

单词 西北

西北 adjective ()

northwestern adj
northeast adj





North Atlantic


northwest part

External sources (not reviewed)

其他被海豚全年使 用,但使用次數較少的水域包括:南伶仃洋、大嶼 西北 、 澳 門、中 伶仃洋、大嶼山東北、大嶼山西南、后海灣和大嶼山以東。
Other areas used year-round by dolphins but to a lower extent
included South Lingding
[...] Bay, Northwest Lantau (ie West of the Chek Lap Kok Platform), Macau, Central Lingding Bay, Northeast Lantau, [...]
Southwest Lantau, Deep Bay and East Lantau.
西部西北部与埃塞俄比亚毗连,东北与厄立特里亚为邻,东南同索马 里接壤,东临红海。
It is bordered to the west and north-west by Ethiopia, to the north-east by Eritrea [...]
and to the south-east by Somalia, with
the Red Sea on its eastern edge.
任何人如在任何巴士西北鐵路 車輛或鐵路處所任何部分之內或之上拾獲任何物品或物 體,須在切實可行的範圍內盡快將該物品或物體交予人員;除人員外,任何人不得將遺失或遺留 在任何巴士西北鐵路 車輛或鐵路處所任何部分的財物,移離任何巴士 西北 鐵 路 車輛或鐵路處 所任何部分,但目的為在切實可行範圍內盡快將該財物交予人員則屬例外;而就拾獲者與公司之 間而言,拾獲的所有物品或物體均須當作由公司所管有。
Every person
[...] who finds any article or object in or upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an official shall remove from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises any property lost [...]
or left behind therein,
save for the purpose of handing over the same as soon as is practicable to an official and all articles or objects so found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation.
除非得到公司或其任何人員的書面特准,任何人不得在任何巴士 西北 鐵 路 車輛或鐵路 處所的任何部分唱歌、跳舞或演奏任何樂器或其他器具,亦不得使用收音機、卡式機、雷射碟機 [...]
No person unless authorized in writing by the Corporation or any
of its officials while upon any bus
[...] or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part [...]
of the railway premises shall sing,
dance or perform on any musical or other instrument or use a radio, cassette recorder, compact disc player or similar device, television or any other such electrical or mechanical device which is likely to cause annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to any other person.
这 在政府控制区不成为问题,但在曾发生反叛的 西北 部 地区,这类事件由于司法 缺位未被诉究,不过在确实实现统一后将会起诉。
While that had not presented a problem in the government zone,
prosecutions had not been possible in the
[...] ex-rebel centre-north-west (CNO) zone for lack [...]
of courts, but proceedings would be
taken once reunification was complete.
西北大西洋渔业组织还参加了负北 大 西 洋 格 式标准的小组;该标准 用北大西洋渔 船监测系统的通讯,其他区域渔业管理组织正在加以审议,并可 能采用。
NAFO was also part of the group
[...] responsible for the North-Atlantic Format standard, which was used for VMS communication in the North-Atlantic and was being [...]
considered by other RFMOs for their possible use.
2006 年以来,作为预防措施西北大西洋 渔 业组织在其管制区内所有已 知海山以及大浅滩南端大珊瑚区禁止底层捕捞。
Since 2006, as a precautionary measure, NAFO has closed to bottom fishing all the known seamounts in its Regulatory Area as well as a large coral area on the south end of the Grand Banks.
[...] 反,多数中上层种群被认为是完全开发或过度开发,例 西北 非 洲 和几内亚湾的 小沙丁鱼种群。
The sardine in Zone C (Cape Bojador and southwards to Senegal) is still considered non-fully exploited; otherwise, most of the pelagic stocks are
considered fully exploited or overexploited, such as the
[...] sardinella stocks in Northwest Africa and in the [...]
Gulf of Guinea.
(d) 2008 年 11 月 11 日,博桑戈阿(西北部)的年轻人袭击了一辆运送人道主 [...]
(d) On 11 November 2008, young people
[...] in Bossangoa (north-west) attacked a United [...]
Nations truck delivering humanitarian supplies, stealing food.
此外,在世界可持续发展峰会核可了“撒哈拉以南非洲国家沿海 和海洋环境发展与保护的非洲进程”之后,政府间海洋学委员会随即参与了非洲发展新伙伴 关系的环境倡议。为在非洲地区一级实施全球海洋观测系统,委员会继续制定关于非洲地区 海洋观测和预报系统(ROOFS-AFRICA)的项目提案,这一关于海岸线保护和管理的项目 旨在提供科学的战略和政策以保护非 西北 部 国 家(佛得角、塞内加尔、冈比亚、毛里塔尼 亚和几内亚比绍)沿海居民免受沿海地区侵蚀和气候变化的影响。
Furthermore, and following the endorsement of the “African Process on the Development and Protection of Coastal and Marine Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa”, at the WSSD, and its subsequent integration into the Environmental Initiatives of NEPAD, IOC has continued to develop the project proposal on the Regional Ocean Observing and Forecasting Systems for Africa (ROOFS-AFRICA), which is the implementation of the Global Ocean Observing System at the regional level in Africa, and the project on Shoreline Protection and Management aimed to provide science-based strategies and policies for protecting coastal habitats from the impacts of coastal erosion and climate change in North Western Africa (Cape Verde, Senegal, Gambia, Mauritania, and Guinea-Bissau).
