单词 | 裸鲤 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 裸鲤 —naked carpGymnocypris przewalskiiSee also:裸 adj—naked adj • nude adj 鲤—carp
本文描述了色林错裸鲤(G ymnocypris selincuoensis)的臀鳞、背鳍条磨片和耳石磨片上的生长标志及特征,指出色林 错 裸鲤 臀 鳞上的繁殖痕迹,以及耳石磨片早期生长中出现类似月周期的生长阻断、光镜下透明带中日生长增长的减少甚至消失等现象与色林 错 裸鲤 的 繁殖习性及多变的高原环境相关。 actazool.org | The Selincuo schizothoracine fish (Gymnocypris selincuoensis) is the only fish in the lake and its body is mostly scaleless, remaining only several degenerated scales along the lateral line and on part of pectoral girdle, but the anal scales (scales lies on either side of the anal fin) are enlarged and well developed. The present study describes characters of annulus from a suite of calcified structures percular bones, vertebrae anal scales, dorsal fin spines and otoliths (from 258 individuals). actazool.org |
本文对色林错裸鲤(Gymn ocypris selincuoensis)的年龄、年龄形成时间以及臀鳞、背鳍条磨片和耳石磨片对年龄解释的一致性问题进行了探讨。 actazool.org | The present study validates age estimates from a suite of calcified structures (anal scales, dorsal fin spines and otoliths) and assesses the consistency of age interpretations for Gymnocypris selincuoensis from Selincuo Lake, a plateau lake in North Tibet Plateau at 4 530 m above sea level. actazool.org |
投喂的超过67.7%养殖鱼类产量为淡水鱼,包 括 鲤 鱼 和其 他 鲤 科 鱼、 罗非鱼、鲶鱼和其他淡水鱼。 fao.org | More than 67.7 percent of farmed fed fish [...] production is contributed by [...] freshwater fishes, including carps and other cyprinids, [...]tilapias, catfishes and miscellaneous freshwater fishes. fao.org |
用 于皮革的常见物种包括鲨鱼、鲑鱼、魣鳕、鳕鱼、盲鳗、罗非鱼、尼罗鲈 、 鲤鱼 和鲷。 fao.org | Species commonly used for leather include shark, salmon, ling, cod, hagfish, [...] tilapia, Nile perch, carp and seabass. fao.org |
烹饪用的鱼类包括鲤鱼( 圣诞节的一个重要 的菜)、鲱鱼、梭鲈鱼、比目鱼、鳟鱼、鲑 [...] 鱼、鲷鱼、鳕鱼、鲭鱼、梭子鱼、鲱鱼和鳗 鱼。 paiz.gov.pl | Species of fish used for culinary [...] reasons include carp (an important [...]dish for Christmas), herring, zander, sole, trout, [...]salmon, bream, cod, mackerel, pike, sprat and eel. paiz.gov.pl |
使用实质量的植物蛋白粉和油的其他物种和物种组包括遮目鱼、 鲻鱼、淡水虾、大盖巨脂鲤和淡 水鳌虾。 fao.org | Other species and species groups that use substantial amounts of plant protein meals and oils include milkfish, mullets, freshwater prawns, cachama and freshwater crayfishes. fao.org |
2010年世界食用鱼养殖产量的三分之 一未使用饲料,为双壳贝类和滤食性 鲤 科 鱼 类。 fao.org | One-third of the world’s farmed food [...] fish harvested in 2010 was achieved without the use of feed, through the production of [...] bivalves and filter-feeding carps. fao.org |
第三,由于美利坚合众国赤裸裸的敌 对行为违反了 2 月 29 日朝鲜民主主义 人民共和国-美利坚合众国协议,我们将不再受其约束。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thirdly, as the United States violated the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea-United States agreement of 29 February through its undisguised hostile acts, we will no longer be bound by it. daccess-ods.un.org |
