such as dengue fever, Japanese Encephalitis (JE), malaria and yellow fever, and they pose threat to human health. legco.gov.hk |
因 此 , 以 前熱帶 較 多 出 現 的傳染 病 , 如 瘧 疾 和 登 革 熱 等 病症,在亞 熱 帶 氣 候 的香港 , 病 患 者也增 加了。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, communicable diseases more commonly found in the tropical zone in the past, such as malaria and dengue fever, have an increasing number of infected patients in the sub-tropical Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
雨林,灌丛; 500-1200米云南(西双版纳周) [印度东北部,缅甸,泰国 ]. flora.ac.cn | Rain forests, thickets; 500--1200 m. Yunnan (Xishuangbanna Zhou) [NE India, Myanmar, Thailand]. flora.ac.cn |
由于很难取得建筑许可证以扩大和改善现有的学校和建新校,以 容纳 C 区的学生人数,不适当的建筑结构,包括帐篷、窝棚 和 粗 糙 的水泥结构都被用作 学校;而在东耶路撒冷,由于欠缺 1 000 个教室以上,每年都有大量巴勒斯坦儿 童被剥夺了在耶路撒冷市和以色列教育部开设的市立学校入学的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Inadequate structures, including tents, shacks and crude cement structures, are being used as schools owing to the difficulties in obtaining building permits needed to expand and upgrade existing schools and build new ones to accommodate the student population in area C, while in East Jerusalem, each year large numbers of Palestinian children are denied admission in the municipal schools run by the Jerusalem municipality and the Israeli Ministry of Education owing to a shortage of over 1,000 classrooms. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們推行的瘧疾防治計劃續取得成功,Kitwe鎮瘧疾感染率由二 零一一年的每1,000人有200染上,降至二零一一年的每1,000人僅有 7.7染上。 glencore.com | Our malaria programme enjoys continued success with the malaria incident rate in the town of Kitwe reducing from 200 out of every 1,000 people in 2001 to 7.7 out of every 1,000 people in 2011. glencore.com |
Katanga的瘧疾計劃包括為近萬戶家庭進行矢 量控制的噴藥,而兩家公司的計劃均包括對家庭、工廠、礦山、辦公 室及當地政府辦公室噴藥。 glencore.com | Katanga’s malaria programme includes vector control spraying for nearly ten thousand households, while both operations’ programmes include spraying of homes, plants, mines, offices and local government offices. glencore.com |
雖然西九文化區的資 本成本粗略計算相等於西九文 化區可供出售的用地的預計土 地收益,零售/飲食/娛樂設施的租金收入,將會是保持西九 文化區在財政上可持續營運的主要收入來源。 legco.gov.hk | While the capital costs for WKCD is roughly equal to the estimated land revenue [...] from the WKCD site available for disposal, [...]the rental proceeds from the RDE facilities would be the main source of income for keeping WKCD financially sustainable. legco.gov.hk |
该系列有英文、法文、俄文和西班牙 文版本, 往往与联合国各机构、基金和维持和平特派团密切合作制作,把其材料 纳入短片,然后传送给广播机构。 daccess-ods.un.org | The series, which is available in English, French, Russian and Spanish, is often produced in close cooperation with United Nations agencies, funds [...] and peacekeeping missions, incorporating [...]their material into short films that are then distributed to broadcasters. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国西双版纳州的 一个国际非政府组 织执行的促进安全移徙项目就是一个很好的例子,表明如何在原籍地、过境地和 [...] 目的地为儿童和青年创造安全移徙渠道。 daccess-ods.un.org | A project aimed at promoting safe migration, implemented by [...] an international non-governmental [...] organization in the Xishuangbanna Prefecture in China, [...]is a good example of how a safe [...]migration channel for children and young people has been created among the places of origin, transit and destination. daccess-ods.un.org |
该地图是由著名安特卫普版画师海欧 纳 莫 斯 ·考克 刻 版 , 他 在其中添加了很多艺术元素,包括三大对手强国的盾徽、蜿蜒在南美洲北部的蛇形亚马逊河、海洋中的美人鱼和神秘的海怪以及非 洲 西 海 岸 上的大象、犀牛和狮子。 wdl.org | The map was engraved by the famous Antwerp engraver Hieronymus Cock, who added numerous artistic flourishes, including the coats of arms of the three rival powers, a snake-like Amazon River that winds across the northern part of South America, mermaids and mythical monsters at sea, and an elephant, rhinoceros, and lion on the western coast of Africa. wdl.org |
很明显,但是仍然值得一提的是:Play65 flash版西洋双陆棋 拥有下载版的全部的优点。 play65.cn | Obvious, but still worth of mentioning: Play65 [...] flash backgammon application has all the advantages the downloadable version has. play65.it |
最近一些事件显示了对《联合国宪章》的操弄、采 用 双 重 标准 和 粗 暴 违 反国 际法。这些事件带来的经验和开创的先例证明,在缺乏诚意、公正和尊重一国独 [...] 立、主权和领土完整的情况下,开展结果有利于人民的客观调解进程是不可能的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The experience and precedent already set by recent cases, which have evidenced [...] the manipulation of the Charter of [...] the United Nations, a double standard and the flagrant [...]violation of international law, [...]prove that in the absence of good faith, impartiality and respect for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of a nation, it is impossible to launch an objective mediation process whose outcome would be in the interest of the people. daccess-ods.un.org |
