









External sources (not reviewed)

特别报告员继续不断地收到各种指 控,如:在审讯中采用酷刑或虐待,把囚犯当作搬运工或者在军事方面作为“人
[...] 体盾牌”,将囚犯转移到边远区域的设施内,使他们无法接受家属探访或基本药 品或补充食品的
The Special Rapporteur continued to receive allegations of torture and ill-treatment during interrogation, the use of prisoners as porters or “human shields” for the military and the transfer of prisoners to facilities
in remote areas where they are unable to receive family
[...] visits or packages of essential [...]
medicine and supplemental food.
任何通告如以邮递方式寄发,概视作已在载有有关通告之信封或之翌日送达,而证明该载有通告之信封或当预付邮费、注明地址并寄 出,即足可作为送达证明,而经秘书或由董事会委任之其他人士签署书面证明载有通 告之信封或明地址及寄出後,即为最终送达证明。
Any notice sent by post shall be deemed to have been served on the day following that on which the envelope or wrapper containing the same is posted and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice was properly prepaid, addressed and posted and a certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other person appointed by the Board that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice was so addressed and posted shall be conclusive evidence thereof.
他注意到仍然有涉及以 下行为的指控:审讯期间动用酷刑和虐待,将囚犯用作军方的搬运工或“人盾”, 以及将囚犯转移到偏远地区的监狱,令其无法得到家属探视,也无法收取基本药 物和补充食物
He notes continuing allegations of torture and illtreatment during interrogation, the use of prisoners as porters for the military or “human shields”, and the transfer of prisoners to prisons in remote areas where they are unable to receive family visits orpackages of essential medicine and supplemental food.
(2) 因股东身故、精神紊乱或破产而享有股份权利的人士,本公司可藉 预付邮资的信函及在信封或明其为收件人把通知邮寄给该人士,以身故 [...]
者代表或破产者受托人的称谓或类似称谓而享有股份权利的人士,本公司可把通 知寄交声称享有上述权利的人士就此目的提供的地址(如有),或(直至获提供地址
(2) A Notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a Member by sending it
through the post in a prepaid letter, envelope
[...] or wrapper addressed to him by [...]
name, or by the title of representative of the
deceased, or trustee of the bankrupt, or by any like description, at the address, if any, supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the Notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred.
任何根据此等公司细则提供或刊发之通告或文件须采用书面形式,并 由本公司亲自或以预付邮资函件、封套或册上之登记地址邮寄或送交予股东 或按上述登记地址递交或放置於上址,或﹙如属通告﹚以英文在有关地区流通的一份 主要英文日报及(倘有关地区为香港)以中文在一份主要中文日报刊登广告。
Any notice or document to be given or issued under these Bye-laws shall be in writing, and may be served by the Company on any member either personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter, envelope or wrapperaddressed tosuch member at his registered address as appearing in the register or by delivering or leaving it at such registered address as aforesaid or (in the case of a notice) by advertisement in English in a leading English language daily newspaper and (if the Relevant Territory is Hong Kong) in Chinese in a leading Chinese language daily newspaper circulating in the Relevant Territory.
(A) 受第 180(B)条的规限,按本细则给予或发出的任何通告或文件须为 书面形式,可由本公司亲身或透过已妥为预付邮资并已按股东名册所 示股东登记地址注明地址的信封或给任何股东,或寄发或放 置於上述登记地址,或(倘为通告)於报章刊登广告方式或於注册办 事处及总办事处显着位置展示有关通告。
(A) Subject to Article 180(B), any notice or document to be given or issued under these Articles shall be in writing, and may be served by the Company on any shareholder either personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid envelope or wrapper addressedto such shareholder at his registered address as appearing in the register or by delivering or leaving it at such registered address as aforesaid or (in the case of a notice) by advertisement in the Newspapers or displaying the relevant notice conspicuously at the Registered Office and the Head Office.