在被美国关押期间,工作人员用剪刀剪烂了他的衣服,使他赤 身裸 体,照了裸照, 才给他阿富汗的衣服穿上。 daccess-ods.un.org | During US custody, officials cut his clothes with scissors, left him naked and took photos of him before giving him Afghan clothes to wear. daccess-ods.un.org |
在国家产量统计和粮农组织预计中有记录的5种杂交鱼类2010年世界产量为罗 非鱼杂交种33.33万吨(中国和巴拿马的奥利亚罗非鱼x尼罗罗非鱼)、胡子鲶杂交 种11.69万吨(泰国的革胡子鲶x斑点胡鲶)、巨 脂 鲤 杂 交 种2.16万吨(巴西的细 鳞巨脂鲤x大盖巨脂鲤)以及巨脂鲤另 外 的杂交种4900吨(巴西的大盖巨 脂 鲤 x短 盖巨脂鲤)和 条纹鲈杂交种4200吨(美国、意大利和以色列的金眼鲈x条纹鲈)。 fao.org | Five finfish hybrids have been recorded with national production statistics and FAO estimates, indicating world production levels in 2010 of 333 300 tonnes of blue and Nile tilapia hybrid (Oreochrom aureus x O. niloticus, in China and in Panama), 116 900 tonnes of Clarias catfish hybrid (Clarias gariepinus x C. macrocephalus, in Thailand), 21 600 tonnes of “tambacu” hybrid (Piaractus mesopotamicus x Colossoma macropomum, in Brazil), 4 900 tonnes of “tambatinga” hybrid (Colossoma macropomum x Piaractus brachypomus, in Brazil) and 4 200 tonnes of striped bass hybrid (Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis, in the United States of America, Italy and Israel). fao.org |
稻田里正在养殖大量水生物种,包 括鲤科鱼类、罗非鱼、鲶鱼和鳊鲂鱼。 fao.org | A broad range of aquatic species [...] including different carps, tilapias, catfish [...]and breams are being farmed in rice fields. fao.org |
如果回顾一下科索沃人道主义危机的原因和附带现象(本咨询意见只简要地 提及导致这一危机的有关事实,而完全避免对此加以审查),可以看到 1989 年剥 夺科索沃的自治权(原先得到 1974 年宪法的保障)为十年期间(1989-1999)致使科 索沃大批民众沦为受害者的蓄意歧视、 赤 裸裸 的 暴 力和暴行铺平了道路,促致联 合国的主要政治机关通过一系列决议,最终安全理事会通过第 1244(1999)号决 议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Looking back to the causes and epiphenomena of Kosovo’s humanitarian crisis (which the present Advisory Opinion of the Court just briefly refers to, while avoiding any examination whatsoever of the relevant facts which led to it), the deprivation of Kosovo’s autonomy (previously secured by the Constitution of 1974) in 1989, paved the way for the cycle of systematic discrimination, utmost violence and atrocities which victimized large segments of the population of Kosovo, along one decade (1989-1999), leading to the adoption of a series of resolutions by the main political organs of the United Nations, and culminating in the adoption of Security Council resolution 1244(1999). daccess-ods.un.org |
我相信,惟有中央政府願意承認六四屠城事件,願意面對 這段赤裸裸、血淋淋的歷史,願意向全國人民說一聲對不起,中國才會 [...] 有機會邁向民主,才會有新的明天。 legco.gov.hk | I believe it is only when the Central Government admits on [...] the massacre on 4 June, that it is willing [...] to face up to this bloody chapter [...]in history and offer an apology to the people [...]of China, that China will have any chance to march towards democracy, that China will have a bright new future. legco.gov.hk |
