单词 | 裴 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 裴—surname PeiExamples:裴济—Fiji, island of Oceania
孟图裴将担任新的职务,即艾默生工业自动化业务董事长,直至2012年底从 Emerson 退休。 emerson.com | He will serve in a new role as chairman of the Industrial Automation business before retiring from Emerson at the end of 2012. emerson.com |
孟图裴在E merson 工作了31年,担任艾默生工业自动化业务领导人长达17年之久。 emerson.com | Bulanda will succeed Jean-PaulMontupet,whose 31 years with Emerson included 17 years as Industrial Automation business leader. emerson.com |
孟图裴将会留下创新及坚定承诺的传统,并帮助 Emerson 取得更大的成功。 emerson.com | Jean-Paul will leave a legacy of innovation and uncompromising commitment and has helped Emerson achieve remarkable success. emerson.com |
裴世江先生(越南)(以英语发言):有鉴于迄今地 球上生活的各个领域出现的积极和消极事态发展,我 们如何强调都不为过的是,大洋、海洋、岛屿和沿海 地区在维持经济繁荣、全球粮食安全以及许多国家, 特别是发展国家经济的良好状态以及人类文明进步 方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Viet Nam): In view of both the positive and negative developments registered to date in all spheres of life on the planet, we cannot emphasize enough the critical role of oceans, seas, islands and coastal areas in sustaining economic prosperity, global food security and the well-being of many national economies, particularly in developing countries, and in the advancement of human civilization. daccess-ods.un.org |
裴世江先生(越南)(以英语发言):我同安理会其 他成员一道,感谢秘书长的报告(S/2009/135),并感 谢秘书长特别代表凯·艾德先生就阿富汗局势作了重 要的最新通报。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Viet Nam): I join other Council members in thanking the Secretary-General for his report (S/2009/135) and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Kai Eide, for his important updated briefing on the situation in Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
孟图裴将在退休前继续负责公司欧洲区域的管理,并将担任 [...] Emerson 在该区域的顾问。 emerson.com | Montupet willcontinue to [...] have the corporate responsibility for Europe until he retires and will support Emerson's efforts [...]in the region as a consultant in the future. emerson.com |
裴世江先生(越南)(以英语发言):我感谢大会主 席就“人的安全”问题召集举行为期两天的全体会议 和一次非正式小组讨论,以此作为对我们在 2005 年 世界首脑会议上所作集体承诺的后续行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Viet Nam): I thank the President of the General Assembly for convening two days of plenary meetings and an informal panel discussion on human security as a follow-up to the commitment we collectively made at the 2005 World Summit. daccess-ods.un.org |
之 後 俄 国 在 土 耳 其 的 政 策 , 加 上 德 国 为 土 耳 其 人 重 组 军 队、海 峡 问 题、巴 尔 干 战 争 的 影 响、德 国 人 的 焦 虑、 罗 马 利 亚 与 三 国 同 盟、奥 匈 帝 国 与 塞 尔 维 亚 的 关 系 以 及 随 之 而 来 的 导 火 线:裴迪南大 公 被 刺 及 列 强 对 此 事 的 不 同 态 度 ---所 有 这 些 危 机 是 互 相 关 连 的 , 都 是 一 次 世 界 大 对 的 痕 蹟 。 hkahe.com | Then Russian policy in Turkey, plus German reorganization of the Turkish army, the Straits question, the military effect of the Balkan Wars, the anxieties of the Germans, Rumania and the Triple Alliance, the relationship between Austria-Hungary and Serbia and then the immediate spark: the assassination of theFranz Ferdinand and the different attitudes and moves of the Great Powers towards this - all these piles of crisis stepping and overlapping one after another, were the trace of First World War. hkahe.com |
2009年,他合作策展了波多黎各第二届圣胡安三年展,2011年与阿德里亚诺·裴多沙(Adriano Pedrosa)合作策展了第12届伊斯坦布尔国际双年展。 shanghaibiennale.org | He was a co-curator of the 2nd San Juan Triennial, Puerto Rico, 2009, and co-curator, with Adriano Pedrosa, of the 12th International Istanbul Biennial in 2011. shanghaibiennale.org |
