单词 | 裱褙 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 裱褙—mount a pictureSee also:裱—hang (paper) mount (painting) 褙—paper or cloth pasted together
两行文字为黑色 波斯体 手迹,纸张为褐色纸张,裱框为金色反光背景上的精致云彩状图案。 wdl.org | The two lines of text are executed in black nasta'liq script on beige paper and framed by delicate cloud bands on a gold illuminated background. wdl.org |
资料光碟须包括上述第(1)项的1个全A1比例版本和1个高像素A4大小的.jpg图像档案,该档案每块裱贴板不少於300dpi; 以及上述第(2)项的 .doc及 .pdf档案。 taiobridges.hk | A CD-ROM / DVD containing an electronic version of Item (1) above in full-A1-scale and a high resolution A4 .jpg format no less than 300 dpi of each panel and item (2) above in .doc and .pdf format. taiobridges.hk |
文字框中部为黑色 波斯体 突厥土耳其语诗歌,纸张为牛皮纸,周围裱上金色为底的云彩带状图案。 wdl.org | In the central text panel, verses in Chaghatay Turkish are written in black nasta'liq script on beige paper, surroundedby cloud bands on a gold background. wdl.org |
文集的每一页均用 18 世纪大理石纹理的镶边裱框。 wdl.org | Each page in the album is framed by 18th-century marbled borders. wdl.org |
我们拥有不同的裱胶机及UV上光机、以及最新的技术应用,我们能够为您提供许多不同款式的印后加工。 leo.com.hk | With a number of lamination and UV coating machines and up-to-date lamination and varnishing techniques, we offer products with a variety of different finishes. leo.com.hk |
字幅裱有多个边框,并贴在饰有金色神话鸟类的米色纸张上。 wdl.org | Thetext panel is framed by [...] several borders and pasted to a sheet of beige paper decorated with mythical birds painted in gold. wdl.org |
文字镶板的裱框为各种不同的边纹,并贴在金色交错花朵图案装饰的紫色纸张上。 wdl.org | The text panelis framed by a variety of borders and pasted to a sheet of purple paper decorated with gold interlacing flower motifs. wdl.org |
整张手卷的风格,基本上是对中国古典绘画形式挪用的尝试;审美的情趣和画面经营上,受到了西方现代派,抽象派, 西方平面设计,日本传统艺术,中国绘画的手卷的装裱分隔和传统中国画特别是元代绘画(如:钱选)和明代绘画(如:仇英)的影响。 shanghaibiennale.org | In style, the scroll is an adaptation of traditional Chinese techniques. Its aesthetic and composition draw on western modern art, abstract approaches, advertising design, and traditional Japanese techniques, and the influence of traditional Chinese mounting and traditional painting are also clear, especially the styles of the Yuan Dynasty (e.g. Qian Xuan) and the Ming Dynasty (e.g. Qiu Ying). shanghaibiennale.org |
专门适用于大宽幅瓦楞纸板及彩裱瓦楞纸板模切,配有伺服驱动的最新型送纸器。 sino-corrugated.com | Exclusively for die-cutting wide-size laminated paper and corrugated borad with the latest servo-drive feeding system. sino-corrugated.com |
这本特殊的作品约在1600年的波斯被创作,后裱于装饰板上,收录在莫卧儿大帝书法作品集中。 wdl.org | This particular work may have been executed in Persia around 1600 and mounted on a decorative sheet for inclusion in a Mughal album of calligraphies. wdl.org |
凌锋教授办公室的墙上装裱着她 自书的“用心”二字。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Dr. Ling’s office wall has a plaque displaying the word "With heart. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
对于杂质,一组棉花实物样本(标准)包含 6 或 12 块棉花,它们含有指定的含杂面积 和含杂粒数并且被装裱在玻璃下面。 csitc.org | For trash, a set of 6 or 12 cotton samples, mounted under glass with established percent area and count values, is available. csitc.org |
因为双瓦裱机和组合式单面机是新型单面机,与传统单面机相比他们可以实现一机双楞和一机多楞的效果。 sino-corrugated.com | As newly designed single facers, the TWIN FACER and COMBI FACER are more advanced thantraditional single facer because of two flutes or more flutes units in one machine. sino-corrugated.com |