必须将对妇女的粗暴侵害纳入将 触发赔偿的不法行为清单,这是因为,同 样的暴力行为可能对男子和妇女造成不同伤害,而且可能对来自不同文化少数民 族的妇女和女童产生不同伤害。 daccess-ods.un.org | The inclusion of gross violations against women in the list of wrongdoings that will trigger reparations has to be underpinned by the notion that the same violations may entail different harms for men and women, but also for women and girls from cultural minorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘書處假設小組委員會將於2007年 8 月初前往英國及西班牙 訪問7天,粗略預 計擬議職務訪問所需的費用,載於附錄II。 legco.gov.hk | A rough estimate of costs of the proposed duty visit has been [...] prepared in Appendix II on the assumption that the Subcommittee [...] will visit UK and Spain for seven days in early August 2007. legco.gov.hk |
醫衛建設計畫」,包括辦理「太平洋國家行動醫療團」 [...] 及「臺灣衛生中心計畫」、資助吉里巴斯「改善醫療 [...] 設備及提升醫療人員素質計畫」、史瓦濟蘭「Raleigh Fitkin 紀念醫院加護病房及腎臟科醫療設備計畫」及 「首都醫院檢驗報告資訊整合計畫」、甘比亞「維多 利亞教學醫院病房整建計畫」、聖多美普 林 西 比 「瘧 疾防治計畫」、布吉納法索「愛滋病暨傳染病防治策 略計畫」、聖露西亞「St. mofa.gov.tw | b. Medical care: Mobile Medical Mission program in the Pacific region and Taiwan Health Center Project; funding for Medical Equipment and Personnel Improvement Project in Kiribati, ICU and Nephrology Equipment Project for Raleigh Fitkin Memorial Hospital and Capital Hospital Examination Report Information Integration Project in Swaziland, Victoria Teaching Hospital Ward Renovation Project in The Gambia, Malaria Control Project in São Tomé and Príncipe, Strategic Program for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and [...] Contagious [...] Diseases in Burkina Faso, St. Jude Hospital Rebuilding Project in St. Lucia, and Drug Testing Center and Biochemical Lab Enhancement Project [...]in the Dominican Republic. mofa.gov.tw |
(b) 更新衞生防護中心傳病媒介疾病科學委 員會發布的 2012 年度“全球瘧疾風險總 結”。 legco.gov.hk | (b) to update the “Global Malaria Risk Summary” in 2012 by Scientific Committee on Vectorborne Diseases of the CHP. legco.gov.hk |
(三)擴大傳染病疫情的交流 通過這次非典型肺炎事件,粵港雙方認為,及時溝通傳染病的 疫情,有利於雙方共同預防控制傳染病,雙方同意在現有基礎 上,擴大對其他傳染病如霍亂、登革熱、瘧疾、流感和結核病 疫情的交流。 legco.gov.hk | The two sides agreed to enhance the existing scope of information exchange by expanding the list of notifiable infectious diseases to include cholera, dengue fever, malaria, influenza and tuberculosis. legco.gov.hk |
醫生也可以告訴您是否需 要特殊的藥物來預防瘧疾等疾病。 nyc.gov | Your doctor can also tell you if you need any special medication to prevent diseases like malaria. nyc.gov |
Katanga每年均捐贈治療瘧疾以及腹瀉、咳 嗽及發燒等其他常見疾病的藥物。 glencore.com | Katanga donates pharmaceuticals for malaria and other common diseases, such as diarrhoea, coughs and fever. glencore.com |
人与生物圈计划的出版物包括 2000 年在潘普洛纳(西班牙)举行的关于生物圈保留 地塞维利亚+5 会议的公报和阿拉伯文、中文、荷兰文、德文、葡萄牙文和俄文世界生物圈 保留地网地图。 unesdoc.unesco.org | MAB publications included the Proceedings of the Seville+5 Meeting on biosphere reserves held in Pamplona (Spain) in 2000, [...] and the map of the World [...]Network of Biosphere Reserves in Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, German, Portuguese and Russian. unesdoc.unesco.org |
大会第 2065(XX)号决议和后来多项决议,以及非殖民化特别委员会的决议, 都把马尔维纳斯群 岛问题称为一种特别的殖民地情况,尤其是因为它涉及阿根廷 与大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国之间的主权争端,规定结束这种情况的方式是通 过谈判和平解决主权之争,并敦促两国政府不再迟延,立即依照大会和特别委员 会的建议进行双边谈判。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution 2065 (XX) and in subsequent resolutions, and the Special Committee on Decolonization, have [...] described the question of [...] the Malvinas Islands as a special and particular colonial situation involving a sovereignty dispute between Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, have established that the way to put an end to that situation is the peaceful and negotiated solution of the sovereignty dispute, and have requested both Governments to continue without delay the bilateral negotiations recommended [...]by the General [...]Assembly and the Special Committee. daccess-ods.un.org |
考 虑到最近的经历以及因此造成的先例——我们目睹 操纵《联合国宪章》、采用双重标准 和 粗 暴 违 反国际 法——我们重申,我们拒绝旨在破坏阿拉伯叙利亚共 [...] 和国的独立、主权和领土完整的任何企图。 daccess-ods.un.org | Taking into account recent experiences and the precedents set as a result — in which we witnessed the manipulation [...] of the Charter of the United Nations, [...] the application of double standards and the flagrant [...]violation of international law [...]— we reiterate our rejection of any attempt to undermine the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic. daccess-ods.un.org |
當 瑞 士的化 學 家 姆 樂 (Paul MULLER)在三十年 代 發 現 DDT 是 一 種 強 力 的 殺 蟲 劑 之 後 , 世 界 各 國 都廣泛 以 它 作為農 作 物的殺 蟲 劑 , 也 用 來 控 制 瘧 疾 的 傳染。 legco.gov.hk | After the Swiss chemist Paul MULLER discovered that DDT was a powerful insecticide in the 1930s, many countries in the world used it widely as an insecticide for crops, as well as using it to control the spread of malaria. legco.gov.hk |