2009 年,在伏尔加区、乌拉尔区西北区 及 联邦中央区发现了一个伊斯兰极 端集团组织(突厥斯坦伊斯兰党、穆斯林兄弟会 [...]
、伊斯兰解放党、Nurdjular 组 织及其他组织)。
In 2009 a network of radical Islamicjamaat cells was discovered in the
[...] Volga, Urals, North-West and Central federal [...]
districts (the Islamic Party of Turkestan,
the Muslim brotherhood, Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami, Nurdjular and others).
按支持協議的條款及條件,根西北 地 區 商業公司法第197(2)條,倘於屆滿時間或要約日期後120 天(或具司法管轄權的法院可能允許的有關較長時間)(以較早者為準),要約獲得不少於於屆 滿時間已發行的普通股(不包括由或代表要約人或要約人的「聯屬人士」或「聯繫人」(定義西北地區 商業公司法)持有的普通股)的90%的持有人接納,則要約人將在可行情況下收購(「強 制收購」)餘下並無接納要約的Anvil股東的普通股。
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Support Agreement, if, within the earlier of the Expiry Time or 120 days after the date of the Offer (or such longer time as a court having jurisdiction may permit), the Offer has been accepted by holders of not less than 90% of the outstanding Common Shares as at the Expiry Time, excluding Common Shares held by or on behalf of the Offeror, or an “affiliate” or an “associate” (as those terms are defined in the NWTBCA) of the Offeror, the Offeror shall, to the extent practicable, acquire (a “Compulsory Acquisition”) the remainder of the Common Shares from those Anvil Shareholders who have not accepted the Offer, pursuant to section 197(2) of the NWTBCA.
其中包括,由法律和技术委员会对一项提议进行审议, 其中涉及将太平洋结核矿带的特定区域指定用于进行典型生境和生物多样性养 护;与保护北大西洋海 洋环境公约委员会建立更密切的合作安排,协调采取管 理措施,保西北大西洋地 区的生物多样性;与《生物多样性公约》进行合作, 为确定在生态和生物方面具有重要意义的海洋区域制定科学标准,并确定包括生 [...]
This includes: the consideration by the Legal and Technical Commission of a proposal to designate specific areas within the Pacific nodule province for the purposes of conserving representative habitats and biodiversity; the development of closer cooperative arrangements with the OSPAR Commission in
connection with the
[...] coordination of management measures to safeguard biodiversity in the North-East Atlantic; and cooperation with the Convention on Biological Diversity [...]
in the development of
criteria for the identification of ecologically and biologically significant areas and applicable standards for biodiversity-inclusive environmental impact assessment.
谨提请阁下注意,两名吉布提战俘已成功逃离位于厄立特里 西北 部 阿 法贝 特市近郊的厄立特里亚萨贝-曼达尔监狱,他们在进入苏丹后已由苏丹当局移交 [...]
I have the honour to inform you that two Djiboutian prisoners of war managed to escape from the
Eritrean prison of Sabay-Mandar, near the
[...] city of Afabet in north-western Eritrea, and [...]
went to Sudan before being sent back
to Djibouti by Sudanese officials (see enclosure).
媒体办证处设在联合国训研所大楼 102 室,地址是一大道 801 号(位于 45 街 和一大道西北角)。
The Media Accreditation Office is situated
in Room 102 of the UNITAR Building, 801 First
[...] Avenue (located on the north-west corner of 45th Street [...]
and First Avenue).
西 北大西洋渔 业组织于 2008 年实行了港口国措施,该措施适用于停靠缔约国港口 或在缔约国港口转运的悬挂另一缔约国国旗的渔船。
NAFO adopted port State measures in 2008, which apply to landings or trans-shipments in ports of Contracting Parties by fishing vessels flying the flag of another Contracting Party.
The Pilbara, in the northwest of the region, [...]
is magnificent ancient-rock and gorge country.
奥恩省的一个部门,在目前在法 西北 部 下诺曼底地区的厄尔,厄尔 - 卢瓦尔,萨尔特省,马耶讷,以及卡尔瓦多斯省有关部门的包围,这是唯一的部门,下诺曼底,上诺曼底内陆。
Orne is a
[...] department in the northwest of France in the [...]
current region of Lower Normandy and is surrounded by the departments
of Eure, Eure-et-Loir, Sarthe, Mayenne, and Calvados; it is the only department in Lower Normandy and Upper Normandy to be landlocked.
老挝与五个国家接壤,北交中华人民 共和国,南接柬埔寨王国,越南社会主义共和国在东,泰王国 西 , 西北 是 缅甸 联邦。
The Lao PDR shares borders with 5 countries, namely the People’s Republic of China in the North, the Kingdom of Cambodia in the South, the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the East, the Kingdom of
[...] Thailand in the West, and the Union of Myanmar in the North West.
西北大西洋渔业资源继续受以前和/或目前开发的压力,最近一些种群显 示回应过去十年改进的管理机制的恢复信号(例如马舌鲽、黄尾黄盖鲽、庸鲽、 [...]