裴世江先生(越南)(以英语发言):我要代表越南 代表团感谢主席召开今天的会议,讨论大会广大成员 非常关心的主题。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Viet Nam): On behalf of the Vietnamese delegation, I would like to thank the President for convening today’s meeting to discuss a subject dear to the heart of the broad membership of the General Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
公司中国区首席执行官Sebastien Puydebois(裴迪安 )先生参与了大会第二日下午的小组讨论,与其他4位来自不同企业/组织、在设施管理行业拥有数十年工作经验的高层管理人员一起对设施管理的创新之路展开热烈的讨论。 adenservices.com | Mr. Sebastien Puydebois, our CEO of China, joined in the panel discussion in the afternoon on the second day of the Summit, describing the exciting Innovation to Facility Management with other four panelists who came from high-level management teams of different companies/organizations and have more than ten years’ experience in the Facility Management industry. adenservices.com |
荷兰王国驻中国大使裴靖康 (Rudolf Bekink) 先生 本册子向荷兰企业及其在华供应商提供关于如何在中国实行负责任的商业行为 的实用指引。 bencham.org | Rudolf Bekink Ambassador This manual of responsible business practices in China is intended as a practical and useable guide for Chinese suppliers and Dutch companies. bencham.org |
裴世江先生(越南)(以英语发言):我也感谢法国 主席召集这次会议,我们认为它对安全理事会计划于 下周举行的关于保护武装冲突中平民的公开辩论是 一个好的筹备步骤。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Viet Nam): I, too, thank the French presidency for convening this meeting, which, we believe, serves as a good preparatory step to contribute to the open debate of the Security Council planned for next week on the protection of civilians in armed conflicts. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,范大为也对孟图裴多年的行业领导能力及他对 Emerson [...] 全球增长的诸多贡献表示了赞许。 emerson.com | I have worked [...] with Jean-Paul Montupet formore than [...]20 years at Emerson and his leadership, vision and charisma will continue [...]to help us as Mark transitions in his new role,” said Farr. emerson.com |
瑞士广播电台的德文星期节目由让-鲁道夫•冯•萨利斯(Jean-Rodolphe von Salis)主持,法文由热内•裴约(René Payot)主持。该节目在被占领的欧洲国家被广泛收听,对人们的心理有重要影响。 swissworld.org | Swiss radio broadcast weekly programmes by Jean-Rodolphe von Salis in German and René Payot in French, which were widely listened to in occupied Europe, where they had a significant psychological impact. swissworld.org |
裴世江 先生(越南)(以英语发言):主席先生,感 谢你在今年的第一个月就举行这次公开辩论会。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Viet Nam): I thank you, Mr President, for convening this open debate during this very first month of the year. daccess-ods.un.org |
谭平区,胡志明市的一个商业银行卖掉房子. .....裴VIE N街,区,孵化后,35平方米,一个楼层面积,房子是空置的,达25亿美元。 ctctrans.com.vn | A commercial bank in Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City is selling the house ... BuiVien Street, District 1, the area of 35m2, post-hatching, a floor, the house is vacant, $ 2.5 billion. ctctrans.com.vn |
2008年11月与裴向宇先生一起创立博雅立方(CubeAD),2009年10月成功推出国内首款基于云计算平台的智能SEM优化系统CubeSearch。 tfmchina.com | Together with Mr.Pei Xiangyu, Mr. Tian Chuanzhao co-founder CubeAD in November 2008, and successfully launched the first cloud-based smart SEM optimize system platform, the CubeSearch in October 2009. tfmchina.com |
政府副总理阮善仁,教育培训部部长范武论,教育培训部副部长裴文加和德国老总理Gerhard Schroder,德国大使Claus Wunderlich,德国总领事馆 Conrad Cappell先生,平阳省人民委员会副主席黄文二已出席。 becamex.com.vn | Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan, Minister of Education and Training Pham Vu Luan, Deputy Minister of Education and Training Bui Van Ga, and former Prime Ministerof Federal Republic Germany Gerhard Schroder, Ambassador of Federal Republic Germany Claus Wunderlich, German Consul General Conrad Cappell, Vice Chairman of People’s Committee of Binh Duong province Huynh Van Nhi Binh Duong attended. becamex.com.vn |