为防止出现 冻结,请确保入口管路、出口管路和泵罩温胶布并进行了隔热处理。
Ensure that the inlet line, the outlet line, and the pump housing are heat-taped and insulated so freezing does not occur.
将仔细筛选和训练这 20 个新员额的任职人员,他们将负责在观察团在苏呼 米的所有房舍进出点提供安保护卫;用目视、金属探测器和 X 光设备等手段检查 所有进入房舍的人员、车;搜查和暂时保管武器,防止武器被带进房舍; 在观察团总部各处巡逻;控制观察团总部内的汽车交通;向安保管制中心报告所 有安保和火警情况以及违反安全规定的行为。
The incumbents of the 20 new posts, who would be carefully screened and trained to provide the required level of security services, would be responsible for the provision of security coverage at entry points throughout Mission premises in Sukhumi; screening of all personnel,packages and vehicles entering the premises through visual inspections, metal detectors and X-ray equipment; identification and temporary custody of weapons prior to entry into the premises; conduct of patrols throughout Mission headquarters; control of vehicular traffic in Mission headquarters; and reporting of all security, fire and safety violations to the security control centre.
(3) 在 这 条身 分 证 明 文 件 ’ 的 意 思 和《 人 民 入 境 条 例 》 ( 第 1 1 5 章 ) 第 1 7 B 条 所 述 的 相 同 。
(3) In this section, ‘proof of identity’ has the same meaning as in section 17B of the Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115).
(NASDAQ: TIBX) today announced that
Chronopost -- the leading French firm for
[...] express delivery of parcelsupto 70 pounds [...]
to businesses and individuals -- has chosen
TIBCO's software to enhance the company's agility and operational efficiency through an open, scalable enterprise exchange platform that supports the sharing and reuse of data across all of Chronopost's applications and platforms.
(B) (i) 需要向本公司或本公司之任何高级人员发送或送达之任何通告或文件,可 发送或送达至总办事处或注册办事处或透过已妥为预付邮资之信封或往总办事处或注册办事处以供本公司或高级人员收取。
(B) (i) Any notice or document required to be sent to or served upon the Company, or upon any officer of the Company, may be sent or served by leaving the same or sending it through the post in a prepaid envelope or wrapper addressedto the Company or to such officer at the Head Office or Registered Office.
因 此,建议科特迪瓦政府与马里政府着手协商,以期确定原产地为塞盖拉的一包钻 石的法律地位,这一 被巴马科国际机场的海关当局扣押。
It is therefore recommended that consultations commence with the Government of Mali with the aim of establishing the current legal status of the parcel of diamonds, originating from Séguéla, currently held by the customs authorities at Bamako International airport.
较小规模的印数特别减少了对环境的影响(降低纸张消 费和消耗量,发送体积不大的
Smaller print-runs represent inter alia reduced impact on the environment (lower consumption of paper and consumables, less bulkypackages tobe dispatched).
现在,人们需要从制造业转向服务部门,但高失业 率使他前。
The need now was for people to move from manufacturing to the service sector but high levels of unemployment were causing them to remain trapped.
WACKER took part in an uncommon competition in Barcelona: a 1,000 kilo block of ice was packed inside an exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS) and left outdoors in the summer heat as part of a two-week exhibition concerning energy efficiency.
较大的您自己持 最近的邮局取件,常被放在您家的信箱中。
Larger parcels must be collected from your nearest post office with a collection card which is usually left in your letter box.
另一例子是以保鲜纸稳固 致消费者在提 起或翻转包装时内含物不会溢出的食物(例如超级市场内以保鲜纸味食品)。
Another example was food
[...] securely wrapped up in plastic wrap such that there was no spilling out of contents when this was picked up or when the package was turned over, e.g. “Siu Mei” products wrapped up by plastic wrap soldin supermarkets.