在鲤科鱼 中,27.7%是非投喂滤食性物种,剩余的以低蛋白饲料喂养。 fao.org | Among carps, 27.7 percent are [...] non-fed filter-feeders and the rest are fed with low-protein feeds. fao.org |
例如,喂养鲤科鱼 的FCR从2008年的1.8预期下降到2020 年的1.6,喂养鲶鱼的从1.5下降到1.3,喂养遮目鱼的从2.0降低到1.6。 fao.org | For example, [...] the FCR for fed carps is expected to [...]fall from 1.8 in 2008 to 1.6 in 2020, that for catfishes to decline from [...]1.5 to 1.3, and that for milkfish to drop from 2.0 to 1.6. fao.org |
鱼作为稻天的生物控制动因:鲤鱼和 尼罗罗非鱼的潜力》。 fao.org | Fish as biocontrol agents in rice: the [...] potential of common carp Cyprinus carpio [...]and Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. fao.org |
主席,對於政 府 的 代 表 運輸及房屋局局長剛才 的 言 論 , 我覺得非 常 驚 詫 , 因 為 政 府 已 赤 裸裸地急不及 待說要支持 黃定光議員這 項“一 地 兩 檢 ” 在香港 進 行 的議案 。 legco.gov.hk | President, I am terribly shocked by the earlier remarks made by the Government's representative, the Secretary for Transport and Housing, because the Government simply could not wait to declare blatantly that it would support Mr WONG Ting-kwong's motion on implementing the co-location arrangement in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
它们是:草鱼、鲤鱼、尼罗罗非 鱼、印度主要的鲤科鱼 (卡特拉鲃和露斯塔野鲮)、南美白对虾、鲫鱼、大西洋 鲑和鱼芒。 fao.org | These are: grass carp, common carp, Nile tilapia, Indian major carps (catla and rohu), whiteleg shrimp, crucian carp, Atlantic salmon, and pangasiid catfishes. fao.org |
有25.3万吨产量的高度肉食性鳜鱼只吃活饵料,用依靠低蛋白饲料和池塘 施肥养殖的低营养层级的鲤鱼鱼 种喂养。 fao.org | The production of 253 000 tonnes of highly carnivorous Mandarin fish (Siniperca chuatsi), which feeds on live prey only, [...] was achieved by feeding them with [...] lowtrophic-level carp fingerlings grown with low-protein feeds plus pond fertilization. fao.org |
或是具有水道和喷泉的大型水景或是适合高要求的 锦 鲤 的 池 塘,或是现代水景设计或是有用的池塘,或是接近自然或是正式:仅仅取决于正确的规划。 oase-livingwater.com | Whether a large-scale water landscape with watercourse and fountains, ponds for demanding koi, modern water features or swim ponds, near-natural or formal: It only depends on the right planning. oase-livingwater.com |
水产饲料(插文22)一般用来饲养杂食性鱼类(例如罗非鱼、鲶鱼 、 鲤 鱼和 遮目鱼)、肉食性鱼类(例如鲑鱼、鳟鱼、鳗鱼、鲈鱼、鲷鱼和金枪鱼)和甲壳 类物种(海洋和咸水对虾、淡水虾、螃蟹和龙虾)。 fao.org | Aquafeeds (Box 22) are generally used for feeding omnivorous fishes (e.g. tilapia, catfish, common carp, and milkfish), carnivorous fishes (e.g. salmon, trout, eel, seabass, seabream and tuna) and crustacean species (marine and brackish-water shrimps, freshwater prawns, crabs and lobsters). fao.org |
虽然饲料通常被视为是限制水产养殖发展的一个主要因素, [...] 但目前食用水产品养殖中有三分之一(2000万吨)无需人工投喂,如双壳类及滤 食性鲤科鱼类。 fao.org | While feed is generally perceived to be a major constraint to aquaculture development, one-third of all farmed food fish production (20 [...] million tonnes) is currently achieved without artificial feeding, as is the case for [...] bivalves and filter-feeding carps. fao.org |
