单词 | 褶 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 褶—pleatless common: crease (arch.) court dress Examples:褶子n—pleatspl foldn 褶曲—folding creasing 百褶裙—pleated skirt
低:强力最低的设置,并且在重张进纸时较少可能检测到标签、不良 质量、厚或皱褶文档。 graphics.kodak.com | Low: least aggressive setting and is less likely to detect labels, poor quality, [...] thick or wrinkled documents as multi-fed documents. graphics.kodak.com |
玫瑰花蕾,心的表盘展现在无数的彩色蓝宝石和钻石的光束包围的红宝石表圈的长棍面包,配上褶性感的一个紫色的缎面表带。 zh.horloger-paris.com | As a rosebud, the heart of the dial unfolds in the beam of a myriad of colored [...] sapphires and diamonds encircled by a bezel of ruby baguettes and topped with a [...] violetsatin strap pleated voluptuous. en.horloger-paris.com |
低:最不严格的设定,不太可能将标签、品质差、较厚或皱褶的文件 侦测为多页进纸文件。 graphics.kodak.com | Low: least aggressive setting and is less likely to detect labels, poor quality, thick or wrinkled documents as multifed documents. graphics.kodak.com |
热液矿物作为石灰质砂岩(红色岩层)、砾岩、凝灰岩、安山石及石灰岩在结构上严格受控并包含於褶皱岩石单元内。 glencore.com | This hydrothermal mineralisation is strongly structurally controlled and hosted in folded rock units as calcareous sandstones (red beds), conglomerates, volcanic tuffs, andesites and limestones. glencore.com |
就像被施了魔法一样拨号钻石下摆的,接缝成为刺绣,珍珠镶嵌建立褶和多褶,方面的振荡群众的,他们成为运动中的彩色衬里,但谨慎的衣服。 zh.horloger-paris.com | As if by magic the dials diamond hem, seams become embroidery, [...] pearl inlaysbuildpleated and ruffled,with [...]respect to the oscillating masses, they become [...]colored linings but discreet dresses in motion. en.horloger-paris.com |
对于易起褶皱的衣物 (例如男女式衬衫)推荐使用该功能。 vzug.com | Recommended [...] for items that crease easily, e.g. shirts [...]and blouses. vzug.com |
请自底 至顶进行清洗,以防出现褶纹。 essa.ca | Clean from the bottom to the top to prevent streaking. essa.ca |
无论您是在去往新大陆的旅途中,或与您家人享受登山的乐趣,还是在沙滩边的咖啡店小憩,STONE衬衫都可以抵御紫外线以及褶皱的骚扰。 salomon.com | Whether you are traveling to a new land, hiking with your family to a landmark, or chilling at a beachside café, the Stone shirt provides wrinkle-UV protection and relaxed style. salomon.com |
最近的一项研究发现:随着年龄增长,南方汉族人头宽、额最小宽、面宽、眼内角间宽、眼外角间宽、唇高、红唇厚度、头围、耳上头高、头长宽指数、头长高指数、口指数值呈线性下降规律,鼻宽、口宽、形态面高、上唇皮肤部高度、容貌耳长、容貌耳宽、面颊皮褶、头面高指数值呈线性上升规律。 chinese.eurekalert.org | With age increases, the head breadth, minimum frontal breadth, face breadth, interocular breadth, external biocular breadth, lip height, thickness of lips, head circumference, auricular height, length- breadth index of head, length-height index of head and lip indices’ values of Han in Southern China appeared a linear decline, Nose breadth, mouth breadth, morphological facial height, upper lip height, [...] physiognomic ear length, physiognomic ear [...] breadth, visor skin-foldand vertical [...]head-facial indices’ values increased in a [...]linear fashion as age increased. chinese.eurekalert.org |
结肠内部的皱褶有很高的细胞周转率,这是为了防止毒素进入您的体内。 tianjin.ufh.com.cn | The lining ofthe colon has a high [...] turnover rate of cells; this is to prevent toxins from entering your body. tianjin.ufh.com.cn |
使用长柄眼影刷沾取适量粉雾眼影,涂抹于眼褶,并沿眼褶处向上晕染,创造色彩渐层效果。 cosme-de.com | Apply along the eyelid fold andblend upward for [...] a gradation effect. cosme-de.com |
