

单词 褫夺

See also:

wrest control of
leave out
force one's way through
take away forcibly
compete or strive for


lose v

External sources (not reviewed)

这份名单相当长──褫夺公权 的人;藏族人民;没有工作的毕业生,以及一般的梦想幻灭的年轻人;孤儿;在中国事奉主的同工;AM-CCSM的文字工作,以及多半缺乏教导的中国教会的需要;ASM和它的学生。
There is
[...] quite a list - disenfranchised people; the Tibetan [...]
people; graduates without jobs and more generally disillusioned
young people; orphans; workers serving the Lord in China; the AM-CCSM literature work and the needs of China's often untaught church; ASM and its students.
連拜祭自己 孩子的權利也褫奪, 這是甚麼大國崛起?
What sort of an emerging super power is this if its people do not even have the right to mourn their beloved children?
但是,我們不要忘 記,這些重要會議的時間分配往往非常緊張,為了鬧事而花費的每一 分鐘,其實褫奪了 其他同事的發言權利和時間。
However, let us not forget that such meetings have a very tight schedule, every minute spent on the hubbub will deprive other Members of their right and time to speak.
根據《議事規則》第49B條的程序,動議者須在提出譴責議案,指 責某議員行為不檢而褫奪其 議員資格時,亦須把有關詳情表列於議案 的附表內,而今次議案的附表亦列出了對甘乃威議員兩項指控︰(一 )指 他向傳媒發表的言論前後不一、有所隱瞞,使公眾對其誠信產生懷疑; ( 二 ) 對被他評為整體工作表現良好的女助理表示好感遭抗拒後而將她 解僱,處事不公。
According to the procedure prescribed in Rule 49B of the RoP, in moving a censure motion to accuse a certain Member of misbehaviour and disqualify him or her from office, a mover is required to particularize the relevant details in the Schedule to the motion. The Schedule to this motion has also spelt out two allegations against Mr KAM Nai-wai: (a) Mr KAM Nai-wai made inconsistent remarks to the media and withheld key information, causing the public to have doubts about his integrity; and (b) Mr KAM Nai-wai was unfair in dismissing his female assistant, whose overall work performance was judged by him to be good, after his expression of affection was rejected by her.
民主黨反褫奪任 何人參選的權利,尤其是當參選人是辭職的議 員。
The Democratic Party opposes the deprivation of any person's right to stand for election, especially when the candidate is a resigning Member.
主席,這是一個不尊重民主的方案,如果尊重民主,便應由市民 當家作主,給予他們機會,以便透過在補選中投入票箱中的一票,表 明他們是否支持辭職議員所作的政治決定,而並非由譚志源局 褫奪 辭職議員的參選權,更非由譚志源局長或特首曾蔭 褫 奪 選 民透過票 箱表態的權利。
The right of resigning Members to stand for elections should not be deprived of by Secretary Raymond TAM; and moreover, Secretary Raymond TAM or Chief Executive Donald TSANG should in no way deprive the electors of their right to express their opinion through ballot boxes.
他要成功的話,便得到大陸去,因為大陸 褫 奪 政 治權利的法 例,這樣不就成了嗎?
If he wishes to succeed, he will have to go to the Mainland, since there is a law on the Mainland which will deprive people of their political rights.
另一個考慮因素是,我們褫奪梁 國雄議員的議席會否引發另一 場補選,但新當選的議員卻因立法會任期快將屆滿而只會出任短短 一、兩個月。
Another consideration is whether another by-election will be triggered should Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung be stripped of his seat and the newly elected Member will hold office for only one or two months as the term of the Legislative Council will soon expire.
更令人擔憂的是,下次政 府亦可能同樣以涉及公眾利益的考慮,以立法形 褫 奪 另 一少數社 的權 益。
What is even more worrying is that the Government may invoke the argument of public interest and resort to legislation again to deprive a minority social group of their rights.
信報》今年10月 2日的社論有一個好好的詮釋,我引述:“作為中 國人的價值不能單從這些國家和集體的榮譽中得到滿足,只有當每個中 國人的生存價值和個人權利得到保護,國民的正當權益不能隨意被國褫奪, 人民當家作主,國家真正為人民服務,這種狀態下當中國人,才 能夠體現作為中國人的價值,做中國才算做得過。