相应的产品 - 特别是对于花园池塘 - 是创新的SERA锦鲤池塘 专用过滤器24000.它确保了通过专门的过滤的最好水质。 sera.de | The new sera KOI Professional 24000 Pond Filter is the corresponding product – especially for Koi ponds. sera.de |
当鲤鱼终于到达山顶时,他发现神话中的“龙门”。 iontime.ch | When the carp finally reached [...] the top, he found the mythical “Dragon Gate”. iontime.ch |
利 用配合水产饲料生产低价值食用鱼(按销售条件),例如非滤食 性 鲤 科 鱼、罗非 鱼、鲶鱼和遮目鱼,以及高价值物种,例如海水鱼、鲑科鱼、海水对虾、淡水鳗 [...] 鱼、鳢鱼和甲壳类。 fao.org | Compound aquafeeds are used for the production of both lower-value (in [...] marketing terms) foodfish species, such as [...] non-filter-feeding carps, tilapias, catfishes [...]and milkfish, as well as higher-value [...]species, such as marine finfishes, salmonids, marine shrimps, freshwater eels, snakeheads and crustaceans. fao.org |
拟鲤杂交 种间具有很多形态上的相似性。例如,上侧虹膜在 拟 鲤 为 红 色,杂交种则介于双亲之间。 actazool.org | These roach hybrids had many morphological similarities such as the upper iris coloured in red as in the roach, and [...] they were morphologically [...]intermediate to the two parents. actazool.org |
用于水产饲料更普 [...] 遍地是养殖高营养层的鱼类和甲壳类(鱼粉含量17–65%和3–25%的鱼油)。但在 低营养层鱼类物种/物种组(鲤科鱼 、罗非鱼、鲶鱼、遮目鱼等),也在饲料中加 [...]入不同量的鱼粉和鱼油。 fao.org | However, low-trophic-level finfish [...] species/species groups (carps, tilapias, catfishes, [...]milkfish, etc.) are also fed fishmeal [...]and fish oil in varying amounts in their diets. fao.org |
由于无法获得计算需要的信息和数据,上述百分比不包括: (i)一些投喂型物种的非投喂型部分(例如部分生长在养殖池塘施肥增殖藻类环 [...] 境中的遮目鱼,这种藻类被称为“lab-lab”;以及(ii)一些生产国将非投喂滤 食性鲤科鱼 与其他物种合计报告,被整体视为投喂型物种。 fao.org | Owing to the unavailability of information and data needed for the calculation, the said percentage does not include: (i) the non-fed portion of production of some fed species (such as milkfish that grow partially on algal aggregates known as “lab-lab” proliferated [...] through fertilization in [...] culture ponds); and (ii) the non-fed filter feeding carps reported by [...]some producers in aggregation [...]with other species and treated wholly as fed species. fao.org |
对反交试验获得的18个月的拟鲤、粗鳞鳊和欧鳊F1代进行了鉴定。 actazool.org | The F1 hybrids of roach Rutilus rutilus, silver bream Blicca bjoerkna, and common bream Abramis brama from experimental reciprocal cross-breedings were identified at 18 months of age in relation to the parental species. actazool.org |
Palais de la chance系列以个性宝石为焦点,如7颗品质卓越、共重33.73克拉的喀什米尔枕形蓝宝石(Sept Etoiles套装)、1颗14.36克拉2A型D级无瑕梨形钻石(“神秘凤凰”项链)、1颗28.53克拉枕形切割黄色蓝宝石(“ 锦 鲤 ” 戒指)以及1颗9.28克拉、饰以沉睡仙女的赞比亚椭圆形切割祖母绿(“仙女阿莉兹”戒指)。 vancleefarpels.com | The Palais de la chance collection showcases Pierres de caractères such as an exceptional batch of 7 cushion-cut shappires for a total of 33.73-ct from Kasmir (Sept Etoiles set), a pear-shaped type 2A DIF diamond of 14.36-ct (Phénix Mystérieux necklace), a 28.53-carat cushion-cut yellow sapphire (Carpes Koï ring) and a fairy slumbers on a 9.28-carat oval-cut emerald from Zambia (Fée Alizée ring). vancleefarpels.com |