答: 您的订单发货之後,我们将透过电邮向您发送确认讯息,其中包括 TNT
[...] 追踪号码,这样您就可以在 TNT 网站上追踪您的
A: After your order has been shipped, we'll send you a
confirmation, which includes the official TNT tracking number, so that you can
[...] trace your package at the website of TNT.
Promotion pasted paper, Mountain-climbing and travel maps, Teaching hanging chart, Children's game pictures, Printing pressure adhesive label, Sheet wrap around stick label, Lithographic printing posters, Calendars, commercial and promotion flags, Lithographic press -Catalogue, pictorial magazine, magazine, Character printing paper- Catalogue, Magazine inside paper,aviation baggage tag, Shipment of commodities package tag, Clothing tag, General merchandise name board tag, Laminated surface paper(laminated cardboard), Middle-size and small-size shopping bag, Large-size shopping bag.
[...] 押在远离家人的地方。高度警戒牢房的囚犯不得打电话、接收留个人物 品。
Maximum-security inmates were not allowed to make telephone
[...] calls, receive parcelsor keep personal [...]
See Australia Post’s dangerous and prohibited goods and packaging post guide for a list of articles that cannot be posted and restrictions on posting and packaging.
(a) 将任何物件当如私人行李带上公司的船只,除非该物件为小型手提篮、袋或重量全都不超过 12 公斤或体积全都不超过 [...]
0.028 立方米,则不在此限, 但乘客可在任何繁忙时间以外时间乘坐公司的船只时,携带合理数量的手提行 李。
(a) take on to any of the Company's vessels as
personal luggage anything other than small
[...] handbaskets, bags orparcels all of which [...]
shall not exceed either 12 kilograms in weight
or 0.028 cubic metre in measurement, except that passengers may take with them on to the Company's vessels a reasonable quantity of hand baggage at any time except during rush hours.
在这一期间,据说托尔蒂亚的毛坯钻石品质高,以至于将其与加纳出产的毛 坯钻石混在一起,以便降低值(并将其出手)。
In this period, rough diamonds were reportedly of such high
quality in Tortiya that they were mixed with rough diamonds of Ghanaian origin in order to
[...] devalue (and sell) the parcels.
我们生产了一种带有拉链门的收缩 便船主在冬季进出 船只。
We manufacture a zippered door for shrink wrap that allows boat owners to gain easy access during the winter.
(2) 就任何文件 (包括股票) 而可能送达或交付予任何本公司股东 的任何通知,可透过亲自送交或透过预付邮资的邮件或往该股东於股东名册上所示之登记地址,或将邮件或在该地址并注明由股东收取,或以有关股东以书面授权的其 他方式或 以在香港特别行政区普遍流通的至少一份英文报章 及一份中文报章上刊登广告的方式,送达或寄发予本公司任何 股东。
(2) Any notice in respect of any document (including a share certificate) may be served on or delivered to any shareholder of the Company either personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid envelope or wrapperaddressed tosuch shareholder at his registered address as appearing in the register or by leaving it at that address addressed to the shareholder or by any other means authorised in writing by the shareholder concerned or by publishing it by way of advertisement in at least one English language newspaper and one Chinese language newspaper circulating generally in the Hong Kong SAR.
(h) 於二零零六年劳动法生效後,任何工厂安装的电力驱动的所有机器的(aa)每 一套螺丝、皮带或插条或任何旋转轴、主轴、转轮或齿轮须内嵌、以其他有效防护,以防止发生危险;及(bb)运行过程中毋须频繁调试的 所有凸齿、螺纹及其他齿型或摩擦传动装置应完全予以非其所安 置乃与完全等安全效果。
(h) In all machinery driven by power and installed in any factory after the commencement of the Labour Act, 2006 (aa) every set screw, belt or key or any revolving shaft, spindle, wheelor pinion shall be so sunk,encased orotherwise effectively guarded as to prevent danger; and (bb) all spur, worm and other toothed or friction gearing which does not require frequent adjustment while in motion, shall be completely encased unless it is so situated as to be as safe as it would be ifitwere completely encased.




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