这幅包含了142个人物的巨幅寓言作品,想与意大利壁画家的杰作相媲美,但是这幅画作是在已装裱的画布上完成的,也就是说画布是贴到载体上的。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | This vast allegorical composition with 142 figures aimed to rival the masterpieces of the Italian fresco painters but it was painted on primed canvases, i.e. glued onto the support. en.chateauversailles.fr |
Samson Paper JV 」﹚於 二 零 零 六 年 一 月 二 十 四 日 订 立 股 东 协 议,内 容 有 关 成 立 合 营 企 业Samson Paper JV於 马 来 西 亚 瓜 拉 雪 兰 莪 经 营 一 家 纸 张 及 纸 板 切 割及裱胶厂,以 及 制 造、分 销 及 销 售 纸 张 及 纸 板,该 企 业 的 已 发 行 及 缴 足 资 本 为 马 来 西 亚 币2,250,000。 cre8ir.com | (“Samson Paper JV”) for the establishment of Samson Paper JV as a joint venture with an issued and paid up capital of RM2,250,000 to operate a manufacturing plant in Kuala Selangor, Malaysia for the cutting and laminating paper and paper board and to manufacture, distribute and sell paper and paper board. cre8ir.com |
主要用于生产纸箱、彩盒材料的复合工艺。 主要特点: [...] 该机外型设计为龙门式,从而决定了该机复合速度比传统复合裱纸机速度高。 sino-corrugated.com | Main features: The contour design of this machine is of gantry type, which [...] has decided that the recombination velocity of this [...] machine is faster than traditional recombination [...]laminating machine. sino-corrugated.com |
接着,配合展览最终所选用的影像制作、考虑影像的大小规格和特定的裱框材质的采用等,自始至终,都讲究精密细致的的协调与平衡。 audemarspiguet.com | The process continues right up to the final production for exhibition, the consideration for dimensions of the image and the specific framing materials. audemarspiguet.com |
它最大的不同和亮点在于可以装备我们的双瓦裱机或者组合式单面机以获得更灵活的楞型组合。 sino-corrugated.com | The biggest highlight of this production line is that TWIN FACER or COMBI FACER is included in order to get more flexible flute combination. sino-corrugated.com |
在拥挤但吸引人的巷道两侧,多是规模极小的零售店家,或是手工艺店,或是礼品店,或是裱框店 ,虽然颇具观光景点特质,但却不会因此出现官方认证的色彩。 thisbigcity.net | The claustrophobic yet alluringly serene passages are dominated by micro retail outlets; a craft shop here, a gift shop there, a picture framer over there. thisbigcity.net |
烟台天麟包装机械有限公司座落于拥有坚实工业基础的海滨城市-中国烟台。 烟台天麟包装机械有限公司是专业的瓦楞纸箱及纸制品包装机械制造商,主营全套瓦楞纸板生产线、单瓦纸板生产线和裱纸机等的设计、研发、生产和销售。 sino-corrugated.com | Tianlin Pack is specialized in the designation, development, manufacturing and sales on the corrugated machinery including the complete set corrugator line, single faced production line and laminating machine. sino-corrugated.com |
DW系列单面瓦楞机组是半自动瓦楞纸板生产线,由支架,单面机和甩刀机组成,主要用于生产两层瓦楞纸板,也可配合裱胶机压力机生产三层和五层纸板,是中,小型纸箱工厂生产瓦楞纸板的理想设备。 sino-corrugated.com | It is mainly to produce the single face corrugated board, also can produce the single wall or double wall corrugated board with Corrugated board gluer and presser. It is the ideal equipment of the middle, small style carton factory to produce the single wall or double wall corrugated board. sino-corrugated.com |
烟台天麟包装机械有限公司是专业的瓦楞纸箱及纸制品包装机械制造商,主营全套瓦楞纸板生产线、单瓦纸板生产线和裱纸机等的设计、研发、生产和销售。 sino-corrugated.com | Tianlin Pack is specialized in the designation, development, manufacturing and sales on the corrugated machinery including the complete set corrugator line, single faced production line and laminating...Tianlin Pack is specialized in the designation, development, manufacturing and sales on the corrugated machinery including the complete set corrugator line, single faced production line and laminating machine. sino-corrugated.com |