Label-Lyte 52LLC210 薄膜的适应性支持高品质的定制设计,即使在反复挤压容器后仍可减少标签的褶皱和起折。 news.exxonmobilchemical.com | The conformability of Label-Lyte 52LLC210 film allows high-quality tailored designs that reduce wrinkling and darting of the labels, even after the container is repeatedly squeezed. news.exxonmobilchemical.com |
他们的外表唯一的差异是,男性有一小亚洲狮鬃毛和皮褶运行下来的IT中心的腹部。 zh.northrup.org | The only differences in their physical appearance is that the male Asiatic Lion has a smaller [...] mane and a skinfold thatruns down [...]the center of it's abdomen. northrup.org |
矿化方式:沉积喷流(SEDEX)型锌和硫化铅矿石包含於所谓矿石等同层(Ore [...] Equivalent Horizon)(存在广泛褶皱的层状层,产生分离、接近垂直的矿体, [...]矿体大小介乎0.4至2.0百万吨)。 glencore.com | Mineralisation style: Sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX) type Zinc and lead sulphide ores are contained within the so-called Ore [...] Equivalent Horizon, a stratiform horizon that [...] is extensively folded, resulting in [...]discreet, subvertical ore bodies that vary [...]in size from 0.4– 2.0 million tonnes. glencore.com |
这种通用的、没有褶皱的挤奶杯组具有250 ML 奶爪,牛奶出口管径大,以高效、安全地处理奶流量 - 尽量减少不希望发生的牛奶浪堵和交叉串流现象。 delaval.cn | This all-round,no frills cluster features a 250 ml claw with a big milk outlet to handle milk flows efficiently and safely – minimizing unwanted cross-flows and milk plugs. delaval.cn |
褶皱的北翼和南翼形成了Ruoni北部和南部资源区块,露头褶皱枢纽形成东面的Tenge资源区块。 abnnewswire.net | The northern and [...] southern limbsof the foldcomprise the Ruoni North and Ruoni South resource blocks, while the outcropping fold hingecomprises [...]the Tenge resource block to the east. abnnewswire.net |
b) 此系统也用于轻量级而屋顶结构在褶皱的纵向形成边 缘和角落区域。 lucobit.de | The recipient of our products is solely responsible for observing any trademarks as well as existing laws and regulations. lucobit.de |
为了提高容尘量和空气流量,Baldwin Filters 使用两种已经验证的方法分隔和稳定褶状滤纸。 baldwinfilters.com | To improve dust holding capacity and air flow, Baldwin Filters uses two proven methods to separate [...] and stabilizethepleated media. baldwinfilters.com |
我们可以通过折叠和打褶达到我们想要的设计效果, 不需要特定的样式。 glenraven.com | No specific patterning was needed because we could achieve the design we [...] wanted through folding and pleating. glenraven.com |
分别从日本、南韩和斯洛伐克等地远道而来的设计师将暂时入住FENDI 举行时装表演的场地,任意自由创作,利用品牌位于佛罗伦斯皮包工厂的废物料设计各式对象,大会还会安排10位经验丰富的FENDI 工匠即场示范他们制作样品的卓越技术,透过皱褶、造型、缝线、拉伸及精工处理上等皮革,将Silvia Venturini Fendi绘画的图样变成三维立体物件。 selleria.fendi.com | Also at their disposal will be 10 Fendi artisans who are bringing their sample-making prowess, having spent years transforming the sketches of Silvia Venturini-Fendi into three-dimensional objects by draping, forming, stitching, stretching and finessing fine leathers. selleria.fendi.com |
饺皮中间放上1.5大匙馅料(图10),对折后先捏紧上缘,然后从右角开始,向中间一边打小褶一边捏紧,最后从中间向左边同样捏紧(图11)。 maomaomom.com | Fold the wrapper over to form a [...] half moon and press the center edges to seal. Then start from the right side, fold [...] slightly the back side to form pleats. maomaomom.com |
