单词 | 裤 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 裤noun, plural—shortsplblousespl裤—underpantsExamples:纸尿裤n—diapern 纸尿裤pl—diaperspl 内衣裤—underwear
喷楜椒喷雾的疑犯当时身穿白色连帽上衣,蓝色牛仔裤,黑白色球鞋,头戴冷帽并穿上手套。 ktsf.com | The pepper spray-wielding suspect was wearing a white hoodie, blue jeans, black and white sneakers, a black beanie and gloves. ktsf.com |
幸好我的裤子是防水的,但是它也不能撑太久。 4tern.com | However it couldn’t stand too long under the rain. 4tern.com |
疑犯被指是西语裔男子,身材健硕,最後被人见到身穿白色T恤、蓝裤和黑色棒球帽。 ktsf.com | He was described as a heavyset Hispanic man with an unshaven face and was last seen wearing a [...] whiteT-shirt, blue pants and a black baseball hat. ktsf.com |
功能强大又不失女人味,柔和的曲线,抛光钢/缎面这些手表戴在鳄鱼皮设计的焦特布尔(皮革切割具体再现的形状着名的骑马裤),关闭一扣,一个体育钢丝网手镯细腻,完美整合的肩膀。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Powerful yet feminine with their soft curves, these watches available in polished steel / satin are worn on alligator leather with a design Jodhpur (leather [...] cutting specific reproducing the shape [...] of thefamousriding pants),closed by a buckle, [...]or more on a sporting steel mesh bracelet [...]delicate, integrating perfectly in line with the shoulders. en.horloger-paris.com |
未 来 数 年,在 个 人 护 理 用 品 业 务 方 面,集 团 将 重 点 专 注 发 展 纸尿裤及卫生 巾 市 场。 vindapaper.com | In the years ahead, the joint venture will focus its personal care business on baby diapers and sanitary napkins. vindapaper.com |
集 团 目 标 建 设 完 善 的 产 品 供 应 链,运 用 自 设 品 牌 及 整 合 兼 并 品 牌 两 种 模 式,提 供 消 费 用 纸 及 个 人 护 理 用 品(包 括 纸尿裤及卫生 巾)等 产 品。 vindapaper.com | The Group’s objective is to set up a comprehensive product supply chain by offering consumer packaged goods in the categories of tissue paper and personal care products (i.e. diapers andsanitary napkins) under both the Group’s own brand and by acquisition of other brands. vindapaper.com |
众人都明白,因为影片精心设计与拍摄,让这首歌曲更加热门,看来有些突兀的骑马舞亦举世闻名,各位若曾基於好奇心,查询歌词翻译内容,就明白这部影片里,除了只穿内裤的男子大跳淫亵舞蹈外,饶舌歌词其实是描述想要与喝咖啡的女孩约会。 thisbigcity.net | And those curious enough to look up the translation find that despite the explicit nature of the video, which among other things features a lewd dance in an elevator by a guy stripped down to his briefs, rapper Psy’s lyrics are actually about how he wants to date a woman who drinks coffee. thisbigcity.net |
该尊新蜡像身穿由周杰伦馈赠的华丽银色劲装,包括一袭饰有亮丽宝石的银色外套及型格长裤,充满未来感,是周杰伦2010年「超时代演唱会」的造型之一。 yp.mo | Dressed in a futuristic outfit in silver – including a metallic [...] silver jacket studded with gem stones and a [...] pair ofsilvertrousers,the new Jay [...]Chou wax figure is depicted in one of his [...]many looks at The Era World Concert Tour in 2010, courtesy of the superstar himself. yp.mo |
旧牙膏、切碎的牛仔裤、录影带、床垫填充物,这些物品应该扔进掩埋场,还是用来兴建住家? thisbigcity.net | Old toothbrushes, cut-up jeans, video cassettes and mattress filling: landfill fodder, or the building blocks for a family home? thisbigcity.net |
我们发现,这是一个乔治·克恩(CEO IWC)休闲的牛仔裤,开放的棕褐色衬衫,而本赛季沃尔沃环球帆船赛在西班牙的阿利坎特港开始的前夕,10月28日。 zh.horloger-paris.com | This is a Georges Kern (CEO of IWC) casual jeans, open shirt, rather tan for the season, we found that on the eve of the start of the Volvo Ocean Race in the Spanish port of Alicante on October 28 . en.horloger-paris.com |