I quote, "The value of being a Chinese cannot be solely derived from such national and collective honour. It is only when the intrinsic value and personal rights of each and every Chinese are protected, when citizens are not deprived of their legitimate rights by the State arbitrarily, when citizens can be the masters of their country, when the State truly serves its people, when the Chinese find themselves in such a situation that the value of being a Chinese can be realized and that it will be a fair deal to be a Chinese.
审查工作将以五个原则为指导:(a) 所 有规划进程都应咨询当地妇女和国家两性平等专家且体现他们的观点;(b) 分析
[...] 还应认识到现存的性别关系可能会影响到重建有效和公平机构的工作;(c) 应根 据竞相夺资金 对两性平等的影响的预设情况,分配资源;(d) [...]
应将与性别相关 的成果指标和计算成本的活动纳入规划框架;(e) 应该在整个规划过程中提供足
够的社会分析和两性平等分析专业知识,以便在规定的时限内有效执行这些步 骤。
Five principles should inform the review: (a) local women and national gender experts should be consulted, and their views reflected, in all planning processes; (b) the analysis of needs and priorities should be based on an appreciation of the differential impact of conflict on women and men and boys and girls, and of the potential for prevailing gender relations
to affect efforts to rebuild effective and
[...] equitable institutions; (c) resource [...]
allocations should be based on projections
of the gender implications of competing funding scenarios; (d) gender-related outcome indicators and costed activities should be included in planning frameworks; and (e) sufficient expertise in social and gender analysis should be provided throughout the planning process to allow these steps to be implemented effectively and within the stipulated time frames.
其他发言者认为,第 B 条草案中载列的规则不够灵活或过于详细:从这样的要 求看,更是这样:为了驱逐而拘留外国人不得使用关押被判处 夺 自 由刑罚的人 的场所;有人还建议,在某些情况下,可能需要拘留非法居留的外国人,以便确 定事实,甚至保护这些人。
According to other speakers, the rules set out in draft article B were not flexible enough or were too detailed: that was particularly the case with the requirement that the detention of an alien pending expulsion must be carried out in a place other than a facility in which persons sentenced to penalties involving deprivation of liberty were detained.
因此,对于一个被警察或宪兵夺自 由 的人而言,在没有警方人员在场的情况下 [...]
For a person deprived of liberty [...]
by the police or the gendarmerie, access to a doctor without the presence of police staff
is therefore an important safeguard against ill-treatment.
公民黨的議員當天說詹培忠議員是因為誠信問題而被判監,而今 天梁國雄議員並不涉及個人利益,因而不應 褫 奪 議 席。
Members of the Civic Party said that Mr CHIM Pui-chung was sentenced because of integrity issue, whereas Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung did not act out of self-interest, so he should not be relieved of his duties.
只有私有產權不褫奪 ⎯⎯ 並 非以百分比來決定的 ⎯⎯ 這是不能夠爭論的。
Only private property right, which is not quantified by a percentage, is something that cannot be taken away.
這亦與替 補方案有關,我們既有人民的授權,取得市民的選票,豈容你輕褫 奪我們的參選權?
We have the mandate of the people and we have obtained the votes of the people. How could you think that you can easily deprive us of our right to stand for election?
御用大律師 Lord Lester 在司法覆核案第二天聆訊陳詞時說:「申請 人現時所謀求的將會等同於司褫奪 立 法會的權力、特權和職責:這是 為了一宗沒有理據的案件而使立法與司法權力之間出現不必要的分化 鬥爭,結果會令本港代表公眾作出監察的立法機關受到箝制,削弱其獲 取資料、要求政府問責,以及向公眾提供資料和意見的能力。
Making his submission at the second-day hearing of the application for judicial review, Lord Lester QC said, “What the Applicants are seeking would amount to a judicial usurpation of the powers, privileges and responsibilities of LegCo: an unnecessary and divisive struggle between legislative and judicial powers for the sake of a case without merit.
如果中國想跟國際社會接軌,但連這些基本 的公民權利也可褫奪而人民無法享有,法院和公安又這樣辦事,便是 不行的。
It is impossible for China to converge with the international community if its people are stripped of these civil rights, and its courts and Public Security Bureau should act in this manner.