首先,建立一个或多个小切口,尽量选择在皮肤的自然皱褶处以隐藏疤痕。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | A small incision is made at one or more sites as required, carefully [...] hidden in natural creaselines to reduce [...]the visibility of scars. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
花冠金黄色,对3厘米; 筒部2-3 [...] X倍于花萼,疏生毛; 喉具2长圆形红色具点褶皱;下唇宽于宽,对2.5厘米,侧面裂片长圆形,中部裂片小于其他裂片,圆形,和微缺; [...]上唇短和圆形,微缺。 flora.ac.cn | Corolla golden yellow, to 3 cm; tube 2-3 X as long as [...] calyx, sparsely hairy; throat with 2 oblong [...] red-punctate plaits; lower lip broader [...]than wide, to 2.5 cm, lateral lobes oblong, [...]middle lobe smaller than other lobes, orbicular, and emarginate; upper lip short and orbicular, emarginate. flora.ac.cn |
我们的 Magnum RS [...] 径向密封滤清器滤芯采用高性能滤材、褶状锁定和间距控制以提高过滤性能。 cumminsfiltration.com | Our Magnum RS radial seal filter elements incorporate a high-performance [...] filter media, pleat locking and spacing, [...]to extend filtration performance. cumminsfiltration.com |
Rodrigo Otazu 的五大系列作品分别是:以深色调打造颓废美感的 Midnight Queen系列 项链﹔别出心裁、晶莹剔透的 Comet系列 项链﹔展现华丽歌特风的 Gala系列 手镯和项链﹔镶嵌了红宝石色、海军蓝和大地色仿水晶元素的Precious Flower系列 耳环、戒指和项链,以时尚的手法演绎了大自然与花朵的魅力,﹔Rock Star系列 项链、戒指和手链,将大量的金属元素与棕褐色褶襉皮革相互交织,而大颗仿水晶元素的镶嵌则营造出作品的中性色调,别有一番韵味在其中。 brand.swarovski.com | Rodrigo Otazu presents five stories: two necklaces – the darkly decadent Midnight Queen necklace and the intricately clear-crystal Comet necklace; the gothic splendor of his Gala cuff and necklace; Precious Flower’s nature-inspired floral tribute of stylish earrings, ring and necklace in ruby, navy and earth-toned crystals; and the aptly named Rock Star necklace, ring and bracelet in heavy gold interwoven with plaited tan leather and studded with statement crystals in neutral tones. brand.swarovski.com |
在横向和扭转情况下,褶状结构能提供很高的刚度,阻止试件的旋转运动。 bksv.cn | In the transverse directions and in torsion, the flexure system provides very high stiffness to counteract rotational movement of the test specimen. bksv.com |
另外一项额外优势在于,在双组分丙烯酸纤维的一侧加入AMPS单体可产生出具有自然褶皱的产品。 cn.lubrizol.com | As an added benefit, the incorporation of AMPS monomer in one side of a bicomponent acrylic fiber produces [...] a product with a natural crimp. lubrizol.com |
约翰王子计划,挂男修道士褶裥来吸引和罗宾杀死他。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Prince John plans to hang Friar Tuck to lure in Robin and kill him. seekcartoon.com |
结果显示,驼肾近曲小管的刷状缘高而密集,上皮细胞胞质顶端具有丰富的管泡结构,侧基底指状突起和基底质膜内褶多而明显,板状嵴线粒体发达。 actazool.org | The results revealed that invaginations extended into the cytoplasm between the bases of the microvilli,that expanded and gave rise tomany pinocytotic vesicles in the epithelium of proximal convoluted tubule(PCT) with a well developed brush border. actazool.org |
收缩包装技术的发展改 变了包装外观, 将原 来解决仓储和搬运的包 装变成了真正意义上的 零售包装;正是技术的进步和新材料 的发展使得这种转变成为了可能,其 中热动力学研究成果尤其重要,它革 新了热收缩通道中气流的分布,从而 可采用较薄的塑膜,节约包装成本, 减少对环境的污染;膜包两侧收口紧 致、少褶皱,增加了膜包的外观美感 和包装本身的牢靠及堆放时的稳定性。 ocme.it | Thermodynamic research has been of particular importance as it has revolutionized the air flows in the heat shrink ovens; this has led to a reduction in the thickness of the film used and hence a reduction both in costs and in environmental impact. ocme.co.uk |