Although fishery
[...] resources in the Northwest Atlantic continue to [...]
be under stress from previous and/or current exploitation,
some stocks have recently shown signs of renewal in response to an improved management regime in the last decade (e.g. Greenland halibut, yellowtail flounder, Atlantic halibut, haddock, spiny dogfish).
于2004年在美西北海岸外进行的一次海洋探险中,Mark Lever及其同事对海底沉积层及其下方的海底地壳进行了数百米的钻探以获取用于微生物学分析、地球化学分析和地质分析的样品。
In a 2004 ocean expedition off
[...] the coast of the northwestern US, Mark Lever [...]
and colleagues drilled hundreds of meters into
seafloor sediment and underlying oceanic crust to retrieve samples for microbiological, geochemical and geological analyses.
在严格的监管体系下西北地区 政府能够保证政府认证加拿大钻石(TM)为100%加拿大原产——即在加拿 西北 地 区 开采、切割和抛光——同时保证北极熊钻石达到最严格的质量标准。
Under a stringent monitoring
[...] system, the GNWT is able to guarantee that a GOVERNMENT CERTIFIED CANADIAN DIAMOND(TM) is 100% Canadian in origin - and was mined, cut, and polished in Canada's Northwest Territories [...]
and that Polar Bear Diamonds
meet the most exacting quality standards.
CPS 通過加拿大航空公司、奧地利航空公司、荷蘭皇家航空公司、美 西北 航 空公司和聯合航空公司的全球貨運網路,為117 [...]
CPS offers transportation services from 430 cities in 117
countries through the global cargo networks of Air Canada, Austrian
[...] Airlines, KLM, Northwest Airlines and [...]
United Airlines.
肥沃腐殖质的在森林的土壤,在阴坡,通常具苔藓上的岩石; 800-2400米W河南,北西北部,陕西南 部
Humus-rich soil in forests, rocks on shady slopes, usually with
[...] mosses; 800-2400 m. W Henan, NW Hubei, S Shaanxi.
在澳大利亚,平常季节中,热带气旋大多发生在澳大利 西北 部 地 区,即西澳大利亚州的 Exmouth [...]
和 Broome 之间,以及昆士兰州东北部的 Port Douglas 和 Maryborough 之间。
Cyclones have wind gusts in excess of 90 km/h around their centres and, in the most severe cyclones, gusts can exceed 280 km/h. In Australia, in an
average season, tropical cyclones are mostly
[...] experienced in north west Australia [...]
between Exmouth and Broome in Western Australia
and in north east Queensland between Port Douglas and Maryborough.
就算你不是很喜欢水上运动,卡文还是有众多能够享受宁静的地方——可以沿着风景秀丽的乡村骑在马背上观光,或是在美丽的高尔夫球场打球,再或者步行穿过爱尔 西北 部 地 区最美丽的一些山峰和峡谷。
Even if a holiday near or by the water doesn’t suit, there’s a whole host of ways to enjoy this peaceful county – try trekking on horseback through the charming countryside, playing a
round of golf at a scenic course, or walking through the hills and valleys
[...] of one of the  North West’s most scenic spots.
地图标题中的“三个阿拉伯”是指 Arabia Petraea,西北地区 ,包括西奈半岛和约旦, Arabia Deserta,最北端的地区,包括底格里斯河和幼发拉底河以南的地区,以及Arabia Felix,阿拉伯半岛迄今最大的领土,从位 西北 的 圣 城麦加和麦地那一直延伸到阿拉伯海和阿曼湾沿海地区。
The three Arabias referred to in the
map’s title are
[...] Arabia Petraea, the northwestern area encompassing the Sinai Peninsula and Jordan, Arabia Deserta, the northernmost area just south of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and Arabia Felix, by far the largest territory covering most of the peninsula and extending from the holy cities of Mecca and Medina in the northwest to the coasts of [...]
the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman.
索要资料所涉领域包括:关于管理局当前的活动和职能的一 般信息;海洋法会议;北极权利 西北 海 峡 的捕鱼活动和航行;海底块状硫化物 矿床的可持续开采;甲烷水合物及管理局在这方面的工作;企业的建立;以及关 [...]
Some of the areas for which requests were received included: general information on the current activities and the functions of the Authority; law of the sea
conferences; rights to the Arctic; fishing and
[...] navigation in the north-west passage; sustainable [...]
mining of sea floor massive sulphide
deposits; methane hydrates and the work of the Authority in this area; the establishment of the Enterprise; and general information on sea floor massive sulphide deposits.
Q400飞机正在证明自己能在各种不同环境下飞行的高价值——它既能在加拿大和东欧的寒冷天气中;也能在中东和北非的干燥环境中; 西北 美 和 非洲撒哈拉以南地区的潮湿环境中飞行。
Q400 aircraft are proving their high value by operating in all kinds of diverse environments - cold weather operations in Canada and Eastern Europe; arid
environments of the
[...] Middle East and Northern Africa and the humid environments in Western North America and sub-Saharan Africa.




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