乐队为保证CD的质量要求到达预期效果,选材使用世界顶级的瑞典白卡纸和最新的印刷技术来还原邓裴精确的封面设计。 yugongyishan.com | The band chooses the best paper print technique to produce the CD in order to achieve the precise [...] cover art designed by DengPei. yugongyishan.com |
通过Tinghu拍摄、超模裴蓓演 绎的很棒的照片中,这一点已经明显地传递出来。 ba-repsasia.com | This was effectively conveyed through the brilliant photography of Tinghu, and brought to life by super model Emma Pei. ba-repsasia.com |
为填补对人類猪流感病毒如此重要的知識差距,香港大学李嘉诚医学院微生物学系裴伟士教授及管轶教授继早前进行了的相類似研究,再次共同領导港大研究团队,对超过600 株於过去30 年内在香港收集得來的猪流感病毒进行分析,是多年來全球对猪流感病毒最大规模和最全面的分析。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | In order to fill this important knowledge-gap on pandemic emergence, subsequent to the previous studies, the same HKU research team led by Prof Malik PEIRIS and Prof Yi GUAN analyzed more than 600 swine influenza viruses collected over 30 years from this region ⎯ the largest and most comprehensive systematic study on swine influenza virus worldwide so far. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
左起)港大公共衞生学院临床教授裴伟士教授,香港医学专科学院主席李国栋医生,衞生署署长陈汉仪医生,港大副校长(研究)谭广亨教授,港大社会医学系系主任梁卓伟教授,食物及衞生局局长高永文医生,哈佛公共衞生学院院长Julio Frenk教授,港大李嘉诚医学院院长李心平教授,哈佛大学香港校友会会长Eleni Istavridis女士,港大校务委员会主席梁智鸿医生,食物及衞生局常任秘书长(衞生)袁铭辉,医院管理局主席胡定旭,医院管理局行政总裁梁栢贤医生,香港社会医学学院主席麦倩屏医生和港大公共衞生学院院长林大庆教授 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | (from left) ProfessorMalik Peiris, Clinical Professor, HKU School of Public Health; Dr Donald Li, President of Hong Kong Academy of Medicine; Dr Constance Chan, Director of Health; Professor Paul Tam Kwong-hang, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, HKU; Professor Gabriel Leung, Head of Department of Community Medicine, HKU; Dr Ko Wing-man, Secretary for Food and Health; Professor Julio Frenk, Dean of Harvard School of Public Health; Professor Lee Sum-ping, Dean of HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine; Ms Eleni Istavridis, President of the Harvard Club of Hong Kong; Dr Leong Che-hung, Chairman of the Council, HKU; Mr Richard Yuen, Permanent Secretary for Food and Health; Mr Anthony Wu, Chairman of Hospital Authority; Dr Leung Pak-yin, Chief Executive of Hospital Authority; Dr Mak Sin-ping, President of Hong Kong College of Community Medicine; Professor Lam Tai-hing, Director of School of Public Health, HKU xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
除了罕宁•奥拉夫•埃斯佩达尔之外,将参加此次艺术展的还有曹恺(中国)、科斯塔(Costa,法国)、冯良鸿、冯琳、封岩、高峰、高媛、耿雪、韩美钞、韩湘宁、何昊远(以色列)、李颂华、刘卓泉、林苒、裴丽、 任芷田、邵译农、徐一晖、薛雷(德国)、杨穹、赵光辉、张巍和朱利页。 norway.org.cn | In addition to Henning Espedal, the exhibition features Cao Kai (China), Costa (France), Feng Lianghong, Feng Lin, Feng Yan, Gao Feng, Gao Yuan, Geng Xue, Han Meichao, Han [...] Xiangning, He Haoyuan (Israel), Li Songhua, Liu [...] Zhuquan, LinRan, PeiLi,Ren Zhitan, [...]Shao Yinong, Xu Yihui, Xue Lei (Germany), [...]Yang Qiong, Zhao Guanghui, Zhang Wei, Zhu Liye. norway.cn |
届时,埃顿服务中国区首席执行官Sebastien Puydebois(裴迪安)先生将参加9月14日下午的小组讨论,和其他4位嘉宾一起与台下观众就设施管理的创新之路畅所欲言。 adenservices.com | Mr. Sebastien Puydebois, CEO of ADEN Services China, together with four guests from authorities will join in a panel discussion in the afternoon on September 14th, to speak out the trend of innovation to Facility Management in the front of the audience. adenservices.com |
图为研究团队: (左起)公共卫生学院副教授潘烈文博士、名誉助理教授陈韵怡博士,助理教授陈志伟博士,病毒学讲座教授裴伟士教授及病理学系临床教授黎国思教授。 hku.hk | The team, (from the left): Dr Leo Poon Lit-man, Associate Professor; Dr Renee Chan Wan-yi, Honorary Assistant Professor; Dr Michael Chan Chi-wai, Assistant Professor; Professor Malik Peiris, Chair Professor of Virology of School of Public Health and Professor John Nicholls, Clinical Professor of Department of Pathology. hku.hk |