(A) 请勿在开口处放置任何物体,使用时所有开口处都不能有堵塞;保持开口 处清洁使之无灰尘、棉麻纤维、毛发或任何有可能降低气流流量的物体;(B) 请勿让毛发、衣袖裤脚、手指和其他身体部位靠近开口处转动件;(C) 清洁楼 梯时应特别小心。 rainbowsystem.com | (A) Do not put any objects into openings; Do not use with any openings blocked; keep free of dust, lint, hair and anything that may reduce airflow; (B) Keep hair, loose clothing, fingers and all parts of the body from openings and moving parts; (C) Use extra care when cleaning on stairs. rainbowsystem.com |
请您避免所有会对 ICD 植入范围造 成束缚的可能情况:如穿着紧身礼服、腰带、吊带裤以及紧身胸衣等诸如此类之服饰。 biotronik.com | Avoid anything that may constrain the vicinity of the implanted device, such as clothing, belts, suspenders, corsets etc. biotronik.com |
建议物品包内提供: 长袖运动衫和运动裤、T 恤、 休闲裤、内衣、袜子、懒人鞋、小瓶装个人盥洗用品、医院餐厅折价券、填充玩具、日记本与笔、 [...] 水、点心以及情绪松弛蜡烛. soroptimist.org | Suggested items include: [...] sweat shirt andpants,t-shirt, lounge pants, undergarments, [...]socks, slip-on shoes, travel-size [...]personal hygiene items, coupon for hospital cafeteria, plush animal, journal and pen, water, snacks, and a relaxation candle. soroptimist.org |
至於裤子,当然不能选择棉质的布料,因为看起来并不端庄。 4tern.com | For my trousers, I can’tchoose [...] cotton material, it would be un-formal. 4tern.com |
Vanilla Dew “ [...] 品牌源自日本,以高贵上女性服饰为主,包括套装、腰裙、西裤、连身裙、毛衣、衬衫等;近年来更推出一系列新颖的便服套装,适合上班一族不论是上班或工余穿着。 sogo.com.hk | Vanilla Dew " Brand from Japan, to the [...] noble on ladies apparel based, including [...] suits,skirts, trousers, dresses, sweaters [...]and blouses etc. In recent years a series [...]of new ensembles for the office ladies whether for casual wear. sogo.com.hk |
最新系列中,分别以Fabric Mix [...] Jacket及ConvertibleJacket为重点之一,配合长、短袖上衣及裤子与贴身袜裤的配搭,把跑步服的可发挥性与设计创意继续推得更高。 think-silly.com | Highlights in the new collection include the Fabric Mix Jacket and the [...] Convertible Jacket. With the long and [...] short sleeve shirts, pantsandathletic tights, [...]are built from the ground up to enhance the running experience. think-silly.com |
在宽松剪裁的裤子、背心、外套、工人裤及手提包上加进拼贴元素 — 牛仔布跟斜纹、格子布料的组合,突显坚韧的Denim质感;衣领与手袖边缘用上不同的布料包裹、白色的钮扣设计和铸有Porter经典招牌人像的拉链,统统都成为相当有趣的细节。 think-silly.com | Patch work is featured throughout [...] the collection — loose cuttrousers,vest, jacket, overall, bag [...]and other items. The mish mash [...]of denim, canvas and check fabric accentuates the durable quality of denim fabric; collar and sleeve seams are finished with various fabric; white button and signature Porter portrait zipper are highlighting details. think-silly.com |
美国品牌DL1961采用最新牛仔布料 – XFIT Lycra® 制造,能四面伸展,减少压力 ,令牛仔裤能於多次穿着後仍保持原有剪裁及弹力 。 blog.harveynichols.com.hk | DL1961 is a denim brand from the US where they use a new XFIT Lycra® fabric on their denim range. blog.harveynichols.com.hk |
这个系列呈现出香奈儿品牌与系列的历史背景;白色欧根纱彼得潘领与黑色天鹅绒伞状裙,当成对科莱特女士的礼赞,令人回想起1900年代前十年的光景;低腰窄臀的利落线条,加上手工缝制亮片的点缀,呈现出1920年代的氛围;一袭袭泡泡糖粉红色、鲜黄色的华美套装,令人联想到六十年代的大胆用色;宽松袋形裤与公主袖衬衫,搭配领巾、铆钉腰带,以及香奈儿极少推出的低胸V字领後挖背至腰际吉普赛长袍,是取材自七十年代的设计风格;闪耀珍珠光泽的丝袜,则是向华丽摇滚的八十年代致敬。 chanel-news.chanel.com | It is a way of expressing the historical nature of the House and the collection, recalling the first decade of the 1900s with style, a Peter Pan collar in white organza and a flared black velvet dress as a tribute to Colette; the 1920s is reflected with low-waists, narrow hips, clear lines, the love of lamé; the 60s with resolutely pop chromatic boldness, like a bubblegum [...] pink color on a stunning suit, canary [...] yellow; the70s, fullpants and puffedshirts [...]with ascots, studded belts, low-slashed [...]V-neck chic gypsy gandouras, bare backs cut down to the kidneys, extremely rare at Chanel; and the beginning of the glam-rock 80s is represented with glitter and pearlized pantyhose. chanel-news.chanel.com |