她所持的理由是, 指控不足褫奪某議員的資格。
The ground cited by her is that the allegations are not strong enough to warrant the disqualification of the Member concerned.
[...] 不同级别的官员,或一些代表政府行事或得到政府直接或间接支持、同意或默许 的有组织团体或个人,违反有关人员本人的意愿而将其逮捕、拘留或绑架或夺 他们的自由,随后又拒绝透露有关人员的命运或下落,或拒绝承认 夺 了 他 们的 自由,结果将这些人置于法律保护之外。
As defined in the preamble of the Declaration, enforced disappearances occur when persons are arrested, detained or abducted against their will or otherwise deprived of their liberty by officials of different branches or levels of Government or by organized groups or private individuals acting on behalf of, or with the support, direct or indirect, consent or acquiescence of the Government, followed by a refusal to disclose the
fate or whereabouts
[...] of the persons concerned or a refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of their liberty, which places such persons outside the [...]
protection of the law.
在国家住房政策框架内得到支助的目标群体,包括在私有化改革期间被夺了私 有化权利的承租人,没有父母照管的儿童和青年,残疾人,老年人,多子 [...]
女家庭,牢狱释放人员和缓刑受监视人员,无家可归人员,合作社与合作群体, 以及从事居住环境规划和开发的专门人员。
Target groups supported within the framework of state housing policy
[...] include lessees deprived of privatisation [...]
rights during the ownership reform, children
and young people without parental care, disabled people, elderly people, families with many children, persons released from prison and persons under probation supervision, homeless people, cooperative societies and communities, and specialists dealing with planning and development of residential environment.
如有任何不遵守動作甚至違規, 參賽隊有機會褫 奪資格。
Failure to do so will result in disqualification from the Race.
是次指控相當嚴重,其實不單後果嚴重,主席,後果當然 褫 奪議 員的資格,即使是劉健儀議員所說的第(二 )項,她的意思似乎是指甘乃 威議員因為求愛不遂而解僱女事主。
President, one of the consequences is disqualification of a Member from office. In part a(ii) of the Schedule, Ms Miriam LAU seemed to be implying that Mr KAM Nai-wai dismissed the lady concerned because of his unsuccessful advances.
其實,人大 主 動 就《基本法》兩項附 件 進行解 釋 , 已 經 是 宣布“一國 兩 制 ”正式由“一國 一 制 ”所取代, 因為香港的香港一制中的 司法獨 立 已 經 被 人 大常委 會褫 奪 。
In fact, the act of the NPCSC in taking the initiative of interpreting the Basic Law is tantamount to announcing that the principle of "one country, two systems" has been formally replaced by "one country, one system" because in the Hong Kong system, its judicial independence has already been stripped by the NPCSC.
雖然他亦保證政府不會以這次立法減薪為藉口,進一步削減公務員的長 俸,但他的言論無助減低社會人士對政府日後可能以同樣立法形 褫 奪 弱勢 社 權益的憂慮。
Although he also pledged that the Government would not use this as an excuse for slashing the pension of civil servants, his remarks did not help allay the worries in the public for similar moves to be made by the Government to deprive the socially disadvantaged of their rights and interests.
不過,當褫奪資產權,甚至是要 業主遷徙時,這當然是很嚴重的情況,亦因為重建涉及私有產權的徵 用,須有更高的門檻,所以當天的《土地(為重新發展而強制售賣)條 例》便是將這地段的門檻設在90%。
However, when it comes to the expropriation of property or even the eviction of property owners, which is certainly a very serious matter …… And, also since redevelopment will involve the expropriation of private property rights, there must be a higher threshold.
放眼世界,今日我們看到的低發展國家(尤其是非洲國家),大多數曾經在過去幾 個世紀內被西方國家殖民;殖民主義者對這些國家的資源大 褫 奪 及 任意破壞,令這 些國家的經濟社會發展只服務於殖民㆞宗主國及資本家的利益,而缺乏惠及本土長遠 發展的社會政策。
An overview of the world will reveal that most of today’s less developed countries, those African ones in particular, have been colonized by Western countries during the past few decades.




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