在外穿着长裤、长袖衬衫并戴上帽子。 nyc.gov | Wear longpants,long-sleeved shirts [...] and a hat outside. nyc.gov |
恒安国际现为中国最 具规模的卫生巾、婴儿纸尿裤及高级纸巾等知名产品的生产商之一。 hengan.com | Hengan International is one of the most established branded-products manufacturers of feminine sanitary napkin, disposable baby diapers and high-grade tissue paper in the PRC. hengan.com.cn |
1926年Lee发明了世界上第一条带拉链牛仔裤101Z系列,以及之後着名的‘Hair-On-Hide’马毛皮牌,而由Lee开创的S形後袋车缝线设计 (Lazy S) 和马毛皮牌一样,成为Lee经典的标志。 sogo.com.hk | Following with the establishment of 'H.D. Lee Mercantile Company' by Henry David Lee in Kansas, United States, Lee becomes a legendary denim brand which continues making history by its product innovations, such as the world's first-ever zip fly jeans - 101Z in 1926, iconic 'Hair-on-hide' leather label and 'Lazy S' back pocket stitching. sogo.com.hk |
并且专门制造塑身内衣,包括马甲、束裤,及於模杯缝上蕾丝。 interfiliere.com | Also specialized in creating countourgarments, corsets, thigh shaper and sewing laces on bra cups. interfiliere.com |
现在,您的模拟市民可以穿上宽领西装和喇叭裤,打扮成 70 年代流行的迪斯可造型、也可以搭配垫肩和手镯耳环重现 [...] 80 年代的时尚,或穿上皱褶法兰绒上衣营造属於 90 年代的狂野颓废风格。 store.origin.com | Now your Sims can sport a '70s disco look with a wide-collared [...] suit and bell-bottom pants, go '80s glam with [...]shoulder pads and bangle earrings or throw [...]on a rumpled flannel shirt for a wild '90s grunge look. store.origin.com |
无论是透过破旧牛仔裤和多层次上衣展现反时尚颓废风,或是穿上不对称的裙摆,做出随性时髦的打扮,模拟市民必定可透过令人疯狂的行头,重现 90 年代时尚。 store.origin.com | Your Sims can get their grunge on in the gnarly '90s: Whether sporting the anti-fashion-grunge look in tattered jeans and layered tops or a casual-chic outfit featuring an asymmetrical skirt, Sims are sure to get mad props for their '90s fashion sense. store.origin.com |
海军蓝被运用於毛衣、晚礼服和运动服上,尽展男士的权威感;复古风格 — 把现代的时尚元素加入传统的图案,散发出新古典的气质;闪烁优雅 — [...] [...] 闪闪发亮的衣服不但能吸引别人的目光,而且能充分表现自我;都市经典感觉的一件花纹衬衫配搭合身的西装外套,无论轻便或是商务装束,都能为您打造出时尚的造型;皮革淑女 — 无论是夹克、靴子、裤子,还是衬衫,皮革都应该在女士的衣橱占一席位;简约简洁的浅色、单层衣服带来简约清新的感觉,就好像躺在星期天的田园上,享受暖暖的阳光。 ifc.com.hk | Navy Blue depicts a sense of authority on men, from men's cardigans to nightgowns to sports uniforms; Heritage Style combines today's modern sensibilities with traditional heritage; Sparkling Elegance makes you shine through the city, day or night, with an outfit that makes a statement, catches eyes, and most importantly - expresses yourself; Urban Classics - well-fitted blazer and a patterned button up shirt give you a hip, smart, and organised look that's perfect for casual or [...] business; Leathering Ladies - whether [...] it's jackets,boots, pants, or blouses,leather [...]should have a place in any woman's wardrobe; [...]Minimalistic and Simplistic - light-coloured, single layered, minimalistic pieces probably evoke images of an idyllic Sunday, lying on the grass and enjoying the sun. ifc.com.hk |
德国莱茵TUV的专家会检验衣服上的金属配件,例如牛仔裤的钮扣,因为制造商通常会在含镍的钮扣上涂一层漆料,但是漆料会因穿着使用後磨损而脱落,届时牛仔裤钮扣即可能会直接接触皮肤导致皮肤红痒过敏。 ipress.com.hk | The specialists at TUV Rheinland also test the compatibility of metallic clothing accessories such as the buttons on jeans, which often contain nickel. Manufacturers frequently cover nickel-containing buttons with paint, which quickly comes off with wear and leaves the nickel exposed to trigger typical contact allergic reactions such as itchy skin rashes. ipress.com.hk |